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Frédéric Lecerf

Associate Professor Animal Genetic Lab UMR 1348 Institut Agro - INRAE PEGASE


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Enriched atlas of lncRNA and protein-coding genes for the GRCg7b chicken assembly and its functional annotation across 47 tissues

Fabien Degalez , Mathieu Charles , Sylvain Foissac , Haijuan Zhou , Dailu Guan
Scientific Reports, 2024, 14 (1), pp.6588. ⟨10.1038/s41598-024-56705-y⟩
Journal articles hal-04575157v1
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Variant calling and genotyping accuracy of ddRAD-seq: Comparison with 20X WGS in layers

Mathilde Doublet , Fabien Degalez , Sandrine Lagarrigue , Laetitia Lagoutte , Elise Gueret
PLoS ONE, 2024, 19 (7), pp.e0298565. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0298565⟩
Journal articles hal-04666242v1
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Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing technologies as an alternative to low-density SNP chips for genomic selection: a simulation study in layer chickens

Florian Herry , Frédéric Herault , Frédéric Lecerf , Laetitia Lagoutte , Mathilde Doublet
BMC Genomics, 2023, 24 (1), pp.271. ⟨10.1186/s12864-023-09321-5⟩
Journal articles hal-04131807v1
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Watch out for a second SNP: focus on multi-nucleotide variants in coding regions and rescued stop-gained

Fabien Degalez , Frédéric Jehl , Kévin Muret , Maria Bernard , Frédéric Lecerf
Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12, pp.659287. ⟨10.3389/fgene.2021.659287⟩
Journal articles hal-03280040v1
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RNA-Seq Data for Reliable SNP Detection and Genotype Calling

Frédéric Jehl , Fabien Degalez , Frédéric Lecerf , Maria Bernard , Laetitia Lagoutte
Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12, pp.655707. ⟨10.3389/fgene.2021.655707⟩
Journal articles hal-03276149v1
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Le projet « Mille Génomes Gallus » : partager les données de séquences pour mieux les utiliser

Michèle Tixier-Boichard , Frédéric Lecerf , Frédéric Herault , Philippe Bardou , Christophe Klopp
INRAE Productions Animales, 2020, 33 (3), pp.189-202. ⟨10.20870/productions-animales.2020.33.3.4564⟩
Journal articles hal-03103324v1
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Long noncoding RNA repertoire in chicken liver and adipose tissue

Kévin Muret , Christophe Klopp , Valentin Wucher , Diane Esquerré , Fabrice Legeai
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2017, 49 (1), pp.6. ⟨10.1186/s12711-016-0275-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01431420v1
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Combined QTL and selective sweep mappings with coding SNP annotation and cis-eQTL analysis revealed PARK2 and JAG2 as new candidate genes for adiposity regulation.

Pierre-François Roux , Simon Boitard , Anne Blum , Brian Parks , Alexandra Montagner
G3, 2015, 5, pp.517-529. ⟨10.1534/g3.115.016865⟩
Journal articles hal-01194040v1

Limited RNA editing in exons of mouse liver and adipose

Sandrine Lagarrigue , Farhad Hormozdiari , Lisa Martin , Frédéric Lecerf , Yehudit Hasin
Genetics, 2013, 193 (4), pp.1107-1115. ⟨10.1534/genetics.112.149054⟩
Journal articles hal-01207749v1

The GAG database: A new resource to gather genomic annotation cross-references

Thomas Obadia , Olivier Sallou , Marion Ouedraogo , Grégory Guernec , Frédéric Lecerf
Gene, 2013, 527 (2), pp.503-509. ⟨10.1016/j.gene.2013.06.063⟩
Journal articles hal-01207750v1
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The duplicated genes database: identification and functional annotation of co-localised duplicated genes across genomes

Marion Ouedraogo , Charles Bettembourg , Anthony Bretaudeau , Olivier Sallou , Christian Diot
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (11), pp.e50653. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0050653⟩
Journal articles hal-00841104v1

Regulation of LPCAT3 by LXR.

O. Demeure , Frédéric Lecerf , C. Duby , Colette Désert , S. Ducheix
Gene, 2011, 470 (1-2), pp.7-11. ⟨10.1016/j.gene.2010.09.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00729271v1
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AnnotQTL: a new tool to gather functional and comparative information on a genomic region

Frédéric Lecerc , Anthony Bretaudeau , Olivier Sallou , Colette Désert , Yuna Blum
Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, 39 (Suppl 2), open access. ⟨10.1093/nar/gkr361⟩
Journal articles hal-00597398v1

Fine mapping of the FecL locus influencing prolificacy in Lacaune sheep.

L. Drouilhet , Frédéric Lecerf , L. Bodin , S. Fabre , P. Mulsant
Animal Genetics, 2009, 40 (6), pp.804-12. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2052.2009.01919.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00729205v1

Fine mapping of the FecL locus influencing prolificacy in Lacaune sheep

L. Drouilhet , F. Lecerf , L. Bodin , Stéphane Fabre , P. Mulsant
Animal Genetics, 2009, 40 (6), pp.804-812. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2052.2009.01919.x⟩
Journal articles hal-03137538v1

QTL for resistance to Salmonella carrier state confirmed in both experimental and commercial chicken lines.

Fanny Calenge , Frédéric Lecerf , Julie Demars , K. Feve , F. Vignoles
Animal Genetics, 2009, 40 (5), pp.590-7. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2052.2009.01884.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00730059v1
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MarkerSet: a marker selection tool based on markers location and informativity in experimental designs

Olivier Demeure , Frédéric Lecerf
Biochemical Pharmacology, 2008, 24 (17), pp.1639-41
Journal articles hal-00729885v1

An integrated approach of genetic resistance to Salmonella carrier state in fowls: from genetics to genomics and modelling.

C. Beaumont , Frédéric Lecerf , J. Protais , Fanny Calenge , K. Prevost
Developments in Biologicals, 2008, 132, pp.353-7. ⟨10.1051/lait:1999223⟩
Journal articles hal-00729836v1
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Transcriptome profiling of the feeding-to-fasting transition in chicken liver.

Colette Désert , Michel Jacques M.J. Duclos , Pierre Blavy , Frédéric Lecerf , François Moreews
BMC Genomics, 2008, 9 (611), pp.611. ⟨10.1186/1471-2164-9-611⟩
Journal articles hal-00729919v1
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MarkerSet: a marker selection tool based on markers location and informativity in experimental designs

Olivier O. Demeure , Frédéric Lecerf
BMC Research Notes, 2008, 1, pp.9. ⟨10.1186/1756-0500-1-9⟩
Journal articles hal-02656717v1

The Booroola mutation in sheep is associated with an alteration of the bone morphogenetic protein receptor-IB functionality

Stéphane Fabre , A. Pierre , C. Pisselet , Philippe Mulsant , Frédéric Lecerf
Journal of Endocrinology, 2003, 177, pp.435-444
Journal articles hal-02673102v1

Prolificacy genes in sheep: the French genetic programmes

Philippe Mulsant , Frédéric Lecerf , Stéphane Fabre , Loys L. Bodin , Jacques Thimonier
Reproduction [Cambridge]. Supplement, 2003, 61 (sp.), pp.353-359
Journal articles hal-02681853v1
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Segregation of a major gene influencing ovulation in progeny of Lacaune meat sheep

Loys Bodin , Magali San Cristobal , Frédéric Lecerf , Philippe Mulsant , Bernard Bibé
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2002, 34 (4), pp.447-464. ⟨10.1051/gse:2002017⟩
Journal articles hal-00894421v1

Regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis by IGF and BMP system in domestic animals

Philippe Monget , Stéphane Fabre , Philippe Mulsant , Frédéric Lecerf , Jean Michel J. M. Elsen
Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2002, 23, pp.139-154
Journal articles hal-02679222v1

DNA tests in prolific sheep from eight countries provide new evidence on origin of the Booroola (FecB) mutation.

G.H. Davis , S.A. Galloway , I.K. Ross , S.M. Gregan , J. Ward
Biology of Reproduction, 2002, 66, pp.1869-1874
Journal articles hal-02677370v1
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A novel method to isolate the common fraction of two DNA samples: hybrid specific amplification (HSA)

Frédéric Lecerf , L. Foggia , Philippe Mulsant , Agnès Bonnet , François Hatey
Nucleic Acids Research, 2001, 29 (17), 5 p
Journal articles hal-02669851v1
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Mutation in bone morphogenetic protein receptor-IB is associated with increased ovulation rate in Booroola Mérino ewes

Philippe Mulsant , Frédéric Lecerf , Stéphane Fabre , Laurent L. Schibler , Philippe Monget
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2001, 98 (9), pp.5104-5109
Journal articles hal-02682603v1

Microsatellite analysis of polyandry and spawning site competition in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)

C.R. Largiader , Arnaud Estoup , Frédéric Lecerf , Alexis Champigneulle , René R. Guyomard
Genetics Selection Evolution, 2001, 33 (S1), pp.S205-S222
Journal articles hal-02674726v1

Regional mapping of the FecB (Booroola) region of sheep chromosome 6

Philippe Mulsant , Laurent L. Schibler , Frédéric Lecerf , Florentine Riquet , N. Chitour
Animal Genetics, 1998, suppl. 1, pp.36-37
Journal articles hal-02698466v1

A lncRNA gene-enriched atlas for GRCg7b chicken genome and its functional annotation across 47 tissues

Fabien Degalez , Mathieu Charles , Sylvain Foissac , Haijuan Zhou , Dailu Guan
39. Congress of the international society for animal genetics (ISAG), Jul 2023, Cape Town, South Africa. pp.47
Conference papers hal-04217589v1

RNA-SEQ data for reliable SNP detection and genotype calling in livestock species: interest for coding variant characterization and cis-regulation analysis by allele-specific expression

Frédéric Jehl , Fabien Degalez , Maria Bernard , Frédéric Lecerf , Laetitia Lagoutte
26. World's Poultry Congress (WPC), Aug 2022, Paris, France. pp.405
Conference papers hal-04132375v1

RNA-seq data for detecting reliable SNPs & genotypes in livestock species: interest for coding variant characterization and cis-regulation analysis by allele-specific expression !

Frédéric Jehl , Fabien Degalez , Maria Bernard , Frédéric Lecerf , Laetitia Lagoutte
World Poultry Congress (WPC) 2022, Aug 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04258396v1

Le projet mille génomes gallus : comment partager les données de séquences pour mieux les utiliser

Michèle Tixier-Boichard , Frédéric Lecerf , Philippe Bardou , Christophe Klopp
13.Journées de la recherche avicole et des palmipèdes à foie gras, Mar 2019, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02737429v1
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Comparaison des cibles d’une matrice de score et d’une expression régulière. Application à la recherche de sites de fixation du facteur de transcription LXR

Aymeric Antoine-Lorquin , Sandrine Lagarrigue , Frédéric Lecerf , Jacques Nicolas , Catherine Belleannée
JOBIM 2015- 16e Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques, Jul 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-01197050v1
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Combining Genetics Mapping, Selective Sweeps, Genome Re-Requencing and Allele Specific Expression Reveals Several Serious Causative Genes for QTL Regions

Pierre-François Roux , Simon Boitard , Anis Djari , Diane Esquerre , Colette Désert
International Plant & Animal Genome XXII (PAG), Jan 2014, San Diego, United States
Conference papers hal-01193794v1
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Using NGS data to characterize genetics of meet-type and egg-type chicken lines

Pierre-François Roux , Frédéric Lecerf , Anis Djari , Diane Esquerre , Sylvain Marthey
64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Aug 2013, Nantes, France. pp.296
Conference papers hal-01019218v1

Utilisation des NGS pour la caractérisation génétique de lignées de poulet de chair et poules de ponte

Pierre-François Roux Roux , Frédéric Lecerf , Anis Djari , Diane D. Esquerre , Sylvain S. Marthey
10. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2013, La Rochelle, France. pp.556-561
Conference papers hal-01000659v1
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Identification of candidate polymorphism in a QTL region by combining eQTL mapping with NGS data

Pierre-François Roux , Yuna Blum , Colette Désert , Anis Djari , Diane Esquerre
64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Aug 2013, Nantes, France. pp.300
Conference papers hal-01019609v1

AnnotQTL: a new tool to gather functional and comparative information on a genomic region

Frédéric Lecerf , Anthony Bretaudeau , Olivier Sallou , Colette Désert , Anne Blum
15th QTLMAS, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UMR Génétique Animale (0598)., May 2011, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02746678v1

Segregation of FecX and FecL gene influencing ovulation rate in different populations of Lacaune sheep

Laurence Drouilhet , Frédéric Lecerf , Philippe Mulsant , Loys L. Bodin
60. Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Aug 2009, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-02755341v1

Segregation of FecX and FecL gene influencing ovulation rate in different populations of Lacaune sheep

L. Drouilhet , Frédéric Lecerf , P. Mulsant , L. Bodin
60. Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Aug 2009, Wageningen (NL), Netherlands. pp.271
Conference papers hal-00730070v1
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Pyroséquençage pour le développement d'EST et de SNP aviaires

Frederique Pitel , Alain Vignal , Sophie Leroux , Katia Feve , Florence Vignoles
8èmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole, Mar 2009, Paris (FR), France. pp.594-598
Conference papers hal-00730058v1

LXRa : un gène candidat positionnel et fonctionnel pour un QTL d'engraissement chez le poulet de chair ?

S. Assaf , O. Demeure , C. Duby , Sandrine Lagarrigue , Frédéric Lecerf
Journées Scientifiques, Département de Génétique Animale, Apr 2008, Lacanau (FR), France
Conference papers hal-00729764v1

Mutations in two genes are associated with increased ovulation rate and litter size in progeny of Lacaune meat sheep

Laurence Drouilhet , Frédéric Lecerf , Lisa Laetitia Bodin , Philippe Mulsant
31st Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG), Jul 2008, Amsterdam (NL), Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00729774v1

Mutations in two genes are associated with increased ovulation rate and litter size in progeny of Lacaune meat sheep.

Laurence Drouilhet , Frédéric Lecerf , Loys Bodin , Philippe Mulsant
31st Conference of the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG), 2008, Amsterdam, pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-02817121v1

Des QTL aux gènes de résistance au portage de salmonelles chez le poulet.

Fanny Calenge , Frédéric Lecerf , Nadine N. Sellier , Philippe Velge , P. Fravalo
Journées Scientifiques, Département de Génétique Animale, Apr 2008, Lacanau
Conference papers hal-02753088v1

Profils transcriptomiques de foies de poulet soumis au jeûne : utilisation d'une puce à ADN de 20000 oligonucléotides

Marc Aubry , Colette Désert , P. Blavy , Frédéric Lecerf , Michel Jacques M.J. Duclos
Journées Scientifiques, Département de Génétique Animale, Apr 2008, Lacanau, France
Conference papers hal-00729786v1

Projet de pyroséquençage pour le développement d'EST et de SNP aviaires.

Frederique Pitel , Alain Vignal , Sophie S. Leroux , Katia K. Feve , Aurelie Secula Tircazes
Journées Scientifiques, Département de Génétique Animale, Apr 2008, Lacanau
Conference papers hal-02756545v1

Des QTL aux gènes de résistance au portage de salmonelles chez le poulet

Fanny Calenge , Frédéric Lecerf , N. Sellier , P. Velge , P. Fravalo
Journées Scientifiques, Département de Génétique Animale, Apr 2008, Lacanau (FR), France
Conference papers hal-00729117v1

LXRa : un gène candidat positionnel et fonctionnel pour un QTL d'engraissement chez le poulet de chair ?

Olivier O. Demeure , Cécile C. Duby , Frédéric Lecerf , S. Assaf , Sandrine Lagarrigue
Journées Scientifiques, Département de Génétique Animale, Apr 2008, Lacanau
Conference papers hal-02753163v1

An integrated approach of genetic resistance to Salmonella carrier state in fowls: from genetics to genomics and modelling

Catherine C. Beaumont , Frédéric Lecerf , J Protais , Fanny Calenge , Kevin Prevost
International Symposium on Animal Genomics for Animal Health (AGAH), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). INT., Oct 2007, Paris, France. ⟨10.1159/000317185⟩
Conference papers hal-02752859v1

An integrated approach of genetic resistance to salmonella carrier-state in fowls: from genetics to genomics and modelization.

Catherine C. Beaumont , Frédéric Lecerf , J. Protais , Kevin Prevost , Anne-Christine Lalmanach
International Symposium on Animal Genomics for Animal Health (AGAH), 2007, Paris, pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-02815742v1

Features of major genes for ovulation in the Lacaune population

Loys L. Bodin , Frédéric Lecerf , Marion Bessière , Philippe Mulsant
8. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aug 2006, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Conference papers hal-02755429v1

How many mutations are associated with increased ovulation rate and litter size in progeny of Lacaune meat sheep?

Loys Bodin , Frédéric Lecerf , C. Pisselet , Magali San Cristobal , Bernard Bibé
International Workshop on Major Genes and QTL in Sheep and Goat, 2003, Toulouse
Conference papers hal-02761850v1

Localisation and mapping of a major gene controlling ovulation rate in Lacaune sheep

Frédéric Lecerf , Philippe Mulsant , Jean Michel J. M. Elsen , Loys L. Bodin
7. World congress on genetics applied to livestock production, Aug 2002, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02761601v1

Regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis by IGF and BMP system in domestic animals

Philippe Monget , Stéphane Fabre , Philippe Mulsant , Frédéric Lecerf , Jean Michel J. M. Elsen
4. International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology, Oct 2001, Parma, Italy
Conference papers hal-02832985v1

Regional mapping of the FecB (Booroola) region of sheep chromosome 6.

Philippe Mulsant , Laurent L. Schibler , Frédéric Lecerf , Florentine Riquet , N. Chitour
XXVI International Conference on Animal Genetics, International Society for Animal Genetics, 1998, Auckland, New Zealand
Conference papers hal-02839674v1
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A lncRNA gene-enriched atlas for GRCg7b chicken genome and its functional annotation across 47 tissues

Fabien Degalez , Mathieu Charles , Sylvain Foissac , Haijuan Zhou , Dailu Guan
39. Congress of the international society for animal genetics (ISAG), Jul 2023, Cape Town, South Africa. , pp.78, 2023, Abstracts
Conference poster hal-04217582v1

Variant calling and genotyping accuracy of ddRAD-seq: comparison with WGS in layers

Mathilde Doublet , Frédéric Lecerf , Fabien Degalez , Sandrine Lagarrigue , Laetitia Lagoutte
74. Annual meeting of the european federation of animal science (EAAP), Aug 2023, Lyon, France. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Book of abstracts, 29, pp.796, 2023, Book of abstracts of the 74th annual meeting of the european federation of animal science
Conference poster hal-04286708v1

A lncRNA gene-enriched atlas for GRCg7b chicken genome using Ensembl, RefSeq and two FAANG databases

Fabien Degalez , Mathieu Charles , Sylvain Foissac , Zhou Haijuan , Guan Dailu
74. Annual meeting of the european federation of animal science (EAAP), Aug 2023, Lyon, France. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Book of abstracts, 29, pp.932, 2023, Book of abstracts of the 74st annual meeting of the european federation of animal science
Conference poster hal-04217567v1

Une nouvelle facette du génome de poule : les genes “longs non-codants"

Kévin Muret , Christophe Klopp , Valentin Wucher , Diane Esquerre , Fabrice Legeai
12. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Apr 2017, Tours, France. ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture, Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, 2017, Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras
Conference poster hal-01605848v1

Long-non coding RNAs repertoire in liver and adipose tissue in chicken

Kévin Muret , Christophe Klopp , Valentin Wucher , Diane D. Esquerre , Fabrice Legeai
XXIV International Plant & Animal Genome (Pag), Jan 2016, San Diego, United States. 2016
Conference poster hal-02799305v1

La combinaison de cartographie de signatures de sélection, de re-séquençage de génomes et d'analyses d'expression révèle PARK2 et JAG2 comme nouveaux genes candidats régulant l'adiposité

Pierre-François Roux , Simon Boitard , Anne Blum , Brian Parks , Alexandra Montagner
11. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2015, Tours, France. ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture, Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, 2015, Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras
Conference poster hal-01194116v1

Selective sweeps using hapFLK combined with genome re-sequencing data reveals strong candidate mutations in QTL regions in divergent chicken lines

Pierre-François Roux , Simon Boitard , Anis Djari , Diane Esquerre , Sylvain Marthey
8th European Symposium on Poultry Genetics (ESPG), Sep 2013, Venise, Italy. 2013, Proceedings of the 8th European Symposium on Poultry Genetics
Conference poster hal-01193795v1

Project of animal biology, the opportunity to sensitize master's students to research approaches

Vanessa Lollivier , Marion Boutinaud , Frederic Dessauge , Frédéric Lecerf
64. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Aug 2013, nantes, France. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, 19, 2013, Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production
Conference poster hal-01210502v1

Relationship between geneome interactions and co-expression structures identified by multivariate analyses of gene expression data

Marion Ouedraogo , Christian Diot , Frédéric Lecerf , S. Le
CSH Seventh meeting on Dynamic Organization of Nuclear Function, Sep 2012, Cold Spring Harbor, United States. 2012
Conference poster hal-02803391v1
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AnnotQTL: a new tool to gather functional and comparative information on a genomic region

Frédéric Lecerf , Anthony Bretaudeau , Olivier Sallou , Colette Désert , Yuna Blum
12. Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques, Jun 2011, Paris, France. 2011, JOBIM 2011
Conference poster hal-02746728v1

An integrated approach of genetic resistance to Salmonella carrier state in fowls : from genetics to genomics and modelization

Catherine Beaumont , Frédéric Lecerf , J Protais , K Prevost , Anne-Christine Lalmanach
International Symposium on Animal Genomics for Animal Health, 2007, Paris, France. pp.Inconnu, 2007
Conference poster hal-02815808v1

Growth factors and ovarian physiology in domestic animals

Philippe Monget , Stéphane Fabre , Philippe Mulsant , Frédéric Lecerf , Jean Michel J. M. Elsen
6. Journées de la FFER, Sep 2001, Lyon, France. 1 p., 2001
Conference poster hal-02832299v1

Regional mapping of the FecB (Booroola) region of sheep chromosome 6

Philippe Mulsant , Laurent L. Schibler , Frédéric Lecerf , Juliette Riquet , N. Chitour
25. International conference on animal genetics, Aug 1998, Auckland, New Zealand. 1 p., 1998
Conference poster hal-02839062v1