Gilles Pauliat
A first step towards an optimized nanofiber design for the generation of correlated photons pairs around 1550nmICO & IUPAP-C17 Topical Meeting on OPTIcs and Applications to SUstainable Development (OPTISUD), Sep 2019, Carthage, Tunisia
Conference papers
Vers une source de paires de photons corrélés autour de 1,5 μm utilisant des nonlinéarités de surface dans des nanofibres de silice25ème Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique, Jul 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Improving optical microscope accuracy down to a few nanometers for measuring microfiber profiles6th Conference on Manufacturing, Tolerancing, and Testing of Optical Systems, Jun 2019, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Submicrometer measurements of tapered optical fibers with low aperture optical microscopesInternational Conference Optics and Photonics Algeria OPAL2018, May 2018, Oran, Algeria. pp. 51,54
Conference papers
Nanofibres optiques pour la réalisation d'une source de photons corrélés (Poster)INNOV-FIBRE 2017, Jun 2017, Fréjus, France
Conference papers
Reduction of Brillouin scattering for the optimization of liquid-core Raman wavelength converters (Orale)Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics /Europe (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017), Jun 2017, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Metrology of optical microwires by Brillouin spectroscopy (Orale)Workshop on OptoMechanics and Brillouin scattering, fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2017), Jul 2017, Besancon, France
Conference papers
Tensile strain dependence of Brillouin scattering in tapered opticalConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference, Jun 2017, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Metrology of optical microwires by Brillouin spectroscopyWorkshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies, Jul 2017, Besançon, France
Conference papers
Optical and opto-acoustical metrology of silica tapered fibers for nonlinear applicationsOptics & Photonics Japan 2017, OPJ-OSA Joint Symposia on Nanophotonics and Digital Photonics, Oct 2017, Tokyo, Japan. pp.PL3, ⟨⟩
Conference papers
Optical and opto-acoustical metrology of silica tapered fibers for nonlinear applicationsOptics & Photonics Japan 2017, Oct 2017, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
Wavelength converters for biophotonic applications (Orale)20th Annual Symposium IEEE Benelux Chapter , Feb 2016, Brussels, Belgium
Conference papers
Liquid filled hollow core photonic crystal fibres for nonlinear applications (plénière)10th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication, Feb 2016, Weingarten, Germany
Conference papers
Convertisseurs de longueur d’onde RAMBIO, principe et applications (Orale)36ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG), Optique Bordeaux 16, Jul 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Efficient stimulated Raman scattering in hybrid liquid-silica fibers for wavelength conversion (Orale)SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Optical Design and Testing VII, Oct 2016, Beijing, China. pp.1002104, ⟨10.1117/12.2245431⟩
Conference papers
Décalage de la bande de transmission des fibres à bande interdite photonique remplies de liquide avec le contraste d’indice (poster)Optique Bretagne 2015, Jul 2015, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Emission raman stimulée dans des fibres kagome à coeur liquide (poster)Optique Bretagne 2015, Jul 2015, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Liquid filled photonic fibers for non linear devices (plénière)Optics & Photonics Japan 2015, Oct 2015, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
Optimization of liquid filled hollow core photonic fibers for nonlinear applications (Orale)ICO-23 (23rd Congress of the International Commission for Optics), Aug 2014, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Conference papers
Detection of phase- and frequency-modulated optical signals using dynamic space-charge gratings in GaAs, Bi12TiO20 and SiC crystals (poster)7th edition of the International Conference on New Developments In Photodetection - NDIP 14, Jun 2014, Tours, France
Conference papers
Stimulated Raman scattering with large Raman shifts with liquid core Kagome fibers (Orale)EOS Annual meeting "EOS Topical meeting on Nonlinear Optics and Photonics, Sep 2014, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
All-optical generation of surface acoustic waves in a silica optical microwire (Orale)SPIE Photonics Europe, Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII; and Quantum Optics III, Apr 2014, Brussels, Belgium. pp.91360E, ⟨10.1117/12.2051388⟩
Conference papers
Diffusion raman stimulee dans le champ evanescent de nanofibres immergees dans des liquides (Orale)33ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG), Optique Paris 13, Jul 2013, Villetaneuse, France. pp.00
Conference papers
Experimental demonstration of stimulated Raman scattering in the evanescent field of a tapered nanofiber immersed in a liquid (poster)European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC), May 2013, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Observation of surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in optical microfibers (Orale)Proceedings of Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications (WSOF) 2013, Jan 2013, Sigtuna, Sweden. pp.W3
Conference papers
Génération optique d'ondes acoustiques de surface dans une microfibre de silice (Orale)33ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG), Optique Paris 13, Jul 2013, Villetaneuse, France
Conference papers
Observation of surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in optical microfibers (poster)3rd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications (WSOF) , Aug 2013, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers
Observation of surface acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in optical microfibersWorkshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications, Aug 2013, Sigtuna, Sweden
Conference papers
Demonstration of stimulated Raman scattering in the evanescent field of a tapered nanofiberEOS Annual Meeting, Sep 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. pp.6433 Postdeadline
Conference papers
Simplified architectures with homodyne detection for high capacity Lippmann data storageEOS Annual Meeting, Sep 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. pp.TOM6_6030_017
Conference papers
Optimal nanofiber dimensions for stimulated Raman scattering in the evanescent fieldEOS Annual Meeting, Sep 2012, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. pp.TOM6_5861_011
Conference papers
High Capacity Data Storage Inspired from Lippmann Interference PhotographyOptical Data Storage Workshop (ODS), Jun 2012, Tucson, United States
Conference papers
Homodyne Detection of Data Pages in Lippmann "Holographic" MemoriesInternational Worshop on Holography and Related Technologies 2011, Nov 2011, Utsunomiya, Japan
Conference papers
Enregistrement de pages de données de forte résolution dans une mémoire optique de type LIppmannHorizons de l'Optique 2011, Jul 2011, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Convertisseur Raman émettant dans le orange sur le second ordre Stokes du toluène12ème Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique COLOQ 12, Optique Marseille, Jul 2011, Marseille, France. pp.127
Conference papers
High capacity Lippmann storage in a page-oriented architectureEOS Annual Meeting, Oct 2010, Paris, France. pp.3423
Conference papers
Recording high-resolution wavelength-multiplexed data pages in a Lippmann data storage systemInternational workshop on holographic memories & display 2010, Nov 2010, Tokyo, Japan. pp.16D-5
Conference papers
Efficient Raman converter emitting in the orange range on the second Stokes order of tolueneEOS Annual meeting "EOS Topical meeting on Nonlinear Optics and Photonics", Oct 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Lippmann photography approach in a page-oriented "holographic" data storage systemRIAO-OPTILAS 2010, Sep 2010, Lima, Peru
Conference papers
Experimental investigation of a page-oriented Lippmann "holographic" data storage systemOptical Data Storage 2010, May 2010, Boulder, United States. pp.773004
Conference papers
High density “Lippmann” data storage in thick holographic materialsFourth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, ICOOPMA 2010, Aug 2010, Budapest, Hungary. pp.A-047
Conference papers
Micro et nano-structuration par la lumière de matériaux photopolymères12èmes Journées de Matière Condensée (JMC12), Aug 2010, Troyes, France
Conference papers
Monte Carlo evaluation of the maximum data capacity of holographic memoriesTopical Meeting Photorefractive Materials, Effects, and Devices Control of Light and Matter, Jun 2009, Bad Honnef, Germany. pp.P2-39
Conference papers
Stockage optique de l'informationLes Journées de l'Optique : Etat de l'art et applications ; Réseau Optique et Photonique, Jun 2009, Le Croisic, France
Conference papers
Mémoire optique par codage en longueur d'onde basée sur la photographie Lippmann.Horizons de l'Optique 2009, Jul 2009, Lille, France. pp.166
Conference papers
Générateur Raman utilisant une fibre à cristal photonique à coeur creux remplie de liquideJNOG, 2009, x, France. pp.30
Conference papers
Proposal for a high capacity memory based on Lippmann interference photographyEOS Annual Meeting, 2008, Sep 2009, Paris, France. pp.TOM 6
Conference papers
Performances et caractérisations optiques d'un générateur Raman à base d'une fibre à cristal photonique à cœur creux remplie d'éthanolCOLOQ'11, 2009, x, France
Conference papers
Wavelength-multiplexed memory based on a Lippmann architectureThe European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe), Jun 2009, Munich, Germany. pp.CC2-3
Conference papers
Numerical modeling of photorefractive crystals for self-adapting external cavity laser mirrors9th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronics Devices, NUSOD 2009, Sep 2009, Gwangju, South Korea
Conference papers
Optical data storage based on the Lippmann photography3rd Alban Conference'09, Aug 2009, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Numerical modeling of high-power self-organizing external cavity lasers8th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronics Devices, NUSOD 2008, Sep 2008, Notthingham, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Wavelength multiplexed memories based on Lippmann interference photographyInternational workshop on holographic memories, 2008, Oct 2008, Aichi, Japan
Conference papers
Caractérisation de particules à tranistion de spinJournées du Groupe Français de Photochimie, May 2008, Brest, France
Conference papers
Stockage holographique de l'informationHolographie, état de l'art et perspectives, Jun 2008, Liège, Belgique
Conference papers
Spin transition : observation of a phase transition of a individual micro-particleMOLMAT2008, International Symposium on Molecular Materials, Jul 2008, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Microfiber Resonators in the Linear and the Nonlinear RegimesThe Topical Conference on Nanophotonics (NANO), May 2008, Nanjing, China
Conference papers
Lippmann holographic storage with homodyne detection and single side accessRIAO/optilas 2007, Oct 2007, Campinas, Brazil. pp.350-355
Conference papers
Homodyne detection for Lippmann data storageOptical Data Storage, May 2007, Portland, United States. pp.66200F1-66200F7
Conference papers
Homodyne detection of microhologramsFinal workshop Cost P8 -Materials and Systems for Optical Data Storage and Processing, May 2006, Loutraki, Greece
Conference papers
Caractérisation d'un photopolymère pour le stockage de données par microréseaux de LippmanColloque FOCALE - Photostucturation de matériaux organiques : effets optiques et électroniques, Apr 2006, Rennes, France
Conference papers
observation of a phase transition of a single sub-micrometer spin transition particleEOS Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Optics, Oct 2006, paris, France
Conference papers
Photopolymer characterization for Lippmann microholographic storageFinal workshop Cost P8 -Materials and Systems for Optical Data Storage and Processing, May 2006, Loutraki, Greece
Conference papers
Matériaux polymères pour le stockage des donnéesProc. SFO - Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie, 2006, xx, France. pp.CD
Conference papers
Development of a confocal DIC microscope to follow the kinetics of photopolymerizationMeeting Cost P8 (Materials and Systems for Optical Data Storage and Processing), Sep 2004, PARIS, France
Conference papers
Photopolymerizable materials for data storage : from photochemical investigation to customizationSPIE - Photonics Europe, Apr 2004, Strasbourg, France. pp.345-350
Conference papers
Overcoming the diffraction limit of optical microscopes for measuring tapered optical fibersConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO: Applications and Technology 2019, May 2019, San Jose, California, United States. OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), pp.JTh2A.102, 2019, ⟨10.1364/CLEO_AT.2019.JTh2A.102⟩
Conference poster
Digitally assisted two-wave mixingPR'19, Photorefractive Photonics and beyond, Jun 2019, Gérardmer, France
Conference poster
Optical in-situ measurement of tapered optical fibers with nanometric resolutionEuropean Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM) 2018, Oct 2018, Delft, Netherlands. TOM9, pp.533,534, EOSAM2018_Proceedings
Conference poster
Digitally assisted two-wave mixing interactionEOS Annual meeting "TOM 8- Adaptive Optics & Information driven optical systems", Oct 2018, Delft, Netherlands
Conference poster
Self-organizing laser cavitiesPeter Günter, Jean Pierre Huignard. Photorefractive Materials and Applications 3, Springer-Verlag New York, pp.253-275, 2007, 978-0-387-34728-8
Book sections
Principles and optimisation of Rh :BaTiO3 phase conjugators and their application to MOPA lasersArnaud Brignon, Jean-Pierre Huignard. Phase conjugate laser optics, Wiley et Sons, chap. 8, 2003
Book sections
Self-pumped phase conjugation in BaTiO3:Rh for dynamic wavefront correction of Nd:YAG laserspar S. Yin et F.T.S. Yu. Photorefractive optics: materials, properties and applications, New York Ac. Press, chap. 14, 2000
Book sections
Dispositif optique pour l’adressage d’une cavité esclave par une source large bandeFrance, N° de brevet: FR 2892239. 2005
Sources laser accordable à adressage optique de la longueur d’ondeFrance, N° de brevet: FR 2869162. 2004
Filtres auto-adaptés pour l'affinement de l'émission laserFrance, Patent n° : brevet 98 13525. 1998
Mémoires holographiques2011
Other publications
Optical non linearities in structured materials2010
Other publications
Optical non linearities in structured materials: Raman converters in microstructured fibers and non linearities enhancement in semiconductor waveguides and photonic bandgap devices2010
Other publications
Photorefractive self-organized laser cavities2008
Other publications
Propriétés optiques nonlinéaires dans les matériaux photoréfractifs de la famille des sillenites (Bi12 Sio20, Bi12 Ge o20) et application a l'interconnexion dynamique .Optique [physics.optics]. Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 1986. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩