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Frédéric Rieux-Laucat

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I am currently holding a position of Director of Research at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and Group Leader of the laboratory “Immunogenetics of Pediatric Autoimmune Diseases” at Imagine Institute, Paris, France (private Research and Healthcare Institute located in the campus of Necker Hospital Campus). I am also sitting at the Board of Trustees as a Teaching and Research Representative and at the Executive Committee. In the recent past I was a member of at the Scientific Commission of the Arc Foundation, and I was a member of the Scientific Evaluation Committee of Pasteur Institute (COMESP). From 2012 to 2016 I was the president of the Specialized Scientific committee Immunology-Microbiology at INSERM. My research team is focusing on the mechanisms involved in the control of self-tolerance in primary human immunodeficiencies associated with early-onset autoimmunity. Our works aim to provide a better understanding of the molecular and cellular bases of the mechanisms involved in lymphocytes homeostasis and self-tolerance, and should allow the identification of susceptibility factors to human auto-immune diseases. As for today I authored or co-authored 181 articles in numerous scientific journals, including, as first or last author, Science, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of experimental Medicine, Blood and many others. I am an Academic Editor at PLoS ONE and Associate Editor at Frontiers in immunology. I received the Jacques Oudin Price in 2006 and was awarded by Inserm with a price for Scientific Excellence (PES). I also received an iAwards from Sanofi in 2018. Lastly, I am coordinating a consortium project granted by the 4th RHU call (9.9M€), dedicated to develop AI-based tools to reduce the diagnosis wandering and to guide the clinician decision in Primary Immune deficiencies associated with auto-immunity and auto-inflammation.

Domaines de recherche

Sciences du Vivant [q-bio] Génétique humaine Immunologie Immunité adaptative



"Follow-Up Studies"
"Prospective Studies"
"Retrospective Studies"