A practical method for the in-situ estimation of the effective thermal resistance of gas diffusion layers in PEMFC
Valentin Leduc
Giuseppe Sdanghi
Rémi Bligny
Jérôme Dillet
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
Investigation of membranes-electrodes assemblies in anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs): Influence of ionomer ratio in catalyst layers
Zarina Turtayeva
Feina Xu
Jérôme Dillet
Kévin Mozet
Régis Peignier
Journal articles
On the contact resistance between the anode and the porous transport layer in a proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer
Toni Srour
Kavita Kumar
Vincent Martin
Laetitia Dubau
Frédéric Maillard
Journal articles
An innovative water management system for the electrochemical compression of hydrogen up to 10 MPa
Giuseppe Sdanghi
Jérome Dillet
Moritz Branco
Thomas Prouvé
G. Maranzana
Journal articles
The Influence of Ink Formulation and Preparation on the Performance of Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
Zarina Turtayeva
Feina Xu
Jérôme Dillet
Kévin Mozet
Régis Peignier
Journal articles
In-situ estimation of water transfer parameters in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell
Rémi Bligny
Tobias Schmitt
Jérôme Dillet
Feina Xu
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
Recent progress in heteroatom doped carbon based electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in anion exchange membrane fuel cells
Rambabu Gutru
Zarina Turtayeva
Feina Xu
Gaël Maranzana
Ravikumar Thimmappa
Journal articles
Numerical simulation of a thermally driven hydrogen compressor as a performance optimization tool
Vincent Nicolas
G Sdanghi
K Mozet
S Schaefer
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Direct borohydride fuel cells: A selected review of their reaction mechanisms, electrocatalysts, and influence of operating parameters on their performance
Alexandr Oshchepkov
Antoine Bonnefont
Gaël Maranzana
Elena R Savinova
Marian Chatenet
Journal articles
Manufacturing catalyst-coated membranes by ultrasonic spray deposition for PEMFC: Identification of key parameters and their impact on PEMFC performance
Zarina Turtayeva
Feina Xu
Jérôme Dillet
Kévin Mozet
Regis Peignier
Journal articles
Fuel cell management system: An approach to increase its durability
Milad Bahrami
Jean-Philippe Martin
Gaël Maranzana
Serge Pierfederici
Mathieu Weber
Journal articles
Heterogeneous current and concentration distributions in a redox flow battery: Influence on the cell voltage
F Zhang
M Cazot
G. Maranzana
J. Dillet
S Didierjean
Journal articles
Insights into the electrocatalytic behavior of nitrogen and sulfur co-doped carbon nanotubes toward oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media
Gutru Rambabu
Zarina Turtayeva
Feina Xu
Gaël Maranzana
Mélanie Emo
Journal articles
Modeling a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Cell by Cell: Illustration of a Mechanism for the Propagation of Degradations
Sophie Didierjean
M. Bahrami
R. Bligny
J. Dillet
Jean-Philippe Martin
Journal articles
Synthesis of metallic nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis: Application to the Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell
Fabrice Asonkeng
Gaël Maranzana
Julien Proust
Manuel François
Léa Le Joncour
Journal articles
A Step Forward in Understanding the Hydrogen Adsorption and Compression on Activated Carbons
Pamela Ramirez-Vidal
Rafael L S Canevesi
Giuseppe Sdanghi
Sébastien Schaefer
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Towards Non-Mechanical Hybrid Hydrogen Compression for Decentralized Hydrogen Facilities
Giuseppe Sdanghi
Gaël Maranzana
Alain Celzard
Vanessa Fierro
Journal articles
Oxygen-promoted hydrogen adsorption on activated and hybrid carbon materials
Sébastien Schaefer
Asma Jeder
Giuseppe Sdanghi
Philippe Gadonneix
A. Abdedayem
Journal articles
A 70 MPa hydrogen thermally driven compressor based on cyclic adsorption-desorption on activated carbon
Giuseppe Sdanghi
Nicolas Vincent
Kevin Mozet
Sébastien Schaefer
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Nickel 3D Structures Enhanced by Electrodeposition of Nickel Nanoparticles as High Performance Anodes for Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells
Guillaume Braesch
Alexandr Oshchepkov
Antoine Bonnefont
Fabrice Asonkeng
Thomas Maurer
Journal articles
Influence of the porous transport layer properties on the mass and charge transfer in a segmented PEM electrolyzer
Julian Parra-Restrepo
Rémi Bligny
Jérôme Dillet
Sophie Didierjean
Didier Stemmelen
Journal articles
A comprehensive review on water management strategies and developments in anion exchange membrane fuel cells
Rambabu Gutru
Zarina Turtayeva
Feina Xu
Gaël Maranzana
Brigitte Vigolo
Journal articles
Spatially Resolved Analysis of an Organic Alkaline RFB to Investigate the Influence of the Operating Conditions
Mathilde Cazot
Gaël Maranzana
Jérôme Dillet
Kieran Dale
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
Multi-Stack Lifetime Improvement through Adapted Power Electronic Architecture in a Fuel Cell Hybrid System
Milad Bahrami
Jean-Philippe Martin
Gaël Maranzana
Serge Pierfederici
Mathieu Weber
Journal articles
Upscaled Model for Multicomponent Gas Transport in Porous Media Incorporating Slip Effect
Christian Moyne
Tien Dung Le
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Series hybrid fuel cell/supercapacitor power source
A. Siangsanoh
M. Bahrami
W. Kaewmanee
R. Gavagsaz-Ghoachani
M. Phattanasak
Journal articles
Measuring electro-osmotic drag coefficients in PFSA membranes without any diffusion assumption
R.C. Sellin
K. Mozet
A. Ménage
J. Dillet
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
Nickel Metal Nanoparticles as Anode Electrocatalysts for Highly Efficient Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells
Alexandr Oshchepkov
Guillaume Braesch
Salem Ould-Amara
Gholamreza Rostamikia
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Spatially resolved degradation during startup and shutdown in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell operation
S. Komini Babu
D. Spernjak
J. Dillet
A. Lamibrac
G. Maranzana
Journal articles
Hybrid maximum power point tracking algorithm with improved dynamic performance
Milad Bahrami
Roghayeh Gavagsaz-Ghoachani
Majid Zandi
Matheepot Phattanasak
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Operating heterogeneities within a direct borohydride fuel cell
S. Ould-Amara
J. Dillet
Sophie Didierjean
Marian Chatenet
G. Maranzana
Journal articles
Modelling of a hydrogen thermally driven compressor based on cyclic adsorption-desorption on activated carbon
Giuseppe Sdanghi
Nicolas Vincent
Kevin Mozet
Sébastien Schaefer
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Application of the modified Dubinin-Astakhov equation for a better understanding of high-pressure hydrogen adsorption on activated carbons
Giuseppe Sdanghi
S. Schaefer
G. Maranzana
A. Celzard
V. Fierro
Journal articles
Feasibility of Hydrogen Compression in an Electrochemical System: Focus on Water Transport Mechanisms
Giuseppe Sdanghi
J. Dillet
Sophie Didierjean
V. Fierro
G. Maranzana
Journal articles
Review of the current technologies and performances of hydrogen compression for stationary and automotive applications
Giuseppe Sdanghi
Gaël Maranzana
Alain Celzard
Vanessa Fierro
Journal articles
Symmetric-cell characterization of the redox flow battery system: Application to the detection of degradations
Mathilde Cazot
Gaël Maranzana
Jérôme Dillet
Florent Beille
Thibault Godet-Bar
Journal articles
De nouvelles technologies de l’énergie en rupture ?
Hervé Bercegol
Sophie Didierjean
Mathieu Etienne
François Kalaydjian
Jean Le Bideau
Journal articles
Design and modeling of an equalizer for fuel cell energy management systems
Milad Bahrami
Jean-Philippe Martin
Gaël Maranzana
Serge Pierfederici
Mathieu Weber
Journal articles
Measurement of protonic resistance of catalyst layers as a tool for degradation monitoring
Thomas Gaumont
G. Maranzana
Olivier Lottin
Jérôme Dillet
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
Local potential evolutions during proton exchange membrane fuel cell operation with dead-ended anode – Part II: Aging mitigation strategies based on water management and nitrogen crossover
S. Abbou
J. Dillet
G. Maranzana
Sophie Didierjean
Olivier Lottin
Journal articles
Local potential evolutions during proton exchange membrane fuel cell operation with dead-ended anode – Part I: Impact of water diffusion and nitrogen crossover
S. Abbou
J. Dillet
G. Maranzana
Sophie Didierjean
Olivier Lottin
Journal articles
In Operando and Local Estimation of the Effective Humidity of PEMFC Electrodes and Membranes
Thomas Gaumont
Gaël Maranzana
Olivier Lottin
Jérôme Dillet
Laure Guétaz
Journal articles
Less-Nafion electrodes based on PSSA-Pt/Vulcan catalyst for PEM fuel cells
Yuzhen Xia
Caroline Bonnet
Sébastien Fontana
Alexandre Desforges
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Perfluorosulfonic acid membrane degradation in the hydrogen inlet region: A macroscopic approach
Gilles de Moor
C. Bas
N. Charvin
Jérôme Dillet
Gaël Maranzana
Journal articles
Startup (and Shutdown) Model for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
Gaël Maranzana
Adrien Lamibrac
Jérôme Dillet
Sofyane Abbou
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
Experimental Results with Fuel Cell Start-up and Shut-down. Impact of Type of Carbon for Cathode Catalyst Support
Olivier Lottin
Jérôme Dillet
Gaël Maranzana
Sofyane Abbou
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
Theoretical evidence of the difference in kinetics of water sorption and desorption in Nafion® membrane and experimental validation
Sophie Didierjean
Jean-Christophe Perrin
Feina Xu
Gaël Maranzana
Mathieu Klein
Journal articles
Various Scales of Aging Heterogeneities upon PEMFC Operation – A Link between Local MEA Materials Degradation and the Cell Performance
Laetitia Dubau
Julien Durst
Luis Castanheira
Frédéric Maillard
Adrien Lamibrac
Journal articles
Impact of Water Management on Local Potential Evolutions during PEM Fuel Cell Operation with Dead-Ended Anode
Sofyane Abbou
Jérôme Dillet
Gaël Maranzana
Sophie Didierjean
Olivier Lottin
Journal articles
An ex-situ experiment to study the two-phase flow induced by water condensation into the channels of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC)
Vincent Coeuriot
Jérôme Dillet
Gaël Maranzana
Olivier Lottin
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
High Potential Excursions during PEM Fuel Cell Operation with Dead-Ended Anode
Sofyane Abbou
Jérôme Dillet
D. Spernjak
R. Mukundan
R. L. Borup
Journal articles
Influence of the Interfacial Water Transfer on the Analysis of Dynamic Sorption and Desorption Experiments in Nafion® Membrane
Sophie Didierjean
Jean-Christophe Perrin
Feina Xu
Gaël Maranzana
Julia Mainka
Journal articles
Thermal and water transfer in PEMFCs: Investigating the role of the microporous layer
Anthony Thomas
Gaël Maranzana
Sophie Didierjean
Jérôme Dillet
Olivier Lottin
Journal articles
Impact of flow rates and electrode specifications on degradations during repeated startups and shutdowns in polymer-electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Jérôme Dillet
D. Spernjak
Adrien Lamibrac
Gaël Maranzana
Rangachary Mukundan
Journal articles
On the estimation of high frequency parameters of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Julia Mainka
Gaël Maranzana
Jérôme Dillet
Sophie Didierjean
Olivier Lottin
Journal articles
A review of PEM fuel cell durability: materials degradation, local heterogeneities of aging and possible mitigation strategies
Laetitia Dubau
Luis Castanheira
Marian Chatenet
Frédéric Maillard
Jérôme Dillet
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 2014, 3 (6), pp.540-560. ⟨10.1002/wene.113⟩
Journal articles
Time Evolution of Local Potentials during PEM Fuel Cell Operation with Dead-Ended Anode
Sofyane Abbou
Jérôme Dillet
Dusan Spernjak
Rangachary Mukundan
Joseph D. Fairweather
Journal articles
Degradation heterogeneities induced by repetitive start/stop events in proton exchange membrane fuel cell: Inlet vs. outlet and channel vs. land
Julien Durst
Adrien Lamibrac
Frédéric Charlot
Jérôme Dillet
Luis F. Castanheira
Journal articles
Numerical Model of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Startup and Shutdown
Gaël Maranzana
Adrien Lamibrac
Jérôme Dillet
Sofyane Abbou
Sophie Didierjean
Journal articles
Measurements of Electrode Temperatures, Heat and Water Fluxes in PEMFCs: Conclusions about Transfer Mechanisms
Anthony Thomas
Gaël Maranzana
Sophie Didierjean
Jérôme Dillet
Olivier Lottin
Journal articles
Modeling Oxygen Concentration Oscillation in the Gas Channel of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: A Comparison between Numerical and Analytical Approaches
Philippe Guillemet
Gaël Maranzana
Julia Mainka
Adrien Lamibrac
Jérôme Dillet
Journal articles
Internal Currents, CO2 Emissions and Decrease of the Pt Electrochemical Surface Area during Fuel Cell Start-Up and Shut-Down
Jérôme Dillet
Adrien Lamibrac
Gaël Maranzana
Julien Durst
Dusan Spernjak
Journal articles
One-dimensional Model of Oxygen Transport Impedance Accounting for Convection Perpendicular to the Electrode
J. Mainka
G. Maranzana
A. Thomas
J. Dillet
S. Didierjean
Journal articles
A proton exchange membrane fuel cell impedance model taking into account convection along the air channel: On the bias between the low frequency limit of the impedance and the slope of the polarization curve
Gaël Maranzana
Julia Mainka
Olivier Lottin
Jérôme Dillet
Adrien Lamibrac
Journal articles
Experimental characterization of internal currents during the start-up of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell
A. Lamibrac
G. Maranzana
O. Lottin
J. Dillet
J. Mainka
Journal articles
Effect of Oxygen Depletion Along the Air Channel of a PEMFC on the Warburg Diffusion Impedance
J. Mainka
G. Maranzana
J. Dillet
S. Didierjean
O. Lottin
Journal articles
Direct observation of the two-phase flow in the air channel of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell and of the effects of a clogging/unclogging sequence on the current density distribution
Jérôme Dillet
Olivier Lottin
Gaël Maranzana
Sophie Didierjean
Delphine Conteau
Journal articles
Modelling the operation of polymer exchange membrane fuel cell in the presence of electrodes flooding
O. Lottin
B. Antoine
T. Colinart
S. Didierjean
G. Maranzana
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2009, 48 (1), pp.133-145
Journal articles
A Simple Alternative to the Expression of Finite Warburg Diffusion Impedance in Porous Electrodes by Considering Oxygen Consumption Along the Air Channel
Julia Mainka
Gaël Maranzana
Jérôme Dillet
Sophie Didierjean
Olivier Lottin
Journal articles
Modelling of the operation of Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells in the presence of electrodes flooding
O. Lottin
B. Antoine
T. Colinart
S. Didierjean
G. Maranzana
Journal articles
Modelling of the operation of Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells in the presence of electrodes flooding
O. Lottin
B. Antoine
T. Colinart
S. Didierjean
G. Maranzana
Journal articles
Transport in PFSA membranes
T. Colinart
S. Didierjean
O. Lottin
G. Maranzana
C. Moyne
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2008, 155 (3), pp.B244-B257
Journal articles
Magnetic resonance imaging of water distribution and production in a 6 cm2 PEMFC under operation
Jerome Bedet
Gaël Maranzana
Sebastien Leclerc
Olivier Lottin
Christian Moyne
Journal articles
A multi-instrumented polymer exchange membrane fuel cell. Observation of the in-plane non homogeneities
G. Maranzana
O. Lottin
T. Colinart
S. Chupin
S. Didierjean
Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 180 (2), pp.748-754
Journal articles
Étude du comportement de l'eau dans une pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse d'ions (PEMFC) : étude par RMN et IRM
Jerome Bedet
Pierre Mutzenhardt
Daniel Canet
Gaël Maranzana
Sebastien Leclerc
Journal articles
Design optimization of a spreader heat sink for power electronics
Gaël Maranzana
Isabelle Perry
Denis Maillet
Stéphane Rael
Journal articles