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Guillaume Saint-Girons



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Broadband cavity-enhanced optical flux monitoring

Roman Rousseau , Claude Botella , Jérôme Morville , Mohamed Bounab , Lotfi Berguiga
Journal of Applied Physics, 2024, 136 (18), ⟨10.1063/5.0235438⟩
Journal articles hal-04776833v1
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Sb2S3 as a low-loss phase-change material for mid-IR photonics

Adam Biegański , Marko Perestjuk , Rémi Armand , Alberto Della Torre , Capucine Laprais
Optical Materials Express, 2024, 14 (4), pp.862. ⟨10.1364/OME.511923⟩
Journal articles hal-04625953v1
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Integration of epitaxial LiNbO3 thin films with silicon technology

Ausrine Bartasyte , Stefania Oliveri , Sondes Boujnah , Samuel Margueron , Romain Bachelet
Nanotechnology, 2024, 35, pp.175601. ⟨10.1088/1361-6528/ad1b98⟩
Journal articles hal-04396804v1
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Preferential orientations of FeRh nanomagnets deposited on a BaTiO$_3$ epitaxial thin film

A. Reyes , G. Herrera , Pierre Capiod , D. Le Roy , V. Dupuis
Physical Review B, 2024, 109 (24), pp.245410. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.109.245410⟩
Journal articles hal-04621770v4
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Absorption line broadening in atomic beams produced in a molecular beam epitaxy environment

Roman Rousseau , Jérôme Morville , Claude Botella , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Optics Express, 2024, 32 (23), pp.40202. ⟨10.1364/oe.536538⟩
Journal articles hal-04776857v1
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Reversible Single‐Pulse Laser‐Induced Phase Change of Sb 2 S 3 Thin Films: Multi‐Physics Modeling and Experimental Demonstrations

Capucine Laprais , Clément Zrounba , Julien Bouvier , Nicholas Blanchard , Matthieu Bugnet
Advanced Optical Materials, 2024, ⟨10.1002/adom.202401214⟩
Journal articles hal-04711821v1
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Programming multilevel crystallization states in phase-change-material thin films

Arnaud Taute , Sadek Al-Jibouri , Capucine Laprais , Stéphane Monfray , Julien Lumeau
Optical Materials Express, 2023, 13 (11), pp.3113-3120. ⟨10.1364/ome.499809⟩
Journal articles hal-04243325v1
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Strain generated by the stacking faults in epitaxial SrO(SrTiO 3 ) N Ruddlesden–Popper structures

Guillaume Saint-Girons , Clarisse Furgeaud , Ludovic Largeau , Alexandre Danescu , Romain Bachelet
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2023, 56 (5), pp.1426-1434. ⟨10.1107/s1600576723006945⟩
Journal articles hal-04220588v1
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Integration of Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 Crystalline Films on Silicon Toward High-Rate Performance Lithionic Devices

Steven Lacey , Elisa Gilardi , Elisabeth Müller , Clement Merckling , Guillaume Saint-Girons
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15 (1), pp.1535-1544. ⟨10.1021/acsami.2c17073⟩
Journal articles hal-04138188v1
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Ferroelectric Hf 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 films with improved endurance obtained through low temperature epitaxial growth on seed layers

Tingfeng Song , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Ignasi Fina , Florencio Sánchez
Nanoscale, 2023, 15 (11), pp.5293-5299. ⟨10.1039/D2NR05935E⟩
Journal articles hal-04243275v1
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Tunable optical anisotropy in epitaxial phase-change VO2 thin films

Jimmy John , Amine Slassi , Jianing Sun , Yifei Sun , Romain Bachelet
Nanophotonics, 2022, ⟨10.1515/nanoph-2022-0153⟩
Journal articles hal-03684735v1
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Assessing the insulating properties of an ultrathin SrTiO3 shell grown around GaAs nanowires with molecular beam epitaxy

Nemanja Peric , Thomas Dursap , Jeanne Becdelievre , Maxime Berthe , A. Addad
Nanotechnology, 2022, 33 (37), pp.375702. ⟨10.1088/1361-6528/ac7576⟩
Journal articles hal-03689625v1
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Sensitive RHEED signature of Ti-excess enabling enhanced cationic composition control during the molecular beam epitaxy of SrTiO 3 based solid solutions

Masoumeh Razaghi Pey Ghaleh , Marc d'Esperonnat , Claude Botella , Sébastien Cueff , Romain Bachelet
CrystEngComm, 2021, 23 (11), pp.2269-2275. ⟨10.1039/D1CE00013F⟩
Journal articles hal-03177011v1
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Thickness effect on the ferroelectric properties of La-doped HfO 2 epitaxial films down to 4.5 nm

Tingfeng Song , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Nico Dix , Ignasi Fina
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9 (36), pp.12224-12230. ⟨10.1039/D1TC02512K⟩
Journal articles hal-03380245v1
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Stabilization of the Ferroelectric Phase in Epitaxial Hf 1– x Zr x O 2 Enabling Coexistence of Ferroelectric and Enhanced Piezoelectric Properties

Tingfeng Song , Huan Tan , Nico Dix , Rahma Moalla , Jike Lyu
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021, 3 (5), pp.2106-2113. ⟨10.1021/acsaelm.1c00122⟩
Journal articles hal-03380235v1
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Impact of la Concentration on Ferroelectricity of La-Doped HfO2Epitaxial Thin Films

T. Song , H. Tan , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , I. Fina
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021, 3 (11), pp.4809-4816. ⟨10.1021/acsaelm.1c00672⟩
Journal articles hal-03622064v1
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Spectroscopic ellipsometry: a sensitive tool to monitor domains formation during the bias enhanced nucleation of heteroepitaxial diamond

Julien Delchevalrie , Samuel Saada , R. Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Jean-Charles Arnault
Diamond and Related Materials, 2021, 112, pp.108246. ⟨10.1016/j.diamond.2021.108246⟩
Journal articles hal-03105831v1
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Giant Tuning of Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties by Epitaxial Strain in p-Type Sr-Doped LaCrO 3 Transparent Thin Films

Dong Han , Rahma Moalla , Ignasi Fina , Valentina M. Giordano , Marc D’esperonnat
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021, 3 (8), pp.3461-3471. ⟨10.1021/acsaelm.1c00425⟩
Journal articles hal-03325328v1
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Epitaxial Zn3N2 thin films by molecular beam epitaxy: Structural, electrical, and optical properties

P. John , M. Al Khalfioui , C. Deparis , A. Welk , C. Lichtensteiger
Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 130 (6), pp.065104. ⟨10.1063/5.0057307⟩
Journal articles hal-03437274v2
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Epitaxial diamond on Ir/ SrTiO3/Si (001): From sequential material characterizations to fabrication of lateral Schottky diodes

Jean-Charles Arnault , K.H. Lee , Julien Delchevalrie , J. Penuelas , L. Mehmel
Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 105, pp.107768. ⟨10.1016/j.diamond.2020.107768⟩
Journal articles hal-02500531v1
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Epitaxial Ferroelectric La-Doped Hf 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 Thin Films

Tingfeng Song , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Raul Solanas , Ignasi Fina
ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2020, 2 (10), pp.3221-3232. ⟨10.1021/acsaelm.0c00560⟩
Journal articles hal-03016969v1
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Structural studies of epitaxial BaTiO3 thin film on silicon

B. Wagué , J.-B. - B Brubach , G. Niu , G. Dong , L. Dai
Thin Solid Films, 2020, 693, pp.137636. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2019.137636⟩
Journal articles hal-02324723v1
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Poisson ratio and bulk lattice constant of (Sr 0.25 La 0.75 )CrO 3 from strained epitaxial thin films

Dong Han , Mohamed Bouras , Claude Botella , Aziz Benamrouche , Bruno Canut
Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126 (8), pp.085304. ⟨10.1063/1.5101049⟩
Journal articles hal-02272738v1
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Perovskite-oxide based hyperbolic metamaterials

Mohamed Bouras , Dong Han , Sébastien Cueff , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journal articles hal-02152365v1

Enhanced ferroelectricity in epitaxial Hf 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 thin films integrated with Si(001) using SrTiO 3 templates

J. Lyu , I. Fina , R. Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , S Estandia
Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114 (22), pp.222901. ⟨10.1063/1.5096002⟩
Journal articles hal-02147860v1
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Structural properties of strained epitaxial La 1+δ CrO 3 thin films

Dong Han , Mohamed Bouras , Claude Botella , Aziz Benamrouche , Bruno Canut
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2019, 37 (2), pp.021512. ⟨10.1116/1.5082185⟩
Journal articles hal-02115364v1
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Large anisotropy of ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties in heteroepitaxial oxide layers

R. Moalla , S. Cueff , J. Penuelas , B. Vilquin , G. Saint-Girons
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-22349-y⟩
Journal articles hal-01848663v1
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Epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films on silicon with excellent magnetic and electric properties by combining physical and chemical methods

José Manuel Vila-Fungueiriño , Jaume Gázquez , Cesar Magen , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Romain Bachelet
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2018, 19 (1), pp.702 - 710. ⟨10.1080/14686996.2018.1520590⟩
Journal articles hal-01896867v1

Semiconducting Films: Electric and Mechanical Switching of Ferroelectric and Resistive States in Semiconducting BaTiO 3- δ Films on Silicon (Small 39/2017)

Andrés Gómez , José Manuel Vila-Fungueiriño , Rahma Moalla , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Jaume Gázquez
Small, 2017, 13 (39), ⟨10.1002/smll.201770208⟩
Journal articles hal-01848669v1

Electric and Mechanical Switching of Ferroelectric and Resistive States in Semiconducting BaTiO 3- δ Films on Silicon

Andrés Gómez , José Manuel Vila-Fungueiriño , Rahma Moalla , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Jaume Gázquez
Small, 2017, 13 (39), ⟨10.1002/smll.201701614⟩
Journal articles hal-01628256v1
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Thermoelectric La-doped SrTiO 3 epitaxial layers with single-crystal quality: from nano to micrometers

Mihai Apreutesei , Régis Debord , Mohamed Bouras , Philippe Regreny , Claude Botella
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2017, 18 (1), pp.430 - 435. ⟨10.1080/14686996.2017.1336055⟩
Journal articles hal-01628269v1
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Huge gain in pyroelectric energy conversion through epitaxy for integrated self-powered nanodevices

Rahma Moalla , Bertrand Vilquin , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Gwenaël Le Rhun , Emmanuel Defay
Nano Energy, 2017, 41, pp.43 - 48. ⟨10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.09.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01848668v1

High ferroelectric polarization in c -oriented BaTiO 3 epitaxial thin films on SrTiO 3 /Si(001)

M. Scigaj , C. Chao , J. Gázquez , I. Fina , R. Moalla
Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109 (12), ⟨10.1063/1.4962836⟩
Journal articles hal-01848672v1

Texture of Ge on SrTiO3(001) substrates: Evidence for in-plane axiotaxy

Alexandre Danescu , Jose Penuelas , Benoit Gobaut , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2016, 644, pp.13. ⟨10.1016/j.susc.2015.08.035⟩
Journal articles hal-01489127v1

GaAs nanowires with oxidation-proof arsenic capping for the growth of an epitaxial shell

Xin Guan , Jeanne Becdelievre , A. Benali , Claude Botella , Geneviève Grenet
Nanoscale, 2016, 8, pp.15637. ⟨10.1039/C6NR04817J⟩
Journal articles hal-01489104v1

The role of titanium at the SrTiO 3 /GaAs epitaxial interface

B. Meunier , Romain Bachelet , G. Grenet , C. Botella , P. Regreny
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2016, 433, pp.139 - 142. ⟨10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2015.10.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01848713v1
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Electro-Optical Modulation Based on Pockels Effect in BaTiO3 With a Multi-Domain Structure

P. Castéra , Ana Gutierrez , Domenico Tulli , Sébastien Cueff , Régis Orobtchouk
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28 (9), pp.990. ⟨10.1109/LPT.2016.2522509⟩
Journal articles hal-01489122v1

Epitaxy of iridium on SrTiO 3 /Si (001): A promising scalable substrate for diamond heteroepitaxy

Kee Han Lee , Samuel Saada , Jean-Charles Arnault , Rahma Moalla , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Diamond and Related Materials, 2016, 66, pp.67 - 76. ⟨10.1016/j.diamond.2016.03.018⟩
Journal articles hal-01848691v1
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Chemical reactivity between sol–gel deposited Pb(Zr,Ti)O$_3$ layers and their GaAs substrates

Benjamin Meunier , Ludovic Largeau , Philippe Regreny , Jose Penuelas , Romain Bachelet
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18 (39), pp.7494. ⟨10.1039/C6CE01276K⟩
Journal articles hal-01489114v1
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Low-Loss and Compact Silicon Rib Waveguide Bends

Antoine Brimont , Xuan Hu , Sébastien Cueff , Pédro Rojo Romeo , Guillaume Saint Girons
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28 (3), pp.299 - 302. ⟨10.1109/LPT.2015.2495230⟩
Journal articles hal-01848699v1
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Dramatic effect of thermal expansion mismatch on the structural, dielectric, ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties of low-cost epitaxial PZT films on SrTiO 3 and Si (001) subtrates.

Rahma Moalla , B. Vilquin , G. Saint-Girons , Gaël Sebald , N. Baboux
CrystEngComm, 2016, 18 (11), pp.1887 - 1891. ⟨10.1039/C5CE02311D⟩
Journal articles hal-01848710v1

Epitaxy of SrTiO 3 on Silicon: The Knitting Machine Strategy

Guillaume Saint-Girons , Romain Bachelet , Rahma Moalla , Benjamin Meunier , Lamis Louahadj
Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28 (15), pp.5347 - 5355. ⟨10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b01260⟩
Journal articles hal-01848688v1

GaAs Core/SrTiO 3 Shell Nanowires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

X. Guan , J. Becdelievre , B. Meunier , A. Benali , G. Saint-Girons
Nano Letters, 2016, 16 (4), pp.2393 - 2399. ⟨10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b05182⟩
Journal articles hal-01849337v1

Integration of functional complex oxide nanomaterials on silicon

Josã© Vila-Fungueiriã±o , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Michel Gendry , Marti Gich
Frontiers in Physics, 2015, 3, ⟨10.3389/fphy.2015.00038⟩
Journal articles hal-01848743v1

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and diffraction investigation of a metal–oxide-semiconductor heterostructure: Pt/Gd2O3/Si(111)

D. Ferrah , M. El Kazzi , G. Niu , Claude Botella , J. Penuelas
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2015, 416, pp.118 - 125. ⟨10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2015.02.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01848746v1

Epitaxial manganite freestanding bridges for low power pressure sensors

D. Le Bourdais , G. Agnus , T. Maroutian , V. Pillard , P. Aubert
Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 118 (12), ⟨10.1063/1.4931885⟩
Journal articles hal-01848720v1

Epitaxial Growth of Ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Layers on GaAs

Benjamin Meunier , Lamis Louahadj , David Le Bourdais , Ludovic Largeau , Guillaume Agnus
MRS Proceedings, 2014, 1675, ⟨10.1557/opl.2014.786⟩
Journal articles hal-01848779v1
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Chemistry and structure of BaTiO3 ultra-thin films grown by different O2 plasma power

J.L. Wang , J. Leroy , G. Niu , G. Saint-Girons , B. Gautier
Chemical Physics Letters, 2014, 592, pp.206 - 210. ⟨10.1016/j.cplett.2013.12.030⟩
Journal articles cea-01376789v1

Phase transitions in [001]-oriented morphotropic PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 thin film deposited onto SrTiO3-buffered Si substrate

Y. Shi , M. Cueff , G. Niu , G. Le Rhun , B. Vilquin
Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115, pp.214108. ⟨10.1063/1.4881818⟩
Journal articles hal-01053264v1

Electromechanical response of amorphous LaAlO 3 thin film probed by scanning probe microscopies

Alexis Borowiak , Nicolas Baboux , David Albertini , Bertrand Vilquin , Guillaume Saint Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105 (1), ⟨10.1063/1.4889853⟩
Journal articles hal-01848759v1

Functional spinel oxide heterostructures on silicon

Romain Bachelet , Patricia de Coux , Bénédicte Warot-Fonrose , Vassil Skumryev , Gang Niu
CrystEngComm, 2014, 16 (47), pp.10741 - 10745. ⟨10.1039/C4CE01817F⟩
Journal articles hal-01848780v1
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Structural study and ferroelectricity of epitaxial BaTiO3 films on silicon grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Lucie Mazet , Romain Bachelet , Lamis Louahadj , David Albertini , Brice Gautier
Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116 (21), pp.214102. ⟨10.1063/1.4902165⟩
Journal articles hal-01489886v1

Growth of Ge islands on SrTiO3 (001) 2×1 reconstructed surface: Epitaxial relationship and effect of the temperature

B. Gobaut , J. Penuelas , A. Benamrouche , Y. Robach , N. Blanc
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2014, 624, pp.130 - 134. ⟨10.1016/j.susc.2014.02.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01848769v1

Molecular beam epitaxy of SrTiO3 on GaAs(001): GaAs surface treatment and structural characterization of the oxide layer

L. Louahadj , R. Bachelet , P. Regreny , L. Largeau , C. Dubourdieu
Thin Solid Films, 2014, 563, pp.2 - 5. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2014.02.062⟩
Journal articles hal-01848757v1

Influence of catalyst droplet diameter on the growth direction of InP nanowires grown on Si(001) substrate

K. Naji , Guillaume Saint-Girons , J. Penuelas , G. Patriarche , L. Largeau
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102 (24), pp.243113
Journal articles hal-01939998v1

Interface accommodation mechanism for weakly interacting epitaxial systems

A. Danescu , B. Gobaut , J. Penuelas , G. Grenet , V. Favre-Nicolin
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103 (2), pp.021602. ⟨10.1063/1.4813548⟩
Journal articles hal-01939999v1

Ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 epitaxial layers on GaAs

L. Louahadj , D. Le Bourdais , L. Largeau , G. Agnus , L. Mazet
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103 (21), pp.212901
Journal articles hal-01940000v1

LaAlO 3 /Si capacitors: Comparison of different molecular beam deposition conditions and their impact on electrical properties

Sylvain Pelloquin , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Nicolas Baboux , David Albertini , Wael Hourani
Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113 (3), pp.034106. ⟨10.1063/1.4769890⟩
Journal articles hal-01939997v1

Molecular beam epitaxy growth of BaTiO3 thin films and crucial impact of oxygen content conditions on the electrical characteristics

G. Niu , B. Gautier , S. Yin , Guillaume Saint-Girons , P. Lecoeur
Thin Solid Films, 2012, 520 (14), pp.4595-4599
Journal articles hal-01939992v1

Ge/SrTiO 3 (001): Correlation between interface chemistry and crystallographic orientation

B. Gobaut , J. Penuelas , G. Grenet , D. Ferrah , A. Benamrouche
Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112 (9), pp.093508
Journal articles hal-02023426v1

Growth of vertical and defect free InP nanowires on SrTiO3(001) substrate and comparison with growth on silicon

K. Naji , H. Dumont , G. Saint-Girons , J. Penuelas , G. Patriarche
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2012, 343 (1), pp.101-104. ⟨10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.12.062⟩
Journal articles hal-02071144v1

Ge/SrTiO 3 (001) interface probed by soft x-ray synchrotron-radiation time-resolved photoemission

M. El Kazzi , B. Gobaut , J. Penuelas , G. Grenet , M. Silly
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2012, 85 (7)
Journal articles hal-02023495v1

Morphological and structural properties of InP/Gd2O3 nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon substrate

J. Penuelas , X. Lu , N.P. Blanchard , Guillaume Saint-Girons , B. Vilquin
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2012, 347 (1), pp.49-52. ⟨10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2012.03.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01939995v1

Direct epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 on Si (001): Interface, crystallization and IR evidence of phase transition

G. Niu , W. W. Peng , G. Saint-Girons , J. Penuelas , Pascal Roy
Thin Solid Films, 2011, 519 (17), pp.5722-5725. ⟨10.1016/J.TSF.2010.12.208⟩
Journal articles hal-00753321v1

Crystallographic orientation transition of InP islands on SrTiO3 substrates with the growth temperature

A. Chettaoui , J. Penuelas , B. Gobaut , J. Cheng , A. Benarmouche
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2011, 605 (9-10), pp.912 - 916. ⟨10.1016/j.susc.2011.02.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01892238v1

Epitaxy of BaTiO3 thin film on Si(001) using a SrTiO3 buffer layer for non-volatile memory application

G. Niu , S. Yin , Guillaume Saint-Girons , B. Gautier , P. Lecoeur
Microelectronic Engineering, 2011, 88 (7), pp.1232-1235
Journal articles hal-01939990v1

Direct epitaxial growth of InP based heterostructures on SrTiO3/Si(001) crystalline templates

G. Saint-Girons , J. Cheng , A. Chettaoui , J. Penuelas , B. Gobaut
Microelectronic Engineering, 2011, 88 (4), pp.469 - 471. ⟨10.1016/j.mee.2010.10.034⟩
Journal articles hal-01892244v1

Heteroepitaxy of SrTiO3 thin films on Si (001) using different growth strategies: Toward substratelike quality

G. Niu , B. Vilquin , J. Penuelas , C. Botella , G. Hollinger
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 2011, 29 (4), pp.041207. ⟨10.1116/1.3609813⟩
Journal articles hal-01892239v1

Molecular beam epitaxial growth of BaTiO3 single crystal on Ge-on-Si(001) substrates

C. Merckling , Guillaume Saint-Girons , C. Botella , G. Hollinger , M. Heyns
Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98 (9), pp.092901
Journal articles hal-01939987v1
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Evidence for the formation of two phases during the growth of SrTiO3 on silicon

G. Niu , J. Penuelas , L. Largeau , B. Vilquin , J.-L. Maurice
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2011, 83, pp.054105. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.83.054105⟩
Journal articles hal-00601296v1

High oxidation state at the epitaxial interface of γ-Al2O3 thin films grown on Si(111) and Si(001)

M. El Kazzi , C. Merckling , G. Saint-Girons , G. Grenet , M. Silly
Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 97 (15), pp.151902
Journal articles hal-02023532v1

Partial arsenic pressure and crystal orientation during the molecular beam epitaxy of GaAs on SrTiO3(001)

J. Cheng , A. Chettaoui , J. Penuelas , B. Gobaut , P. Regreny
Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 107 (9), ⟨10.1063/1.3407520⟩
Journal articles hal-01892232v1

Direct growth of InAsP/InP quantum well heterostructures on Si using crystalline SrTiO3/Si templates

B. Gobaut , J. Penuelas , J. Cheng , A. Chettaoui , L. Largeau
Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 97 (20), ⟨10.1063/1.3520143⟩
Journal articles hal-01892234v1

Epitaxial growth of germanium on silicon using a Gd2O3/Si (111) crystalline template

C. Dubourdieu , I. Gelard , O. Salicio , G. Saint Girons , A. Chettaoui
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2010, 28 (5), pp.1187-1190. ⟨10.1116/1.3478301⟩
Journal articles hal-01939983v1
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Oxides heterostructures for nanoelectronics

Catherine Dubourdieu , Isabelle Gélard , Olivier Salicio , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Bertrand Vilquin
International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2010, 7 (4-8), pp.320-347. ⟨10.1504/IJNT.2010.031723⟩
Journal articles hal-01067589v1

Molecular beam deposition of LaAlO3 on silicon for sub-22nm CMOS technological nodes: Towards a perfect control of the oxide/silicon heterointerface

S. Pelloquin , L. Becerra , Guillaume Saint-Girons , C. Plossu , N. Baboux
Microelectronic Engineering, 2009, 86 (7-9), pp.1686-1688
Journal articles hal-01939932v1
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Impact of a γ-Al2O3(001) barrier on LaAlO3 metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor electrical properties

L. Becerra , C. Merckling , M. El-Kazzi , N. Baboux , B. Vilquin
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 2009, 27 (1), pp.384-388. ⟨10.1116/1.3065437⟩
Journal articles hal-01939927v1

Molecular beam epitaxy of SrTiO3 on Si (001): Early stages of the growth and strain relaxation

Gang Niu , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Bertrand Vilquin , Gabriel Delhaye , Jean-Luc Maurice
Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95 (6), pp.2902. ⟨10.1063/1.3193548⟩
Journal articles hal-00663481v1

Influence of the surface reconstruction on the growth of InP on SrTiO3(001)

J. Cheng , P. Regreny , L. Largeau , G. Patriarche , O. Mauguin
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009, 311 (4), pp.1042-1045
Journal articles hal-01939929v1

Twin formation during the growth of InP on SrTiO3

J. Cheng , L. Largeau , G. Patriarche , P. Regreny , G. Hollinger
Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94 (23), pp.231902
Journal articles hal-01939931v1

X-ray photoelectron diffraction study of thin Al 2 O 3 films grown on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy

M. El Kazzi , G. Grenet , C. Merckling , Guillaume Saint-Girons , C. Botella
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 79 (19)
Journal articles hal-01939930v1

Crystal orientation of GaAs islands grown on SrTiO3 (001) by molecular beam epitaxy

L. Largeau , J. Cheng , P. Regreny , G. Patriarche , A. Benamrouche
Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95 (1), pp.011907
Journal articles hal-01939933v1

Growth temperature dependence of epitaxial Gd2O3 films on Si(111)

Guillaume Saint-Girons , G. Niu , B. Vilquin , N. Baboux , C. Plossu
Microelectronic Engineering, 2009, 86 (7-9), pp.1700-1702
Journal articles hal-01940600v1

Optically active defects in an InAsP/InP quantum well monolithically grown on SrTiO3(001)

Jinquan Cheng , Thomas Aviles , Ahiram El Akra , C. Bru-Chevallier , Ludovic Largeau
Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95 (23), ⟨10.1063/1.3273850⟩
Journal articles hal-01901801v1

Accommodation at the interface of highly dissimilar semiconductor/oxide epitaxial systems

Guillaume Saint-Girons , J. Cheng , P. Regreny , L. Largeau , G. Patriarche
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 80 (15)
Journal articles hal-01939950v1

Epitaxial growth of high-κ oxides on silicon

C. Merckling , Guillaume Saint-Girons , G. Delhaye , G. Patriarche , L. Largeau
Thin Solid Films, 2008, 517 (1), pp.197-200
Journal articles hal-01939925v1

Competition between InP and In2O3 islands during the growth of InP on SrTiO3

Guillaume Saint-Girons , P. Regreny , J. Cheng , G. Patriarche , L. Largeau
Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104 (3), pp.033509
Journal articles hal-01939924v1

De-relaxation of plastically relaxed InAs/GaAs quantum dots during the growth of a GaAs encapsulation layer

Guillaume Saint-Girons , I. Sagnes , G. Patriarche
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2008, 310 (3), pp.536-540
Journal articles hal-01939923v1

Self-assembled Ge nanocrystals on BaTiO3∕SrTiO3∕Si(001)

L. Largeau , G. Patriarche , Guillaume Saint-Girons , G. Delhaye , G. Hollinger
Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92 (3), pp.031904
Journal articles hal-01939922v1

Spontaneous compliance of the InP/SrTiO3 heterointerface

G. Saint-Girons , C. Priester , P. Regreny , G. Patriarche , L. Largeau
Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92, pp.241907-1-3. ⟨10.1063/1.2944140⟩
Journal articles hal-00356956v1

Thermodynamic analysis of the shape, anisotropy and formation process of InAs/InP(001) quantum dots and quantum sticks grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy

M. Mérat-Combes , Guillaume Saint-Girons , A. Michon , I. Sagnes , G. Beaudoin
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2007, 601 (13), pp.2765-2768
Journal articles hal-01939916v1

Ultralow equivalent oxide thickness obtained for thin amorphous LaAlO3 layers grown on Si(001)

L. Becerra , C. Merckling , N. Baboux , C. Plossu , O. Marty
Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91 (19), pp.192909
Journal articles hal-01939919v1

Strain relaxation and critical thickness for epitaxial LaAlO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy

C. Merckling , M. El-Kazzi , G. Delhaye , V. Favre-Nicolin , Y. Robach
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2007, 306 (1), pp.47-51
Journal articles hal-01939914v1

InAs nanocrystals on SiO2∕Si by molecular beam epitaxy for memory applications

Moïra Hocevar , Philippe Regreny , Armel Descamps , David Albertini , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91 (13), pp.133114
Journal articles hal-01939910v1

Development of robust interfaces based on crystalline γ-Al2O3(001) for subsequent deposition of amorphous high-κ oxides

C. Merckling , M. El-Kazzi , L. Becerra , L. Largeau , G. Patriarche
Microelectronic Engineering, 2007, 84 (9-10), pp.2243-2246
Journal articles hal-01939913v1

Monolithic integration of InP based heterostructures on silicon using crystalline Gd2O3 buffers

Guillaume Saint-Girons , P. Regreny , L. Largeau , G. Patriarche , G. Hollinger
Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91 (24), pp.241912
Journal articles hal-01939918v1

Local electronic transport through InAs/InP(0 0 1) quantum dots capped with a thin InP layer studied by an AFM conductive probe

M Troyon , K Smaali , M Molinari , a El Hdiy , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2007, 22 (7), pp.755-762
Journal articles hal-01939920v1

Epitaxial growth of LaAlO3 on Si(001) using interface engineering

C. Merckling , G. Delhaye , M. El-Kazzi , Sébastien Gaillard , Y. Rozier
Microelectronics Reliability, 2007, 47 (4-5), pp.540-543
Journal articles hal-01939917v1

Growth of crystalline γ‐Al2O3 on Si by molecular beam epitaxy: Influence of the substrate orientation

C. Merckling , M. El-Kazzi , Guillaume Saint-Girons , G. Hollinger , L. Largeau
Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, 102 (2), pp.024101
Journal articles hal-01939912v1
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Density of InAs/InP(001) quantum dots grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy: Independent effects of InAs and cap-layer growth rates

A. Michon , G. Patriarche , G. Beaudoin , Guillaume Saint-Girons , N. Gogneau
Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91 (10), pp.102107. ⟨10.1063/1.2779101⟩
Journal articles hal-01939911v1

Nanoepitaxy of InAs∕InP quantum dots by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy for 1.55μm emitters

J. Benoit , L. Le Gratiet , G. Beaudoin , A. Michon , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88 (4), pp.041113
Journal articles hal-01939900v1

Thermodynamic description of the competition between quantum dots and quantum dashes during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy in the In As ∕ In P ( 001 ) system: Experiment and theory

Guillaume Saint-Girons , A. Michon , I. Sagnes , G. Beaudoin , G. Patriarche
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 74 (24)
Journal articles hal-01939904v1

Effect of cap-layer growth rate on morphology and luminescence of InAs∕InP(001) quantum dots grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy

A. Michon , I. Sagnes , G. Patriarche , G. Beaudoin , M. Mérat-Combes
Journal of Applied Physics, 2006, 100 (3), pp.033508
Journal articles hal-01939903v1

Indium incorporation in In-rich In x Ga 1 − x As ∕ GaAs layers grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy and its influence on the growth of self-assembled quantum dots

Guillaume Saint-Girons , Isabelle Sagnes , Gilles Patriarche
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 73 (4)
Journal articles hal-01939899v1
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Microphotoluminescence of exciton and biexciton around 1.5μm from a single InAs/InP(001) quantum dot

G. Saint-Girons , Nicolas Chauvin , A. Michon , G. Patriarche , G. Beaudoin
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88 (13), pp.133101. ⟨10.1063/1.2185008⟩
Journal articles hal-01902486v1

Pseudomorphic molecular beam epitaxy growth of γ-Al2O3(001) on Si(001) and evidence for spontaneous lattice reorientation during epitaxy

C. Merckling , M. El-Kazzi , G. Delhaye , M. Gendry , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (23), pp.232907
Journal articles hal-01939908v1

Thermodynamical analysis of the shape and size dispersion of In As ∕ In P ( 001 ) quantum dots

A. Michon , I. Sagnes , G. Patriarche , G. Beaudoin , M. Mérat-Combes
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 73 (16)
Journal articles hal-01939902v1

Structural properties of epitaxial SrTiO3 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(001)

G. Delhaye , C. Merckling , M. El-Kazzi , Guillaume Saint-Girons , M. Gendry
Journal of Applied Physics, 2006, 100 (12), pp.124109
Journal articles hal-01939569v1

Initial stage of the overgrowth of InP on InAs∕InP(001) quantum dots: Formation of InP terraces driven by preferential nucleation on quantum dot edges

Guillaume Saint-Girons , G. Patriarche , A. Michon , G. Beaudoin , I. Sagnes
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (3), pp.031923
Journal articles hal-01939905v1

Imaging the electric properties of InAs∕InP(001) quantum dots capped with a thin InP layer by conductive atomic force microscopy: Evidence of memory effect

K. Smaali , M. Troyon , A. El Hdiy , M. Molinari , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (11), pp.112115
Journal articles hal-01939907v1

InAs/InP(001) quantum dots and quantum sticks grown by MOVPE: shape, anisotropy and formation process

A. Michon , G. Patriarche , I. Sagnes , G. Beaudoin , Guillaume Saint-Girons
physica status solidi (c), 2006, 3 (11), pp.3928-3931
Journal articles hal-01939909v1

Buried dislocation networks for the controlled growth of III–V semiconductor nanostructures

F. Glas , J. Coelho , G. Patriarche , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005, 275 (1-2), pp.e1647-e1653
Journal articles hal-01939898v1

Stress-engineered orderings of self-assembled III-V semiconductor nanostructures

J. Coelho , G. Patriarche , F. Glas , I. Sagnes , Guillaume Saint-Girons
physica status solidi (c), 2005, 2 (4), pp.1245-1250
Journal articles hal-01939891v1

Carrier dynamics in Ga0.53In0.47As∕InP near-surface quantum wells

Clementine Symonds , Juliette Mangeney , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Isabelle Sagnes
Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 87 (1), pp.012107
Journal articles hal-01939896v1

Electroabsorption spectroscopy of Ge∕Si self-assembled islands

M. El Kurdi , P. Boucaud , Sébastien Sauvage , F. Aniel , G. Fishman
Journal of Applied Physics, 2005, 97 (8), pp.083525
Journal articles hal-01939892v1
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InAs/InP(001) quantum dots emitting at 1.55μm grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy

A. Michon , Guillaume Saint-Girons , G. Beaudoin , I. Sagnes , L. Largeau
Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 87 (25), pp.253114. ⟨10.1063/1.2150271⟩
Journal articles hal-01939897v1

Long wavelength room temperature laser operation of a strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum well structure monolithically grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition on a low energy-plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition graded misoriented Ge/Si virtual substrate

Y. Chriqui , Guillaume Saint-Girons , G. Isella , H. Von Kaenel , S. Bouchoule
Optical Materials, 2005, 27 (5), pp.846-850
Journal articles hal-01939890v1

Dislocation networks adapted to order the growth of III-V semiconductor nanostructures

J. Coelho , G. Patriarche , F. Glas , I. Sagnes , Guillaume Saint-Girons
physica status solidi (c), 2005, 2 (6), pp.1933-1937
Journal articles hal-01939894v1
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Buried dislocation networks designed to organize the growth of III-V semiconductor nanostructures

José Coelho , Gilles Patriarche , Frank Glas , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Isabelle Sagnes
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2004, 70, pp.155329. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.70.155329⟩
Journal articles hal-00003230v1

Photoluminescence probing of non-radiative channels in hydrogenated In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots

G. Saint-Girons , A. Lemaître , V. Navarro-Paredes , G. Patriarche , V. Rao
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004, 264 (1-3), pp.334-338
Journal articles hal-01939878v1

Direct growth of GaAs-based structures on exactly (001)-oriented Ge/Si virtual substrates: reduction of the structural defect density and observation of electroluminescence at room temperature under CW electrical injection

Y. Chriqui , L. Largeau , G. Patriarche , G. Saint-Girons , S. Bouchoule
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004, 265 (1-2), pp.53-59
Journal articles hal-01939879v1
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Long-range ordering of III-V semiconductor nanostructures by shallowly buried dislocation networks

José Coelho , Gilles Patriarche , Frank Glas , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Isabelle Sagnes
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2004, 16, pp.7941. ⟨10.1088/0953-8984/16/45/016⟩
Journal articles hal-00003231v1

Room temperature laser operation of strained InGaAs∕GaAs QW structure monolithically grown by MOVCD on LE-PECVD Ge∕Si virtual substrate

Y. Chriqui , G. Saint-Girons , S. Bouchoule , J.-M. Moison , G. Isella
Electronics Letters, 2003, 39 (23), pp.1658
Journal articles hal-01939874v1

Continuous-wave operation of monolithically grown 1.5-μm optically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers

C. Symonds , I. Sagnes , A. Garnache , S. Hoogland , G. Saint-Girons
Applied optics, 2003, 42 (33), pp.6678-6681. ⟨10.1364/AO.42.006678⟩
Journal articles hal-00327170v1

Electromodulation of the interband and intraband absorption of Ge/Si self-assembled islands

M. Elkurdi , P. Boucaud , Sébastien Sauvage , G. Fishman , O. Kermarrec
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2003, 16 (3-4), pp.450-454
Journal articles hal-01939876v1

Silicon-on-insulator and SiGe waveguide photodetectors with Ge/Si self-assembled islands

M. El Kurdi , P. Boucaud , Sébastien Sauvage , G. Fishman , O. Kermarrec
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2003, 16 (3-4), pp.523-527
Journal articles hal-01939875v1

Origin of the bimodal distribution of low-pressure metal-organic-vapor-phase-epitaxy grown InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots

G. Saint-Girons , G. Patriarche , A. Mereuta , I. Sagnes
Journal of Applied Physics, 2002, 91 (6), pp.3859-3863
Journal articles hal-01939863v1

Sub-500-fs soliton-like pulse in a passively mode-locked broadband surface-emitting laser with 100 mW average power

A. Garnache , S. Hoogland , A. Tropper , I. Sagnes , G. Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 80 (21), pp.3892-3894. ⟨10.1063/1.1482143⟩
Journal articles hal-01939866v1

Photoluminescence quenching of a low-pressure metal-organic vapor-phase-epitaxy grown quantum dots array with bimodal inhomogeneous broadening

G. Saint-Girons , I. Sagnes
Journal of Applied Physics, 2002, 91 (12), pp.10115
Journal articles hal-01939864v1

Metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy of defect-free InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting around 1.3μm

G. Saint-Girons , G. Patriarche , L. Largeau , J Coelho , A Mereuta
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2002, 235 (1-4), pp.89-94
Journal articles hal-01939862v1

Silicon–on–insulator waveguide photodetector with Ge/Si self-assembled islands

M. El Kurdi , P. Boucaud , Sabine Sauvage , G. Fishman , O. Kermarrec
Journal of Applied Physics, 2002, 92 (4), pp.1858-1861
Journal articles hal-01939869v1

Near-infrared waveguide photodetector with Ge/Si self-assembled quantum dots

M. Elkurdi , P. Boucaud , Sabine Sauvage , O. Kermarrec , Y. Campidelli
Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 80 (3), pp.509-511
Journal articles hal-01939868v1

Investigations on GaAsSbN/GaAs quantum wells for 1.3–1.55μm emission

J.C Harmand , G Ungaro , J. Ramos , E.V.K Rao , G. Saint-Girons
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2001, 227-228, pp.553-557. ⟨10.1016/S0022-0248(01)00765-5⟩
Journal articles hal-01939856v1

Influence of the thermal treatment on the optical and structural properties of 1.3 μm emitting LP-MOVPE grown InAs/GaAs quantum dots

G. Saint-Girons , A. Mereuta , G. Patriarche , J.M. Gérard , I. Sagnes
Optical Materials, 2001, 17 (1-2), pp.263-266
Journal articles hal-01939860v1

(InGa)(NAs)/GaAs structures emitting in 1–1.6 μm wavelength range

A. Mereuta , G. Saint-Girons , S. Bouchoule , I. Sagnes , F. Alexandre
Optical Materials, 2001, 17 (1-2), pp.185-188. ⟨10.1016/S0925-3467(01)00079-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01939859v1

MOCVD InP/AlGaInAs distributed Bragg reflector for 1.55 [micro sign]m VCSELs

I. Sagnes , Gaël Le Roux , C. Meriadec , A. Mereuta , G. Saint-Girons
Electronics Letters, 2001, 37 (8), pp.500
Journal articles hal-01939858v1

Bimodal distribution of Indium composition in arrays of low-pressure metalorganic-vapor-phase-epitaxy grown InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots

Guillaume Saint-Girons , G. Patriarche , L. Largeau , J. Coelho , A. Mereuta
Applied Physics Letters, 2001, 79 (14), pp.2157-2159
Journal articles hal-01939852v1

1.3 μm electroluminescence of LP-MOVPE grown InAs/GaAs quantum dots, and influence of the re-growth temperature on the spectral response

Guillaume Saint-Girons , A Mereuta , G Gérard , A. Ramdane , I. Sagnes
Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2000, 78 (2-3), pp.145-147
Journal articles hal-01939849v1

Nanophotonique programmable multi-niveaux à base de matériaux à changement de phase

Laprais Capucine , Fouad Bentata , Arnaud Taute , Nicolas Baboux , Xavier Letartre
Congrès “Optique Normandie 2024” de la SFO, Jul 2024, Rouen, France
Conference papers hal-04813686v1

Electrical switch of phase change materials: toward the control of crystallinity for multi-level reconfigurable nanophotonics

Capucine Laprais , Nicolas Baboux , Lotfi Berguiga , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Sébastien Cueff
SPIE Optics and Photonics 2024, Aug 2024, San Diego, United States
Conference papers hal-04813945v1

Projet PIA EquipEx+ Nanofutur @INL

Philippe Regreny , Jean-Baptiste Goure , Clarisse Furgeaud , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Roman Rousseau
3ème édition des journées thématiques Renatech "CROISSANCE CRISTALLINE", Nov 2024, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-04813695v1

Programmable Multilevel Nanophotonics with Chalcogenide Phase-Change Materials

Fouad Bentata , Capucine Laprais , Lotfi Berguiga , Nicolas Baboux , Guillaume Saint-Girons
SPIE Photonics West 2024 conference, Feb 2024, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-04814030v1

Absorption profile of a MBE atomic beam measured with TDLAS

Roman Rousseau , Jérôme Morville , Claude Botella , Guillaume Saint-Girons
FLAIR 2024, Sep 2024, Assisi, Italy
Conference papers hal-04813936v1

Programmable Nanophotonics with Phase-Change Materials: Towards Multilevel Tunability and Low-Loss devices

Fouad Bentata , Capucine Laprais , Nicolas Baboux , Patrice Genevet , Stéphane Monfray
AES 2024 conference, Jun 2024, Roma, Italy
Conference papers hal-04813672v1

Giant tuning of transport properties and orbital switching by epitaxial strain in Sr-doped LaCrO3 thin films

Dong Han , Anne Lamirand , Clarisse Furgeaud , Claude Botella , Guillaume Saint-Girons
iWOE30 conference, Sep 2024, Darmstadt, Germany
Conference papers hal-04813998v1

Programmable Multilevel Nanophotonics with Phase-Change Materials

Fouad Bentata , Laprais Capucine , Stéphane Monfray , Nicolas Baboux , Xavier Letartre
Metafun 2024 conference, Jul 2024, Palermo, Italy
Conference papers hal-04813663v1

Laser Induced Reversible Phase Transition of Sb2S3 for Tunable Nanophotonic

Capucine Laprais , Lotfi Berguiga , Clement Zrounba , Julien Bouvier , Nicolas Baboux
CLEO 2024, May 2024, Charlotte, United States
Conference papers hal-04813918v1

Continuum-source cavity-enhanced optical flux monitoring to control thin layer deposition processes

Roman Rousseau , Claude Botella , Jérôme Morville , Lotfi Berguiga , Mohamed Bounab
CSW 2024 conference, Jun 2024, Lund (Sweden), Sweden
Conference papers hal-04814012v1

Reconfigurable SiGe waveguide using Sb2S3 phase-change material in the mid-IR

Adam Bieganski , Marko Perestjuk , Remi Armand , Alberto Della Torre , Capucine Laprais
CLEO 2024, May 2024, Charlotte, United States. ⟨10.1364/cleo_si.2024.sm2o.5⟩
Conference papers hal-04813910v1

Towards smart growth of functional materials with on-demand properties?

Clarisse Furgeaud , Mohamed Bounab , Claude Botella , Philippe Regreny , Roman Rousseau
Journées plénières du GDR IAMAT, Jul 2024, TOulouse, France
Conference papers hal-04814200v1

Advanced optical flux monitoring to control thin layer deposition processes

Roman Rousseau , Claude Botella , Jérôme Morville , Lotfi Berguiga , Mohamed Bounab
Workshop OSEPI 2024, May 2024, Fréjus, France
Conference papers hal-04814190v1

Determination of the anisotropic dielectric function of epitaxial SrO(SrTiO3)n Ruddlesden–Popper structures (n=1,…5)

Mohamed Bounab , Clarisse Furgeaud , Sébastien Cueff , Romain Bachelet , Mohamed Bouras
Workshop OSEPI 2024, May 2024, Fréjus, France
Conference papers hal-04814199v1

Pioneer operando curvature stress measurement during BaTiO3 thin film epitaxy by RF magnetron sputtering

Clarisse Furgeaud , Roman Rousseau , Mohamed Bounab , Philippe Regreny , Claude Botella
Workshop OSEPI 2024, May 2024, Fréjus, France
Conference papers hal-04814194v1

La diffraction des photoélectrons X (XPD) comme sonde locale dans des hétérostructures épitaxiées

Claude Botella , Romain Bachelet , Jose Penuelas , Iulia Dudko , Dong Han
JNSPE 2023, Jun 2023, Sophia Antipolis, France
Conference papers hal-04814179v1

Optical switch of Sb2S3 for tunable nanophotonics

Capucine Laprais , Lotfi Berguiga , Clément Zrounba , Julien Bouvier , Nicolas Baboux
EPCOS 2023, Sep 2023, Roma, Italy
Conference papers hal-04813896v1

Optically switched Sb2S3 low loss phase change material for reconfigurable nanophotonic

Capucine Laprais , Lotfi Berguiga , Clement Zrounba , Julien Bouvier , Nicolas Baboux
2èmes journées thématiques du GDR Chalco, Jun 2023, BOrdeaux, France
Conference papers hal-04814186v1

Reversible optical switch of Sb2S3 thin films for tunable nanophotonic applications

Capucine Laprais , Lotfi Berguiga , Nicolas Baboux , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Sébastien Cueff
MRS 2023 Spring meeting, Apr 2023, San francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-04813875v1

Optical switch of Sb2S3 phase change material for tunable nanophotonic applications

Capucine Laprais , Lotfi Berguiga , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Sébastien Cueff
EMRS 2023 Spring meeting, Jun 2023, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-04813865v1

Structural disorder in SrTiO3 based Ruddlesden-Popper phases

Clarisse Furgeaud , Alexandre Danescu , Romain Bachelet , Ludovic Largeau , Mohamed Bouras
Conférence 2023 du GDR MATEPI, Jul 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04814172v1

Advanced optical flux monitoring to control thin layer deposition processes

Roman Rousseau , Claude Botella , Jerome Morville , Guillaume Saint-Girons
From Epitaxial Materials towards Technological Transfer: Academic/Industrial meeting, Aug 2023, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers hal-04195998v1

Structural disorder in SrTiO3 based Ruddlesden-Popper phases

Clarisse Furgeaud , Alexandre Danescu , Romain Bachelet , Ludovic Largeau , Mohamed Bouras
CNANO conference 2023, Mar 2023, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-04814163v1

Giant thermoelectric tuning by epitaxial strain of p‑type Sr-doped LaCrO3 transparent thin films

Dong Han , Rahma Moalla , Ignasi Fina , V. M. Giordano , Marc d'Esperonnat
EMRS 2022 Spring Meeting, Jun 2022, Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-04813800v1

Ferroelectric La-Doped HfO2 Epitaxial Thin Films

Tingfeng Song , Huan Tuan , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Nico Dix
ISAF 2022 conference, Jul 2022, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-04813854v1

Towards p-type MBE-grown SrTi1-xAlxO3 films for thermoelectric applications

Marc d'Esperonnat , Christophe Adessi , Claude Botella , Anne Lamirand , Bruno Canut
EMRS 2022 Spring Meeting, Jun 2022, Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-04813822v1

SrTi1-xAlxO3 thin films epitaxially-grown by MBE for thermoelectric applications

Marc d'Esperonnat , Christophe Adessi , Claude Botella , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Romain Bachelet
Journées Nationales du GDR OXYFUN, Apr 2022, Guéthary, France
Conference papers hal-04814153v1

Sb2S3 thin film for tunable nanophotonic devices: phase switching mechanisms and thin film characterization

Capucine Laprais , Lotfi Berguiga , Nicolas Baboux , Benjamin Fornacciari , Claude Botella
META 2022 conference, Jul 2022, Torremolinos, Spain
Conference papers hal-04813782v1

Oxide MBE: challenges and opportunities - Integration on semiconductors, complex solid solutions and ultimate superlattice

Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journées Nationales du GDR OXYFUN, Apr 2022, Guéthary, France
Conference papers hal-04813600v1

Pyroelectric and thermoelectric epitaxial oxide layers for thermal energy harvesting

Rahma Moalla , Dong Han , Marc d'Esperonnat , Claude Botella , Bertrand Vilquin
Journées Nationales du GDR OXYFUN, Apr 2022, Guéthary, France
Conference papers hal-04814157v1

Tuning thermoelectric properties by epitaxial strain in p-type Sr-doped LaCrO3 thin films

Dong Han , Rahma Moalla , Ignasi Fina , V.M. Giordano , Marc d'Esperonnat
1st Japan-France virtual workshop on thermoelectrics, Sep 2021, Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-04814138v1

Tuning transport properties by epitaxial strain in p‑type Sr-doped LaCrO3 transparent thin films grown by MBE

Dong Han , Rahma Moalla , Ignasi Fina , V. M. Giordano , Marc d'Esperonnat
Workshop virtuel sur l’épitaxie des oxydes (EPIDOX), Nov 2021, Virtuel, France
Conference papers hal-04814064v1

Ferroelectric Properties Dependence on Thickness in Epitaxial La-Doped HfO2 Films

Tingfeng Song , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Ignasi Fina , Florencio Sánchez
EMRS Fall 2021, Sep 2021, Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-04813732v1

Sb2S3 thin film for tunable nanophotonic devices: phase switching mechanisms and thin film characterization

Capucine Laprais , Lotfi Berguiga , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Nicolas Baboux , Sébastien Cueff
1ères Journées Scientifiques du GDR CHALCO, Jun 2021, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-04814145v1

Coherent orientation of size-selected FeRh clusters deposited on crystalline BaTiO3

Ana M. Contreras-Reyes , Véronique Dupuis , Damien Le Roy , L. Bardotti , A. Tamion
Cluster meeting 2021, May 2021, Praha, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-04813717v1

Epitaxy and interfacial coupling of FeRh nanoparticles deposited on BaTiO3 or SrTiO3 surfaces

Florent Tournus , Guillermo Alberto Herrera Huerta , Damien Le Roy , Véronique Dupuis , C Raton
JMC 2021, Aug 2021, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04814126v1

Epitaxial ferroelectric doped HfO2 thin films on Si(001)

Tingfeng Song , Jike Lyu , S Estandia , Jaume Gazquez , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Workshop virtuel sur l’épitaxie des oxydes (EPIDOX), Nov 2021, Virtuel, France
Conference papers hal-04813594v1

Integration of Li4Ti5O12 Thin Films on Silicon towards High-Rate Performance Microbatteries

Guillaume Saint-Girons , Steven Lacey , Elisa Gilardi , Elisabeth Müller , Clément Merckling
Swiss Battery Days 2021, Feb 2021, Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-04813764v1

Epitaxie et orientations préférentielles de nanoparticules de FeRh préformées par vaporisation laser et déposées sur BaTiO3 ou SrTiO3

Florent Tournus , Guillermo Alberto Herrera Huerta , Damien Le Roy , Véronique Dupuis , Adela Reyes
Conférence de l’AFC, Jun 2021, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-04814100v1

Enhanced Ferroelectric Properties of Epitaxial La-Doped Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin Films

Tingfeng Song , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , R Solanas , Ignasi Fina
ISAF-ISIF-PFM 2021, May 2021, Virtual, France
Conference papers hal-04813742v1

Sensitive RHEED signature of Ti-excess enabling enhanced cationic composition control during the molecular beam epitaxy of SrTiO3 based solid solutions

Masoumeh Razaghi Pey Ghaleh , Marc d'Esperonnat , Claude Botella , Sébastien Cueff , Romain Bachelet
Workshop virtuel sur l’épitaxie des oxydes (EPIDOX), Nov 2021, Virtuel, France
Conference papers hal-04814074v1

P-type thermoelectric LaCrO3-based epitaxial films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Dong Han , Marc d'Esperonnat , Mohamed Bouras , Rahma Moalla , Claude Botella
Journées nationales de thermoélectricité 2019, Jan 2020, Metz, France
Conference papers hal-03083699v1

Functional oxide based epitaxial metamaterials in the NIR-MIR

Guillaume Saint-Girons , Sébastien Cueff , Romain Bachelet , Mohamed Elhachmi Bouras
Rencontres du Moyen Infrarouge, Oct 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-02995932v1

Perovskite-Oxide Based Hyperbolic Metamaterials

Mohamed Bouras , Dong Han , Sébastien Cueff , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journées « couches minces d’oxydes fonctionnels et applications en électronique et photonique » du GDR OXYFUN, Oct 2019, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-02325498v1

Perovskite oxide based hyperbolic epitaxial superlattices grown by oxide molecular beam epitaxy

Mohamed Bouras , Dong Han , Sébastien Cueff , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons
EuroMBE 2019, Feb 2019, Lenggries, Germany
Conference papers hal-02325605v1

P-type thermoelectric LaCrO3-based epitaxial thin films grown by MBE

Dong Han , Mohamed Bouras , Claude Botella , Aziz Benamrouche , Guillaume Saint-Girons
EMRS 2019 Spring meeting, May 2019, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-02325622v1

(La,Sr)TiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices as hyperbolic metamaterials

Mohamed Bouras , Dong Han , Sébastien Cueff , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Conference plénière du GDR PULSE, Jul 2019, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-02325514v1

Thermoelectric perovskite-oxide epitaxial films grown by MBE

Dong Han , Mohamed Bouras , Rahma Moalla , Claude Botella , Aziz Benamrouche
EMRS 2019 Spring meeting, May 2019, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-02325650v1

Epitaxial 33°Y-oriented LiNbO3 films for Silicon Technology

Ausrine Bartasyte , Oliveri S , Samuel Margueron , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons
ISAF-EMF-ICE-IWPM-PFM meeting, Jul 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02325566v1

Localized oxide MBE growth on Si by selective etching lift-off for on-chip thermoelectricity

Rahma Moalla , Dong Han , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Jean -Louis Leclercq , Romain Bachelet
Journées Nationales des Technologies Emergentes, Nov 2019, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-02325535v1

Nucleation of heteroepitaxial diamond films: toward in situ characterization of domain formation

Julien Delchevalrie , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Romain Bachelet , Samuel Saada , Jean-Charles Arnault
30th International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (ICDCM 2019), Sep 2019, Seville, Spain
Conference papers hal-02325589v1

Engineering the properties of functional oxides and integrating them on Si and GaAs thanks to molecular beam epitaxy

Mohamed Bouras , Sébastien Cueff , Laurent Pedesseau , Jacky Even , Romain Bachelet
Journées nationales du GDR OXYFUN, Mar 2018, Piriac-sur-mer, France
Conference papers hal-01965498v1

Epitaxial integration of nanostructured functional oxides on silicon by solution chemistry

José M. Vila-Fungueiriño , Gómez Andrés , Guillaume Saint-Girons , C. Magen , Jaume Gazquez
EMRS-2018 Spring meeting, Jun 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01965361v1

Nanoscale insights into the synthesis of GaAs core / shell nanowires for water splitting applications through in situ heating in the TEM

Louise Fouquat , Xin Guan , Celine Chevalier , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Geneviève Grenet
19th International Microscopy Congress, Sep 2018, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers hal-01965378v1

Decreasing thermal conductivity by atomic engineering in epitaxial oxide films for enhanced integrated thermoelectricity

D. Han , Mohamed Bouras , Rahma Moalla , Mihai Apreutesei , R. Debord
CNRS GDRe thermal nanosciences and nanoengineering conference, Oct 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01965382v1

Combining physical and chemical processes to add new functionalities in epitaxial oxides on silicon

José M. Vila-Fungueiriño , Gomez A , Jaume Gazquez , Magen C , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Congrès AFC 2018, Jul 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02325467v1

Mesure des flux pendant la croissance épitaxiale : balance à quartz, spectrométrie de masse, spectrométrie par impact d'électrons

Guillaume Saint-Girons
Atelier du GDR PULSE, Oct 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01965362v1

Phases Ruddlesden-Popper Srn+1TinO3n+1 hyperboliques épitaxiées par MBE

Mohamed Bouras , Romain Bachelet , Dong Han , Sébastien Cueff , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Congrès AFC 2018, Jul 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01965502v1

Lateral diamond Schottky diodes on heteroepitaxial substrate

Juliette Letellier , Etienne Gheeraert , David Eon , Guillaume Saint-Girons , R. Bachelet
SBDD XXIII Hasselt Diamond Workshop, Mar 2018, Hasselt, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01965380v1

Hétérostructures à base de nanofils III-V

José Penuelas , Xin Guan , Jeanne Becdelievre , Louise Fouquat , Philippe Regreny
Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Jan 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01701541v1

Hybrid core - shell nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Jose Penuelas , Thomas Dursap , Louise Fouquat , Marco Vettori , Xin Guan
Congrès CNano 2018, Dec 2018, Toulon, France
Conference papers hal-01965492v1

Système d'analyse RHEED adapté au contrôle de la croissance de couches minces d'oxydes fonctionnels et de nanofils III-V

C. Botella , M. Bouras , T. Dursap , D. Han , M. Vettori
GDR Pulse-Ateliers, Oct 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02073272v1

Oxides grown by MBE for integrated thermoelectricity

Dong Han , Mohamed Bouras , Mihai Apreutesei , Régis Debord , Rahma Moalla
3eme rencontre du LRA en Nanothermique Lyonnais, Mar 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01965495v1

Epitaxial growth of nanostructured functional oxides on silicon by solution chemistry

José M. Vila-Fungueiriño , A. Gomez , R. Moalla , Guillaume Saint-Girons , C. Magen
EMRS 2017 Spring meeting, May 2017, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01965428v1

Contrôle dynamique de la lumière par des matériaux fonctionnels

Sébastien Cueff , Regis Orobtchouk , Pedro Rojo Romeo , Bertrand Vilquin , Guillaume Saint-Girons
Workshop du GDR Ondes, Oct 2017, sophia-antipolis, France
Conference papers hal-01965364v1

Ultra-long self-catalyzed GaAs nanowires grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Si(111)

Jeanne Becdelievre , Xin Guan , Nicolas Chauvin , Philippe Regreny , Michel Gendry
Nanowire Week 2017, May 2017, Lund, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01701497v1

Perovskite oxide engineering by molecular beam epitaxy for integrated thermoelectricity

Mohamed Bouras , Mihai Apreutesei , Rahma Moalla , R. Debord , Philippe Regreny
ECT 2017 conference, Sep 2017, Padua, Italy
Conference papers hal-01965426v1

GaAs/TiO2 core-shell nanowires for Solar Water Splitting

X. Guan , M. Vettori , J. Becdelievre , C. Botella , G. Grenet
J2N 2017, Nov 2017, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-02073219v1

Diamond heteroepitaxy on Ir / SrTiO3 / Si (001) substrates: from nucleation to thick films characterizations

K.H. Lee , S. Saada , Nicolas Tranchant , Jean-Charles Arnault , Rahma Moalla
28th international conference on diamond and related materials, Sep 2017, Gothenborg, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01965435v1

Perovskite oxide engineering using molecular beam epitaxy

Mohamed Bouras , Mihai Apreutesei , Nicolas Baboux , Sébastien Cueff , R. Debord
EMRS 2017 Fall meeting, Sep 2017, Warsaw, Poland
Conference papers hal-01965423v1

Heterogeneous oxide/semiconductor systems : some specific features of their crystal growth, how could in-situ TEM contribute to their study

Guillaume Saint-Girons
Inauguration du microscope Nanomax, Jul 2017, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers hal-01965365v1

Growth of hybrid GaAs core / shell nanowires

Xin Guan , Jeanne Becdelievre , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Romain Bachelet , Philippe Regreny
GDR PULSE, 2016, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01489098v1

Functional oxides on silicon for on-chip thermal management

Ramah Moalla , M. Apreutesei , Bertrand Vilquin , Philippe Regreny , Claude Botella
XVth Electroceramics conference, Jun 2016, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-01965438v1

Growth of core (GaAs) / shell (functional oxide) nanowires

Xin Guan , Jeanne Becdelievre , Benjamin Meunier , Abdennacer Benali , Guillaume Saint-Girons
EMN Meeting on Nanowires, May 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01701391v1

Functional oxides for optical devices

Guillaume Saint-Girons , Sébastien Cueff , Benjamin Meunier , Romain Bachelet , Jose Penuelas
E-MRS 2016 Fall Meeting, Sep 2016, Warsaw, Poland
Conference papers hal-01965369v1

Interface reactivity and epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 and other functional oxides on Si and GaAs

Benjamin Meunier , Rahma Moalla , Adrien Carretero-Genevrier , L. Largeau , J. Gazquez
IC-MBE 2016 international conference, 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01489068v1

Ferroelectric oxide slot waveguide electro-optic modulator on Silicon

Sébastien Cueff , Régis Orobtchouk , Pedro Rojo-Romeo , A. Gutierrez , P. Castéra
SPIE Photonic West 2016 Conference, 2016, San-Francisco (USA), United States
Conference papers hal-01489100v1

Effect of Bias Enhanced Nucleation parameters on diamond heteroepitaxy on Ir/SrTiO3/Si (001)

K.H. Lee , S. Saada , Jean-Charles Arnault , Guillaume Saint-Girons , R. Bachelet
MRS Spring meeting 2016, Mar 2016, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers hal-01965440v1

Oxydes fonctionnels intégrés sur Si pour des applications en énergie et photonique

Romain Bachelet , Mihai Apreutesei , Rahma Moalla , Benjamin Meunier , Sébastien Cueff
JNMO, Jun 2016, Les Issambres, France
Conference papers hal-01965366v1

(001) Ir / SrTiO3 / Si: a promising substrate for diamond heteroepitaxy

K.H. Lee , S. Saada , Nicolas Tranchant , Jean-Charles Arnault , Ramah Moalla
SBDD XXI conference, 9-11 march 2016, Mar 2016, Hasselt, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01965437v1

Semiconducting core / piezoelectric shell nanowires

Jose Penuelas , Xin Guan , Jeanne Becdelievre , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Romain Bachelet
PiezoNEMS workshop, 2016, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01489081v1

Hybrid silicon-ferroelectric oxide platform for tunable nanophotonics on silicon

S. Cueff , P. Castera , A. Gutierrez , P. Romeo , R. Orobtchouk
2016 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Jul 2016, Trento, Italy. ⟨10.1109/ICTON.2016.7550429⟩
Conference papers hal-01848690v1

GaAs Core / SrTiO3 Shell Nanowires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Xin Guan , Jeanne Becdelievre , Benjamin Meunier , A. Benali , Guillaume Saint-Girons
MBE 2016, 19th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01489060v1

Towards high-speed electro-optical performance in a hybrid BaTiO3/Si Mach-Zehnder modulator

Pau Castera , Alvaro Rosa , Domenico Tulli , Ana Marià Gutiérrez , Sébastien Cueff
2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), Aug 2016, Shanghai, China. ⟨10.1109/GROUP4.2016.7739092⟩
Conference papers hal-01848675v1

LiNbO3 Films for Acoustic Wave Applications

A. Bartasyte , S. Oliveri , T. Baron , T. Salut , S. Margueron
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2016, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-01489067v1

Capping and decapping GaAs nanowires with As for preventing oxidation and for epitaxial shell growth

Xin Guan , Jeanne Becdelievre , Abdennacer Benali , Claude Botella , Geneviève Grenet
8èmes Entretiens pour la recherche GEC-Beihang, 2015, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01489620v1

Epitaxial pyroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films on silicon for thermal energy harvesting

Rahma Moalla , Qiang Liu , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Bertrand Vilquin , Nicolas Baboux
EMRS 2015 Spring Meeting, 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01489367v1

Functional oxide pressure sensor

D. Le Bourdais , G. Agnus , T. Maroutian , V. Pillard , Guillaume Saint-Girons
EMRS Spring Meeting, 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01489374v1

Growth parameters and tetragonality at the nanoscale of MBE epitaxial BaTiO3 films on Si

Sylvie Schamm-Chardon , Cesar Magen , R. Guzman , Lucie Mazet , Robin Cours
EMRS Spring 2015, May 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-02081622v1

Epitaxial growth of ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin layers on SrTiO3-templated GaAs/InGaAs quantum well structure for opto-mechanical application

Benjamin Meunier , Romain Bachelet , Bertrand Vilquin , Pedro Rojo-Romeo , Geneviève Grenet
EMRS 2015 Spring Meeting, 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01489362v1

SrTiO3/GaAs epitaxial templates: role of Ti at the interface, and application to the fabrication of novel opto-mechanical devices

Benjamin Meunier , Romain Bachelet , Geneviève Grenet , Claude Botella , Philippe Regreny
JSI 2015, 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01489578v1

Thermal energy harvesting through epitaxial pyroelectric oxide films integrated on silicon

Rahma Moalla , Qiang Liu , J. Vila-Fungueiriño , Adrien Carretero-Genevrier , B. Rivas-Murias
EMRS 2015 Spring Meeting, 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01489612v1

Heterostructures combining functional oxides and semiconductors for integrated photonics

Guillaume Saint-Girons
Workshop MNP 2015, 2015, Besançon, France
Conference papers hal-01489592v1

Monolitic integration of functional oxides on silicon by chemical solution deposition

Adrien Carretero-Genevrier , M. Gich , Romain Bachelet , Guillaume Saint-Girons , J. Vila-Fungueiriño
MRS 2015, 2015, San Francisco (USA), United States
Conference papers hal-01489571v1

Epitaxial La-doped SrTiO3-based films of enhanced ZT

Mihai Apreutesei , P. Regreny , G. Saint-Girons , C. Botella , G. Grenet
Workshop Journées du GDR ThermoElectricité, Oct 2015, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-01291419v1

Monolithic integration of functional oxides in silicon by chemical solution deposition

Adrien Carretero-Genevrier , M. Gich , J. Vila-Fungueiriño , G. Drisko , L. Picas
MRS 2015 Spring Meeting, 2015, San Francisco, USA, United States
Conference papers hal-01489346v1

Soft chemistry integration of ferromagnetic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on silicon

J. Vila-Fungueiriño , Adrien Carretero-Genevrier , B. Rivas-Murias , Rahma Moalla , Romain Bachelet
EMRS 2015 Spring Meeting, 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01489356v1

Epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 on GaAs : Towards opto-mechanical applications

Benjamin Meunier , Geneviève Grenet , Claude Botella , Philippe Regreny , Romain Bachelet
Europ. Material research Society EMRS, 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01489364v1

Perovskite Oxide MEMS: Strain Control and Sensor Applications

P. Lecoeur , D. Le Bourdais , G. Agnus , T. Maroutian , M. Matzen
MRS 2015 Fall Meeting, 2015, Boston (USA), United States
Conference papers hal-01489582v1

Molecular beam epitaxy of ferroelectric complex oxides on silicon

Catherine Dubourdieu , Lucie Mazet , S. Yang , Robin Cours , Romain Bachelet
19th Conference on "Insulating Films on Semiconductors (INFOS), Jul 2015, Udine, Italy
Conference papers hal-01489594v1

Integration of functional oxides on SOI for agile silicon photonics

P. Rojo Romeo , X. Hu , S. Cueff , B. Wague , R. Orobtchouk
2015 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Jul 2015, Budapest, Hungary. ⟨10.1109/ICTON.2015.7193606⟩
Conference papers hal-01848735v1

Strong electrocaloric anisotropy in epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 heterostructures

Rahma Moalla , Bertrand Vilquin , Guillaume Saint-Girons , Nicolas Baboux , G. Sebald
EMRS 2015 Fall Meeting, Sep 2015, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers hal-01489353v1

Electromechanical response of amorphous LaAlO3 thin film probed by scanning probe microscopies

Alexis Borowiak , H. Tanaka , Nicolas Baboux , David Albertini , Bertrand Vilquin
ISAF 2015 conference, 2015, Singapour, Singapore
Conference papers hal-01489365v1

SrTiO3 thin layers on Si: epitaxy and use as templates for thermal energy management and photonic integrated devices

Sébastien Cueff , Mihai Apreutesei , R. Moalla , B. Meunier , X. Hu
Journees Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en micro/nanofabrication (JNTE), Nov 2015, Ecully, France
Conference papers hal-01291404v1

Hybrid silicon-ferroelectric oxide slot waveguide for on-chip optoelectronics

Sébastien Cueff ,