Guillem Rigaill
Impact of host partial resistance on the gene expression of Phytophthora capsici: consequences for pepper breeding17. Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant (2019), Sep 2019, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Fast tree aggregation for consensus hierarchical clustering: application to multi-omics data analysisStatistical Methods for Post-Genomic Data (SMPGD), 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
A statistical method to detect abrupt changes in trees.Workshop Change Point Detection: Limit Theorems, Algorithms, and Applications in Life Sciences., Jul 2019, Greifswald, Germany
Conference papers
Changepoint detection in the presence of outliers and constraints.Journées du GDR Stat et Santé, Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Changepoint detection in the presence of outliersStatistical Scalability Workshop 2018, Apr 2018, Windemere, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Adjacency-constrained hierarchical clustering of a band similarity matrix with application to genomicsJournée Régionale de Bioinformatique et Biostatistique, Génopole Toulouse, Dec 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Fused-ANOVA : une méthode de clustering en grande dimension50èmes Journées de Statistique, 2018, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers
PeakSeg: constrained optimal segmentation and supervised penalty learning for peak detection in count dataICML 2015, 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers
The Wnt3a targetome in triple-negative breast cancer cell lines106. Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-Cancer-Research (AACR), American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). USA., Apr 2015, Philadelphie, United States. 1 p., ⟨10.1158/1538-7445.AM2015-41⟩
Conference papers
On exact multiple changepoint algorithms. Optimal partitioning and functional pruningInference for Change-Point and Related Processes, University of Cambridge [UK] (CAM). GBR., Jan 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Conference papers
On exact multiple changepoint algorithms. Optimal partitioning and functional pruningTime Dynamic Change Point Models and its Applications, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. DEU., Oct 2014, Göttingen, Germany
Conference papers
Partitionnement optimal et élagage fonctionnel pour la détection de ruptures multiples. Application à des données d’Hybridation Génomique Comparative CGH46. Journées de Statistique, Société Française de Statistique (SFdS). FRA., Jun 2014, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Weighted fusion penalties for tree inference and its oracle propertiesWorkshop MLCB NIPS 2014, Dec 2014, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Learning Sparse Penalties for Change-Point Detection using Max Margin Interval RegressionICML 2013 - 30 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Supported by the International Machine Learning Society (IMLS), Jun 2013, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers
Segmentor3isback : an r package for the fast and exact segmentation of seq-dataThe R User Conference, Jun 2013, Albacete, Spain
Conference papers
Fast and parallel algorithm for population-based segmentation of copy-number profiles10. International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB), Jun 2013, Nice, France. 275 p., ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-09042-9_18⟩
Conference papers
Algorithme rapide pour la détection optimale des ruptures42èmes Journées de Statistique, 2010, Marseille, France, France
Conference papers
Distribution de l'espace des segmentations41èmes Journées de Statistique, SFdS, Bordeaux, 2009, Bordeaux, France, France
Conference papers
gfpop : An R Package for Univariate Graph-Constrained Change-Point Detection2024
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Ms.FPOP: An Exact and Fast Segmentation Algorithm With a Multiscale Penalty2023
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Geometric-Based Pruning Rules For Change Point Detection in Multiple Independent Time Series2023
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Wide cross-species RNA-Seq comparison reveals a highly conserved role for Ferroportins in nickel hyperaccumulation in plants2019
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
New efficient algorithms for multiple change-point detection with kernels2016
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
SegAnnot: an R package for fast segmentation of annotated piecewise constant signals2012
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Impact de la résistance partielle du piment sur l'expression des gènes de Phytophthora capsici : conséquences pour la création variétale13e Rencontres de Phytopathologie - Mycologie, Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Sep 2022, Aussois (France), France
Conference poster
Adjacency-constrained hierarchical clustering of a band similarity matrix with application to genomicsStatistical Methods for Post Genomic Data (SMPGD 2019), Jan 2019, Barcelona, Spain. 2019
Conference poster
PO-435 Proteomic classification of triple negative breast cancer25th Biennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research, Jun 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ESMO Open, 3, pp.A402, 2018, ⟨10.1136/esmoopen-2018-EACR25.946⟩
Conference poster
Transcriptomic regulation in pepper during the interaction with Phytophthora capsici16. Eucarpia Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting, Sep 2016, Kecskemét, Hungary. 2016
Conference poster
Transcriptomic regulation in pepper during the interaction with Phytophthora capsici.16th Eucarpia Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting, Sep 2016, Kecskemét, Hungary
Conference poster
A fast homotopy algorithm for a large class of weighted classification problemsMLCB NIPS 2013, Oct 2013, South Lake Thao, United States. 2013
Conference poster
Integrative approaches for the identification of therapeutic targets in basal-like breast cancer from multi-level molecular data22. Biennial Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research, Jul 2012, Barcelone, Spain. Elsevier Science LTD, European Journal of Cancer, 48 (Suppl. 5), 2012, European Journal of Cancer
Conference poster
Change-point detection with kernel methods : application to DNA copy number signalsFrance, Patent n° : 00000000000000. 2013
Détection de ruptures à partir de méthodes à noyauxUnited Kingdom, Patent n° : 0000000. 2013
A Multiattribute Gaussian Graphical Model for Inferring Multiscale Regulatory Networks: An Application in Breast CancerGene Regulatory Networks, pp.143-160, 2019, ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-8882-2_6⟩
Book sections
Bioinformatic analysis of chloroplast gene expression and RNA posttranscriptional maturations using RNA SequencingPlastids, 1829, Humana Press Inc., pp.16, 2018, Methods in Molecular Biology, 978-1-4939-8654-5; 978-1-4939-8653-8. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-8654-5_19⟩
Book sections
Exact posterior distributions over the segmentation space and model selection for multiple change-point detection problemsProceedings of COMPSTAT'2010: 19th International Conference on Computational StatisticsParis France, August 22-27, 2010 Keynote, Invited and Contributed Papers, Springer - Verlag, 2010, 978-3-7908-2603-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-7908-2604-3_57⟩
Book sections
Statistical and algorithmic developments for the analysis of Triple Negative Breast CancersApplications [stat.AP]. AgroParisTech, 2010. English. ⟨NNT : 2010AGPT0066⟩
Quelques développements statistiques et algorithmiques pour l’analyse de données génomiquesStatistiques [math.ST]. Université Paris Saclay, 2020
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