Subobduction: subduction plate boundary hiccups revealed by blueschists, eclogites and ophiolites
Philippe Agard
Mathieu Soret
Guillaume Bonnet
Dia Ninkabou
Alexis Plunder
Conference papers
Tectonic reconstruction of the Lyngen Magmatic Complex
Marina Galindos Alfarache
Holger Stünitz
Mathieu Soret
Benoît Dubacq
Guillaume Bonnet
Conference papers
Record of fluid-rock interaction in a long-lived subduction channel
Kennet E. Flores
Esteban Gazel
Guillaume Bonnet
Céline Martin
Yue Cai
Goldschmidt Conference, Jul 2022, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers
Fluid composition and scales of migration along the subduction interface
Clément Herviou
Kennet E. Flores
Guillaume Bonnet
George E. Harlow
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2022, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Protracted subduction of the European hyperextended margin revealed by rutile U-Pb geochronology across the Dora-Maira massif (Western Alps)
Guillaume Bonnet
Christian Chopin
Bradley Hacker
Andrew Kylander-Clark
Michele Locatelli
International Eclogite Conference, Jul 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Constraints on continental subduction in the Dora-Maira massif from rutile and titanite U-Pb geochronology
Guillaume Bonnet
Christian Chopin
Andrew Kylander-Clark
Bradley Hacker
Conference papers
Contraintes sur la subduction continentale dans le massif de Dora-Maira : apports de la géochronologie U-Pb sur rutiles et sphènes
Guillaume Bonnet
Christian Chopin
Bradley Hacker
Andrew Kylander-Clark
Michele Locatelli
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers
The Zagros Suture Amphibolites Record the Cretaceous Thermal Evolution of the Closing Tethyan Realm
Regina Holtmann
Jesus Muñoz-Montecinos
Samuel Angiboust
Aitor Cambeses
Guillaume Bonnet
EGU General Assembly 2021, Apr 2021, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
In situ Rb/Sr dating, a precise and efficient tool in metamorphic petrology to constrain Iran geodynamic
Thomas Gyomlai
Philippe Agard
Guillaume Bonnet
Benoît Caron
Benoît Dubacq
Goldschmid Conference, Jul 2021, Virtual, France
Conference papers
Slow subduction initiation drives fast mantle upwelling and lithosphere formation
Mathieu Soret
Guillaume Bonnet
Philippe Agard
Kyle Larson
John Cottle
Conference papers
Slow subduction initiation forces fast ophiolite formation
Mathieu Soret
Guillaume Bonnet
Philippe Agard
Kyle Larson
John Cottle
Conference papers
Distinct P-T histories in a subduction mélange reveal underplating/mixing processes at the plate interface (North Motagua Mélange, Guatemala)
Guillaume Bonnet
Kennet E. Flores
Céline Martin
George E. Harlow
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2019, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Towards a comprehensive geodynamic evolution of Northern Sistan (E. Iran)
Michael Jentzer
Philippe Agard
Hubert Whitechurch
Marc Fournier
Jafar Omrani
EGU General Assembly 2019, Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Unraveling the history of complex zoned garnets in retrograde eclogites: Insights from the North Motagua Mélange in central Guatemala
Guillaume Bonnet
Céline Martin
Kennet E. Flores
Mattison Barrickman
George E. Harlow
EGU General Assembly 2018, Apr 2018, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Seamount subduction at seismogenic depths: structural and metamorphic evidence from the Zagros Suture Zone
Guillaume Bonnet
Philippe Agard
Samuel Angiboust
Marc Fournier
Jafar Omrani
EGU General Assembly 2018, Apr 2018, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Seamount subduction at seismogenic depths: Structural and metamorphic evidence from the Zagros Suture Zone
Guillaume Bonnet
Philippe Agard
Samuel Angiboust
Marc Fournier
Jafar Omrani
Goldschmidt Conference, Aug 2018, Boston, United States
Conference papers
Stress patterns along strike-slip faults in Sistan and Baluchestan
Marc Fournier
Michael Jentzer
Hamid Reza Karimi
Jafar Omrani
Philippe Agard
EGU General Assembly 2018, Apr 2018, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Unraveling the history of complex zoned garnets from the North Motagua Mélange (Guatemala)
Céline Martin
Mattison Barrickman
Kennet E. Flores
Guillaume Bonnet
George E. Harlow
International Eclogite Conference, Aug 2017, Are, Sweden
Conference papers
Unraveling the history of complex zoned garnets in retrograde eclogites: Insights from the North Motagua Mélange in central Guatemala
Céline Martin
Guillaume Bonnet
Kennet E. Flores
Mattison Barrickman
George E. Harlow
GSA Annual Meeting, Oct 2017, Seattle, United States
Conference papers
Seamount subduction at seismogenic depths: structural and metamorphic evidence from the Zagros Suture Zone
Guillaume Bonnet
Philippe Agard
Samuel Angiboust
Marc Fournier
Jafar Omrani
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2017, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Seamount subduction at seismogenic depths: structural and metamorphic evidence from the Zagros Suture Zone
Guillaume Bonnet
Philippe Agard
Samuel Angiboust
Marc Fournier
Jafar Omrani
Subduction Interface Processes Meeting, Apr 2017, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
50 Myr. in a subduction serpentinite channel: Insights into slow eclogite exhumation
Kennet E. Flores
Guillaume Bonnet
Yue Cai
Céline Martin
Sidney Hemming
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2017, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
50 Myr. in a subduction serpentinite channel: Insights into slow eclogite exhumation
Kennet E. Flores
Guillaume Bonnet
Yue Cai
Céline Martin
Sidney Hemming
International Eclogite Conference, Aug 2017, Are, Sweden
Conference papers
Structure and metamorphism of a subduction mélange (Sistan, Eastern Iran): a close-up on subduction channel processes
Guillaume Bonnet
Philippe Agard
Samuel Angiboust
Patrick Monie
Hubert Whitechurch
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2017, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Detachment, accretion/underplating and short- vs. long-term rheology of the subduction plate interface
Philippe Agard
Samuel Angiboust
Alexis Plunder
Guillaume Bonnet
Jonas B. Ruh
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2016, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Dynamique d’écaillage et d’exhumation des unités océaniques subductées du Sistan (Iran oriental)
Guillaume Bonnet
Philippe Agard
Samuel Angiboust
Patrick Monie
Michael Jentzer
Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2016, Caen, France
Conference papers
Unraveling the history of complex zoned garnets from the North Motagua Mélange (Guatemala)
Mattison Barrickman
Céline Martin
Kennet E. Flores
George E. Harlow
Guillaume Bonnet
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2016, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Metamorphic evolution of high-pressure–low-temperature rocks from the northern section of the Guatemala Suture Zone: PTt paths and tectonic implications
Kennet E. Flores
Céline Martin
Guillaume Bonnet
Sidney Hemming
Yue Cai
International Eclogite Conference, Jan 2015, Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic
Conference papers
Unraveling the polymetamorphic history Poster of garnet-bearing metabasites: Insights from the North Motagua Mélange (Guatemala Suture Zone)
Guillaume Bonnet
Kennet E. Flores
Céline Martin
George E. Harlow
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2014, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Metamorphic evolution of high-pressure-low-temperature rocks from the northern section of the Guatemala Suture Zone: PTt paths and tectonic implications
Kennet E. Flores
Sidney Hemming
George E. Harlow
Yue Cai
Guillaume Bonnet
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2014, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers