Neural mechanisms of odour imagery induced by non-figurative visual cues
Gabriela Hossu
Luca Fantin
Céline Charroud
Jacques Felblinger
Muriel Jacquot
Journal articles
Influential factors on the echogenicity of peripheral venous catheters: Insights from an experimental phantom study
Côme Slosse
Gabriela Hossu
Emilien Micard
Hind Hani
Gaëlle Ambroise Grandjean
Journal articles
Do individual constraints induce flexibility of visual field dependence following a virtual immersion? Effects of perceptive style and cybersickness
Luca Fantin
Gwenaelle Ceyte
Elodie Maïni
Gabriela Hossu
Hadrien Ceyte
Journal articles
Effects of Gender and Age on Self-reported Odor Imagery Ability
Luca Fantin
Chloe Pinzano
Cecile Rumeau
Gabriela Hossu
Hadrien Ceyte
Journal articles
New magnetic resonance imaging sequences for fibrosis assessment in Crohn’s disease: a pilot study
Bénédicte Caron
Valérie Laurent
F Odille
Silvio Danese
Gabriela Hossu
Journal articles
Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Assessing Fibrosis in Patients with Crohn’s Disease: A Pilot Study
François Avila
Bénédicte Caron
Gabriela Hossu
Khalid Ambarki
Stephan Kannengiesser
Journal articles
Functional MRI-based study of emotional experience in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: Protocol for an observational case-control study–EMOCRISES study
Pierre Fauvé
Louise Tyvaert
Cyril Husson
Emmanuelle Hologne
Xiaoqing Gao
Journal articles
Évaluation des compétences pour la pratique de la biométrie échographique fœtale : validation prospective du score OSAUS METHOD
G. Ambroise Grandjean
P. Berveiller
G. Hossu
C. Bertholdt
P. Judlin
Journal articles
MR Imaging Biomarkers for Clinical Impairment and Disease Progression in Patients with Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis: A Prospective Study
Romain Gillet
François Zhu
Pierre Padoin
Aymeric Rauch
Gabriela Hossu
Journal articles
In vivo characterization of physiological and metabolic changes related to isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutation expcression by multiparametric MRI and MRS in a rat model with orthotopically grafted human-derived glioblastoma cell lines
Alexandra Clément
Matthieu Doyen
Florence Fauvelle
Gabriela Hossu
Bailiang Chen
Journal articles
Endovascular therapy with or without intravenous thrombolysis in acute stroke with tandem occlusion
Mohammad Anadani
Gaultier Marnat
Arturo Consoli
Panagiotis Papanagiotou
Raul Nogueira
Journal articles
Evaluation of Dorsal Scaphoid Displacement Using Posterior Radioscaphoid Angle in Patients With Suspected Scapholunate Instability: A Preliminary Study
Lionel Athlani
Jonathan Granero
Kamel Rouizi
Gabriela Hossu
Alain Blum
Journal articles
Synthetic MRI is not yet ready for morphologic and functional assessment of patellar cartilage at 1.5 Tesla
C. Vogrig
J.-S. Louis
F. Avila
R. Gillet
G. Hossu
Journal articles
Solitary bone tumor imaging reporting and data system (BTI-RADS): initial assessment of a systematic imaging evaluation and comprehensive reporting method
Guilherme Jaquet Ribeiro
Romain Gillet
Gabriela Hossu
Jean-Michel Trinh
Eve Euxibie
Journal articles
Direct transfer to angiosuite for patients with severe acute stroke treated with thrombectomy: the multicentre randomised controlled DIRECT ANGIO trial protocol
Nolwenn Riou-Comte
François Zhu
Aboubaker Cherifi
Sébastien Richard
Lionel Nace
Journal articles
Evaluation of Dorsal Subluxation of the Scaphoid in Patients With Scapholunate Ligament Tears: A 4D CT Study
Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira
Jean-Baptiste Blanc
Aymeric Rauch
Waled Abou Arab
Gabriela Hossu
Journal articles
Four-Dimensional CT Analysis of Dorsal Intercalated Segment Instability in patients with Suspected Scapholunate Instability
Lionel Athlani
Jonathan Granero
Kamel Rouizi
Gabriela Hossu
Alain Blum
Journal articles
Assessing the neuroanatomy knowledge and spatial ability of radiotherapy technologist undergraduates using an interactive volumetric simulation tool—the RadioLOG project
Guillaume Vogin
Marc Fauvel
Gabriela Hossu
Marine Beaumont
Emilien Micard
Journal articles
Impact of Pretreatment Ischemic Location on Functional Outcome after Thrombectomy
Yu Xie
Julien Oster
Emilien Micard
Bailiang Chen
Ioannis K Douros
Journal articles
Fetal biometry in ultrasound: A new approach to assess the long-term impact of simulation on learning patterns
G. Ambroise Ambroise Grandjean
C. Bertholdt
S. Zuily
M. Fauvel
G. Hossu
Journal articles
Replacement Myocardial Fibrosis in Patients With Mitral Valve Prolapse: Relation to Mitral Regurgitation, Ventricular Remodeling, and Arrhythmia
Anne-Laure Constant Dit Beaufils
Olivier Huttin
Antoine Jobbé-Duval
Thomas Sénage
Laura Filippetti
Journal articles
Do the upper lateral nasal cartilages exist? The concept of septolateral cartilages
M. Varoquier
C. Rumeau
P.A. Vuissoz
M. Perez
G. Hossu
Journal articles
Effect of emergent carotid stenting during endovascular therapy for acute anterior circulation stroke patients with tandem occlusion: A multicenter, randomized, clinical trial (TITAN) protocol
François Zhu
Gabriela Hossu
Marc Soudant
Śebastien Richard
Hamza Achit
Journal articles
Prospective assessment of reproducibility of three-dimensional ultrasound for fetal biometry
Gaëlle Ambroise Grandjean
Paul Berveiller
Gabriela Hossu
P. Noble
Matthieu Chamagne
Journal articles
Metal artifact reduction for intracranial projectiles on post mortem computed tomography
N. Douis
A.S. S Formery
G. Hossu
L. Martrille
M. Kolopp
Journal articles
First trimester screening for pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction using three-dimensional Doppler angiography (SPIRIT): protocol for a multicentre prospective study in nulliparous pregnant women
Charline Bertholdt
Gabriela Hossu
Claire Banasiak
Marine Beaumont
Olivier Morel
Journal articles
Longer Duration of Hypertension and MRI Microvascular Brain Alterations Are Associated with Lower Hippocampal Volumes in Older Individuals with Hypertension
Areti Triantafyllou
Joao Pedro Ferreira
Masatake Kobayashi
Emilien Micard
Yu Xie
Journal articles
Intravoxel incoherent motion MRI for the initial characterization of non-fatty non-vascular soft tissue tumors
P.A. Gondim Teixeira
L. Simon
F. Sirveaux
B. Marie
M. Louis
Journal articles
Predictive factors of functional independence after optimal reperfusion in anterior circulation ischaemic stroke with indication for intravenous thrombolysis plus mechanical thrombectomy
N. Riou‐comte
F. Guillemin
B. Gory
B. Lapergue
F. Zhu
Journal articles
French Vividness of Olfactory Imagery Questionnaire: A Potential Tool for Diagnosing Olfactory Loss by Assessing Olfactory Imagery?
Luca Fantin
Hadrien Ceyte
Zhor Ramdane-Cherif
Muriel Jacquot
Gabriela Hossu
Journal articles
Assessment of scapholunate instability with dynamic computed tomography
Lionel Athlani
Kamel Rouizi
Jonathan Granero
Gabriela Hossu
Alain Blum
Journal articles
Training in fetal ultrasound biometry: Prospective assesment of Objective Structured Assessment of Ultrasound Skills (OSAUS) efficiency
Gaëlle Ambroise Grandjean
Priscillia Gabriel
Gabriela Hossu
S. Zuily
Olivier Morel
Journal articles
The role of infarct location in patients with DWI-ASPECTS 0–5 acute stroke treated with thrombectomy
Pietro Panni
Caterina Michelozzi
Raphael Blanc
Bailiang Chen
Arturo Consoli
Journal articles
Full model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) in abdominal CT increases objective image quality, but decreases subjective acceptance
Gautier Laurent
Nicolas Villani
Gabriela Hossu
Aymeric Rauch
Alain Noël
Journal articles
Impact of Emergent Cervical Carotid Stenting in Tandem Occlusion Strokes Treated by Thrombectomy: A Review of the TITAN Collaboration
François Zhu
Serge Bracard
René Anxionnat
Anne-Laure Derelle
Romain Tonnelet
Journal articles
Evidence-based MR imaging follow-up strategy for desmoid-type fibromatosis
P. A Gondim Teixeira
H. Biouichi
W. Abou Arab
M. Rios
F. Sirveaux
Journal articles
Acute Stroke With Large Ischemic Core Treated by Thrombectomy Predictors of Good Outcome and Mortality
Pietro Panni
Benjamin Gory
Yu Xie
Arturo Consoli
Jean-Philippe Desilles
Journal articles
Comparison between subtalar joint quantitative kinematic 4-D CT parameters in healthy volunteers and patients with joint stiffness or chronic ankle instability: A preliminary study
Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira
Anne-Sophie Formery
Gwenaël Balazuc
Guillaume Lux
Isabelle Loiret
Journal articles
Correlation between tumor growth and hormonal therapy with MR signal characteristics of desmoid-type fibromatosis: A preliminary study
P.A. Gondim Teixeira
A. Chanson
J.-L. Verhaeghe
S. Lecocq
M. Louis
Journal articles
Does Clot Burden Score on Baseline T2*-MRI Impact Clinical Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Treated with Mechanical Thrombectomy?
Imad Derraz
Romain Bourcier
Marc Soudant
Sébastien Soize
Wagih Ben Hassen
Journal articles
Optimization of Fetal Biometry With 3D Ultrasound and Image Recognition (EPICEA): protocol for a prospective cross-sectional study
Gaëlle Ambroise Grandjean
Gabriela Hossu
Claire Banasiak
Cybele Ciofolo-Veit
Caroline Raynaud
Journal articles
Assessment of uteroplacental vascularisation in early first-trimester pregnancy with contrast-enhanced ultrasound and 3D power Doppler angiography: protocol for a prospective, cross-sectional, multicentre and non-randomised open study (“HOPE Study”)
Charline Bertholdt
Marie-Laure Eszto
Mathilde Tournier
Gabriela Hossu
Naoual Mellouki
Journal articles
Effect of workflow metrics on clinical outcomes of low diffusion-weighted imaging Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score (DWI-ASPECTS) patients subjected to mechanical thrombectomy
Pietro Panni
Caterina Michelozzi
Sébastien Richard
Gaultier Marnat
Raphaël Blanc
Journal articles
Artificial intelligence assistance for fetal head biometry: Assessment of automated measurement software
G. Ambroise Grandjean
G. Hossu
C. Bertholdt
P. Noble
O. Morel
Journal articles
Added Value of Bone Subtraction in Dual-energy Digital Radiography in the Detection of Pneumothorax
Ayla Urbaneja
Gauthier Dodin
Gabriela Hossu
Omar Bakour
Rachid Kechidi
Journal articles
A radio-anatomical correlation study of the cisterna chyli
Yohann Renard
Louis de Mestier
Clémence Balaj
Jean-Michel Arnoux
Marc Labrousse
Journal articles
Contrast-Enhanced 3-T Perfusion MRI With Quantitative Analysis for the Characterization of Musculoskeletal Tumors: Is It Worth the Trouble?
Christophe Leplat
Gabriela Hossu
Bailiang Chen
Jacques de Verbizier
Marine Beaumont
Journal articles
Pretreatment lesional volume impacts clinical outcome and thrombectomy efficacy
Yu Xie
Catherine Oppenheim
Francis Guillemin
Vincent Gautheron
Benjamin Gory
Journal articles
Cross-sectional variations of white and grey matter in older hypertensive patients with subjective memory complaints
Ahmed Chetouani
Mohammad B Chawki
Gabriela Hossu
Anna Kearney-Schwartz
Florence Chauveau-Beuret
Journal articles
A face identity hallucination (palinopsia) generated by intracerebral stimulation of the face-selective right lateral fusiform cortex
Jacques Jonas
Hélène Brissart
Gabriela Hossu
Sophie Colnat-Coulbois
Jean-Pierre Vignal
Journal articles
Impact of microvascular obstruction on left ventricular local remodeling after reperfused myocardial infarction
Lin Zhang
Damien Mandry
Bailiang Chen
Olivier Huttin
Gabriela Hossu
Journal articles
A guide for effective anatomical vascularization studies: usefulex vivomethods for both CT and MRI imaging before dissection
Yohann Renard
Gabriela Hossu
Bailiang Chen
Marine Krebs
Marc Labrousse
Journal articles
Effectiveness of an Integrated Video Recording and Replaying System in Robotic Surgical Training
Kun Yang
Manuela Perez
Nicolas Hubert
Gabriela Hossu
Cyril Perrenot
Journal articles
Evidence-based recommendations for musculoskeletal kinematic 4D-CT studies using wide area-detector scanners: a phantom study with cadaveric correlation
Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira
Anne-Sophie Formery
Gabriela Hossu
Daniel Winninger
Toufik Batch
Journal articles
Quantitative analysis of scapholunate diastasis using stress speckle-tracking sonography: a proof-of-concept and feasibility study
Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira
Sammy Badr
Gabriela Hossu
Guillaume Lefebvre
Waled Abou Arab
Journal articles
Memory Alterations and White Matter Hyperintensities in Elderly Patients With Hypertension: The ADELAHYDE-2 Study
João Pedro Ferreira
Anna Kearney Schwartz
Ghassan Watfa
Lamiral Zohra
Jacques Felblinger
Journal articles
Radiology resident MR and CT image analysis skill assessment using an interactive volumetric simulation tool – the RadioLOG project
Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira
Romain Cendre
Gabriela Hossu
Christophe Leplat
Jacques Felblinger
Journal articles
“Alarm-corrected” ergonomic armrest use could improve learning curves of novices on robotic simulator
Kun Yang
Manuela Perez
Gabriela Hossu
Nicolas Hubert
Cyril Perrenot
Journal articles
Protocol optimization of sacroiliac joint MR Imaging at 3 Tesla: Impact of coil design and motion resistant sequences on image quality
A. Gondim Teixeira
M. Bravetti
G. Hossu
S. Lecocq
D. Petit
Journal articles
Qualitative 3-T Proton MR Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Musculoskeletal Neoplasms: Update on Diagnostic Performance and Indications
Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira
Maxime Ledrich
François Kauffmann
John Mbapte Wamba
Jacques Felblinger
Journal articles
Development of a biometric method to estimate age on hand radiographs
Floriane Remy
Gabriela Hossu
Romain Cendre
Emilien Micard
Laurence Mainard-Simard
Journal articles
The face-processing network Is resilient to focal resection of human visual cortex
Kevin Weiner
Jacques Jonas
Jesse Gomez
Louis Maillard
Hélène Brissart
Journal articles
Optimizing z-axis coverage of abdominal CT scans of the urinary tract: a proposed alternative proximal landmark for acquisition planning
Alban Gervaise
Pedro Teixeira
Gabriela Hossu
Alain Blum
Marie Lapierre-Combes
Journal articles
Utero-placental vascularisation in normal and preeclamptic and intra-uterine growth restriction pregnancies: third trimester quantification using 3D power Doppler with comparison to placental vascular morphology (EVUPA): a prospective controlled study
Jie Duan
Anne-Claire Chabot-Lecoanet
Estelle Perdriolle-Galet
Christophe Christov
Gabriela Hossu
Journal articles
Grey-Matter Metabolism in Relation with White-Matter Lesions in Older Hypertensive Patients with Subjective Memory Complaints: A Pilot Voxel-Based Analysis Study
Antoine Verger
Gabriela Hossu
Anna Kearney-Schwartz
Serge Bracard
Véronique Roch
Journal articles
MDCT features of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in non-cirrhotic liver
M. Lafitte
V. Laurent
P. Soyer
A. Ayav
C. Balaj
Journal articles
Temporal epilepsy lesions may be detected by the voxel-based quantitative analysis of brain FDG-PET images using an original block-matching normalization software
Antoine Verger
Yalcin Yagdigul
Axel van Der Gucht
Sylvain Poussier
Eric Guedj
Journal articles
Aortic compliance variation in long male distance triathletes: A new insight into the athlete’s artery?
Anne-Charlotte Dupont
Mathias Poussel
Gabriela Hossu
Pierre-Yves Marie
Bruno Chenuel
Journal articles
Age-related changes in FDG brain uptake are more accurately assessed when applying an adaptive template to the SPM method of voxel-based quantitative analysis
Axel van Der Gucht
Antoine Verger
Eric Guedj
Grégoire Malandain
Gabriela Hossu
Journal articles
Is High Temporal Resolution Achievable for Paediatric Cardiac Acquisitions during Several Heart Beats? Illustration with Cardiac Phase Contrast Cine-MRI
Laurent Bonnemains
Freddy Odille
Christophe Meyer
Gabriella Hossu
Jacques Felblinger
Journal articles
Impact of ROI Positioning and Lesion Morphology on Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Analysis for the Differentiation Between Benign and Malignant Nonfatty Soft-Tissue Lesions
Chloé Bonarelli
Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira
Gabriela Hossu
Jean-Baptiste Meyer
Bailiang Chen
Journal articles
Beyond the core face-processing network: Intracerebral stimulation of a face-selective area in the right anterior fusiform gyrus elicits transient prosopagnosia
Jacques Jonas
Bruno Rossion
Hélène Brissart
Solène Frismand
Corentin Jacques
Journal articles
Advanced Techniques in Musculoskeletal Oncology: Perfusion, Diffusion, and Spectroscopy
Pedro Teixeira
Marine Beaumont
Hossu Gabriela
Chen Bailiang
Jean-Luc Verhaeghe
Journal articles
Central pulse pressure is a determinant of heart and brain remodeling in the elderly
Antoine Verger
Axel van Der Gucht
Eric Guedj
Pierre-Yves Marie
Gabriela Hossu
Journal articles
Influence of Calcium on Choline Measurements by 1H MR Spectroscopy of Thigh Muscles
Pedro Teixeira
Gabriela Hossu
François Kauffmann
Anou Sewonu
Jean-Marc Constans
Journal articles
Bone Marrow Edema Pattern Identification in Patients With Lytic Bone Lesions Using Digital Subtraction Angiography–Like Bone Subtraction on Large-Area Detector Computed Tomography
Pedro Augusto Gondim Teixeira
Gabriela Hossu
Sophie Lecocq
Marco Razeto
Matthias Louis
Journal articles
Diagnostic and prognostic value of MRI T2 quantification
in heart transplant patients
Laurent Bonnemains
Thibaut Villemin
Jean-Marie Escanye
Gabriela Hossu
Freddy Odille
Journal articles
An automatic MRI quality control procedure: Multisite reports for slice thickness and geometric accuracy
A. Sewonu
G. Hossu
J. Felblinger
R. Anxionnat
C. Pasquier
Journal articles
Prior experience in micro-surgery may improve the surgeon's performance in robotic surgical training
Manuela Perez
Cyril Perrenot
Nguyen Tran
Gabriela Hossu
Jacques Felblinger
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2013, 9 (3), pp.351 - 358. ⟨10.1002/rcs.1499⟩
Journal articles