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Gael Maranzana




A practical method for the in-situ estimation of the effective thermal resistance of gas diffusion layers in PEMFC

Valentin Leduc , Giuseppe Sdanghi , Rémi Bligny , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean
Electrochimica Acta, 2024, 505, pp.145001. ⟨10.1016/j.electacta.2024.145001⟩
Journal articles hal-04766976v1
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Investigation of membranes-electrodes assemblies in anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs): Influence of ionomer ratio in catalyst layers

Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Jérôme Dillet , Kévin Mozet , Régis Peignier
Journal articles hal-04780890v1
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On the contact resistance between the anode and the porous transport layer in a proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer

Toni Srour , Kavita Kumar , Vincent Martin , Laetitia Dubau , Frédéric Maillard
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 58, pp.351-361. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.01.134⟩
Journal articles hal-04414456v1

An innovative water management system for the electrochemical compression of hydrogen up to 10 MPa

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Jérome Dillet , Moritz Branco , Thomas Prouvé , G. Maranzana
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 87, pp.117-129. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.09.019⟩
Journal articles hal-04766963v1
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The Influence of Ink Formulation and Preparation on the Performance of Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell

Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Jérôme Dillet , Kévin Mozet , Régis Peignier
Energies, 2023, 16, ⟨10.3390/en16227519⟩
Journal articles hal-04780990v1

In-situ estimation of water transfer parameters in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell

Rémi Bligny , Tobias Schmitt , Jérôme Dillet , Feina Xu , Sophie Didierjean
Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 560, pp.232719. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.232719⟩
Journal articles hal-04414517v1
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Recent progress in heteroatom doped carbon based electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in anion exchange membrane fuel cells

Rambabu Gutru , Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Ravikumar Thimmappa
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48, pp.3593 - 3631. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.10.177⟩
Journal articles hal-03867056v1
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Numerical simulation of a thermally driven hydrogen compressor as a performance optimization tool

Vincent Nicolas , G Sdanghi , K Mozet , S Schaefer , Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles hal-03849414v1
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Direct borohydride fuel cells: A selected review of their reaction mechanisms, electrocatalysts, and influence of operating parameters on their performance

Alexandr Oshchepkov , Antoine Bonnefont , Gaël Maranzana , Elena R Savinova , Marian Chatenet
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2022, 32, pp.100883. ⟨10.1016/j.coelec.2021.100883⟩
Journal articles hal-03494479v1
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Manufacturing catalyst-coated membranes by ultrasonic spray deposition for PEMFC: Identification of key parameters and their impact on PEMFC performance

Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Jérôme Dillet , Kévin Mozet , Regis Peignier
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47 (36), pp.16165-16178. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.03.043⟩
Journal articles hal-03786956v1
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Fuel cell management system: An approach to increase its durability

Milad Bahrami , Jean-Philippe Martin , Gaël Maranzana , Serge Pierfederici , Mathieu Weber
Applied Energy, 2022, 306, pp.118070. ⟨10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.118070⟩
Journal articles hal-03469589v1

Heterogeneous current and concentration distributions in a redox flow battery: Influence on the cell voltage

F Zhang , M Cazot , G. Maranzana , J. Dillet , S Didierjean
Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 55, ⟨10.1016/j.est.2022.105704⟩
Journal articles hal-03792611v1
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Insights into the electrocatalytic behavior of nitrogen and sulfur co-doped carbon nanotubes toward oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media

Gutru Rambabu , Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Mélanie Emo
Journal of Materials Science, 2022, 57 (35), pp.16739-16754. ⟨10.1007/s10853-022-07653-3⟩
Journal articles hal-03786957v1

Modeling a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Cell by Cell: Illustration of a Mechanism for the Propagation of Degradations

Sophie Didierjean , M. Bahrami , R. Bligny , J. Dillet , Jean-Philippe Martin
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168 (9), pp.094507. ⟨10.1149/1945-7111/ac2686⟩
Journal articles hal-03483327v1
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Synthesis of metallic nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis: Application to the Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell

Fabrice Asonkeng , Gaël Maranzana , Julien Proust , Manuel François , Léa Le Joncour
Applied Catalysis A : General, 2021, 618, pp.118117. ⟨10.1016/j.apcata.2021.118117⟩
Journal articles hal-03194903v1
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A Step Forward in Understanding the Hydrogen Adsorption and Compression on Activated Carbons

Pamela Ramirez-Vidal , Rafael L S Canevesi , Giuseppe Sdanghi , Sébastien Schaefer , Gaël Maranzana
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13 (10), pp.12562-12574. ⟨10.1021/acsami.0c22192⟩
Journal articles hal-03161863v1
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Towards Non-Mechanical Hybrid Hydrogen Compression for Decentralized Hydrogen Facilities

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Gaël Maranzana , Alain Celzard , Vanessa Fierro
Energies, 2020, 13 (12), pp.3145. ⟨10.3390/en13123145⟩
Journal articles hal-02887718v1
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Oxygen-promoted hydrogen adsorption on activated and hybrid carbon materials

Sébastien Schaefer , Asma Jeder , Giuseppe Sdanghi , Philippe Gadonneix , A. Abdedayem
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45 (55), pp.30767-30782. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.08.114⟩
Journal articles hal-03042020v1
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A 70 MPa hydrogen thermally driven compressor based on cyclic adsorption-desorption on activated carbon

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Nicolas Vincent , Kevin Mozet , Sébastien Schaefer , Gaël Maranzana
Carbon, 2020, 161, pp.466-478. ⟨10.1016/j.carbon.2020.01.099⟩
Journal articles hal-02484434v1

Nickel 3D Structures Enhanced by Electrodeposition of Nickel Nanoparticles as High Performance Anodes for Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells

Guillaume Braesch , Alexandr Oshchepkov , Antoine Bonnefont , Fabrice Asonkeng , Thomas Maurer
ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7 (7), pp.1789-1799. ⟨10.1002/celc.202000254⟩
Journal articles hal-02547431v1
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Influence of the porous transport layer properties on the mass and charge transfer in a segmented PEM electrolyzer

Julian Parra-Restrepo , Rémi Bligny , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Didier Stemmelen
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45 (15), pp.8094-8106. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.01.100⟩
Journal articles hal-03012034v1
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A comprehensive review on water management strategies and developments in anion exchange membrane fuel cells

Rambabu Gutru , Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Brigitte Vigolo
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45 (38), pp.19642 - 19663. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.05.026⟩
Journal articles hal-02931551v1
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Spatially Resolved Analysis of an Organic Alkaline RFB to Investigate the Influence of the Operating Conditions

Mathilde Cazot , Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Kieran Dale , Sophie Didierjean
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167 (10), ⟨10.1149/1945-7111/ab9b94⟩
Journal articles hal-02878399v1

Multi-Stack Lifetime Improvement through Adapted Power Electronic Architecture in a Fuel Cell Hybrid System

Milad Bahrami , Jean-Philippe Martin , Gaël Maranzana , Serge Pierfederici , Mathieu Weber
Mathematics , 2020, 8 (5), pp.739. ⟨10.3390/math8050739⟩
Journal articles hal-02885183v1

Upscaled Model for Multicomponent Gas Transport in Porous Media Incorporating Slip Effect

Christian Moyne , Tien Dung Le , Gaël Maranzana
Transport in Porous Media, 2020, 135 (2), pp.309-330. ⟨10.1007/s11242-020-01478-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02984096v1

Series hybrid fuel cell/supercapacitor power source

A. Siangsanoh , M. Bahrami , W. Kaewmanee , R. Gavagsaz-Ghoachani , M. Phattanasak
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2020, ⟨10.1016/j.matcom.2020.02.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02885195v1
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Measuring electro-osmotic drag coefficients in PFSA membranes without any diffusion assumption

R.C. Sellin , K. Mozet , A. Ménage , J. Dillet , Sophie Didierjean
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.07.076⟩
Journal articles hal-02279170v1
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Nickel Metal Nanoparticles as Anode Electrocatalysts for Highly Efficient Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells

Alexandr Oshchepkov , Guillaume Braesch , Salem Ould-Amara , Gholamreza Rostamikia , Gaël Maranzana
ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9 (9), pp.8520-8528. ⟨10.1021/acscatal.9b01616⟩
Journal articles hal-02385910v1

Spatially resolved degradation during startup and shutdown in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell operation

S. Komini Babu , D. Spernjak , J. Dillet , A. Lamibrac , G. Maranzana
Applied Energy, 2019, 254, pp.113659. ⟨10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113659⟩
Journal articles hal-02274742v1

Hybrid maximum power point tracking algorithm with improved dynamic performance

Milad Bahrami , Roghayeh Gavagsaz-Ghoachani , Majid Zandi , Matheepot Phattanasak , Gaël Maranzana
Renewable Energy, 2019, 130, pp.982 - 991. ⟨10.1016/j.renene.2018.07.020⟩
Journal articles hal-01862676v1
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Operating heterogeneities within a direct borohydride fuel cell

S. Ould-Amara , J. Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Marian Chatenet , G. Maranzana
Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 439, pp.227099. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2019.227099⟩
Journal articles hal-02385922v1
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Modelling of a hydrogen thermally driven compressor based on cyclic adsorption-desorption on activated carbon

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Nicolas Vincent , Kevin Mozet , Sébastien Schaefer , Gaël Maranzana
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44 (31), pp.16811-16823. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.04.233⟩
Journal articles hal-02186775v1
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Application of the modified Dubinin-Astakhov equation for a better understanding of high-pressure hydrogen adsorption on activated carbons

Giuseppe Sdanghi , S. Schaefer , G. Maranzana , A. Celzard , V. Fierro
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 45 (48), pp.25912-25926. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.09.240⟩
Journal articles hal-02357721v1
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Feasibility of Hydrogen Compression in an Electrochemical System: Focus on Water Transport Mechanisms

Giuseppe Sdanghi , J. Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , V. Fierro , G. Maranzana
Journal articles hal-02357725v1
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Review of the current technologies and performances of hydrogen compression for stationary and automotive applications

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Gaël Maranzana , Alain Celzard , Vanessa Fierro
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 102, pp.150-170. ⟨10.1016/j.rser.2018.11.028⟩
Journal articles hal-02014572v1
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Symmetric-cell characterization of the redox flow battery system: Application to the detection of degradations

Mathilde Cazot , Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Florent Beille , Thibault Godet-Bar
Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 321, pp.134705. ⟨10.1016/j.electacta.2019.134705⟩
Journal articles hal-02279165v1
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De nouvelles technologies de l’énergie en rupture ?

Hervé Bercegol , Sophie Didierjean , Mathieu Etienne , François Kalaydjian , Jean Le Bideau
Annales des mines - Série Responsabilité et environnement, 2019, ⟨10.3917/re1.095.0062⟩
Journal articles hal-02357604v1
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Design and modeling of an equalizer for fuel cell energy management systems

Milad Bahrami , Jean-Philippe Martin , Gaël Maranzana , Serge Pierfederici , Mathieu Weber
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019, 158, pp.1-1. ⟨10.1109/TPEL.2019.2899150⟩
Journal articles hal-02178404v1
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Measurement of protonic resistance of catalyst layers as a tool for degradation monitoring

Thomas Gaumont , G. Maranzana , Olivier Lottin , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42 (3), pp.1800-1812. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.10.035⟩
Journal articles hal-01744069v1

Local potential evolutions during proton exchange membrane fuel cell operation with dead-ended anode – Part II: Aging mitigation strategies based on water management and nitrogen crossover

S. Abbou , J. Dillet , G. Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Olivier Lottin
Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 340, pp.419-427. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.10.045⟩
Journal articles hal-03172086v1

Local potential evolutions during proton exchange membrane fuel cell operation with dead-ended anode – Part I: Impact of water diffusion and nitrogen crossover

S. Abbou , J. Dillet , G. Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Olivier Lottin
Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 340, pp.337-346. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.11.079⟩
Journal articles hal-03172089v1

In Operando and Local Estimation of the Effective Humidity of PEMFC Electrodes and Membranes

Thomas Gaumont , Gaël Maranzana , Olivier Lottin , Jérôme Dillet , Laure Guétaz
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164 (14), pp.F1535 - F1542. ⟨10.1149/2.0161714jes⟩
Journal articles hal-01687915v1

Less-Nafion electrodes based on PSSA-Pt/Vulcan catalyst for PEM fuel cells

Yuzhen Xia , Caroline Bonnet , Sébastien Fontana , Alexandre Desforges , Gaël Maranzana
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 767, pp.1 - 6. ⟨10.1016/j.jelechem.2016.01.024⟩
Journal articles hal-01410295v1

Perfluorosulfonic acid membrane degradation in the hydrogen inlet region: A macroscopic approach

Gilles de Moor , C. Bas , N. Charvin , Jérôme Dillet , Gaël Maranzana
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41 (1), pp.483 - 496. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.10.066⟩
Journal articles hal-01410704v1

Startup (and Shutdown) Model for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Gaël Maranzana , Adrien Lamibrac , Jérôme Dillet , Sofyane Abbou , Sophie Didierjean
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162 (7), pp.F694-F706. ⟨10.1149/2.0451507jes⟩
Journal articles hal-01417570v1

Experimental Results with Fuel Cell Start-up and Shut-down. Impact of Type of Carbon for Cathode Catalyst Support

Olivier Lottin , Jérôme Dillet , Gaël Maranzana , Sofyane Abbou , Sophie Didierjean
ECS Transactions, 2015, 69 (17), pp.1065 - 1074. ⟨10.1149/06917.1065ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01431582v1

Theoretical evidence of the difference in kinetics of water sorption and desorption in Nafion® membrane and experimental validation

Sophie Didierjean , Jean-Christophe Perrin , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Mathieu Klein
Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 300, pp.50 - 56. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.09.053⟩
Journal articles hal-01431793v1

Various Scales of Aging Heterogeneities upon PEMFC Operation – A Link between Local MEA Materials Degradation and the Cell Performance

Laetitia Dubau , Julien Durst , Luis Castanheira , Frédéric Maillard , Adrien Lamibrac
ECS Transactions, 2015, 69 (17), pp.133-146. ⟨10.1149/06917.0133ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01417575v1

Impact of Water Management on Local Potential Evolutions during PEM Fuel Cell Operation with Dead-Ended Anode

Sofyane Abbou , Jérôme Dillet , Gaël Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Olivier Lottin
ECS Transactions, 2015, 69 (17), pp.1267 - 1276. ⟨10.1149/06917.1267ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01431622v1

An ex-situ experiment to study the two-phase flow induced by water condensation into the channels of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC)

Vincent Coeuriot , Jérôme Dillet , Gaël Maranzana , Olivier Lottin , Sophie Didierjean
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40 (22), pp.7192 - 7203. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.04.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01417582v1

High Potential Excursions during PEM Fuel Cell Operation with Dead-Ended Anode

Sofyane Abbou , Jérôme Dillet , D. Spernjak , R. Mukundan , R. L. Borup
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162 (10), pp.F1212-F1220. ⟨10.1149/2.0511510jes⟩
Journal articles hal-01417589v1

Influence of the Interfacial Water Transfer on the Analysis of Dynamic Sorption and Desorption Experiments in Nafion® Membrane

Sophie Didierjean , Jean-Christophe Perrin , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Julia Mainka
ECS Transactions, 2015, 69 (17), pp.927-941. ⟨10.1149/06917.0927ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01417580v1

Thermal and water transfer in PEMFCs: Investigating the role of the microporous layer

Anthony Thomas , Gaël Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Jérôme Dillet , Olivier Lottin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39 (6), pp.2649 - 2658. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.11.105⟩
Journal articles hal-01418287v1

Impact of flow rates and electrode specifications on degradations during repeated startups and shutdowns in polymer-electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Jérôme Dillet , D. Spernjak , Adrien Lamibrac , Gaël Maranzana , Rangachary Mukundan
Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 250, pp.68 - 79. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.10.141⟩
Journal articles hal-01418291v1

On the estimation of high frequency parameters of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Julia Mainka , Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Olivier Lottin
Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 253, pp.381 - 391. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.12.064⟩
Journal articles hal-01418284v1

A review of PEM fuel cell durability: materials degradation, local heterogeneities of aging and possible mitigation strategies

Laetitia Dubau , Luis Castanheira , Marian Chatenet , Frédéric Maillard , Jérôme Dillet
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 2014, 3 (6), pp.540-560. ⟨10.1002/wene.113⟩
Journal articles hal-01418286v1

Time Evolution of Local Potentials during PEM Fuel Cell Operation with Dead-Ended Anode

Sofyane Abbou , Jérôme Dillet , Dusan Spernjak , Rangachary Mukundan , Joseph D. Fairweather
ECS Transactions, 2013, 58 (1), pp.1631-1642. ⟨10.1149/05801.1631ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01431050v1

Degradation heterogeneities induced by repetitive start/stop events in proton exchange membrane fuel cell: Inlet vs. outlet and channel vs. land

Julien Durst , Adrien Lamibrac , Frédéric Charlot , Jérôme Dillet , Luis F. Castanheira
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 138–139, pp.416 - 426. ⟨10.1016/j.apcatb.2013.03.021⟩
Journal articles hal-01427471v1

Numerical Model of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Startup and Shutdown

Gaël Maranzana , Adrien Lamibrac , Jérôme Dillet , Sofyane Abbou , Sophie Didierjean
ECS Transactions, 2013, 58 (1), pp.1619-1630. ⟨10.1149/05801.1619ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01431060v1

Measurements of Electrode Temperatures, Heat and Water Fluxes in PEMFCs: Conclusions about Transfer Mechanisms

Anthony Thomas , Gaël Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Jérôme Dillet , Olivier Lottin
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2013, 160 (2), pp.F191 - F204. ⟨10.1149/2.006303jes⟩
Journal articles hal-01431356v1

Modeling Oxygen Concentration Oscillation in the Gas Channel of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: A Comparison between Numerical and Analytical Approaches

Philippe Guillemet , Gaël Maranzana , Julia Mainka , Adrien Lamibrac , Jérôme Dillet
ECS Transactions, 2013, 50 (2), pp.87-98. ⟨10.1149/05002.0087ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01430697v1

Internal Currents, CO2 Emissions and Decrease of the Pt Electrochemical Surface Area during Fuel Cell Start-Up and Shut-Down

Jérôme Dillet , Adrien Lamibrac , Gaël Maranzana , Julien Durst , Dusan Spernjak
ECS Transactions, 2013, 50 (2), pp.701-710. ⟨10.1149/05002.0701ecst⟩
Journal articles hal-01430707v1
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One-dimensional Model of Oxygen Transport Impedance Accounting for Convection Perpendicular to the Electrode

J. Mainka , G. Maranzana , A. Thomas , J. Dillet , S. Didierjean
Fuel Cells, 2012, 12 (5), pp.848 - 861. ⟨10.1002/fuce.201100193⟩
Journal articles hal-01486130v1

A proton exchange membrane fuel cell impedance model taking into account convection along the air channel: On the bias between the low frequency limit of the impedance and the slope of the polarization curve

Gaël Maranzana , Julia Mainka , Olivier Lottin , Jérôme Dillet , Adrien Lamibrac
Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 83, pp.13 - 27. ⟨10.1016/j.electacta.2012.07.065⟩
Journal articles hal-01567953v1

Experimental characterization of internal currents during the start-up of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell

A. Lamibrac , G. Maranzana , O. Lottin , J. Dillet , J. Mainka
Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196 (22), pp.9451 - 9458. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.07.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01567998v1
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Effect of Oxygen Depletion Along the Air Channel of a PEMFC on the Warburg Diffusion Impedance

J. Mainka , G. Maranzana , J. Dillet , S. Didierjean , O. Lottin
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157 (11), pp.B1561-B1568. ⟨10.1149/1.3481560⟩
Journal articles hal-01568014v1

Direct observation of the two-phase flow in the air channel of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell and of the effects of a clogging/unclogging sequence on the current density distribution

Jérôme Dillet , Olivier Lottin , Gaël Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Delphine Conteau
Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195 (9), pp.2795-2799. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.10.103⟩
Journal articles hal-00799565v1

Modelling the operation of polymer exchange membrane fuel cell in the presence of electrodes flooding

O. Lottin , B. Antoine , T. Colinart , S. Didierjean , G. Maranzana
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2009, 48 (1), pp.133-145
Journal articles hal-00494437v1
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A Simple Alternative to the Expression of Finite Warburg Diffusion Impedance in Porous Electrodes by Considering Oxygen Consumption Along the Air Channel

Julia Mainka , Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Olivier Lottin
ECS Transactions, 2009, ECS Transactions, 19 (32), pp.33-46. ⟨10.1149/1.3268160⟩
Journal articles hal-01568043v1

Modelling of the operation of Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells in the presence of electrodes flooding

O. Lottin , B. Antoine , T. Colinart , S. Didierjean , G. Maranzana
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2009, 48 (1), pp.133 - 145. ⟨10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2008.03.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01814397v1

Modelling of the operation of Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells in the presence of electrodes flooding

O. Lottin , B. Antoine , T. Colinart , S. Didierjean , G. Maranzana
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2009, 48 (1), pp.133-145. ⟨10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2008.03.013⟩
Journal articles hal-03790857v1

Transport in PFSA membranes

T. Colinart , S. Didierjean , O. Lottin , G. Maranzana , C. Moyne
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2008, 155 (3), pp.B244-B257
Journal articles hal-00494958v1

Magnetic resonance imaging of water distribution and production in a 6 cm2 PEMFC under operation

Jerome Bedet , Gaël Maranzana , Sebastien Leclerc , Olivier Lottin , Christian Moyne
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33 (12), pp.3146-3149. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2008.01.053⟩
Journal articles hal-00298490v1

A multi-instrumented polymer exchange membrane fuel cell. Observation of the in-plane non homogeneities

G. Maranzana , O. Lottin , T. Colinart , S. Chupin , S. Didierjean
Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 180 (2), pp.748-754
Journal articles hal-00494964v1

Étude du comportement de l'eau dans une pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse d'ions (PEMFC) : étude par RMN et IRM

Jerome Bedet , Pierre Mutzenhardt , Daniel Canet , Gaël Maranzana , Sebastien Leclerc
Comptes Rendus. Chimie, 2008, 11 (4-5), pp.465-473. ⟨10.1016/j.crci.2007.07.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00298304v1

Design optimization of a spreader heat sink for power electronics

Gaël Maranzana , Isabelle Perry , Denis Maillet , Stéphane Rael
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2004, 43 (1), pp.21 - 29. ⟨10.1016/S1290-0729(03)00107-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01761145v1

Estimation in-situ de la conductivité thermique de la GDL dans les PEMFCs

Valentin Leduc , Giuseppe Sdanghi , Rémi Bligny , Jérôme Dillet , Gaël Maranzana
4ème Plenières de la Féderation Hydrogène, Oct 2024, La grande motte, France
Conference papers hal-04767009v1

TiNx based protective coatings for corrosion protection of 316L stainless steel bipolar plates under PEMWE anode-like conditions

Khaoula Chergui , Benoit Lescop , Michel Prestat , Varvara Helbert , Flavien Vucko
EuroCORR, Sep 2024, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04709661v1

Couplage d’un compresseur électrochimique et d’un sécheur passif à membrane polymère pour la compression d’hydrogène jusqu’à 100 bar

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Jérôme Dillet , Thomas Prouvé , Moritz Branco , Gaël Maranzana
4ème Plenieres de la Féderation Hydrogen, Oct 2024, La grande motte, France
Conference papers hal-04766992v1

Degradation study of Pt3Co catalytic layers in 25 cm² Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell setup – A segmented cell and material study

Raphaël Riasse , Jérôme Dillet , Julien Durst , Laetitia Dubau , Gaël Maranzana
74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, International Society of Electrochemistry, Sep 2023, Lyon, France. pp.ise232584
Conference papers hal-04172124v1

Innovative Oxide Catalyst for next PEMFC generation

Marine Elmaalouf , Soumya Atmane , Jérôme Dillet , Feina Xu , Amael Caillard
9th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2023), Sep 2023, Ulm, Germany
Conference papers hal-04291623v1

Two-Phase Flow Through the PTL of PEM Water Electrolyzer: MRI Experiments and Numerical Modeling Using Phase-Field Theory

Bilal Amoury , Tien Dung Le , Sebastien Leclerc , Jérôme Dillet , Gaël Maranzana
244th ECS Meeting (ElectroChemical Society), Oct 2023, Göteborg, Sweden. pp.167
Conference papers hal-04311779v1

Development of a hydrogen electrochemical compression system for Joule-Thomson Cryocooler

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Jérôme Dillet , Thomas Prouvé , Moritz Branco , Gaël Maranzana
8th European Space Cryogenics Workshop, Jun 2023, Noordiwjk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04317117v1

Développement d’un compresseur électrochimique pour des applications aérospatiales

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Jérôme Dillet , Thomas Prouvé , Moritz Branco , Gaël Maranzana
3 Plenières de la Federation Hydrogène, Féderation Hydrogène, May 2023, Saint-Gilles, La Réunion
Conference papers hal-04317113v1
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Effect of a PTL Coating and The Clamping Pressure on The Performance of a PEM Electrolyzer Cell

Toni Srour , Kavita Kumar , Frédéric Maillard , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean
243rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, The Electrochemical Society, May 2023, Boston, United States
Conference papers hal-04206603v1

A Lumped Model of Water and Heat Transport in a PEMFC Fuel Cell and the Associated Methods for Estimating the Effective Transport Parameters

Rémi Bligny , Valentin Leduc , Giuseppe Sdanghi , Jérôme Dillet , Feina Xu
244th ECS Meeting, Oct 2023, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference papers hal-04311764v1

Optimization of Ionomer Content in Membrane Electrode Assemblies and Its Impact on the Performance in Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Régis Peignier , Alain Celzard , Gaël Maranzana
242nd ECS Meeting, ECS, Oct 2022, Atlanta (Georgia), United States. pp.1624-1624, ⟨10.1149/MA2022-02431624mtgabs⟩
Conference papers hal-04029784v1
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Study of the kinetic reactions of formate dehydrogenase within an electrode

Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Christophe Innocent
Rencontres de Chimie Physique 2021- SCF 2021 (RCP21) 20-23 septembre 2021, Sète (34), Sep 2021, Sète, France
Conference papers hal-03461628v1

The CCM fabrication: identification of key parameters and its impact on PEMFC performances

Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Jérôme Dillet , Kevin Mozet , Regis Peignier
1ère Réunions Plénières de la Fédération HYDROGENE (FRH2) du CNRS, May 2021, visioconférence, France
Conference papers hal-03521481v1

Electrodeposited Ni-Based Electrodes for High-Performance Borohydride Oxidation Reaction

Guillaume Braesch , Alexandr G. Oshchepkov , Antoine Bonnefont , Gaël Maranzana , Gholamreza Rostamikia
239th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society - 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, May 2021, Chicago, United States
Conference papers hal-03194907v1

Borohydride Electrooxidation (BOR) on Nickel: Towards Understanding of the Reaction Mechanism

Guillaume Braesch , Marian Chatenet , Alexandr G. Oshchepkov , Gholamreza Rostamikia , Gaël Maranzana
71th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Sep 2020, Belgrade, Serbia
Conference papers hal-02953376v1
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Modélisation d'un compresseur à hydrogène par adsorption / désorption cyclique sur charbon actif

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Nicolas Vincent , Kevin Mozet , Gaël Maranzana , Alain Celzard
28e Congrès Français de Thermique, Jun 2020, Belfort, France
Conference papers hal-03042333v1

Hybrid power electronics architecture to implement the fuel cell management system

Milad Bahrami , Jean-Philippe Martin , Gaël Maranzana , Serge Pierfederici , Farid Meibody-Tabar
2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Oct 2020, Detroit, United States. pp.1552-1559, ⟨10.1109/ECCE44975.2020.9235418⟩
Conference papers hal-03190953v1

High-Performance Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells Using Non-PGM Electrocatalysts

Guillaume Braesch , Marian Chatenet , Alexandr G. Oshchepkov , Antoine Bonnefont , Gaël Maranzana
238th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society - PRiME 2020 meeting, Oct 2020, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers hal-02953388v1
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Operating heterogeneities in a PEM Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Vanessa Fierro , Gaël Maranzana
8th International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells 2019, Feb 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-02186747v1

Pros and cons of direct borohydride fuel cells: an electrocatalysis and electrocatalysts prospect

Guillaume Braesch , Clémence Lafforgue , Elena Romanovna Savinova , Antoine Bonnefont , Gaël Maranzana
Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2019), Feb 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-02426863v1

Operating Heterogeneities Along a Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell

Salem Ould Amara , Marian Chatenet , Sophie Didierjean , Jérôme Dillet , Gaël Maranzana
25th Topical ISE Meeting of the International Society of electrochemistry, May 2019, Toledo, Spain
Conference papers hal-02426847v1

Controllability Insurance of the Boost Converters Dedicated to Fuel Cell Management System

Milad Bahrami , Jean-Philippe Martin , Gaël Maranzana , Serge Pierfederici , Farid Meibodi-Tabar
Electrimacs 2019, May 2019, Salerno, Italy. pp.273-286, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-56970-9_21⟩
Conference papers hal-03193209v1
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Experimental evidence of local heterogeneities in a PEM Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Vanessa Fierro , Gaël Maranzana
European Fuel Cells Forum 2019, Jul 2019, Lucerne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02186543v1

Modélisation d’une cellule PEM dans son environnement stack

Gaël Maranzana , Milad Bahrami , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean , Serge Pierfederici
Réunion du GDR 3652 du CNRS HySpàC (hydrogène, Systèmes et Pile à Combustible), May 2018, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01919869v1

1D electrode model for half-cell characterization of a redox flow battery,

Mathilde Cazot , Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean
The International Flow Battery Forum (IFBF), Jul 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01919862v1

Axane commitment for a sustainable, reliable, and field proven power source through partnership with laboratories and design efforts

Johan André , N. Caque , Elisabeth Rossinot , Eric Claude , Marian Chatenet
3rd International Hydrogen Technologies Congress , Mar 2018, Alanya, Turkey
Conference papers hal-01766299v1
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Thermally-driven hydrogen compression based on adsorption onto activated carbons

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Sébastien Schaefer , Nicolas Vincent , Gaël Maranzana , Alain Celzard
The World Conference on Carbon Materials, Jul 2018, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-01919373v1

Experimental test of porous transport layers for PEM electrolysis and modeling of the internal gas/water transport

Parra Julian , Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean
22nd edition of the World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC), Jun 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-01919841v1

Hydrogen storage on nanostructured carbon materials by adsorption and compression

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Sébastien Schaefer , Vincent Nicolas , Gaël Maranzana , Alain Celzard
7èmes Journées Scientifiques de l’Association Française de l’Adsorption (AFA), Jan 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01918852v1

A reduced model for monitoring the amount of liquid water present in the flow fields of a PEMFC.

Gaël Maranzana , Milad Bahrami , Jérôme Dillet , Jean-Philippe Martin , Serge Pierfederici
22nd edition of the World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC), Jun 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-01919854v1

Mechanical and Non-Mechanical Hydrogen Compressors

Giuseppe Sdanghi , Gaël Maranzana , Alain Celzard , Vanessa Fierro
Réunion du GDR 3652 du CNRS HySPàC (Hydrogène, Systèmes et Pile à Combustible), May 2017, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-01919809v1

Hydrogen adsorption on HTC-Activated carbon

Sébastien Schaefer , Asma Jeder , Giuseppe Sdanghi , Abdelmottaleb Ouederni , Gaël Maranzana
6èmes Journées Scientifiques de l’Association Française de l’Adsorption (AFA), Jan 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01919819v1

Study of an Organic Alkaline Redox Flow Battery By Means of a Segmented Cell

Mathilde Cazot , Gaël Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Jérôme Dillet
Electrochemical Society Meeting - ECS 232, Oct 2017, Washington, United States
Conference papers hal-01663973v1

Effet de la teneur en oxygène des carbones activés sur leur capacité de stockage de l’hydrogène à température ambiante

Sébastien Schaefer , Giuseppe Sdanghi , Asma Jeder , Abdelmottaleb Ouederni , Maria Teresa Izquierdo
Réunion du GdR 3652 HySPàC du CNRS (Hydrogène, Systèmes et Pile à Combustible), May 2017, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-01919803v1

Kinetics of water sorption and desorption in Nafion membrane: influence of the interfacial mass transfer coefficient

Sophie Didierjean , Jean-Christophe Perrin , Feina Xu , Gaël Maranzana , Julia Mainka
International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Applications, Nov 2016, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-01577202v1

Perfluorosulfonic acid membrane degradation in the H2 inlet region: a macroscopic approach

G. de Moor , N. Charvin , C. Bas , L. Flandin , J. Dillet
European Fuel Cell conference 2015, Dec 2015, Naples, Italy
Conference papers hal-02128794v1

Measurement of protonic resistance of catalyst layers as a tool for degradation monitoring

Thomas Gaumont , Gaël Maranzana , Olivier Lottin , Jérôme Dillet , Sophie Didierjean
EFC2015 European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference - Piero Lunghi Conference, Dec 2015, Naples, Italy. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.10.035⟩
Conference papers hal-01445328v1
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Optimisation de la purge à l’anode sur une pile à combustible à membrane (PEMFC) fonctionnant en mode bouché

Sofyane Abbou , Jérôme Dillet , Nicolas Carême , Olivier Lottin , Gaël Maranzana
Congrès Français de Thermique SFT, Société Française Thermique, May 2013, Gérardmer, France
Conference papers hal-01446890v1
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Mesure de la température des électrodes, des flux de chaleur et d’eau dans une pile à combustible à membrane : conclusions sur les mécanismes de transfert

Anthony Thomas , Gaël Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Jérôme Dillet , Olivier Lottin
Congrès Français de Thermique SFT, Société Française Thermique, May 2013, Gérardmer, France
Conference papers hal-01446878v1
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Une pile à combustible au design thermique optimisé

Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Anthony Thomas , Sophie Didierjean , Olivier Lottin
Congrès Français de Thermique SFT, Société Française Thermique, May 2013, Gérardmer, France
Conference papers hal-01447006v1

A review on existing modelling methodologies for PEM Fuel Cell Systems

B. François , J.C. Grandidier , F. Harel , M. Hilairet , M. Hinaje
FDFC 2008: Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cell Conference, Nancy, France, 2008, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03877215v1

Etude bidimensionnelle d'une PEMFC- Analyses théorique et expérimentale, société Francaise de Chimie.

T. Colinart , S. Chupin , O. Lottin , G. Maranzana , S. Didierjean
Atelier "Electrochimie et Modélisation", Mar 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00600308v1

Modélisation Pseudo-2D d'une PEMFC- Description du transport de l'eau liquide et effet du noyage

T. Colinart , S. Didierjean , O. Lottin , B. Antoine , G. Maranzana
GDR Pacte, Apr 2008, Le Hohwald, France
Conference papers hal-00600315v1
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Simulation et optimisation des performances d'un compresseur à hydrogène par adsorption-désorption à entraînement thermique

V. Nicolas , G. Sdanghi , K. Mozet , S. Schaefer , G. Maranzana
Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Thermique 2022, May 2022, Valenciennes, France. Société Française de Thermique, 2022
Conference poster hal-04376124v1

The impact of CCM fabrication on PEM fuel cell performance

Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Jérôme Dillet , Kevin Mozet , Regis Peignier
Summer School Hydrogen-Nancy, Jul 2021, Online, France
Conference poster hal-03521772v1

The impact of membrane electrode assembly fabrication on PEM fuel cell performance

Zarina Turtayeva , Feina Xu , Lara Bouleau , Alain Celzard , Gaël Maranzana
ICOM 2020, Dec 2020, Online, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-03521767v1
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Hydrogen adsorption in cryogenic conditions: relationship between the porous texture and the parameters of the Modified Dubinin-Astakhov equation

Vanessa Fierro , Pamela Ramirez-Vidal , Giuseppe Sdanghi , Sébastien Schaefer , Gaël Maranzana
Carbon 2019, Jul 2019, Lexington, United States
Conference poster hal-02186765v1

Toward a new PEMFC stack design for controlled water management

Gaël Maranzana , Jérôme Dillet , Anthony Thomas , Sofyane Abbou , Sophie Didierjean
Carisma 2017, Apr 2017, Newcastel, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-01577212v1

Probing the localized behaviour of an organic alkaline redox flow battery

Mathilde Cazot , Gaël Maranzana , Sophie Didierjean , Jérôme Dillet
The International Flow Battery Forum, Jun 2017, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-01577206v1

About fuel starvation in PEMFC: characterization of the mechanism of degradation and mitigation strategies

Gaël Maranzana , Sofyane Abbou , Jérôme Dillet , Adrien Lamibrac , Thomas Gaumont
European Fuel cell car workshop, Mar 2017, Orleans, France
Conference poster hal-01577871v1