Broadband cavity-enhanced optical flux monitoring
Roman Rousseau
Claude Botella
Jérôme Morville
Mohamed Bounab
Lotfi Berguiga
Journal articles
Sb2S3 as a low-loss phase-change material for mid-IR photonics
Adam Biegański
Marko Perestjuk
Rémi Armand
Alberto Della Torre
Capucine Laprais
Journal articles
Integration of epitaxial LiNbO3 thin films with silicon technology
Ausrine Bartasyte
Stefania Oliveri
Sondes Boujnah
Samuel Margueron
Romain Bachelet
Journal articles
Preferential orientations of FeRh nanomagnets deposited on a BaTiO$_3$ epitaxial thin film
A. Reyes
G. Herrera
Pierre Capiod
D. Le Roy
V. Dupuis
Journal articles
Absorption line broadening in atomic beams produced in a molecular beam epitaxy environment
Roman Rousseau
Jérôme Morville
Claude Botella
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Reversible Single‐Pulse Laser‐Induced Phase Change of Sb 2 S 3 Thin Films: Multi‐Physics Modeling and Experimental Demonstrations
Capucine Laprais
Clément Zrounba
Julien Bouvier
Nicholas Blanchard
Matthieu Bugnet
Journal articles
Programming multilevel crystallization states in phase-change-material thin films
Arnaud Taute
Sadek Al-Jibouri
Capucine Laprais
Stéphane Monfray
Julien Lumeau
Journal articles
Strain generated by the stacking faults in epitaxial SrO(SrTiO 3 ) N Ruddlesden–Popper structures
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Clarisse Furgeaud
Ludovic Largeau
Alexandre Danescu
Romain Bachelet
Journal articles
Integration of Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 Crystalline Films on Silicon Toward High-Rate Performance Lithionic Devices
Steven Lacey
Elisa Gilardi
Elisabeth Müller
Clement Merckling
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Ferroelectric Hf 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 films with improved endurance obtained through low temperature epitaxial growth on seed layers
Tingfeng Song
Romain Bachelet
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Ignasi Fina
Florencio Sánchez
Journal articles
Tunable optical anisotropy in epitaxial phase-change VO2 thin films
Jimmy John
Amine Slassi
Jianing Sun
Yifei Sun
Romain Bachelet
Journal articles
Assessing the insulating properties of an ultrathin SrTiO3 shell grown around GaAs nanowires with molecular beam epitaxy
Nemanja Peric
Thomas Dursap
Jeanne Becdelievre
Maxime Berthe
A. Addad
Journal articles
Sensitive RHEED signature of Ti-excess enabling enhanced cationic composition control during the molecular beam epitaxy of SrTiO 3 based solid solutions
Masoumeh Razaghi Pey Ghaleh
Marc d'Esperonnat
Claude Botella
Sébastien Cueff
Romain Bachelet
Journal articles
Thickness effect on the ferroelectric properties of La-doped HfO 2 epitaxial films down to 4.5 nm
Tingfeng Song
Romain Bachelet
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Nico Dix
Ignasi Fina
Journal articles
Stabilization of the Ferroelectric Phase in Epitaxial Hf 1– x Zr x O 2 Enabling Coexistence of Ferroelectric and Enhanced Piezoelectric Properties
Tingfeng Song
Huan Tan
Nico Dix
Rahma Moalla
Jike Lyu
Journal articles
Impact of la Concentration on Ferroelectricity of La-Doped HfO2Epitaxial Thin Films
T. Song
H. Tan
Romain Bachelet
Guillaume Saint-Girons
I. Fina
Journal articles
Spectroscopic ellipsometry: a sensitive tool to monitor domains formation during the bias enhanced nucleation of heteroepitaxial diamond
Julien Delchevalrie
Samuel Saada
R. Bachelet
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Jean-Charles Arnault
Journal articles
Giant Tuning of Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties by Epitaxial Strain in p-Type Sr-Doped LaCrO 3 Transparent Thin Films
Dong Han
Rahma Moalla
Ignasi Fina
Valentina M. Giordano
Marc D’esperonnat
Journal articles
Epitaxial Zn3N2 thin films by molecular beam epitaxy: Structural, electrical, and optical properties
P. John
M. Al Khalfioui
C. Deparis
A. Welk
C. Lichtensteiger
Journal articles
Epitaxial diamond on Ir/ SrTiO3/Si (001): From sequential material characterizations to fabrication of lateral Schottky diodes
Jean-Charles Arnault
K.H. Lee
Julien Delchevalrie
J. Penuelas
L. Mehmel
Journal articles
Epitaxial Ferroelectric La-Doped Hf 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 Thin Films
Tingfeng Song
Romain Bachelet
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Raul Solanas
Ignasi Fina
Journal articles
Structural studies of epitaxial BaTiO3 thin film on silicon
B. Wagué
J.-B. - B Brubach
G. Niu
G. Dong
L. Dai
Journal articles
Poisson ratio and bulk lattice constant of (Sr 0.25 La 0.75 )CrO 3 from strained epitaxial thin films
Dong Han
Mohamed Bouras
Claude Botella
Aziz Benamrouche
Bruno Canut
Journal articles
Perovskite-oxide based hyperbolic metamaterials
Mohamed Bouras
Dong Han
Sébastien Cueff
Romain Bachelet
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Enhanced ferroelectricity in epitaxial Hf 0.5 Zr 0.5 O 2 thin films integrated with Si(001) using SrTiO 3 templates
J. Lyu
I. Fina
R. Bachelet
Guillaume Saint-Girons
S Estandia
Journal articles
Structural properties of strained epitaxial La 1+δ CrO 3 thin films
Dong Han
Mohamed Bouras
Claude Botella
Aziz Benamrouche
Bruno Canut
Journal articles
Large anisotropy of ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties in heteroepitaxial oxide layers
R. Moalla
S. Cueff
J. Penuelas
B. Vilquin
G. Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films on silicon with excellent magnetic and electric properties by combining physical and chemical methods
José Manuel Vila-Fungueiriño
Jaume Gázquez
Cesar Magen
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Romain Bachelet
Journal articles
Semiconducting Films: Electric and Mechanical Switching of Ferroelectric and Resistive States in Semiconducting BaTiO 3- δ Films on Silicon (Small 39/2017)
Andrés Gómez
José Manuel Vila-Fungueiriño
Rahma Moalla
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Jaume Gázquez
Journal articles
Electric and Mechanical Switching of Ferroelectric and Resistive States in Semiconducting BaTiO 3- δ Films on Silicon
Andrés Gómez
José Manuel Vila-Fungueiriño
Rahma Moalla
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Jaume Gázquez
Journal articles
Thermoelectric La-doped SrTiO 3 epitaxial layers with single-crystal quality: from nano to micrometers
Mihai Apreutesei
Régis Debord
Mohamed Bouras
Philippe Regreny
Claude Botella
Journal articles
Huge gain in pyroelectric energy conversion through epitaxy for integrated self-powered nanodevices
Rahma Moalla
Bertrand Vilquin
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Gwenaël Le Rhun
Emmanuel Defay
Journal articles
High ferroelectric polarization in c -oriented BaTiO 3 epitaxial thin films on SrTiO 3 /Si(001)
M. Scigaj
C. Chao
J. Gázquez
I. Fina
R. Moalla
Journal articles
Texture of Ge on SrTiO3(001) substrates: Evidence for in-plane axiotaxy
Alexandre Danescu
Jose Penuelas
Benoit Gobaut
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journal articles
GaAs nanowires with oxidation-proof arsenic capping for the growth of an epitaxial shell
Xin Guan
Jeanne Becdelievre
A. Benali
Claude Botella
Geneviève Grenet
Journal articles
The role of titanium at the SrTiO 3 /GaAs epitaxial interface
B. Meunier
Romain Bachelet
G. Grenet
C. Botella
P. Regreny
Journal articles
Electro-Optical Modulation Based on Pockels Effect in BaTiO3 With a Multi-Domain Structure
P. Castéra
Ana Gutierrez
Domenico Tulli
Sébastien Cueff
Régis Orobtchouk
Journal articles
Epitaxy of iridium on SrTiO 3 /Si (001): A promising scalable substrate for diamond heteroepitaxy
Kee Han Lee
Samuel Saada
Jean-Charles Arnault
Rahma Moalla
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Chemical reactivity between sol–gel deposited Pb(Zr,Ti)O$_3$ layers and their GaAs substrates
Benjamin Meunier
Ludovic Largeau
Philippe Regreny
Jose Penuelas
Romain Bachelet
Journal articles
Low-Loss and Compact Silicon Rib Waveguide Bends
Antoine Brimont
Xuan Hu
Sébastien Cueff
Pédro Rojo Romeo
Guillaume Saint Girons
Journal articles
Dramatic effect of thermal expansion mismatch on the structural, dielectric, ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties of low-cost epitaxial PZT films on SrTiO 3 and Si (001) subtrates.
Rahma Moalla
B. Vilquin
G. Saint-Girons
Gaël Sebald
N. Baboux
Journal articles
Epitaxy of SrTiO 3 on Silicon: The Knitting Machine Strategy
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Romain Bachelet
Rahma Moalla
Benjamin Meunier
Lamis Louahadj
Journal articles
GaAs Core/SrTiO 3 Shell Nanowires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
X. Guan
J. Becdelievre
B. Meunier
A. Benali
G. Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Integration of functional complex oxide nanomaterials on silicon
Josã© Vila-Fungueiriã±o
Romain Bachelet
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Michel Gendry
Marti Gich
Journal articles
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and diffraction investigation of a metal–oxide-semiconductor heterostructure: Pt/Gd2O3/Si(111)
D. Ferrah
M. El Kazzi
G. Niu
Claude Botella
J. Penuelas
Journal articles
Epitaxial manganite freestanding bridges for low power pressure sensors
D. Le Bourdais
G. Agnus
T. Maroutian
V. Pillard
P. Aubert
Journal articles
Epitaxial Growth of Ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Layers on GaAs
Benjamin Meunier
Lamis Louahadj
David Le Bourdais
Ludovic Largeau
Guillaume Agnus
Journal articles
Chemistry and structure of BaTiO3 ultra-thin films grown by different O2 plasma power
J.L. Wang
J. Leroy
G. Niu
G. Saint-Girons
B. Gautier
Journal articles
Phase transitions in [001]-oriented morphotropic PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 thin film deposited onto SrTiO3-buffered Si substrate
Y. Shi
M. Cueff
G. Niu
G. Le Rhun
B. Vilquin
Journal articles
Electromechanical response of amorphous LaAlO 3 thin film probed by scanning probe microscopies
Alexis Borowiak
Nicolas Baboux
David Albertini
Bertrand Vilquin
Guillaume Saint Girons
Journal articles
Functional spinel oxide heterostructures on silicon
Romain Bachelet
Patricia de Coux
Bénédicte Warot-Fonrose
Vassil Skumryev
Gang Niu
Journal articles
Structural study and ferroelectricity of epitaxial BaTiO3 films on silicon grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Lucie Mazet
Romain Bachelet
Lamis Louahadj
David Albertini
Brice Gautier
Journal articles
Growth of Ge islands on SrTiO3 (001) 2×1 reconstructed surface: Epitaxial relationship and effect of the temperature
B. Gobaut
J. Penuelas
A. Benamrouche
Y. Robach
N. Blanc
Journal articles
Molecular beam epitaxy of SrTiO3 on GaAs(001): GaAs surface treatment and structural characterization of the oxide layer
L. Louahadj
R. Bachelet
P. Regreny
L. Largeau
C. Dubourdieu
Journal articles
Influence of catalyst droplet diameter on the growth direction of InP nanowires grown on Si(001) substrate
K. Naji
Guillaume Saint-Girons
J. Penuelas
G. Patriarche
L. Largeau
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102 (24), pp.243113
Journal articles
Interface accommodation mechanism for weakly interacting epitaxial systems
A. Danescu
B. Gobaut
J. Penuelas
G. Grenet
V. Favre-Nicolin
Journal articles
Ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 epitaxial layers on GaAs
L. Louahadj
D. Le Bourdais
L. Largeau
G. Agnus
L. Mazet
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103 (21), pp.212901
Journal articles
LaAlO 3 /Si capacitors: Comparison of different molecular beam deposition conditions and their impact on electrical properties
Sylvain Pelloquin
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Nicolas Baboux
David Albertini
Wael Hourani
Journal articles
Molecular beam epitaxy growth of BaTiO3 thin films and crucial impact of oxygen content conditions on the electrical characteristics
G. Niu
B. Gautier
S. Yin
Guillaume Saint-Girons
P. Lecoeur
Thin Solid Films, 2012, 520 (14), pp.4595-4599
Journal articles
Ge/SrTiO 3 (001): Correlation between interface chemistry and crystallographic orientation
B. Gobaut
J. Penuelas
G. Grenet
D. Ferrah
A. Benamrouche
Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112 (9), pp.093508
Journal articles
Growth of vertical and defect free InP nanowires on SrTiO3(001) substrate and comparison with growth on silicon
K. Naji
H. Dumont
G. Saint-Girons
J. Penuelas
G. Patriarche
Journal articles
Ge/SrTiO 3 (001) interface probed by soft x-ray synchrotron-radiation time-resolved photoemission
M. El Kazzi
B. Gobaut
J. Penuelas
G. Grenet
M. Silly
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2012, 85 (7)
Journal articles
Morphological and structural properties of InP/Gd2O3 nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon substrate
J. Penuelas
X. Lu
N.P. Blanchard
Guillaume Saint-Girons
B. Vilquin
Journal articles
Direct epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 on Si (001): Interface, crystallization and IR evidence of phase transition
G. Niu
W. W. Peng
G. Saint-Girons
J. Penuelas
Pascal Roy
Journal articles
Crystallographic orientation transition of InP islands on SrTiO3 substrates with the growth temperature
A. Chettaoui
J. Penuelas
B. Gobaut
J. Cheng
A. Benarmouche
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2011, 605 (9-10), pp.912 - 916. ⟨10.1016/j.susc.2011.02.003⟩
Journal articles
Epitaxy of BaTiO3 thin film on Si(001) using a SrTiO3 buffer layer for non-volatile memory application
G. Niu
S. Yin
Guillaume Saint-Girons
B. Gautier
P. Lecoeur
Microelectronic Engineering, 2011, 88 (7), pp.1232-1235
Journal articles
Direct epitaxial growth of InP based heterostructures on SrTiO3/Si(001) crystalline templates
G. Saint-Girons
J. Cheng
A. Chettaoui
J. Penuelas
B. Gobaut
Journal articles
Heteroepitaxy of SrTiO3 thin films on Si (001) using different growth strategies: Toward substratelike quality
G. Niu
B. Vilquin
J. Penuelas
C. Botella
G. Hollinger
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 2011, 29 (4), pp.041207. ⟨10.1116/1.3609813⟩
Journal articles
Molecular beam epitaxial growth of BaTiO3 single crystal on Ge-on-Si(001) substrates
C. Merckling
Guillaume Saint-Girons
C. Botella
G. Hollinger
M. Heyns
Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98 (9), pp.092901
Journal articles
Evidence for the formation of two phases during the growth of SrTiO3 on silicon
G. Niu
J. Penuelas
L. Largeau
B. Vilquin
J.-L. Maurice
Journal articles
High oxidation state at the epitaxial interface of γ-Al2O3 thin films grown on Si(111) and Si(001)
M. El Kazzi
C. Merckling
G. Saint-Girons
G. Grenet
M. Silly
Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 97 (15), pp.151902
Journal articles
Partial arsenic pressure and crystal orientation during the molecular beam epitaxy of GaAs on SrTiO3(001)
J. Cheng
A. Chettaoui
J. Penuelas
B. Gobaut
P. Regreny
Journal articles
Direct growth of InAsP/InP quantum well heterostructures on Si using crystalline SrTiO3/Si templates
B. Gobaut
J. Penuelas
J. Cheng
A. Chettaoui
L. Largeau
Journal articles
Epitaxial growth of germanium on silicon using a Gd2O3/Si (111) crystalline template
C. Dubourdieu
I. Gelard
O. Salicio
G. Saint Girons
A. Chettaoui
Journal articles
Oxides heterostructures for nanoelectronics
Catherine Dubourdieu
Isabelle Gélard
Olivier Salicio
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Bertrand Vilquin
Journal articles
Molecular beam deposition of LaAlO3 on silicon for sub-22nm CMOS technological nodes: Towards a perfect control of the oxide/silicon heterointerface
S. Pelloquin
L. Becerra
Guillaume Saint-Girons
C. Plossu
N. Baboux
Microelectronic Engineering, 2009, 86 (7-9), pp.1686-1688
Journal articles
Impact of a γ-Al2O3(001) barrier on LaAlO3 metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor electrical properties
L. Becerra
C. Merckling
M. El-Kazzi
N. Baboux
B. Vilquin
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 2009, 27 (1), pp.384-388. ⟨10.1116/1.3065437⟩
Journal articles
Molecular beam epitaxy of SrTiO3 on Si (001): Early stages of the growth and strain relaxation
Gang Niu
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Bertrand Vilquin
Gabriel Delhaye
Jean-Luc Maurice
Journal articles
Influence of the surface reconstruction on the growth of InP on SrTiO3(001)
J. Cheng
P. Regreny
L. Largeau
G. Patriarche
O. Mauguin
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009, 311 (4), pp.1042-1045
Journal articles
Twin formation during the growth of InP on SrTiO3
J. Cheng
L. Largeau
G. Patriarche
P. Regreny
G. Hollinger
Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94 (23), pp.231902
Journal articles
X-ray photoelectron diffraction study of thin Al 2 O 3 films grown on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy
M. El Kazzi
G. Grenet
C. Merckling
Guillaume Saint-Girons
C. Botella
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 79 (19)
Journal articles
Crystal orientation of GaAs islands grown on SrTiO3 (001) by molecular beam epitaxy
L. Largeau
J. Cheng
P. Regreny
G. Patriarche
A. Benamrouche
Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95 (1), pp.011907
Journal articles
Growth temperature dependence of epitaxial Gd2O3 films on Si(111)
Guillaume Saint-Girons
G. Niu
B. Vilquin
N. Baboux
C. Plossu
Microelectronic Engineering, 2009, 86 (7-9), pp.1700-1702
Journal articles
Optically active defects in an InAsP/InP quantum well monolithically grown on SrTiO3(001)
Jinquan Cheng
Thomas Aviles
Ahiram El Akra
C. Bru-Chevallier
Ludovic Largeau
Journal articles
Accommodation at the interface of highly dissimilar semiconductor/oxide epitaxial systems
Guillaume Saint-Girons
J. Cheng
P. Regreny
L. Largeau
G. Patriarche
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 80 (15)
Journal articles
Epitaxial growth of high-κ oxides on silicon
C. Merckling
Guillaume Saint-Girons
G. Delhaye
G. Patriarche
L. Largeau
Thin Solid Films, 2008, 517 (1), pp.197-200
Journal articles
Competition between InP and In2O3 islands during the growth of InP on SrTiO3
Guillaume Saint-Girons
P. Regreny
J. Cheng
G. Patriarche
L. Largeau
Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104 (3), pp.033509
Journal articles
De-relaxation of plastically relaxed InAs/GaAs quantum dots during the growth of a GaAs encapsulation layer
Guillaume Saint-Girons
I. Sagnes
G. Patriarche
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2008, 310 (3), pp.536-540
Journal articles
Self-assembled Ge nanocrystals on BaTiO3∕SrTiO3∕Si(001)
L. Largeau
G. Patriarche
Guillaume Saint-Girons
G. Delhaye
G. Hollinger
Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92 (3), pp.031904
Journal articles
Spontaneous compliance of the InP/SrTiO3 heterointerface
G. Saint-Girons
C. Priester
P. Regreny
G. Patriarche
L. Largeau
Journal articles
Thermodynamic analysis of the shape, anisotropy and formation process of InAs/InP(001) quantum dots and quantum sticks grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
M. Mérat-Combes
Guillaume Saint-Girons
A. Michon
I. Sagnes
G. Beaudoin
Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2007, 601 (13), pp.2765-2768
Journal articles
Ultralow equivalent oxide thickness obtained for thin amorphous LaAlO3 layers grown on Si(001)
L. Becerra
C. Merckling
N. Baboux
C. Plossu
O. Marty
Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91 (19), pp.192909
Journal articles
Strain relaxation and critical thickness for epitaxial LaAlO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy
C. Merckling
M. El-Kazzi
G. Delhaye
V. Favre-Nicolin
Y. Robach
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2007, 306 (1), pp.47-51
Journal articles
InAs nanocrystals on SiO2∕Si by molecular beam epitaxy for memory applications
Moïra Hocevar
Philippe Regreny
Armel Descamps
David Albertini
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91 (13), pp.133114
Journal articles
Development of robust interfaces based on crystalline γ-Al2O3(001) for subsequent deposition of amorphous high-κ oxides
C. Merckling
M. El-Kazzi
L. Becerra
L. Largeau
G. Patriarche
Microelectronic Engineering, 2007, 84 (9-10), pp.2243-2246
Journal articles
Monolithic integration of InP based heterostructures on silicon using crystalline Gd2O3 buffers
Guillaume Saint-Girons
P. Regreny
L. Largeau
G. Patriarche
G. Hollinger
Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91 (24), pp.241912
Journal articles
Local electronic transport through InAs/InP(0 0 1) quantum dots capped with a thin InP layer studied by an AFM conductive probe
M Troyon
K Smaali
M Molinari
a El Hdiy
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2007, 22 (7), pp.755-762
Journal articles
Epitaxial growth of LaAlO3 on Si(001) using interface engineering
C. Merckling
G. Delhaye
M. El-Kazzi
Sébastien Gaillard
Y. Rozier
Microelectronics Reliability, 2007, 47 (4-5), pp.540-543
Journal articles
Growth of crystalline γ‐Al2O3 on Si by molecular beam epitaxy: Influence of the substrate orientation
C. Merckling
M. El-Kazzi
Guillaume Saint-Girons
G. Hollinger
L. Largeau
Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, 102 (2), pp.024101
Journal articles
Density of InAs/InP(001) quantum dots grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy: Independent effects of InAs and cap-layer growth rates
A. Michon
G. Patriarche
G. Beaudoin
Guillaume Saint-Girons
N. Gogneau
Journal articles
Nanoepitaxy of InAs∕InP quantum dots by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy for 1.55μm emitters
J. Benoit
L. Le Gratiet
G. Beaudoin
A. Michon
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88 (4), pp.041113
Journal articles
Thermodynamic description of the competition between quantum dots and quantum dashes during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy in the In As ∕ In P ( 001 ) system: Experiment and theory
Guillaume Saint-Girons
A. Michon
I. Sagnes
G. Beaudoin
G. Patriarche
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 74 (24)
Journal articles
Effect of cap-layer growth rate on morphology and luminescence of InAs∕InP(001) quantum dots grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy
A. Michon
I. Sagnes
G. Patriarche
G. Beaudoin
M. Mérat-Combes
Journal of Applied Physics, 2006, 100 (3), pp.033508
Journal articles
Indium incorporation in In-rich In x Ga 1 − x As ∕ GaAs layers grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy and its influence on the growth of self-assembled quantum dots
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Isabelle Sagnes
Gilles Patriarche
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 73 (4)
Journal articles
Microphotoluminescence of exciton and biexciton around 1.5μm from a single InAs/InP(001) quantum dot
G. Saint-Girons
Nicolas Chauvin
A. Michon
G. Patriarche
G. Beaudoin
Journal articles
Pseudomorphic molecular beam epitaxy growth of γ-Al2O3(001) on Si(001) and evidence for spontaneous lattice reorientation during epitaxy
C. Merckling
M. El-Kazzi
G. Delhaye
M. Gendry
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (23), pp.232907
Journal articles
Thermodynamical analysis of the shape and size dispersion of In As ∕ In P ( 001 ) quantum dots
A. Michon
I. Sagnes
G. Patriarche
G. Beaudoin
M. Mérat-Combes
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 73 (16)
Journal articles
Structural properties of epitaxial SrTiO3 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(001)
G. Delhaye
C. Merckling
M. El-Kazzi
Guillaume Saint-Girons
M. Gendry
Journal of Applied Physics, 2006, 100 (12), pp.124109
Journal articles
Initial stage of the overgrowth of InP on InAs∕InP(001) quantum dots: Formation of InP terraces driven by preferential nucleation on quantum dot edges
Guillaume Saint-Girons
G. Patriarche
A. Michon
G. Beaudoin
I. Sagnes
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (3), pp.031923
Journal articles
Imaging the electric properties of InAs∕InP(001) quantum dots capped with a thin InP layer by conductive atomic force microscopy: Evidence of memory effect
K. Smaali
M. Troyon
A. El Hdiy
M. Molinari
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (11), pp.112115
Journal articles
InAs/InP(001) quantum dots and quantum sticks grown by MOVPE: shape, anisotropy and formation process
A. Michon
G. Patriarche
I. Sagnes
G. Beaudoin
Guillaume Saint-Girons
physica status solidi (c), 2006, 3 (11), pp.3928-3931
Journal articles
Buried dislocation networks for the controlled growth of III–V semiconductor nanostructures
F. Glas
J. Coelho
G. Patriarche
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005, 275 (1-2), pp.e1647-e1653
Journal articles
Stress-engineered orderings of self-assembled III-V semiconductor nanostructures
J. Coelho
G. Patriarche
F. Glas
I. Sagnes
Guillaume Saint-Girons
physica status solidi (c), 2005, 2 (4), pp.1245-1250
Journal articles
Carrier dynamics in Ga0.53In0.47As∕InP near-surface quantum wells
Clementine Symonds
Juliette Mangeney
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Isabelle Sagnes
Applied Physics Letters, 2005, 87 (1), pp.012107
Journal articles
Electroabsorption spectroscopy of Ge∕Si self-assembled islands
M. El Kurdi
P. Boucaud
Sébastien Sauvage
F. Aniel
G. Fishman
Journal of Applied Physics, 2005, 97 (8), pp.083525
Journal articles
InAs/InP(001) quantum dots emitting at 1.55μm grown by low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy
A. Michon
Guillaume Saint-Girons
G. Beaudoin
I. Sagnes
L. Largeau
Journal articles
Long wavelength room temperature laser operation of a strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum well structure monolithically grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition on a low energy-plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition graded misoriented Ge/Si virtual substrate
Y. Chriqui
Guillaume Saint-Girons
G. Isella
H. Von Kaenel
S. Bouchoule
Optical Materials, 2005, 27 (5), pp.846-850
Journal articles
Dislocation networks adapted to order the growth of III-V semiconductor nanostructures
J. Coelho
G. Patriarche
F. Glas
I. Sagnes
Guillaume Saint-Girons
physica status solidi (c), 2005, 2 (6), pp.1933-1937
Journal articles
Buried dislocation networks designed to organize the growth of III-V semiconductor nanostructures
José Coelho
Gilles Patriarche
Frank Glas
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Isabelle Sagnes
Journal articles
Photoluminescence probing of non-radiative channels in hydrogenated In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots
G. Saint-Girons
A. Lemaître
V. Navarro-Paredes
G. Patriarche
V. Rao
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004, 264 (1-3), pp.334-338
Journal articles
Direct growth of GaAs-based structures on exactly (001)-oriented Ge/Si virtual substrates: reduction of the structural defect density and observation of electroluminescence at room temperature under CW electrical injection
Y. Chriqui
L. Largeau
G. Patriarche
G. Saint-Girons
S. Bouchoule
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2004, 265 (1-2), pp.53-59
Journal articles
Long-range ordering of III-V semiconductor nanostructures by shallowly buried dislocation networks
José Coelho
Gilles Patriarche
Frank Glas
Guillaume Saint-Girons
Isabelle Sagnes
Journal articles
Room temperature laser operation of strained InGaAs∕GaAs QW structure monolithically grown by MOVCD on LE-PECVD Ge∕Si virtual substrate
Y. Chriqui
G. Saint-Girons
S. Bouchoule
J.-M. Moison
G. Isella
Electronics Letters, 2003, 39 (23), pp.1658
Journal articles
Continuous-wave operation of monolithically grown 1.5-μm optically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers
C. Symonds
I. Sagnes
A. Garnache
S. Hoogland
G. Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Electromodulation of the interband and intraband absorption of Ge/Si self-assembled islands
M. Elkurdi
P. Boucaud
Sébastien Sauvage
G. Fishman
O. Kermarrec
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2003, 16 (3-4), pp.450-454
Journal articles
Silicon-on-insulator and SiGe waveguide photodetectors with Ge/Si self-assembled islands
M. El Kurdi
P. Boucaud
Sébastien Sauvage
G. Fishman
O. Kermarrec
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2003, 16 (3-4), pp.523-527
Journal articles
Origin of the bimodal distribution of low-pressure metal-organic-vapor-phase-epitaxy grown InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots
G. Saint-Girons
G. Patriarche
A. Mereuta
I. Sagnes
Journal of Applied Physics, 2002, 91 (6), pp.3859-3863
Journal articles
Sub-500-fs soliton-like pulse in a passively mode-locked broadband surface-emitting laser with 100 mW average power
A. Garnache
S. Hoogland
A. Tropper
I. Sagnes
G. Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Photoluminescence quenching of a low-pressure metal-organic vapor-phase-epitaxy grown quantum dots array with bimodal inhomogeneous broadening
G. Saint-Girons
I. Sagnes
Journal of Applied Physics, 2002, 91 (12), pp.10115
Journal articles
Metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy of defect-free InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting around 1.3μm
G. Saint-Girons
G. Patriarche
L. Largeau
J Coelho
A Mereuta
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2002, 235 (1-4), pp.89-94
Journal articles
Silicon–on–insulator waveguide photodetector with Ge/Si self-assembled islands
M. El Kurdi
P. Boucaud
Sabine Sauvage
G. Fishman
O. Kermarrec
Journal of Applied Physics, 2002, 92 (4), pp.1858-1861
Journal articles
Near-infrared waveguide photodetector with Ge/Si self-assembled quantum dots
M. Elkurdi
P. Boucaud
Sabine Sauvage
O. Kermarrec
Y. Campidelli
Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 80 (3), pp.509-511
Journal articles
Investigations on GaAsSbN/GaAs quantum wells for 1.3–1.55μm emission
J.C Harmand
G Ungaro
J. Ramos
E.V.K Rao
G. Saint-Girons
Journal articles
Influence of the thermal treatment on the optical and structural properties of 1.3 μm emitting LP-MOVPE grown InAs/GaAs quantum dots
G. Saint-Girons
A. Mereuta
G. Patriarche
J.M. Gérard
I. Sagnes
Optical Materials, 2001, 17 (1-2), pp.263-266
Journal articles
(InGa)(NAs)/GaAs structures emitting in 1–1.6 μm wavelength range
A. Mereuta
G. Saint-Girons
S. Bouchoule
I. Sagnes
F. Alexandre
Journal articles
MOCVD InP/AlGaInAs distributed Bragg reflector for 1.55 [micro sign]m VCSELs
I. Sagnes
Gaël Le Roux
C. Meriadec
A. Mereuta
G. Saint-Girons
Electronics Letters, 2001, 37 (8), pp.500
Journal articles
Bimodal distribution of Indium composition in arrays of low-pressure metalorganic-vapor-phase-epitaxy grown InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots
Guillaume Saint-Girons
G. Patriarche
L. Largeau
J. Coelho
A. Mereuta
Applied Physics Letters, 2001, 79 (14), pp.2157-2159
Journal articles
1.3 μm electroluminescence of LP-MOVPE grown InAs/GaAs quantum dots, and influence of the re-growth temperature on the spectral response
Guillaume Saint-Girons
A Mereuta
G Gérard
A. Ramdane
I. Sagnes
Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2000, 78 (2-3), pp.145-147
Journal articles