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Frédéric Vivien




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A Guide to Algorithm Design: Paradigms, Methods, and Complexity Analysis

Anne Benoit , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Chapman & Hall/CRC, pp.380, 2013, Applied Algorithms and Data Structures series, 9781439825648
Books hal-00908448v1

Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops - HeteroPar, HPCC, HiBB, CoreGrid, UCHPC, HPCF, PROPER, CCPI, VHPC, Ischia, Italy, August 31-September 3, 2010, Revised Selected Papers

M. Guarracino , Frédéric Vivien , Jesper Larsson Träff , Mario Cannatoro , Marco Danelutto
Mario R. Guarracino, Frédéric Vivien, Jesper Larsson Träff, Mario Cannatoro, Marco Danelutto, Anders Hast, Francesca Perla, Andreas Knüpfer, Beniamino Di Martino and Michael Alexander. Springer, pp.700, 2011
Books hal-00786262v1

Special issue on Advances in scheduling for large-scale distributed platforms

Loris Marchal , Frédéric Vivien
Loris Marchal and Frédéric Vivien. Parallel Computing 37, 11, pp.693-729, 2011
Books hal-00945080v1

Introduction to Scheduling

Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Yves Robert et Frédéric Vivien. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, pp.315, 2009
Books hal-00786389v1

Scheduling and Automatic Parallelization

Alain Darte , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Birkhaüser, pp.264, 2000
Books hal-00856645v1
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Checkpointing strategies to tolerate non-memoryless failures on HPC platforms

Anne Benoit , Lucas Perotin , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, 2024, 11 (1), pp.1-26. ⟨10.1145/3624560⟩
Journal articles hal-04215283v1
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Minimizing Energy Consumption for Real-Time Tasks on Heterogeneous Platforms Under Deadline and Reliability Constraints

Yiqin Gao , Li Han , Jing Liu , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Algorithmica, 2024, 86 (10), pp.3079-3114. ⟨10.1007/s00453-024-01253-0⟩
Journal articles hal-04715054v1
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Multifacets of lossy compression for scientific data in the Joint-Laboratory of Extreme Scale Computing

Franck Cappello , Sheng Di , Robert Underwood , Dingwen Tao , Jon Calhoun
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2024, ⟨10.1016/j.future.2024.05.022⟩
Journal articles hal-04618060v1
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Revisiting I/O bandwidth-sharing strategies for HPC applications

Anne Benoit , Thomas Herault , Lucas Perotin , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2024, 188, ⟨10.1016/j.jpdc.2024.104863⟩
Journal articles hal-04714098v1
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Minimizing I/Os in Out-of-Core Task Tree Scheduling

Loris Marchal , Samuel McCauley , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2023, 34 (01), pp.51-80. ⟨10.1142/s0129054122500186⟩
Journal articles hal-03758021v1
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Resource-Constrained Scheduling Algorithms for Stochastic Independent Tasks With Unknown Probability Distribution

Yiqin Gao , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Algorithmica, 2023, 85 (8), pp.2363-2394. ⟨10.1007/s00453-023-01100-8⟩
Journal articles hal-04214825v1
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Dynamic Scheduling Strategies for Firm Semi-Periodic Real-Time Tasks

Yiqin Gao , Guillaume Pallez , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2023, 72 (1), pp.55-68. ⟨10.1109/TC.2022.3208203⟩
Journal articles hal-03778357v2
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Energy-aware mapping and scheduling strategies for real-time workflows under reliability constraints

Zhiwei Wu , Li Han , Jing Liu , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2023, 176, pp.1-16. ⟨10.1016/j.jpdc.2023.02.004⟩
Journal articles hal-04214810v1
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Trading Performance for Memory in Sparse Direct Solvers using Low-rank Compression

Loris Marchal , Thibault Marette , Grégoire Pichon , Frédéric Vivien
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022, 130, pp.307-320. ⟨10.1016/j.future.2021.12.018⟩
Journal articles hal-03517124v1
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Scheduling independent stochastic tasks under deadline and budget constraints

Louis-Claude Canon , Aurélie Kong Win Chang , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2020, 34 (2), pp.246-264. ⟨10.1177/1094342019852135⟩
Journal articles hal-02291031v1
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Online Scheduling of Task Graphs on Heterogeneous Platforms

Louis-Claude Canon , Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2020, 31 (3), pp.721-732. ⟨10.1109/TPDS.2019.2942909⟩
Journal articles hal-02291268v1
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Limiting the memory footprint when dynamically scheduling DAGs on shared-memory platforms

Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2019, 128, pp.30-42. ⟨10.1016/j.jpdc.2019.01.009⟩
Journal articles hal-02025521v1
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A Generic Approach to Scheduling and Checkpointing Workflows

Li Han , Valentin Le Fèvre , Louis-Claude Canon , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2019, pp.1-19. ⟨10.1177/1094342019866891⟩
Journal articles hal-02140295v1
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Malleable task-graph scheduling with a practical speed-up model

Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Oliver Sinnen , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2018, 29 (6), pp.1357-1370. ⟨10.1109/TPDS.2018.2793886⟩
Journal articles hal-01687189v1
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Checkpointing Workflows for Fail-Stop Errors

Li Han , Louis-Claude Canon , Henri Casanova , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2018, 67 (8), pp.16. ⟨10.1109/TC.2018.2801300⟩
Journal articles hal-01701611v1
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Toward an Optimal Online Checkpoint Solution under a Two-Level HPC Checkpoint Model

Sheng Di , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Franck Cappello
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2017, 28 (1), pp.16. ⟨10.1109/TPDS.2016.2546248⟩
Journal articles hal-01353871v1
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Parallel scheduling of task trees with limited memory

Lionel Eyraud-Dubois , Loris Marchal , Oliver Sinnen , Frédéric Vivien
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, 2015, 2 (2), pp.36. ⟨10.1145/2779052⟩
Journal articles hal-01160118v1
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Mapping Applications on Volatile Resources

Henri Casanova , Fanny Dufossé , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2015, 29 (1), pp.19. ⟨10.1177/1094342013518806⟩
Journal articles hal-00923948v1
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On the impact of process replication on executions of large-scale parallel applications with coordinated checkpointing

Henri Casanova , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2015, 51, pp.13. ⟨10.1016/j.future.2015.04.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01199752v1
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Using group replication for resilience on exascale systems

Marin Bougeret , Henri Casanova , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2014, 28 (2), pp.210-224. ⟨10.1177/1094342013505348⟩
Journal articles hal-00881463v1
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Checkpointing algorithms and fault prediction

Guillaume Aupy , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2013, 74 (2), pp.2048-2064. ⟨10.1016/j.jpdc.2013.10.010⟩
Journal articles hal-00908446v1
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Unified Model for Assessing Checkpointing Protocols at Extreme-Scale

George Bosilca , Aurélien Bouteiller , Elisabeth Brunet , Franck Cappello , Jack Dongarra
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2013, 26 (17), pp.2727-2810. ⟨10.1002/cpe.3173⟩
Journal articles hal-00908447v1
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Static strategies for worksharing with unrecoverable interruptions

Anne Benoit , Yves Robert , Arnold Rosenberg , Frédéric Vivien
Theory of Computing Systems, 2013, 53 (3), pp.386-423. ⟨10.1007/s00224-012-9426-z⟩
Journal articles hal-00763321v1
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Dynamic Fractional Resource Scheduling versus Batch Scheduling

Mark Lee Stillwell , Frédéric Vivien , Henri Casanova
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012, 23 (3), pp.521-529. ⟨10.1109/TPDS.2011.183⟩
Journal articles hal-00763373v1
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Energy-aware scheduling of bag-of-tasks applications on master-worker platforms

Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2011, 23 (2), pp.145--157. ⟨10.1002/cpe.1634⟩
Journal articles hal-00793414v1
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Static worksharing strategies for heterogeneous computers with unrecoverable interruptions

Anne Benoit , Yves Robert , Arnold Rosenberg , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Computing, 2011, 37 (8), pp.365-378. ⟨10.1016/j.parco.2010.03.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00945070v1
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Scheduling concurrent bag-of-tasks applications on heterogeneous platforms

Anne Benoit , Loris Marchal , Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2010, 59 (2), pp.202-217. ⟨10.1109/TC.2009.117⟩
Journal articles hal-00786249v1
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Resource allocation algorithms for virtualized service hosting platforms

Mark Stillwell , David Schanzenbach , Frédéric Vivien , Henri Casanova
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2010, 70 (9), pp.962-974. ⟨10.1016/j.jpdc.2010.05.006⟩
Journal articles inria-00527066v1
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Revisiting Matrix Product on Master-Worker Platforms

Jack Dongarra , Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Zhiao Shi , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2008, 19 (6), pp.1317-1336. ⟨10.1142/S0129054108006303⟩
Journal articles hal-00803474v1
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The impact of heterogeneity on master-slave scheduling

Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Computing, 2008, 34 (3), pp.158-176. ⟨10.1016/j.parco.2007.12.006⟩
Journal articles hal-00803473v1
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Comments on ''Design and performance evaluation of load distribution strategies for multiple loads on heterogeneous linear daisy chain networks''

Matthieu Gallet , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2008, 68 (7), pp.1021-1031. ⟨10.1016/j.jpdc.2007.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00803476v1
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Minimizing the Stretch When Scheduling Flows of Divisible Requests

Arnaud Legrand , Alan Su , Frédéric Vivien
Journal of Scheduling, 2008, ⟨10.1007/s10951-008-0078-4⟩
Journal articles hal-00789419v1

Scheduling algorithms for data redistribution and load-balancing on master-slave platforms

Loris Marchal , Veronika Rehn , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Processing Letters, 2007, 17 (1), pp.61-77. ⟨10.1142/S0129626407002879⟩
Journal articles hal-00803512v1

A step towards unifying schedule and storage optimization

William Thies , Frédéric Vivien , Saman Amarasinghe
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 2007, 29 (6), 45 p. ⟨10.1145/1286821.1286825⟩
Journal articles hal-00803509v1

Scheduling tasks sharing files on heterogeneous master-slave platforms

Arnaud Giersch , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2006, 52 (2), pp.88-104. ⟨10.1016/j.sysarc.2004.10.008⟩
Journal articles hal-00515330v1

Automatic Middleware Deployment Planning on Clusters

Pushpinder Kaur Chouhan , Holly Dail , Eddy Caron , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2006, 20 (4), pp.14
Journal articles hal-01429834v1
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Data redistribution algorithms for heterogeneous processor rings

Hélène Renard , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2006, 20 (1), pp.31-43. ⟨10.1177/1094342006061887⟩
Journal articles hal-00804395v1

Minimal enclosing parallelepiped in 3D

Frédéric Vivien , Nicolas Wicker
Computational Geometry, 2004, 29 (3), pp.177-190
Journal articles hal-00807273v1

Mapping and Load-Balancing Iterative Computations on Heterogeneous Clusters with Shared Links

Arnaud Legrand , Hélène Renard , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2004, 15, pp.546―558
Journal articles hal-00789426v1

Load-Balancing Scatter Operations for Grid Computing

Stéphane Genaud , Arnaud Giersch , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Computing, 2004, 30 (8), pp.923--946. ⟨10.1016/j.parco.2004.07.005⟩
Journal articles inria-00503896v1

On the Optimality of Feautrier's Scheduling Algorithm

Frédéric Vivien
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2003, 15 (11-12), pp.1047-1068
Journal articles hal-00807376v1

Constructing and Exploiting Linear Schedules with Prescribed Parallelism

Alain Darte , Rob Schreiber , B. Ramakrishna Rau , Frédéric Vivien
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 2002, 7 (1), pp.159-172
Journal articles hal-00807410v1

Static Tiling for Heterogeneous Computing Platforms

Pierre Boulet , Jack J. Dongarra , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Computing, 1999, 25 (5), pp.547-568
Journal articles inria-00565004v1

Algorithmic Issues on Heterogeneous Computing Platforms

Pierre Boulet , Jack J. Dongarra , Fabrice Rastello , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Processing Letters, 1999, 9 (2), pp.197-213
Journal articles inria-00565003v1

Retiming DAGs

Pierre-Yves Calland , Anne Mignotte , Olivier Peyran , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1998, 17 (12), pp.1319-1325
Journal articles hal-00856846v1

Loop parallelization algorithms: From parallelism extraction to code generation

Pierre Boulet , Alain Darte , Georges-André Silber , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Computing, 1998, 24 (3-4), pp.421--444
Journal articles inria-00565000v1

On the removal of anti- and output-dependences

Pierre-Yves Calland , Alain Darte , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 1998, 26 (3), pp.285-312. ⟨10.1023/A:1018790129478⟩
Journal articles hal-00856847v1

Optimal Fine and Medium Grain Parallelism Detection in Polyhedral Reduced Dependence Graphs

Alain Darte , Frédéric Vivien
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 1997, 25 (6), pp.447--496. ⟨10.1023/A:1025168022993⟩
Journal articles hal-00856886v1

Combining Retiming and Scheduling Techniques for Loop Parallelization and Loop Tiling

Alain Darte , Georges-André Silber , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Processing Letters, 1997, 7 (4), pp.379--392. ⟨10.1142/S0129626497000383⟩
Journal articles hal-00856890v1

Plugging anti and output dependence removal techniques into loop parallelization algorithms

Pierre-Yves Calland , Alain Darte , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Computing, 1997, 23 (1-2), pp.251-266. ⟨10.1016/S0167-8191(96)00108-1⟩
Journal articles hal-00856884v1

On the Optimality of Allen and Kennedy's Algorithm for Parallelism Extraction in Nested Loops

Alain Darte , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 1997, 12 (1-3), pp.83-112. ⟨10.1080/01495739708941417⟩
Journal articles hal-00856887v1

Parallelizing Nested Loops with Approximation of Distance Vectors: A Survey

Alain Darte , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Processing Letters, 1997, 7 (2), pp.133--144. ⟨10.1142/S0129626497000152⟩
Journal articles hal-00856889v1

Revisiting the Decomposition of Karp, Miller and Winograd

Alain Darte , Frédéric Vivien
Parallel Processing Letters, 1995, 5 (4), pp.551-562
Journal articles hal-00857092v1
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Concealing Compression-accelerated I/O for HPC Applications through In Situ Task Scheduling

Sian Jin , Sheng Di , Frédéric Vivien , Daoce Wang , Yves Robert
EuroSys 2024, Apr 2024, Athens, Greece
Conference papers hal-04225758v1
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Checkpointing strategies for a fixed-length execution

Anne Benoit , Lucas Perotin , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
14th Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS 2024), Nov 2024, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers hal-04714372v1
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When to checkpoint at the end of a fixed-length reservation?

Quentin Barbut , Anne Benoit , Thomas Herault , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scales (FTXS) Workshop, Nov 2023, Denver, United States
Conference papers hal-04215554v1
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Checkpointing à la Young/Daly: An Overview

Anne Benoit , Yishu Du , Thomas Herault , Loris Marchal , Guillaume Pallez
IC3 2022 - 2022 Fourteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing, Aug 2022, Noida, India. pp.701-710, ⟨10.1145/3549206.3549328⟩
Conference papers hal-03830322v1
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Work-in-Progress: Evaluating Task Dropping Strategies for Overloaded Real-Time Systems

Yiqin Gao , Guillaume Pallez , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
RTSS 2021 - 42nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec 2021, Dortmund, Germany. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/RTSS52674.2021.00057⟩
Conference papers hal-03357422v1
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Energy-aware strategies for reliability-oriented real-time task allocation on heterogeneous platforms

Li Han , Yiqin Gao , Jing Liu , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
ICPP 2020 - 49th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug 2020, Edmonton Alberta, Canada. pp.1-11, ⟨10.1145/3404397.3404419⟩
Conference papers hal-02977879v1
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Scheduling independent stochastic tasks on heterogeneous cloud platforms

Yiqin Gao , Louis-Claude Canon , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Cluster 2019 - International Conference on Cluster Computing, Sep 2019, Albuquerque, United States. pp.1-11, ⟨10.1109/CLUSTER.2019.8891048⟩
Conference papers hal-02271675v1
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Improved energy-aware strategies for periodic real-time tasks under reliability constraints

Li Han , Louis-Claude Canon , Jing Liu , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
RTSS 2019 - 40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec 2019, Hong Kong, China. pp.1-13, ⟨10.1109/RTSS46320.2019.00013⟩
Conference papers hal-02271704v1
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Scheduling independent stochastic tasks under deadline and budget constraints

Louis-Claude Canon , Aurélie Kong Win Chang , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
SBAC-PAD 2018 - 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Sep 2018, Lyon, France. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/CAHPC.2018.8645931⟩
Conference papers hal-01868727v1
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Online Scheduling of Task Graphs on Hybrid Platforms

Louis-Claude Canon , Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
Euro-Par 2018 - 24th International European Conference On Parallel And Distributed Computing, Aug 2018, Turin, Italy. pp.1-14, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-96983-1_14⟩
Conference papers hal-01828301v1
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A Generic Approach to Scheduling and Checkpointing Workflows

Li Han , Valentin Le Fèvre , Louis-Claude Canon , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
ICPP 2018 - 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug 2018, Eugene, OR, United States. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1145/3225058.3225145⟩
Conference papers hal-01798627v2
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Parallel scheduling of DAGs under memory constraints

Loris Marchal , Hanna Nagy , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
IPDPS 2018 - 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, May 2018, Vancouver, Canada. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00030⟩
Conference papers hal-01828312v1
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Minimizing I/Os in Out-of-Core Task Tree Scheduling

Loris Marchal , Samuel Mccauley , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
19th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models, May 2017, Orlando, United States. ⟨10.1109/IPDPSW.2017.58⟩
Conference papers hal-01491969v1
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Checkpointing Workflows for Fail-Stop Errors

Li Han , Louis-Claude Canon , Henri Casanova , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE Cluster 2017, Sep 2017, Honolulu, United States. ⟨10.1109/CLUSTER.2017.14⟩
Conference papers hal-01559967v1
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Low-Cost Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Independent Tasks on Hybrid Platforms

Louis-Claude Canon , Loris Marchal , Frédéric Vivien
Euro-Par 2017: 23rd International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Aug 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-64203-1_17⟩
Conference papers hal-01559898v1
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Assuming failure independence: are we right to be wrong?

Guillaume Aupy , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
FTS 2017 - 3rd International Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Systems, Sep 2017, Honolulu (HI), United States. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/CLUSTER.2017.24⟩
Conference papers hal-01654639v1
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Resource Optimization for Program Committee Members: A Subreview Article

Michael A Bender , Samuel Mccauley , Bertrand Simon , Shikha Singh , Frédéric Vivien
8th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms, Jun 2016, La Maddalena, Italy. pp.20, ⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.FUN.2016.7⟩
Conference papers hal-01326277v1
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Voltage Overscaling Algorithms for Energy-Efficient Workflow Computations With Timing Errors

Aurélien Cavelan , Yves Robert , Hongyang Sun , Frédéric Vivien
FTXS '15: 5th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale, Jun 2015, Portland, United States. pp.8, ⟨10.1145/2751504.2751508⟩
Conference papers hal-01199250v1
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Scheduling Independent Tasks with Voltage Overscaling

Aurélien Cavelan , Yves Robert , Hongyang Sun , Frédéric Vivien
The 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2015), Nov 2015, Zhangjiajie, China. pp.10, ⟨10.1109/PRDC.2015.40⟩
Conference papers hal-01199742v1
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Scheduling Trees of Malleable Tasks for Sparse Linear Algebra

Abdou Guermouche , Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2015), 2015, Vienna, Austria. pp.479-490, ⟨10.1007/978-3-662-48096-0_37⟩
Conference papers hal-01160104v1
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Cost-Optimal Execution of Boolean Query Trees with Shared Streams

Henri Casanova , Lipyeow Lim , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
28th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, May 2014, Phoenix, United States. ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2014.13⟩
Conference papers hal-00923953v1
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Checkpointing strategies with prediction windows

Guillaume Aupy , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
PRDC - The 19th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing - 2013, Dec 2013, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers hal-00847622v1
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Optimization of Cloud Task Processing with Checkpoint-Restart Mechanism

Sheng Di , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Derrick Kondo , Cho-Li Wang
SC13 - Supercomputing - 2013, Nov 2013, Denver, United States. ⟨10.1145/2503210.2503217⟩
Conference papers hal-00847635v1
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On the Combination of Silent Error Detection and Checkpointing

Guillaume Aupy , Anne Benoit , Thomas Herault , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
PRDC - The 19th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing - 2013, Dec 2013, Vancouver, Canada
Conference papers hal-00847620v1
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Scheduling tree-shaped task graphs to minimize memory and makespan

Loris Marchal , Oliver Sinnen , Frédéric Vivien
IPDPS 2013 - 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, May 2013, Boston, United States
Conference papers hal-00788612v1
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Mapping tightly-coupled applications on volatile resources

Henri Casanova , Fanny Dufossé , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
PDP'2013, the 21st Euromicro Int. Conf. on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Feb 2013, Belfast, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00763376v1
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Scheduling Tightly-Coupled Applications on Heterogeneous Desktop Grids

Henri Casanova , Fanny Dufossé , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
HCW 2013 - 22nd International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop, May 2013, Boston, United States
Conference papers hal-00788606v1
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Virtual Machine Resource Allocation for Service Hosting on Heterogeneous Distributed Platforms

Mark Lee Stillwell , Frédéric Vivien , Henri Casanova
IPDPS 2012, May 2012, Shanghaï, China. ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2012.75⟩
Conference papers hal-00763365v1
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On the complexity of scheduling checkpoints for computational workflows

Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
FTXS'2012, the Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale, in conjunction with the 42nd Annual IEEE/IFIP Int. Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2012), 2012, Boston, United States. ⟨10.1109/DSNW.2012.6264675⟩
Conference papers hal-00763382v1

Scheduling parallel iterative applications on volatile resources

Henri Casanova , Fanny Dufossé , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IPDPS'2011, the 25th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2011, Unknown
Conference papers hal-00945077v1
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Checkpointing strategies for parallel jobs.

Marin Bougeret , Henri Casanova , Mikael Rabie , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
SuperComputing (SC) - International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2011, 2011, United States. pp.1-11
Conference papers hal-00738504v1
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Dynamic Fractional Resource Scheduling for HPC Workloads

Mark Stillwell , Frédéric Vivien , Henri Casanova
IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS), 2010, Apr 2010, Atlanta, GA, United States. pp.1-12, ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2010.5470356⟩
Conference papers inria-00527068v1
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Non-clairvoyant Scheduling of Multiple Bag-of-Tasks Applications

Henri Casanova , Matthieu Gallet , Frédéric Vivien
Euro-Par 2010, Aug 2010, Ischia, Italy. pp.168-179, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15277-1_17⟩
Conference papers inria-00527111v1

Energy-Aware Scheduling of Flow Applications on Master-Worker Platforms

Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Euro-Par 2009 Parallel Processing, Aug 2009, Delft, Netherlands. pp.281-292, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-03869-3_28⟩
Conference papers hal-01064145v1

Static strategies for worksharing with unrecoverable interruptions

Anne Benoit , Yves Robert , Arnold Rosenberg , Frédéric Vivien
IPDPS, May 2009, Rome, Italy. ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2009.5161044⟩
Conference papers hal-01059271v1
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Resource Allocation Using Virtual Clusters

Mark Stillwell , David Schanzenbach , Henri Casanova , Frédéric Vivien
9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2009. CCGRID '09., May 2009, Shanghai, China. ⟨10.1109/CCGRID.2009.23⟩
Conference papers inria-00422634v1

Efficient Scheduling of Task Graph Collections on Heterogeneous Resources

Matthieu Gallet , Loris Marchal , Frédéric Vivien
IPDPS'2009 - International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2009, Roma, Italy. ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2009.5161045⟩
Conference papers hal-00786257v1

Static Worksharing Strategies for Heterogeneous Computers with Unrecoverable Failures

Anne Benoit , Yves Robert , Arnold L. Rosenberg , Frédéric Vivien
HeteroPar 2009, Aug 2009, Delft, Netherlands. pp.71-80, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-14122-5_11⟩
Conference papers hal-01062559v1

Resource-aware allocation strategies for divisible loads on large-scale systems

Anne Benoit , Loris Marchal , Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
HCW 2009 - 18th International Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop, 2009, Roma, Italy. ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2009.5160912⟩
Conference papers hal-00786256v1
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Matrix Product on Heterogeneous Master-Worker Platforms

Jack Dongarra , Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
13th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, 2008, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. pp.53--62, ⟨10.1145/1345206.1345217⟩
Conference papers hal-00803487v1

Parallel large scale inference of protein domain families

Daniel Kahn , Clément Rezvoy , Frédéric Vivien
ICPADS'2008, the 14th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2008, Unknown, Australia. pp.72-79, ⟨10.1109/ICPADS.2008.115⟩
Conference papers hal-00803472v1

Allocating Series of Workflows on Computing Grids

Matthieu Gallet , Loris Marchal , Frédéric Vivien
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'08), 2008, Unknown, pp.48-55, ⟨10.1109/ICPADS.2008.96⟩
Conference papers hal-00803478v1

A First Step Towards Automatically Building Network Representations

Lionel Eyraud-Dubois , Arnaud Legrand , Martin Quinson , Frédéric Vivien
13th International Euro-Par Conference - Euro-Par 2007, Aug 2008, Rennes, France. pp.160-169, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-74466-5_18⟩
Conference papers inria-00407692v1

Offline and online scheduling of concurrent bags-of-tasks on heterogeneous platforms

Anne Benoit , Loris Marchal , Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
10th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models APDCM 2008, 2008, Unknown, United States
Conference papers hal-00803484v1
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Revisiting matrix product on master-worker platforms

Jack Dongarra , Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Zhiao Shi , Frédéric Vivien
9th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models APDCM 2007, 2007, Unknown, United States. ⟨10.1142/S0129054108006303⟩
Conference papers hal-00803519v1

Scheduling communication requests traversing a switch: complexity and algorithms

Matthieu Gallet , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
PDP'2007, 15th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 2007, Unknown, Italy. pp.39-46, ⟨10.1109/PDP.2007.73⟩
Conference papers hal-00803521v1

Scheduling and data redistribution strategies on star platforms

Loris Marchal , Veronika Rehn , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
PDP'2007, 15th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 2007, Unknown, Italy. pp.288-295, ⟨10.1109/PDP.2007.72⟩
Conference papers hal-00803522v1

Scheduling multiple divisible loads on a linear processor network

Matthieu Gallet , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
ICPADS'2007, the 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2007, Unknown, Taiwan. ⟨10.1109/ICPADS.2007.4447768⟩
Conference papers hal-00803513v1
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Off-line and on-line scheduling on heterogeneous master-slave platforms

Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
PDP'2006, 14th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 2006, Montbéliard-Sochaux, France
Conference papers hal-00804402v1

Minimizing the Stretch When Scheduling Flows of Biological Requests

Arnaud Legrand , Alan Su , Frédéric Vivien
Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures SPAA\'2006, 2006, Unknown, ⟨10.1145/1148109.1148124⟩
Conference papers hal-00789441v1
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The impact of heterogeneity on master-slave on-line scheduling

Jean-François Pineau , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
HCW'2006, the 15th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, 2006, Rhodes Island, Greece
Conference papers hal-00804401v1

Off-Line Scheduling of Divisible Requests on an Heterogeneous Collection of Databanks

Arnaud Legrand , Alan Su , Frédéric Vivien
Proceedings of the 14th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, 2005, Denver, Colorado, USA, ⟨10.1109/IPDPS.2005.301⟩
Conference papers hal-00789443v1

Data redistribution algorithms for homogeneous and heterogeneous processor rings

Hélène Renard , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
International Conference on High Performance Computing HiPC'2004, 2004, Unknown, pp.123-132
Conference papers hal-00807283v1

Scheduling tasks sharing files from distributed repositories

Arnaud Giersch , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Euro-Par-2004: International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2004, Unknown, pp.148-159
Conference papers hal-00807284v1

Scheduling tasks sharing files on heterogeneous master-slave platforms

Arnaud Giersch , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
PDP'2004, 12th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, 2004, Unknown, pp.364-371
Conference papers hal-00807286v1

Load-Balancing Iterative Computations on Heterogeneous Clusters with Shared Communication Links

Arnaud Legrand , Hélène Renard , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
PPAM-2003: Fifth International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 2003, Unknown, pp.930―937, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-24669-5_120⟩
Conference papers hal-00789452v1

Scheduling tasks sharing files on heterogeneous clusters

Arnaud Giersch , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Euro-PVM-MPI-2003: Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 2003, Unknown, pp.657-660
Conference papers hal-00807381v1

Load-Balancing Scatter Operations for Grid Computing

Stéphane Genaud , Arnaud Giersch , Frédéric Vivien
Proceedings of the 12th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW'2003), 2003, Unknown
Conference papers hal-00807380v1

Mapping and Load-Balancing Iterative Computations on Heterogeneous Clusters

Arnaud Legrand , Hélène Renard , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Euro-PVM-MPI-2003: Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 2003, Unknown, pp.586―594, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-39924-7_79⟩
Conference papers hal-00789450v1

Static load-balancing techniques for iterative computations on heterogeneous clusters

Hélène Renard , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Euro-Par-2003: International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2003, Unknown, pp.148-159
Conference papers hal-00807382v1

On the Optimality of Feautrier's Scheduling Algorithm

Frédéric Vivien
Proceedings of Euro-Par 2002, 2002, Unknown, pp.299-308
Conference papers hal-00807402v1
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Incrementalized Pointer and Escape Analysis

Frédéric Vivien , Martin Rinard
PLDI '01 Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2001 conference on Programming language design and implementation, Jun 2001, Snowbird, United States. pp.35--46, ⟨10.1145/381694.378804⟩
Conference papers hal-00808284v1

Loop parallelization algorithms

Alain Darte , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems: Languages, Compilation Techniques and Run Time Systems, 2001, Unknown, pp.141-171
Conference papers hal-00808291v1

A Unified Framework for Schedule and Storage Optimization

William Thies , Frédéric Vivien , Jeffrey Sheldon , Saman Amarasinghe
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN'01 conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2001, Snowbird, UT, United States. pp.232--242
Conference papers hal-00808285v1

A Constructive Solution to the Juggling Problem in Processor Array Synthesis

Alain Darte , Robert Schreiber , B. Ramakrishna Rau , Frédéric Vivien
Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2000), 2000, Cancun, Mexico
Conference papers hal-00856646v1

Scheduling the Computations of a Loop Nest with Respect to a Given Mapping

Alain Darte , Claude Diderich , Marc Gengler , Frédéric Vivien
Proceedings of Euro-Par 2000, 2000, Munich, Germany. pp.405--414
Conference papers hal-00856647v1

Retiming DAGs

Pierre-Yves Calland , Anne Mignotte , Olivier Peyran , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
IEEE/ACM Int. Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems TAU'97, 1997, Unknown, pp.123-128
Conference papers hal-00856893v1

On the removal of anti and output dependences

Pierre-Yves Calland , Alain Darte , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Application Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, 1996, Unknown, pp.353-364
Conference papers hal-00856925v1

Optimal Fine and Medium Grain Parallelism Detection in Polyhedral Reduced Dependence Graphs

Alain Darte , Frédéric Vivien
Proceedings of Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT'96), 1996, Boston, MA, United States. pp.281--291
Conference papers hal-00856918v1

On the Optimality of Allen and Kennedy's Algorithm for Parallelism Extraction in Nested Loops

Alain Darte , Frédéric Vivien
Proceedings of Euro-Par'96, 1996, Lyon, France. pp.379--388
Conference papers hal-00856919v1

A classification of nested loops parallelization algorithms

Alain Darte , Frédéric Vivien
INRIA-IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 1995, Paris, France. pp.217--224
Conference papers hal-00857093v1

Revisiting the Decomposition of Karp, Miller and Winograd

Alain Darte , Frédéric Vivien
Application Specific Array Processors, 1995, Strasbourg, France. pp.13--25
Conference papers hal-00857094v1

Using replication for resilience on exascale systems

Henri Casanova , Dounia Zaidouni , Frédéric Vivien
Thomas Hérault; Yves Robert. Fault-Tolerance Techniques for High-Performance Computing, Springer, pp.50, 2015, 978-3-319-20943-2
Book sections hal-01200486v1

Scheduling for Large-Scale Systems

Anne Benoit , Loris Marchal , Yves Robert , Bora Uçar , Frédéric Vivien
Allen Tucker; Teofilo Gonzalez; Heikki Topi; Jorge Diaz-Herrera. The Computing Handbook - Two-Volume Set, 1, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, pp.3816, 2014, 9781439898444
Book sections hal-00763372v1

Algorithmic Issues in Grid Computing

Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Mikhail J. Atallah. Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2009
Book sections hal-00786275v1

Divisible load scheduling

Matthieu Gallet , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Yves Robert et Frédéric Vivien. Introduction to Scheduling, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2009
Book sections hal-00786385v1

How should you structure your hierarchical scheduler?

Pushpinder Kaur Chouhan , Holly Dail , Eddy Caron , Frédéric Vivien
HPDC-15. 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Jun 2006, Paris, France. IEEE
Conference poster hal-01430511v1
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Checkpointing strategies for a fixed-length execution

Anne Benoit , Lucas Perotin , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
RR-9552, Inria. 2024, pp.26
Reports hal-04668191v1
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Revisiting I/O bandwidth-sharing strategies for HPC applications

Anne Benoit , Thomas Herault , Lucas Perotin , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
RR-9502 v3, INRIA. 2023, pp.57
Reports hal-04038011v3
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Energy-aware mapping and scheduling strategies for real-time workflows under reliability constraints

Zhiwei Wu , Li Han , Jing Liu , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9469, INRIA. 2022, pp.1-23
Reports hal-03641039v2
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Scheduling Strategies for Overloaded Real-Time Systems

Yiqin Gao , Guillaume Pallez , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9455, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2022, pp.1-48
Reports hal-03580853v1
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Checkpointing strategies to protect parallel jobs from non-memoryless fail-stop errors

Anne Benoit , Lucas Perotin , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9465, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2022, pp.42
Reports hal-03610883v2
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Minimizing energy consumption for real-time tasks on heterogeneous platforms under deadline and reliability constraints

Yiqin Gao , Li Han , Jing Liu , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9403, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2021, pp.417
Reports hal-03202996v1
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Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Stochastic Tasks With Unknown Probability Distribution

Yiqin Gao , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9373, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2020
Reports hal-02989801v1
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Trading Performance for Memory in Sparse Direct Solvers using Low-rank Compression

Loris Marchal , Thibault Marette , Grégoire Pichon , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9368, INRIA. 2020
Reports hal-02976233v1
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Energy-aware strategies for reliability-oriented real-time task allocation on heterogeneous platforms

Li Han , Yiqin Gao , Jing Liu , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9324, Univ Lyon, EnsL, UCBL, CNRS, Inria, LIP. 2020
Reports hal-02500381v1
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Scheduling independent stochastic tasks under deadline and budget constraints. Extended Version

Louis-Claude Canon , Aurélie Kong Win Chang , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9257, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes. 2019, pp.1-38
Reports hal-02025785v1
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Improved energy-aware strategies for periodic real-time tasks under reliability constraints

Li Han , Louis-Claude Canon , Jing Liu , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9259, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2019, pp.1-38
Reports hal-02056520v1
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Scheduling stochastic tasks on heterogeneous cloud platforms under budget and deadline constraints

Yiqin Gao , Louis-Claude Canon , Frédéric Vivien , Yves Robert
[Research Report] RR-9260, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2019, pp.1-34
Reports hal-02047434v2
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Scheduling independent stochastic tasks on heterogeneous cloud platforms

Yiqin Gao , Louis-Claude Canon , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9275, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2019
Reports hal-02141253v1
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Scheduling independent stochastic tasks deadline and budget constraints

Louis-Claude Canon , Aurélie Kong Win Chang , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9178, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2018, pp.1-34
Reports hal-01811885v1
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Online Scheduling of Sequential Task Graphs on Hybrid Platforms

Louis-Claude Canon , Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9150, LIP - ENS Lyon. 2018
Reports hal-01720064v1
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Limiting the memory footprint when dynamically scheduling DAGs on shared-memory platforms

Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9231, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes. 2018, pp.1-41
Reports hal-01948462v1
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A Generic Approach to Scheduling and Checkpointing Workflows

Li Han , Valentin Le Fèvre , Louis-Claude Canon , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9167, Inria. 2018, pp.1-29
Reports hal-01766352v2
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Revisiting temporal failure independence in large scale systems

Guillaume Aupy , Leonardo Bautista Gomez , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9134, INRIA. 2017
Reports hal-01672404v1
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Checkpointing Workflows for Fail-Stop Errors

Li Han , Louis-Claude Canon , Henri Casanova , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9068, Inria. 2017, pp.33
Reports hal-01525378v3
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Minimizing I/Os in Out-of-Core Task Tree Scheduling

Loris Marchal , Samuel Mccauley , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9025, INRIA. 2017
Reports hal-01462213v1
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Low-Cost Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Independent Tasks on Hybrid Platforms

Louis-Claude Canon , Loris Marchal , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9029, Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes. 2017
Reports hal-01475884v2
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Assuming failure independence: are we right to be wrong?

Guillaume Aupy , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9078, Inria. 2017
Reports hal-01556292v1
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Parallel scheduling of DAGs under memory constraints

Loris Marchal , Hanna Nagy , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-9108, LIP - ENS Lyon. 2017
Reports hal-01620255v2
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Toward an Optimal Online Checkpoint Solution under a Two-Level HPC Checkpoint Model

Sheng Di , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Franck Cappello
[Research Report] RR-8851, INRIA Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes. 2016
Reports hal-01263879v1
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Malleable task-graph scheduling with a practical speed-up model

Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Oliver Sinnen , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-8856, ENS de Lyon. 2016
Reports hal-01274099v1
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Scheduling Independent Tasks with Voltage Overscaling

Aurélien Cavelan , Yves Robert , Hongyang Sun , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-8753, INRIA Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes; ENS Lyon; University of Tennessee Knoxville; CNRS - Lyon (69); Université Lyon 1; INRIA. 2015, pp.17
Reports hal-01170941v2
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Voltage Overscaling Algorithms for Energy-Efficient Workflow Computations With Timing Errors

Aurélien Cavelan , Yves Robert , Hongyang Sun , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-8682, INRIA. 2015
Reports hal-01121065v1
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Cost-Optimal Execution of Boolean DNF Trees with Shared Streams

Henri Casanova , Lipyeow Lim , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-8616, INRIA. 2014
Reports hal-01079868v2
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Parallel scheduling of task trees with limited memory

Lionel Eyraud-Dubois , Loris Marchal , Oliver Sinnen , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-8606, INRIA. 2014, pp.37
Reports hal-01070356v1
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Scheduling malleable task trees

Loris Marchal , Frédéric Vivien , Bertrand Simon
[Research Report] RR-8587, INRIA. 2014
Reports hal-01059704v1
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Scheduling Trees of Malleable Tasks for Sparse Linear Algebra

Abdou Guermouche , Loris Marchal , Bertrand Simon , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] 8616, ENS Lyon. 2014
Reports hal-01077413v2
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Comments on ''Improving the computing efficiency of HPC systems using a combination of proactive and preventive checkpoint''

Guillaume Aupy , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-8318, INRIA. 2013
Reports hal-00836629v1
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On the Combination of Silent Error Detection and Checkpointing

Guillaume Aupy , Anne Benoit , Thomas Herault , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-8319, INRIA. 2013
Reports hal-00836871v1
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Checkpointing strategies with prediction windows

Guillaume Aupy , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-8239, INRIA. 2013, pp.44
Reports hal-00789109v1
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Checkpointing algorithms and fault prediction

Guillaume Aupy , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-8237, INRIA. 2013, pp.8237
Reports hal-00788313v2
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Cost-Optimal Execution of Trees of Boolean Operators with Shared Streams

Henri Casanova , Lipyeow Lim , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-8373, INRIA. 2013, pp.39
Reports hal-00869340v2
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Mapping Tightly-Coupled Applications on Volatile Resources

Henri Casanova , Fanny Dufossé , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
Reports ensl-00697621v1
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Combining Process Replication and Checkpointing for Resilience on Exascale Systems

Henri Casanova , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-7951, INRIA. 2012
Reports hal-00697180v2
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Using group replication for resilience on exascale systems

Marin Bougeret , Henri Casanova , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-7876, INRIA. 2012
Reports hal-00668016v2
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Scheduling tree-shaped task graphs to minimize memory and makespan

Loris Marchal , Oliver Sinnen , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-8082, INRIA. 2012, pp.21
Reports hal-00740105v1
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Unified Model for Assessing Checkpointing Protocols at Extreme-Scale

George Bosilca , Aurélien Bouteiller , Elisabeth Brunet , Franck Cappello , Jack Dongarra
[Research Report] RR-7950, INRIA. 2012
Reports hal-00696154v2
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On the complexity of scheduling checkpoints for computational workflows

Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-7907, INRIA. 2012
Reports hal-00680386v1
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Impact of fault prediction on checkpointing strategies

Guillaume Aupy , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-8023, INRIA. 2012
Reports hal-00720401v2
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Dynamic Fractional Resource Scheduling vs. Batch Scheduling

Henri Casanova , Mark Stillwell , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-7659, INRIA. 2011
Reports inria-00603091v1
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Checkpointing strategies for parallel jobs

Marin Bougeret , Henri Casanova , Mikael Rabie , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-7520, INRIA. 2011, pp.45
Reports inria-00560582v3
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Virtual Machine Resource Allocation for Service Hosting on Heterogeneous Distributed Platforms

Henri Casanova , Mark Stillwell , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] RR-7772, INRIA. 2011
Reports inria-00634522v1
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Using replication for resilience on exascale systems

Marin Bougeret , Henri Casanova , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien , Dounia Zaidouni
[Research Report] RR-7830, INRIA. 2011
Reports hal-00650325v2
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Scheduling Parallel Iterative Applications on Volatile Resources

Henri Casanova , Fanny Dufossé , Yves Robert , Frédéric Vivien
[Research Report] 2010, pp.19