Giulia Boetto
Specialist in Ancient Nautical Archaeology, Giulia Boetto works on different research programmes in France (Toulon, Antibes, Fréjus), Italy (Fiumicino, Naples, Isola Sacra) and Croatia (Caska, Pula, Zambratija and Kamensko). She is interested also in the interactions between the harbour structures and the ships in Ostia/Portus in relationship with her previous researches about the harbour complex of Rome and the Fiumicino ships.
-2020: HDR, Aix Marseille University
-2006: PhD, University of Provence Aix-Marseille I
-1998: MA in Classical Archaeology, University of Turin
-1993: Graduated in Classical Letters, University of Turin
\- 2005: Ecole française de Rome grant, Rome (Italy) (1 month)
\- 1999: NATO-CNR Senior Fellowship, Centre Camille Jullian (France) (2 months)
\- 1997: Guest Researcher, of the Centre for Maritime Archaeology, Roskilde (Denmark) (1 month)
\- 1995-1996: Grant of the University of Turin for one year of training in a foreign country, Centre Camille Jullian (France) (12 months)
**Previous positions**
\- 2004: scientific coordinator (Nautical Archaeology) for the Archaeological Superintendence of Naples, excavation of the ancient harbour, Piazza Municipio
\- 2004: project manager for the Archaeological Superintendence of Ostia (Italy) of the EU Interreg III project ANSER
\- 2000 – 2001 & 2003: collaborator of the Association Adramar (La Natière project, St. Malo, France)
-1997 – 2002: project manager for the Archaeological Superintendence of Ostia (Italy) of the EU projects Navis I et Navis II
\- 1996: collaborator of the Archaeological Superintendence of Veneto (Venice lagoon, river Brenta)
-1991 – 1995: collaborator of the Archaeological Cooperative Aquarius (Roman shipwreck of Grado, Roman bridge of Ivrea, Greek shipwreck Gela 1, Late Roman shipwreck of Brindisi)
\- 1991 – 1993: collaborator of the Archaeological Superintendence of Calabria and Basilicata
**Current position**
\- 2007 – present: Senior Researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific research (CNRS)
**-Administrative responsibilities**
-September 1st, 2020– present: Director of the Centre Camille Jullian-UMR 7299
-2016 – August 31, 2020: Deputy Director of the Centre Camille Jullian-UMR 7299
-2013 – present: Responsible of the Teaching Unit “Nautical Archaeology” of the Master Programme “Master of Maritime and Coastal Archaeology” of the Foundation A\*MIDEX of the University Aix-Marseille
\- 2012 – present: Member of the French National Board for the Underwater Activities of the National Commission of the Archaeological Research
-2011 – present: Member of the Scientific Board of the National Park of Port Cros, Human Science Group
\- 2011 – present: Member of the Board of the Mediterranean Department of Human Sciences of Aix Marseille University
-2008 – present: Member of the Laboratory Board of the Centre Camille Jullian-UMR 7299
**Committees and advisory boards**
\- 2016 – present : Advisory Board The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
-2015 – present: Steering Committee, International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (ISBSA)
\- 2012 – 2013: Scientific Committee of the Prôtis project, Reconstruction of a 6th c. BCE sailing replica (dir. P. Pomey, CNRS/CCJ)
\- 2009-2011: External Advisory Board, 7FP funded WreckProtect Project (Strategies for the protection of shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea against forthcoming attack by wood degrading marine borers. A synthesis and information project based on the effects of climatic changes), coord. Charlotte Björdal, Technical Research Institute of Sweden
**Editorial boards**
\- 2013 – present: Méditerranée. Revue géographique des pays méditerranéens / Méditerranée. The Journal of Mediterranean geography
\- 2012 – present: Journal of Maritime Archaeology
\- 2015 – present: French Ministry for Foreign Affairs funded project “ADRIBOATS” in collaboration with the University of Zadar, the Archaeological Museum of Istria and the Croatian Conservation Institute
-2010 – 2013: French Ministry for Foreign Affairs funded project “CASKA” in collaboration with the University of Zadar
\- 2010 – 2012: French Ministry of Culture funded project “Les fouilles de Toulon. Quartier Besagne/Dutasta fouilles 1985-1988. Un quartier portuaire de la ville romaine de Telo Martius”
\- 2015 – present: Croatian Science Foundation funded project “AdriaS - Archaeology of Adriatic Shipbuilding and Seafaring Project” (coord. Dr. Irena Radić Rossi, University of Zadar)
\- 2012 – 2015: EU funded project Thales “MERMAID - Saving wooden shipwrecks in the Mediterranean marine ecosystem: Research, development and application of innovative methods of in situ protection” (coord. Dr. Anastasia Pournou, Technological Education Institute of Athens-TEI)
\- 2012 – 2014: French National Research Agency project “POL-TEVERE: delta du Tibre, Italie (paléo-environnements et paléopollutions” (coord. Dr. Jean-Philippe Goiran, CNRS, Lyon);
\- 2011 – 2014: The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) project “Portus in the Economy of the Roman Mediterranean” (coord. Prof. Simon Keay, University of Southampton, British School at Rome);
\- 2009 – 2012: French National Research Agency project ANR-08-BLAN-0059-01 “Entrepôts et lieux de stockage du monde gréco-romain antique” (coord. Prof. Catherine Virlouvet, University Aix Marseille, Ecole française de Rome).
\- 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019: “Label Archéologie” of the Académie des Inscriptions et des Belles-Lettres for the research programme “ADRIBOATS"
-Prize of the Hrvatskog muzejskog društva (2017)
-Prize "Josip Brunšmid" Hrvatskog arheološko društvo (2018).
-Prize "Noël des Vergers" of the Académie des Inscriptions et des Belles-Lettres (2019).
**Archaeological fieldwork on ancient shipwrecks**
\- 2020-present: Roman sewn shipwreck of Porec (Croatia) in collaboration with the Territorial Museum of Porec
\- 2018-present: Late-Hellenistic shipwreck of Ilovik-Parzine (Croatia) in collaboration with the Croatia Conservation Institute, Zagreb
\- 2017-2019: Late-Roman shipwreck of Debeljak (Croatia) in collaboration with the Archaeological Museum of Istria
\- 2016-2017: Roman sewn shipwreck Caska 4, island of Pag (Croatia) in collaboration with the University of Zadar
\- 2015-2018: Roman bottom based shipwreck of Kamensko, Karlovac (Croatia) in collaboration with the Croatian Conservation Institute, Zagreb
\- 2015: Coordination of the study of the Roman shipwrecks of Naples (Napoli F, G & H) in collaboration with the Superintendence of Campania, the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro (ISCR) and the University of Naples L’Orientale
\- 2015: Coordination of the recovery of the Roman shipwreck Isola Sacra 1 in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome
\- 2014-2015: Roman shipwreck of Naples (Napoli E) in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendence of Naples
\- 2013-2015: Roman shipwreck Caska 2 & 3, island of Pag (Croatia) in collaboration with the University of Zadar
\- 2013: Bronze Age shipwreck of Zambratija and Roman shipwreck of Pula (Pula 1 & 2), Istria (Croatia) in collaboration with the Archaeological Museum of Istria
\- 2012: Roman shipwreck of Antibes in collaboration with the French Institute for Preventive Archaeology (Inrap)
\- 2011: Roman shipwrecks of Isola Sacra (Isola Sacra 1 & 2), Fiumicino (Rome) in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome
\- 2010-2013: Roman shipwrecks of Toulon (Toulon 1, 2, 3-4, 6 & 7)
\- 2009-2010: Roman sewn shipwreck Caska 1, island of Pag (Croatia) in collaboration with the University of Zadar
\- 2007-2008: Late-Roman shipwreck of Pakostane (Croatia) in collaboration with the University of Zadar
\- 2004-2005: Roman shipwrecks of Naples (Napoli A, B & C) in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendence of Naples
\- 1999-2006: Roman shipwrecks of Fiumicino in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendence of Ostia, PhD Research University of Provence, mentor Prof. Patrice Pomey
**Organisation of scientific conferences and workshops**
\- 2018, October: 15th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Mucem, Marseilles (France)
\- 2017, October 20-24: Session “ Ship & Boat Construction“, the Honor Frost Foundation Conference of ‘Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology’, Nicosia (Cyprus)
\- 2016, June 11-18: 2nd Course Workshop ARS NAUTICA Seafaring through Ages, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik (Croatia)
\- 2015, June 7-14: 1st Course workshop ARS NAUTICA Seafaring through Ages, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik (Croatia)
\- 2010, March 18-20: International Conference “Entrepôts et systèmes de stockage dans le monde gréco-romain antique. État des lieux”, MMSH, Aix-en-Provence (France)
\- 2008, October 27-28: International Workshop “Bateaux de navigation intérieure: pratiques régionales et influences maritimes méditerranéennes”, MMSH, Aix-en-Provence (France)
\- 2008, September22-26: Session “Portus, Ostia ant the Ports of the Roman Mediterranean. Contributions from Archaeology and History”, 17th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, IFAO, Rome (Italy)
\- 2000, December 4-7: 9th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, University Cà Foscari, Venice (Italy)
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Reconstructing navigation in the northern Adriatic through the discovery of shipwrecksMaritime Connections and their Influence on Ancient Sea Trade: Object, People, Places, Feb 2024, Trèves, Germany
Conference papers
A photogrammetry of the past: a time to observe and a time to record.SHA 2023 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, The Society for Historical Archaeology; NOVA University of Lisbon, Jan 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
Conclusion et discussionBateaux et entrepôts à « dolia » à l'époque romaine : problèmes de chronologie et d'évolution du transport maritime en vrac. Séminaire, Collège de France, Mar 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
The Roman port of Parentium (Poreč/Parenzo, Croatia)1st International Conference of Mediterranean Harbour & Coastal Archaeology Harbour Cities 2022, Aix Marseille Université, Sep 2022, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers
Traditions de construction navale dans le nord de l’Adriatique dans l’Antiquité tardive : état des connaissancesDoctoral Workshop, L’Adriatique entre Antiquité tardive et haut Moyen Âge : espace d’échange d’idées et de formes = The Adriatic between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages: Space of Transfer of Ideas and Forms, Université de Franche-Comté; University of Zagreb, Oct 2022, Besançon, France
Conference papers
L’épave de Phanagoria, mer Noire (Russie) : un navire de guerre d’époque hellénistiqueSéminaire "Archéologie nautique. Moyens de transport par eau, aménagements de l’espace littoral et du milieu fluvial", Université Paris 1- Panthéon Sorbonne, Feb 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Session: Shipwrecks and ShipbuildingUnder the Mediterranean II Conference, University of Malta; Honor Frost Foundation, Nov 2022, La Valletta, Malta
Conference papers
Examples of extraction of ancient shipwrecks in France, Italy and CroatiaReunión Internacional de Expertos sobre la extracción y conservación del pecio Mazarrón 2 / International Experts’ Meeting on the extraction and conservation of the wreck Mazarrón 2, ARQVA Museum; Ministry of Culture and Sport Spain, May 2022, Cartagena, Spain
Conference papers
The Late Hellenistic military ship of Phanagoria. New data for the reconstruction of the shipSailing through History Reading the Past: Imagining the Future. Sixteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, University of Zadar, Sep 2021, Zadar, Croatia
Conference papers
L'architettura navale antica: recenti casi di studio2001-2021, Simposio Internazionale di Archeologia Subacquea, Barbara Davidde, Dec 2021, Taranto, Italy
Conference papers
Some consideration about the Future of the Punic ShipInternational Workshop / Convegno Internazionale : The Punic Ship of Lilybaeum-Marsala, Fifty Years On / La Nave Punica di Lilibeo-Marsala, A Cinquant’anni Dalla Scoperta, Museo Regionale Lilibeo Baglio Anselmi, Marsala; Honor Frost Foundation, Oct 2021, Marsala, Italy
Conference papers
Nuove ricerche d'archeologia navale nell'Adriatico nord-orientaleXVII Rassegna Internazionale di Archeologie subacquea, Parco archeologico di Naxos; Soprintendenza del Mare, Oct 2021, Giardini Naxos, Italy
Conference papers
Past and Recent Research in Nautical Archaeology at the Centre Camille Jullian, Aix-en-Provence, France50 Years of Nautical Archaeology and the IJNA, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Nov 2021, Portsmouth (virtual), United Kingdom
Conference papers
Sewn boat from Poreč, Istria (Croatia)Sailing through History Reading the Past: Imagining the Future. Sixteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, University of Zadar, Sep 2021, Zadar, Croatia
Conference papers
Digital reconstruction hypothesis of the Roman-era fluvial barge from Kamensko, CroatiaSailing through History Reading the Past: Imagining the Future. Sixteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, University of Zadar, Sep 2021, Zadar, Croatia
Conference papers
Le Centre Camille-Jullian et la mer : 50 ans de recherches en archéologie maritime et navaleWebinaire interdisciplinaire : Le rapport à la submersion des sociétés littorales, GIS "Histoire et science de la mer", May 2021, En ligne, France
Conference papers
The Late Hellenistic shipwreck from the Bay of Paržine, Island of Ilovik (Kvarner, Croatia)Sailing through History Reading the Past: Imagining the Future. Sixteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, University of Zadar, Sep 2021, Zadar, Croatia
Conference papers
Harbour and Working Boats of Ancient MediterraneanAnnual BSR G.E. Rickman Lecture, Nov 2021, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Rimski riečni brod iz rijeke Kupe u KamenskomArheološke istraživanja u Sisačko, Gradski muzej Sisak, Oct 2020, Sisak, Croatia
Conference papers
Les traditions de "bateaux cousus" en Adriatique de la fin de âge du Bronze à l'Antiquité tardiveConférences de l'association ArchéoNE, Association des amis du Laténium et de l'archéologie neuchâteloise, Feb 2020, Neuchâtel, Suisse
Conference papers
I’ll sew you a ship. Adriatic « sewn » boats from Prehistory to Late AntiquityArheologija jadranske plovidbe i brodogradnje. Ciklus javnih doga đ anja u sklopu projekta Adrias, Archaeology of Adriatic Shipbuilding and Seafaring, May 2019, Zagreb, Croatia
Conference papers
Ships and harbors in Dalmatia: the case of Caska, island of PagDalmatia and the Ancient Mediterranean: 50 years after John Wilkes's "Dalmatia", A. Bertrand; E. Botte, Nov 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Archéologie navale à l’ère du virtuel : évolution des outils et des problématiques de recherche dans l’étude des navires antiques de MéditerranéeLe réel et le virtuel. 144e Congrès du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, CTHS, May 2019, Marseille, France
Conference papers
I relitti dell'Isola Sacra: tra scavo, restauro e musealizzazioneDe l’épave au musée : étude, conservation, restauration et exposition des navires antiques en Italie et en Europe / Dal relitto al museo: studio, conservazione, restauro e esposizione di navi antiche in Italia e in Europa, Giulia Boetto; Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Mar 2018, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
I relitti del porto antico di Napoli: scavo, recupero e risultati degli scaviDe l’épave au musée : étude, conservation, restauration et exposition des navires antiques en Italie et en Europe / Dal relitto al museo: studio, conservazione, restauro e esposizione di navi antiche in Italia e in Europa, Giulia Boetto; Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Mar 2018, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
An Overview of Three Decades of Dendrochronology Applied to Ancient Mediterranean Shipwrecks in SE France15th Intemational Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology -ISBSA 15, Oct 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers
The Kupa River in antiquity: A preliminary reconstruction of a fluvial landscape and its navigation practicesRiver valleys, river vessels, river harbours. Records from Antiquities and Medieval times, Lars Kröger, Feb 2018, Jena, Germany
Conference papers
The ships of the ancient harbor in Naples (Italy)International Museum Day, May 2018, Pula, Croatia
Conference papers
I relitti e il museo delle navi di FiumicinoDe l’épave au musée : étude, conservation, restauration et exposition des navires antiques en Italie et en Europe / Dal relitto al museo: studio, conservazione, restauro e esposizione di navi antiche in Italia e in Europa, Giulia Boetto; Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Mar 2018, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
The late antique shipwreck of Debeljak, Croatia: preliminary observations on the ship structure15th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology - ISBSA 15, Giulia Boetto; Patrice Pomey; Pierre Poveda, Oct 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Dendrology and Dendrochronology of Ancient Shipwrecks from Caska (Pag Island, Croatia): New Data for the Definition of Adriatic Shipbuilding Traditions15th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology - ISBSA 15, Giulia Boetto; Patrice Pomey; Pierre Poveda, Oct 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers
The Centre Camille Jullian: Fifty Years of Maritime and Nautical Archaeology15th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology - ISBSA 15, Giulia Boetto; Patrice Pomey; Pierre Poveda, Oct 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Construire sans mortier (bateaux remployés, bois et pierres) : le cas de la DalmatieXIIe Colloque Historique de Fréjus : Les ports dans l’espace méditerranéen antique. Fréjus et les ports maritimes, P. Excoffon; M.B. Carre, Nov 2018, Fréjus, France
Conference papers
A Roman Barge from the River Kupa at Kamensko, Croatia: Evidence of a Regional Shipbuilding Tradition of the Danube River Basin in Southeastern Europe15th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology - ISBSA 15, Giulia Boetto; Patrice Pomey; Pierre Poveda, Oct 2018, Marseille, France
Conference papers
L'archéologie maritime : naissance et développements d'une discipline scientifiqueConférences du Centre national de la recherche en archéologie, CNRA, Nov 2018, Alger, Algérie
Conference papers
Recherches d'archéologie navale en CroatieJournée du DRASSM, Mar 2017, Marseille, France
Conference papers
A Preliminary Study of the Remains of Four Vessels Found in the Ancient Harbour of Naples, ItalyUnder the Mediterranean. The Honor Frost Foundation International Conference, be held on the Anniversary of the Centenary of Honor Frost’s Birth on the Island of Cyprus, The Honor Frost Foundation, Oct 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus
Conference papers
Svjedočanstvo navigacije rijekom Kupom u rimsko roba : brod natovaren ciglama iz Kamenskog, Karlovac / Un témoignage de la navigation sur la Kupa à l’époque romaine : le chaland chargé de briques de Kamensko, KarlovacCycle de conferences Musée archéologique de Zagreb, Sep 2017, Zagreb, Croatie
Conference papers
Eléments de propulsion et de gréement des fouilles du port antique de NaplesLes modes de transport dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge : mobiliers d'équipement et d'entretien des véhicules terrestres, fluviaux et maritimes. Rencontres internationales Instrumentum, Musée départemental Arles antique, Jun 2017, Arles, France
Conference papers
Objets de navigation maritime sur le site du Près aux Pêcheurs, AntibesLes modes de transport dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge : mobiliers d'équipement et d'entretien des véhicules terrestres, fluviaux et maritimes. Rencontres internationales Instrumentum, Musée départemental Arles antique, Jun 2017, Arles, France
Conference papers
Roman River Barge from KupaIV International Archaeological Colloquium - Roman Ceramic and Glass Manufactures. Production and Trade in the Adriatic region and beyond, Nov 2017, Crikvenica, Croatia
Conference papers
Working boats of the ancient harbours of Rome and Naples, ItalyRoman Seminars, Apr 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Ships, boats and harbours in the ancient MediterraneanArs Nautica Seafaring through the Ages - Summer School on Nautical Heritage of the Mediterranean, G. Boetto; I. Radic Rossi, Jun 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
Svjedočanstvo o plovidbi Kupom tijekom rimskog razdoblja: brod s teretom opeka iz Kamenskog kod KarlovcacCongress Aquatika Center, Sep 2017, Karlovac, Croatia
Conference papers
Nuovi relitti dal porto antico di NapoliIII Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia, Storia e Etnologia Navale, ISTIAEN, Apr 2016, Cesenatico, Italy
Conference papers
The sewn boat of Zambratija (XII-X century BCE, Istria, Croatia)2° Convegno nazionale Cultura navale e marittima, Sep 2016, Genova, Italy
Conference papers
Ostia antica e la foce del TevereDialoghi sull’Archeologia della Magna Grecia e del Mediterraneo "Grandi storie e archeologia / Il Mediterraneo antico tra conflitti ed integrazione", Sep 2016, Paestum, Italy
Conference papers
Recherches d’archéologie navale en Adriatique orientaleSéance de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Nov 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
New Data for the Study of the Ancient Shipbuilding Traditions in the Adriatic RegionThe Alexandria International Conference on Maritime and Underwater Archaeology Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Central Department of Underwater Antiquities, CDUA, Oct 2016, Alexandria, Egypt
Conference papers
Ancient ships from the harbour of NaplesConferences of the Archaeological Institute of America, Nov 2016, College Station, Texas, United States
Conference papers
Submerged coastal structures of the ancient settlement in the bay of Caska6th International Congress on Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA6), Nov 2016, Fremantle, Australia
Conference papers
Sutiles naves in Istria: preliminary results from the study of the ship finds from Zambratija and Pula (Istria County, Croatia)Baltic and Beyond. Change and continuity in shipbuilding. Fourteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, J. Litwin, Sep 2015, Gdansk, Poland
Conference papers
New Roman shipwrecks from Isola Sacra (Rome, Italy)Baltic and Beyond. Change and continuity in shipbuilding. Fourteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, J. Litwin, 2015, Gdansk, Poland
Conference papers
Cissa antiqua – Rezultati istraživanja u podmorju i priobalju uvale Caske na otoku PaguAntiquitatis Sollemnia Antidoron Mate Suić. International Scientific Conference on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mate Suic, Nov 2015, Zagreb-Zadar, Croatia
Conference papers
Shipbuilding traditions in Adriatic from Bronze Age to Roman time1st Course Workshop Adrias Project « Ars Nautica : Seafaring through the Ages », Irena Radic Rossi; Giulia Boetto; José Louis Casaban, Jun 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
Nautical Archaeology at the Centre Camille Jullian and the Master of Maritime and Coastal Archaeology (MoMArch) at the Aix Marseille University (Aix-en-Provence, France)1st Course Workshop Adrias Project « Ars Nautica : Seafaring through the Ages », Irena Radic Rossi; Giulia Boetto; José Louis Casaban, Jun 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
The coastal landscape of Neapolis: the excavation of the ancient harbor and of the shipwrecksANNONA 2015. 1st International Student Conference on Underwater Archaeology, Nov 2015, Zadar, Croatia
Conference papers
Working boats of the port of Rome : the Fiumicino and Isola Sacra Shipwrecks1st Course Workshop Adrias Project « Ars Nautica : Seafaring through the Ages », Irena Radic Rossi; Giulia Boetto; José Louis Casaban, Jun 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
From shipwrecks to sailing shipsBTS - Breaking the Surface 2015 - 7th Int. Interdisciplinary field Workshop of Marine Robotics and Applications, Oct 2015, Biograd, Croatia
Conference papers
Navigabilité de l’embouchure du delta du Tibre à OstieIl ruolo delle vie d’acqua per la circolazione delle merci e degli uomini nelle regioni dei delta e delle foci urbanizzate: Guadalquivir, Nilo, Rodano, Tevere, Jun 2015, Rome, Italie
Conference papers
Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja nalaza broda u ZambratijiArheološke spoznaje na području Grada Umaga u posljednjih 20 godina, Dec 2015, Umag, Croatia
Conference papers
Ships in the Greco-Roman harbor of Neapolis (Naples)1st Course Workshop Adrias Project « Ars Nautica : Seafaring through the Ages », Irena Radic Rossi; Giulia Boetto; José Louis Casaban, Jun 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference papers
Ancient ships from the bay of Caska (Island of Pag, Croatia)Baltic and Beyond. Change and continuity in shipbuilding. Fourteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, J. Litwin, Sep 2015, Gdansk, Poland
Conference papers
Archéologie maritime, archéologie navale et dendrochronologieARCADE 2014. Approche diachronique et regards croisés : archéologie, dendrochronologie et environnement, Apr 2014, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers
Les embarcations des ports d'Ostie et de Naples : nouvelles études et découvertes récentesSéminaire de recherche "Archéologies et sociétés de l'Italie (Antiquité et Moyen Âge)", AOROC, Jan 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
L’épave de l’âge du Bronze de Zambratija (Istrie, Croatie)Journée Internationale d’Etude « Archéologie des premières navigations maritimes. Regards croisés en Méditerranée occidentale et Manche/mer du Nord », Anne Lehoerf, Mar 2014, Rome, Italie
Conference papers
Géoarchéologie du bassin portuaire d’OstieLes ports dans l'espace Méditerranéen antique, May 2014, Montpellier, France. pp.305-319
Conference papers
Navires et construction navale sur la côte adriatiqueConférences du Musée Henri Prades, Musée Henri Prades, Apr 2014, Lattes, France
Conference papers
Shipping in the ports of Rome and Naples (Italy): highlights on working boats under the Roman empireMers Ottomanes / Ottoman Seas, IFEA, Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes, Feb 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
Palaeoenvironemental Evidences for the Location and the Characteristics of the Harbour Basin of OstiaConvegno internazionale – Ostia Antica. Nuovi studi e confronto delle ricerche nei quartieri occidentali, Sep 2014, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
The 2013 Investigation of the Harbour of the Roman Colony PulaUnder the Mediterranean. The Honor Frost Foundation International Conference, be held on the Anniversary of the Centenary of Honor Frost’s Birth on the Island of Cyprus, Oct 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2017
Conference poster
Identification of wood used in the construction of the two horeiae-type vessels Toulon 1 and 2 (1st century AD, France)Under the Mediterranean. The Honor Frost Foundation International Conference, be held on the Anniversary of the Centenary of Honor Frost’s Birth on the Island of Cyprus, Oct 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2017
Conference poster
Ancient ships from Cissa (Island of Pag, Croatia) in their cultural and historical contextBaltic and Beyond, Change and Continuity in shipbuilding, 14th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Sep 2015, Gdansk, Poland.
Conference poster
Arheološka istraživanja prapovijesnog broda iz ZambratijeRezultati arheoloških istraživanja na prostoru šibensko-knibske županuje, Oct 2015, Sibenik, Croatia
Conference poster
Nalazi rimskih šivanih brodova u PuliRezultati arheoloških istraživanja na prostoru šibensko-knibske županuje, Oct 2015, Sibenik, Croatia
Conference poster
The Late Hellenistic military ship of Phanagoria: New data for the reconstruction of the shipIrena Radić Rossi; Katarina Batur; Tomislav Fabijanić; Dušanka Romanović. Sailing through History. Reading the Past – Imagining the Future: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology ISBSA 16, University of Zadar, pp.289-297, 2024, 978-953-331-520-1. ⟨10.15291/9789533315201.34⟩
Book sections
The Roman Republican wreck Ilovik–Paržine 1, island of Ilovik (Croatia): preliminary reportIrena Radić Rossi; Katarina Batur; Tomislav Fabijanić; Dušanka Romanović. Sailing through History. Reading the Past – Imagining the Future: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology ISBSA 16, University of Zadar, pp.225-233, 2024, 978-953-331-520-1. ⟨10.15291/9789533315201.27⟩
Book sections
Digital reconstruction hypothesis of the Roman‐era fluvial barge from Kamensko, CroatiaIrena Radić Rossi; Katarina Batur; Tomislav Fabijanić; Dušanka Romanović. Sailing through History. Reading the Past – Imagining the Future: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology ISBSA 16, University of Zadar, pp.299-307, 2024, 978-953-331-520-1. ⟨10.15291/9789533315201.35⟩
Book sections
Continuity and Innovation in Shipbuilding in the North Adriatic between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle AgesKrnić, Ana-Marija; Krleža-Lovrić, Palmira; Lovrić, Filip. L’Adriatique entre Antiquité tardive et haut Moyen Âge : espace d’échange d’idées et de modèles, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, pp.17-55, 2024, 978-2-38549-124-6
Book sections
Scuttling of ships to build roman ports. The examples of Caska and Trstenik archaeological sites (Croatia)Urteaga, Mertxe; Pizzo, Antonio. Entre Mare. Emplazamiento, infraestructuras y organización de los puertos romanos, L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER, 2024, 978-88-913-3270-7. ⟨10.48255/9788891332714.49⟩
Book sections
Barche e navi antiche dell’adriatico: nuove ricerche d’archeologia navale in Istria e DalmaziaTigano, Gabriella; Li Vigni, Valeria; Vanaria, Maria Grazia. Atti della XVII Rassegna di archeologia subacquea, Quasar, pp.47-52, 2024, 978-88-5491-456-8
Book sections
Examples of extraction of ancient shipwrecks in France, Italy and CroatiaMarta Arcos García; Rocío Castillo Belinchón; Celia Cantero Escribano. Actas de la Reunión Internacional de Expertos sobre la extracción y conservación del pecio Mazarrón 2 = Proceedings of the International Experts’ Meeting on the extraction and conservation of the wreck Mazarrón 2, Ministerio de Cultura, pp.156-165, 2023
Book sections
Les épaves du port antique de ToulonJean-Pierre Brun; Michel Pasqualini; Giulia Boetto; Emmanuel Botte. Toulon (Telo Martius), une agglomération portuaire romaine de la cité d'Arles. Les fouilles, le mobilier, les épaves (recherches 1978-1988), Archéologies méditerranéennes. BiAMA (31), Presses Universitaires de Provence, pp.307-372, 2022, 979-10-320-0375-6
Book sections
La navigation sur le Tibre et le halage vers RomeFrédéric Marty. D'un port à l'autre : Voyage en Méditerranée romaine entre Arles et Rome = Da un porto all'altro: Viaggio nel Mediterraneo romano tra Arles e Roma : [Musée départemental Arles antique (Arles, France), 2 avril-29 mai 2022 et Museo delle Navi (Fiumicino, Italie)], Métropole Aix-Marseille Provence / Territoire Istres Ouest Provence, pp.123-125, 2022, 978-2-9522229-5-2
Book sections
Les navires du musée de FiumicinoFrédéric Marty. D'un port à l'autre = Da un porto all'altro : Voyage en Méditerranée romaine entre Arles et Rome = Viaggio nel Mediterraneo romano tra Arles e Roma : [Musée départemental Arles antique (Arles, France), 2 avril-29 mai 2022 et Museo delle Navi (Fiumicino, Italie)], Métropole Aix Marseille Provence, Territoire Istres Ouest Provence, pp.113-118, 2022, 978-2-9522229-5-2
Book sections
Le bois employé dans la construction des embarcations de ToulonJean-Pierre Brun; Michel Pasqualini; Giulia Boetto; Emmanuel Botte. Toulon (Telo Martius), une agglomération portuaire romaine de la cité d'Arles. Les fouilles, le mobilier, les épaves (recherches 1978-1988), 31, Presses Universitaires de Provence, pp.372-387, 2022, Archéologies méditerranéennes. BIAMA, 979-10-320-0375-6
Book sections
Construire sans mortier (bateaux remployés, bois et pierre). Le site de Caska sur l’île de Pag (Croatie)M.B. Carre; P. Excoffon. Les ports dans l’espace méditerranéen antique. Fréjus et les ports maritimes [actes du 12e Colloque historique de Fréjus, 16-17 novembre 2018], 30, Presses Universitaires de Provence, pp.23-40, 2021, Archéologies méditerranéennes. BiAMA, 9791032003480
Book sections
A Roman Barge from the Kupa River at Kamensko, Croatia: Evidence of a Regional Shipbuilding Tradition of the Danube River Basin in Southeastern EuropeG. Boetto; P. Pomey; P. Poveda. Open sea, closed sea: local and inter-regional traditions in shipbuilding proceedings of the fifteenth International symposium on boat and ship archaeology (ISBSA 15), Marseilles, [22-27 October] 2018, 21, CNRS éditions, pp.115-121, 2021, Archaeonautica, 978-2-271-12972-7
Book sections
Objets de navigation maritime sur le site du Pré-aux-pêcheurs à Antibes (F, 06)Stéphanie Raux. Les modes de transport dans l`Antiquité et au Moyen Âge : mobiliers d`équipement et d`entretien des véhicules terrestres, fluviaux et maritimes. Actes des Rencontres internationales Instrumentum. Arles (FR, Bouches-du-Rhône), les 14-16 juin 2017, Musée départemental Arles antique, 70, Éditions Mergoil, pp.321-340, 2021, Monographie Instrumentum, 978-2-35518-112-2
Book sections
Recherches d'archéologie navale en IstrieM. Čaušević-Bully; I. Radman-Livaja. 50 ans d’archéologie Franco-Croate = 50 Godina Hrvatsko-Francuske suradnje u arheologiji. [Catalogue de l'exposition, Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, 14 juin - 2 juillet 2021], Musée archéologique de Zagreb ; Institut français, pp.23-24, 2021, 978-953-8143-47-2
Book sections
An overview of three decades of dendrochronology applied to ancient Mediterranean shipwrecks in southeastern FranceG. Boetto; P. Pomey; P. Poveda. Open sea, closed sea: local and inter-regional traditions in shipbuilding proceedings of the fifteenth International symposium on boat and ship archaeology (ISBSA 15), Marseilles, [22-27 October] 2018, 21, CNRS éditions, pp.245-250, 2021, Archaeonautica, 978-2-271-12972-7
Book sections
L'épave de la baie de Parzine, Île d’ilovikM. Čaušević-Bully; I. Radman-Livaja. 50 ans d’archéologie Franco-Croate = 50 Godina Hrvatsko-Francuske suradnje u arheologiji. [Catalogue de l'exposition, Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, 14 juin - 2 juillet 2021], Musée archéologique de Zagreb ; Institut Français, pp.25-27, 2021, 978-953-8143-47-2
Book sections
Lađa ravnog dna s teretom opeka u rijeci KupiM. Čaušević-Bully; I. Radman-Livaja. 50 ans d’archéologie Franco-Croate = 50 Godina Hrvatsko-Francuske suradnje u arheologiji. [Catalogue de l'exposition, Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, 14 juin - 2 juillet 2021], pp.33-35, 2021, 978-953-8143-47-2
Book sections
Le transport du poisson vivant entre les îles et le continent : les bateaux viviers des îles de San Pietro et de Ponza (Latium)B. Marin. Les petites îles de Méditerranée occidentales, Gaussen, pp.320-321, 2021, 978-2-356981-85-1
Book sections
Preliminary results of the wood analyses of the Roman vessels of Caska, island of Pag, CroatiaG. Boetto; P. Pomey; P. Poveda. Open sea, closed sea: local and inter-regional traditions in shipbuilding proceedings of the fifteenth International symposium on boat and ship archaeology (ISBSA 15), Marseilles, [22-27 October] 2018, 21, CNRS éditions, pp.251-256, 2021, Archaeonautica, 978-2-271-12972-7
Book sections
Final Report on the Remains of Four Vessels Found in the Ancient Harbour of Naples, Italy, Dating to the Late 2nd Century BCE and the Late 2nd-Late 3rd Century CES. Demestica; L. Blue. Under the Mediterranean I: Studies in Maritime Archaeology, Sidestonepress, pp.59-74, 2021, 978-90-8890-945-0
Book sections
Les épaves et les structures portuaires de Caska, Île de PagM. Čaušević-Bully; I. Radman-Livaja. 50 ans d’archéologie franco-croate / 50 godina hrvatsko-francuske suradnje u arheologiji, Musée archéologique de Zagreb ; Institut Français, pp.29-31, 2021, 978-953-8143-47-2
Book sections
The hull structureI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod. Rezultati arheološkog istraživanja, analiza i studija / Prehistoric sewn boat. Results of the Archaeological Research, Analysis and Study, 33, Arheološkom muzeju Istre, pp.62-87, 2020, Monografije i katalozi, 978-953-8082-50-4
Book sections
Digital photogrammetry of the siteI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod. Rezultati arheološkog istraživanja, analiza i studija / Prehistoric sewn boat. Results of the Archaeological Research, Analysis and Study, 33, Arheološki muzej Istre, pp.50-59, 2020, Monographs and catalogues, 978-953-8082-50-4
Book sections
A multi-proxy analysis of the evolution of the Portus to Ostia CanalS. Keay; M. Millet; K. Strutt; P. Germoni. The Isola Sacra Survey: Ostia, Portus and the port system of Imperial Rome, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research-University of Cambridge, pp.123-139, 2020, 9781902937908
Book sections
The Zambratija boat in the context of ancient Mediterranean sewn-boat traditionsI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod. Rezultati arheološkog istraživanja, analiza i studija / Prehistoric sewn boat. Results of the Archaeological Research, Analysis and Study, 33, Arheološki muzej Istre, pp.158-178, 2020, Monographs and catalogues, 978-953-8082-50-4
Book sections
Navi e vita di bordo nel Mediterraneo in età greco-romanaL. Fozzati. Thalassa meraviglie sommerse dal Mediterraneo SAGGI, Electa : Museo Archeologico Nazionale Napoli, pp.227-231, 2020, 978-88-918-2855-2
Book sections
I relitti del porto antico di NapoliL. Fozzati. Thalassa meraviglie sommerse dal Mediterraneo SAGGI, Electa : Museo archeologico Nazionale Napoli, pp.79-82, 2020, 978-88-918-2855-2
Book sections
The Isola Sacra shipwreckS. Keay; M. Millet; K. Strutt; P. Germoni. The Isola Sacra Survey: Ostia, Portus and the port system of Imperial Rome, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research-University of Cambridge, pp.139-145, 2020, 9781902937908
Book sections
DatingI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod. Rezultati arheološkog istraživanja, analiza i studija / Prehistoric sewn boat. Results of the Archaeological Research, Analysis and Study, 33, Arheološki muzej Istre, pp.118-121, 2020, Monographs and catalogues, 978-953-8082-50-4
Book sections
Wood identificationI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod. Rezultati arheološkog istraživanja, analiza i studija / Prehistoric sewn boat. Results of the Archaeological Research, Analysis and Study, 33, Arheološki muzej Istre, pp.122-127, 2020, Monographs and catalogues, 978-953-8082-50-4
Book sections
Preliminary reconstructionI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod. Rezultati arheološkog istraživanja, analiza i studija / Prehistoric sewn boat. Results of the Archaeological Research, Analysis and Study, 33, Arheološki muzej Istre, pp.96-103, 2020, Monographs and catalogues, 978-953-8082-50-4
Book sections
La costruzione navale nel MediterraneoFondazione Federico II. Terracqueo. Catalogo della mostra, pp.157-161, 2020, 978-88-96729-41-0
Book sections
New Shipwrecks from the Ancient Harbour of Naples = Nuovi relitti dagli scavi del porto antico di NapoliA. Asta; G. Caniato; D. Gnola; S. Medas. Atti del 3° Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia Navale, 6, Libreria universitaria edizioni, pp.29-40, 2019, Navis, Rassegna di studi di archeologia, etnologia e storia navale, 8833591301
Book sections
Napoli A, un voilier abandonné dans le port de Neapolis à la fin du Ier siècle: architecture, fonction, restitution et espace de navigationG. Boetto; E. Rieth. De re Navali. Pérégrinations nautiques entre Méditerranée et océan Indien. Mélanges en l'honneur de Patrice Pomey, 20, CNRS éditions, pp.19-56, 2018, Archaeonautica, 978-2-271-12263-6
Book sections
Underwater research and analysis of the hull structureI. Radic Rossi; G. Boetto. PAKOŠTANE VELI SKOLI - Kasnoantički brodolom u geološko-geografskom i kulturnopovijesnom kontekstu / The Late Roman shipwreck in its geological-geographic and culturalhistorical context, Sveuciliste u Zadru; Institut za pomorsku bastinu ARS NAUTICA, pp.26-46, 2018, 987-953-331-190-6
Book sections
Hull structureI. Radic Rossi; G. Boetto. PAKOŠTANE VELI SKOLI - Kasnoantički brodolom u geološko-geografskom i kulturnopovijesnom kontekstu / The Late Roman shipwreck in its geological-geographic and culturalhistorical context, Sveuciliste u Zadru; Institut za pomorsku bastinu ARS NAUTICA, pp.47-68, 2018, 987-953-331-190-6
Book sections
De re navali. Pérégrinations nautiques entre Méditerranée et océan Indien. Mélanges en l'honneur de Patrice Pomey - IntroductionG. Boetto; E. Rieth. De re navali. Pérégrinations nautiques entre Méditerranée et océan Indien. Mélanges en l'honneur de Patrice Pomey, 20, CNRS éditions, pp.7-9, 2018, Archaeonautica, 978-2-271-12263-6
Book sections
Ancient ships from the bay of Caska (Island of Pag, Croatia)J. Litwin. Baltic and beyond. Change and continuity in shipbuilding. Proceedings of the fourteenth international symposium on boat and ship archaeology, Gdansk 2015, National Maritime Museum, pp.279-288, 2017
Book sections
New Roman shipwrecks from Isola Sacra (Rome, Italy)Jerzy Gawronski; André van Holk; Joost Schokkenbroek. Ships and Maritime landscapes. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Amsterdam, 2012, Barkhuis, pp.260-266, 2017
Book sections
Sewn Ships from Istria (Croatia): the shipwrecks of Zambratija and PulaJ. Litwin. Baltic and beyond. Change and continuity in shipbuilding. Proceedings of the fourteenth international symposium on boat and ship archaeology, Gdansk 2015, National Maritime Museum, pp.189-198, 2017
Book sections
Digitalna fotogrametrija i dokumentacija broda / Numerical photogrammetry and documentation of the boat / La fotogrammetria numerica e la documentazione del relitto / La photogrammétrie numérique et la documentation de l'épaveI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod / Prehistoric sewn boat / Una barca cucita preistorica / Un bateau cousu préhistorique, 85, Archaeological Museum of Istria, pp.50-53, 2017, Katalog, 978-953-8082-12-2
Book sections
Prva hipoteza rekonstrukcije forme trupa / The first hypothesis of the reconstruction of the hull shape / La prima ipotesi di ricostruzione delle forme dello scafo / Première hypothèse de restitution des formes de la coqueI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod / Prehistoric sewn boat / Una barca cucita preistorica / Un bateau cousu préhistorique, 85, Archaeological Museum of Istria, pp.54-59, 2017, Katalog, 978-953-8082-12-2
Book sections
Arhitektura broda / The hull remains of the boat / L'architettura dell'imbarcazione / L'architecture du bateauI. Koncani Uhač; G. Boetto; M. Uhač. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod / Prehistoric sewn boat / Una barca cucita preistorica / Un bateau cousu préhistorique, 85, Archaeological Museum of Istria, pp.34-47, 2017, Katalog, 978-953-8082-12-2
Book sections
Il relitto di Zambratija, Croazia (XII-X sec. a. C.)M.C. Morozzo Della Rocca; F. Tiboni. Cultura navale e marittima transire mare : atti del 2° convegno nazionale 22-23 settembre 2016, GoWare, pp.215-220, 2017, 9788867979004
Book sections
High chrono-stratigraphical resolution of the harbour sequence of Ostia: palaeo-depth of the basin, ship draught and dredgingTyler V. Franconi. Fluvial Landscapes in the Roman World, 104, Journal of Roman Archaeology, pp.68-84, 2017, JRA. Supplementary Series, 9780991373086
Book sections
Zambratija: la nave cucita più antica del MediterraneoR. Auriemma. Nel mare dell'intimità. L'archeologia subacquea racconta l’Adriatico, Gangemi, 2017, 9788849235609
Book sections
Analiza drva / Wood analysis / Lo studio del legno / Etudes du boisI. Koncani Uhac; G. Boetto; M. Uhac. Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod / Prehistoric sewn boat / Una barca cucita preistorica / Un bateau cousu préhistorique, 85, Archaeological Museum of Istria, pp.60-65, 2017, Katalog, 978-953-8082-12-2
Book sections
Les "grandi horrea" d'OstieB. Marin; C. Virlouvet. Entrepôts et trafics annonaires en Méditerranée : Antiquité-Temps modernes, 322, Ecole française de Rome, pp.177-226, 2016, Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 978-2-7283-1188-0
Book sections
Portus, Ostia and Rome: a transport zone in maritime/land interfaceK. Höghammar; B. Alroth; A. Lindhagen. Ancient Ports. The Geography of Connections, International Conference at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, 34, pp.269-287, 2016, BOREAS. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, 978-91-554-9609-8
Book sections
Appendix 3.3 Timbers from the Nemi Ships in the American AcademyL. Bonfante; H. Nagy. The Collection of Antiquities of the American Academy in Rome, XI, University of Michigan Press, pp.83-84, 2015, Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Supplementary, 978-0-472-11989-9
Book sections
La Liburnie méridionale et la Dalmatie centraleMorana Čaušević Bully; Francis Tassaux. Aquileia – Salona –Apollonia : Putevima Jadrana od 2. St. Pr. Kr. Do početaka srednjeg vijeka = un itinéraire adriatique du début du IIe s. av. J.-C. au début du Moyen âge, catalogue de l'exposition, Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu, Ecole française de Rome, pp.123-135, 2015, 9782728311675
Book sections
I resti animali di età romana rinvenuti in livelli del II-III secolo d. C. a Isola Sacra (Fiumicino)7° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia (AIAZ), 11 (2), pp.105-108, 2015, Annali dell’Università di Ferrara Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica
Book sections
Des fragments de bateaux découverts au quartier de VilleneuveForum Iulii et la mer. Catalogue de l'exposition, 20 septembre - 31 octobre 2014, espace culturel Paul Vernet, Fréjus, impr. Forum, pp.19, 2014
Book sections
Le chaland de Lipe (Ljubljana, Slovénie) et la tradition de construction « sur sole » de l’Europe sud-orientale : quelles influences méditerranéennes ?GIulia Boetto; Patrice Pomey; André Tchernia. Batellerie gallo-romaine. Pratiques régionales et influences maritimes méditerranéennes, 9, Errance/Centre Camille Jullian, 2011, Bibliothèque d’archéologie méditerranéenne et africaine, 978-2877724777
Book sections
Fiumicino 3Allard Mees; Barbara Pferdehirt. Römerzeitliche Schiffsfunde in der datenbank « Navis I », 39, Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, pp.148-151, 2002, Kataloge vor-und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, 978-3-88467-063-7
Book sections
Fiumicino 2Allard Mees; Barbara Pferdehirt. Römerzeitliche Schiffsfunde in der datenbank « Navis I », 39, Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, pp.143-147, 2002, Kataloge vor-und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, 978-3-88467-063-7
Book sections
Fiumicino 5Allard Mees; Barbara Pferdehirt. Römerzeitliche Schiffsfunde in der datenbank « Navis I », 39, Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, pp.156-159, 2002, Kataloge vor-und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, 978-3-88467-063-7
Book sections
Fiumicino 1Allard Mees; Barbara Pferdehirt. Römerzeitliche Schiffsfunde in der datenbank « Navis I », 39, Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, pp.134-142, 2002, Kataloge vor-und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, 978-3-88467-063-7
Book sections
Fiumicino 4Allard Mees; Barbara Pferdehirt. Römerzeitliche Schiffsfunde in der datenbank « Navis I », 39, Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, pp.152-155, 2002, Kataloge vor-und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, 978-3-88467-063-7
Book sections
Les navires de FiumicinoJ.-P. Descœudres. Ostia : port et porte de la Rome antique, catalogue de l'exposition, Musée d’art et d’histoire-Georg Editeur, pp.121-130, 2001
Book sections