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Herve Guillard



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Coupling finite elements of class C1 on composite curved meshes for second order elliptic problems

Ashish Bhole , Hervé Guillard , Boniface Nkonga , Francesca Rapetti
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2023, ⟨10.1002/fld.5241⟩
Journal articles hal-03913143v1

Numerical simulation of acoustic streaming in standing waves

A.I. Delis , V. Mandikas , H. Guillard
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2023, 152, pp.199-220. ⟨10.1016/j.camwa.2023.10.027⟩
Journal articles hal-04281580v1

The JOREK non-linear extended MHD code and applications to large-scale instabilities and their control in magnetically confined fusion plasmas

Matthias Hoelzl , Guido Huijsmans , Stanislas Pamela , Marina Bécoulet , Eric Nardon
Nuclear Fusion, 2021, 61 (6), pp.065001. ⟨10.1088/1741-4326/abf99f⟩
Journal articles hal-03352509v1
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Social Distancing: The Sensitivity of Numerical Simulations

Christophe Henry , Kerlyns Martinez-Rodriguez , Mireille Bossy , Hervé Guillard , Nicolas Rutard
ERCIM News, 2021, Special theme: Pandemic Modelling and Simulation, 2021 (124)
Journal articles hal-03041624v1
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Derivation and numerical approximation of two-temperature Euler plasma model

Afeintou Sangam , Élise Estibals , Hervé Guillard
Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 444, pp.48. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-03543365v1
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Numerical simulations of hydraulic jumps with the Shear Shallow Water model

Argiris I Delis , Hervé Guillard , Yih-Chin Tai
SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2018, 4, pp.319-344
Journal articles hal-01946806v1

A stabilized Powell–Sabin finite-element method for the 2D Euler equations in supersonic regime

Giorgio Giorgiani , Hervé Guillard , Boniface Nkonga , Eric Serre
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018, 340, pp.216-235. ⟨10.1016/j.cma.2018.05.032⟩
Journal articles hal-01865708v1

A Powell-Sabin finite element scheme for partial differential equations

Giorgio Giorgiani , Hervé Guillard , Boniface Nkonga
ESAIM: Proceedings, 2016, 53, pp.64-76. ⟨10.1051/proc/201653005⟩
Journal articles hal-01377903v1
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Parallel Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in edge plasma

H Guillard , M Bilanceri , C Colin , Philippe Ghendrih , G Giorgiani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014, Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop 2014, 561, pp.012009. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/561/1/012009⟩
Journal articles hal-01100365v1
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Multislope MUSCL method for general unstructured meshes

Clément Le Touze , Angelo Murrone , Herve Guillard
Journal of Computational Physics, 2014, pp.44. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-00939475v3

Implicit time advancing combined with two finite-volume methods in the simulation of morphodynamic flows

Marco Bilanceri , Francois Beux , Imad Elmahi , Hervé Guillard , Maria Vittoria Salvetti
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2014, 99, pp.153-169. ⟨10.1016/j.matcom.2013.07.002⟩
Journal articles hal-00871717v1

Divertor imbalance and divertor density regimes for ballooned cross-field turbulence

Philippe Ghendrih , Thomas Auphan , B. Bensiali , Marco Bilanceri , K. Bodi
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 438, pp.S368-S371. ⟨10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.01.070⟩
Journal articles hal-00920748v1

Des mathématiciens à la rescousse des lagunes méditerranéennes

Herve Guillard , Maria Vittoria Salvetti
Accromath, 2013, été-automne 2013, 8 (2)
Journal articles hal-00873946v1
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Divergence-free MHD simulations with the HERACLES code

Jeaniffer Vides , Edouard Audit , Hervé Guillard , Boniface Nkonga
ESAIM: Proceedings, 2013, 43, pp.180-194. ⟨10.1051/proc/201343012⟩
Journal articles hal-01061303v1
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Automatic coarsening of three dimensional anisotropic unstructured meshes for multigrid applications

Youssef Mesri , Hervé Guillard , Thierry Coupez
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218 (21), p. 10500-10509. ⟨10.1016/j.amc.2012.04.014⟩
Journal articles hal-00713134v1

Linearized implicit time advancing and defect correction applied to sediment transport simulations

Marco Bilanceri , François Beux , Imad Elmahi , Hervé Guillard , Maria Vittoria Salvetti
Computers and Fluids, 2012, 63, pp.82-104. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.04.009⟩
Journal articles hal-00871716v1

Finite volume method in curvilinear coordinates for hyperbolic conservation laws

Herve Guillard , Audrey Bonnement , Martin Marie , T. Fajraoui , Alexandre Mouton
ESAIM: Proceedings, 2011, 32, pp.163-176
Journal articles hal-00914822v1

Parallel expansion of density bursts

Guillaume Chiavassa , Hugo Bufferand , Guido Ciraolo , Philippe Ghendrih , Hervé Guillard
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2011, 415 (1), pp.S613-S616. ⟨10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.10.086⟩
Journal articles hal-00848522v1

On the behavior of upwind schemes in the low Mach number limit. IV: \P0\ approximation on triangular and tetrahedral cells.

Hervé Guillard
Computers and Fluids, 2009, 38 (10), pp.1969-1972. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2009.06.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00871718v1

Analysis of an algebraic Petrov-Galerkin smoothed aggregation multigrid method

Hervé Guillard , Aleš Janka , Petr Vaněk
Applied Numerical Mathematics: an IMACS journal, 2008, 58 (12), pp.1861-1874. ⟨10.1016/j.apnum.2007.11.008⟩
Journal articles hal-00871721v1

Behavior of upwind scheme in the low Mach number limit: III. Preconditioned dissipation for a five equation two phase model

Angelo Murrone , Hervé Guillard
Computers and Fluids, 2008, 37 (10), pp.1209-1224. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2006.12.010⟩
Journal articles hal-00871720v1
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A two-phase code for protoplanetary disks

P. Barge , S. Inaba , H. Guillard , E. Daniel
Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A, 2005, 431, pp.365. ⟨10.1051/0004-6361:20041085⟩
Journal articles hal-00017327v1

A five equation reduced model for compressible two phase flow problems

Angelo Murrone , Hervé Guillard
Journal of Computational Physics, 2005, 202 (2), pp.664 - 698. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-00871724v1

On the behavior of upwind schemes in the low Mach number limit: II. Godunov type schemes

Hervé Guillard , Angelo Murrone
Computers and Fluids, 2004, 33 (4), pp.655-675. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2003.07.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00871719v1

On the significance of the geometric conservation law for flow computations on moving meshes

Hervé Guillard , Charbel Farhat
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2000, 190 (11-12), pp.1467-1482. ⟨10.1016/S0045-7825(00)00173-0⟩
Journal articles hal-00871722v1

On the behaviour of upwind schemes in the low Mach number limit

Hervé Guillard , Cécile Viozat
Computers and Fluids, 1999, 28 (1), pp.63-86. ⟨10.1016/S0045-7930(98)00017-6⟩
Journal articles hal-00871725v1

A second order defect correction scheme for unsteady problems

Régis Martin , Hervé Guillard
Computers and Fluids, 1996, 25 (1), pp.9-27. ⟨10.1016/0045-7930(95)00027-5⟩
Journal articles hal-00871723v1

Godunov type method on non-structured meshes for three-dimensional moving boundary problems

Boniface Nkonga , Hervé Guillard
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 1994, 113 (1-2), pp.183-204
Journal articles hal-00918070v1

On the use of spectral methods for stiff problems

Herve Guillard , Roger Peyret
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 1988, 66 (1), pp.17-43. ⟨10.1016/0045-7825(88)90058-8⟩
Journal articles hal-00870010v1
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A method for the determination of the global solar radiation from meteorological satellites data

Daniel Cano , Jean-Marie Monget , Michel Albuisson , Hervé Guillard , Nathalie Regas
Solar Energy, 1986, 37 (1), pp.31-39
Journal articles hal-00464051v1
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Sensitivity of droplet dispersion to emission and ambient air properties

Christophe Henry , Kerlyns Martinez-Rodriguez , Angelo Murrone , Nicolas Rutard , Hervé Guillard
CFA 2021 - 34ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03469351v1
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Control strategy for the combustion optimization for waste-to-energy incineration plant

Franco Falconi , Hervé Guillard , Stefan Capitaneanu , Tarek Raissi
21st IFAC World Congress, Jul 2020, Berlin, Germany. pp.13167-13172
Conference papers hal-02536995v1
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Fast waves and incompressible models

Herve Guillard
Workshop on numerical and physical modelling in multiphase flows: a cross-fertilisation approach, Feb 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01949646v1
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Modélisation mathématique de l'entrée de l'Homme moderne en Europe

Anna Degioanni , Hervé Guillard , Boniface Nkonga , Silvana Condemi
Journée de restitution 2018 "Défi Infiniti", Oct 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01959157v1

Numerical simulations of hydraulic jumps with the shear shallow water model

Argiris I Delis , Hervé Guillard
Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2018, Jun 2018, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers hal-01946961v1

Coupling Grad-Shafranov equilibrium solvers and grid generation to study plasma confinement properties in nuclear fusion devices

Adrien Loseille , Alexis Loyer , Hervé Guillard
Coupled Problems 2017 - VII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Jun 2017, Rhodes, Greece. pp.190103
Conference papers hal-01644328v1
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Finite Volume for Fusion Simulations

Elise Estibals , Hervé Guillard , Afeintou Sangam
Jorek Meeting 2016, Matthias Hoelzl, Apr 2016, Sophia Antipolis, France
Conference papers hal-01397086v1
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Shock capturing computations with stabilized Powell-Sabin elements

Giorgio Giorgiani , Hervé Guillard , Boniface Nkonga
ECCOMAS Congress 2016 VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Jun 2016, Crete, Greece. pp.16
Conference papers hal-01377909v1

Modelling and numerical simulation of the bi-temperature Euler equations in toroidal geometry

E Estibals , Hervé Guillard , A Sangam
SMAI 2015, Jun 2015, Les Karelis, France
Conference papers hal-01252815v1

Parallel K-H turbulence as a test case for plasma edge fluid modelling

Eric Serre , B. Bigot , Clothilde Colin , A. Paredes , Frédéric Schwander
15th European Fusion Theory Conference, Sep 2013, Oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00931693v1

Modèle de type fluide volumes / éléments finis pour la simulation du plasma de bord des tokamaks

Audrey Bonnement , Hervé Guillard , Boniface Nkonga , Richard Pasquetti
CANUM 2012, May 2012, Superbesse, France
Conference papers hal-00870143v1

Comparison of explicit and implicit time advancing in the simulation of a 2D Sediment transport problem

Marco Bilanceri , François Beux , Imad Elmahi , Hervé Guillard , Maria-Vittoria Salvetti
FVCA6 : Finite Volume for Complex Applications VI, Jun 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.125-133
Conference papers inria-00575109v1

Two-phase disk simulations

P. Barge , S. Inaba , E. Daniel , H. Guillard
SF2A-2005: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, meeting held in Strasbourg, France, June 27 - July 1, 2005, 2005, France. pp.767
Conference papers hal-00015303v1

Mesh partitioning for parallel computational fluid dynamics applications on a grid

Youssef Mesri , Hugues Digonnet , Hervé Guillard
FVCA'05 - International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IV, Jul 2005, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.631--642
Conference papers hal-01466955v1
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Satellite solar meteorology: operational use of the Meteosat system to compute solar irradiance

Hervé Guillard , Jean-Marie Monget , Lucien Wald
EARSeL/ESA Symposium on European Remote Sensing Opportunities, Mar 1985, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-00467947v1
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The dynamics of the Mediterranean Sea from space: some techniques and their applications

Lucien Wald , Hervé Guillard , Hervé Demarcq
NATO Research Workshop “Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation in the Mediterranean Sea”, Sep 1983, La Spezia, Italy
Conference papers hal-00464358v1
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Mesh generation for fusion applications

Herve Guillard , Jalal Lakhlili , Alexis Loyer , Ahmed Ratnani , Eric Sonnendrücker
IPP Ringberg Theory Meeting, Nov 2018, Munich, Germany
Conference poster hal-01950388v1
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Finite Volume Approximation of MHD Equations with Euler Potential

Elise Estibals , Herve Guillard , Afeintou Sangam
XVII Spanich-French School, Jacques Louis Lions about Numerical Simulations in Physics and Mechanics, Jun 2016, Gijon, Spain.
Conference poster hal-01397100v1

On the Behaviour of Upwind Schemes in the Low Mach Number Limit: A Review

Hervé Guillard , B Nkonga
Rémi Abgrall and Chi-Wang Shu. Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Volume 18, Elsevier, 2017, 9780444639103. ⟨10.1016/bs.hna.2016.09.002⟩
Book sections hal-01534938v1
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Tokamesh : A software for mesh generation in Tokamaks

Herve Guillard , Jalal Lakhlili , Adrien Loseille , Alexis Loyer , Boniface Nkonga
[Research Report] RR-9230, CASTOR. 2018
Reports hal-01948060v1
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Numerical simulations of hydraulic jumps with the Shear Shallow Water model

Argiris I Delis , Hervé Guillard , Yih-Chin Tai
[Research Report] RR-9127, INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée; UCA, Inria. 2017
Reports hal-01647019v1
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Bi-temperature Euler Equations Modeling for Fusion Plasma

Élise Estibals , Hervé Guillard , Afeintou Sangam
[Research Report] RR-9026, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France. 2017, pp.74
Reports hal-01461679v1
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A stabilized Powell-Sabin finite-element method for the 2D Euler equations in supersonic regime

Giorgio Giorgiani , Hervé Guillard , Boniface Nkonga , Eric Serre
[Research Report] INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée. 2017, pp.1-31
Reports hal-01638140v1
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The mathematical theory of reduced MHD models for fusion plasmas

Hervé Guillard
[Research Report] RR-8715, INRIA. 2015
Reports hal-01145009v1
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Mapped Fourier Methods for stiff problems in toroidal geometry

Herve Guillard
[Research Report] RR-8566, INRIA. 2014, pp.17
Reports hal-01023050v1
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Linearised implicit time-advancing applied to sediment transport simulations

Marco Bilanceri , François Beux , Imad Elmahi , Hervé Guillard , Maria Vittoria Salvetti
[Research Report] RR-7492, INRIA. 2010
Reports inria-00547550v1
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On the behavior of upwind schemes in the low Mach number limit. IV : P0 Approximation on triangular and tetrahedral cells

Hervé Guillard
[Research Report] RR-6898, INRIA. 2009, pp.14
Reports inria-00374925v1
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An automatic mesh coarsening technique for three dimensional anisotropic meshes

Youssef Mesri , Hervé Guillard
[Research Report] RR-6344, INRIA. 2007, pp.52
Reports inria-00186037v2
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A HLLC Riemann solver to compute shallow water equations with topography and friction

Abdou Wahidi Wahidi Bello , Aurélien Goudjo , Hervé Guillard , Jean-Antoine Desideri
[Rapport de recherche] RR-6381, INRIA. 2007, pp.26
Reports inria-00193944v2
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Shock Structure in a Two-phase Isothermal Euler Model

Hervé Guillard , Vincent Perrier
[Research Report] RR-6274, INRIA. 2007, pp.23
Reports inria-00168787v2
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Seven-equation, two-phase flow three-dimensional calculations using a Mixed-Element-Volume method

Stephen F. Wornom , Bruno Koobus , Hervé Guillard , Angelo Murrone , Alain Dervieux
[Research Report] RR-5560, INRIA. 2006, pp.28
Reports inria-00070446v1
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Numerical simulation of a jet in crossflow. Application to GRID computing

Simone Camarri , Vanessa Mariotti , Maria Vittoria Salvetti , Bruno Koobus , Alain Dervieux
[Research Report] RR-5638, INRIA. 2006, pp.80
Reports inria-00070369v1
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A Roe finite-volume scheme for 1D shallow water flows : wetting and drying simulation

Abdou Wahidi Bello , Aurélien Goudjo , Côme Goudjo , Hervé Guillard , Jean-Antoine Desideri
[Rapport de recherche] RR-6046, INRIA. 2006, pp.24
Reports inria-00095492v3
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Behavior of upwind scheme in the low Mach number limit : III. Preconditioned dissipation for a five equation two phase model

Hervé Guillard , Angelo Murrone
RR-5342, INRIA. 2004, pp.35
Reports inria-00070659v1
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A five equation reduced Model for compressible two phase flow problems

Hervé Guillard , Angelo Murrone
RR-4778, INRIA. 2003
Reports inria-00071808v1
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On the Behavior of Upwind Schemes in the Low Mach Number Limit: II. Godunov Type Schemes

Hervé Guillard , Angelo Murrone
RR-4189, INRIA. 2001
Reports inria-00072433v1
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Convergence of Algebraic Multigrid Based on Smoothed Aggregation II: Extension to a Petrov-Galerkin Method

Petr Vanek , Ales Janka , Hervé Guillard
RR-3683, INRIA. 1999
Reports inria-00072986v1
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Modelling the Dissipation Equation in Supersonic Turbulent Mixing Layers with High Density Gradients

Dominique Guézengar , Hervé Guillard , Jean-Paul Dussauge
RR-3761, INRIA. 1999
Reports inria-00072901v1
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On the Behavior of Upwind Schemes in the Low Mach Number Limit

Hervé Guillard , Cécile Viozat
RR-3160, INRIA. 1997
Reports inria-00073529v1
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Numerical simulations of compressible mixing layers

Tilo Lumpp , Hervé Guillard
[Research Report] RR-2217, INRIA. 1994
Reports inria-00074453v1
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Gestion de maillages triangulaires déformables

Benoit Duval , Hervé Guillard
[Rapport de recherche] RR-2272, INRIA. 1994
Reports inria-00074399v1
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A Second Order Defect Correction Scheme for Unsteady Problems

Regis Martin , Hervé Guillard
RR-2447, INRIA. 1994
Reports inria-00074228v1
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Convergence analysis of a multi-level relaxation method

Hervé Guillard
[Research Report] RR-1884, INRIA. 1993
Reports inria-00074788v1
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Node-nested multi-grid method with Delaunay coarsening

Hervé Guillard
[Research Report] RR-1898, INRIA. 1993
Reports inria-00074773v1
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Godunov type method on non-structured meshes for three-dimensional moving boundary problems

Boniface Nkonga , Hervé Guillard
[Research Report] RR-1883, INRIA. 1993
Reports inria-00074789v1
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Methodes numeriques pour la combustion supersonique : bilan et perspectives

Jean-Antoine Desideri , Hervé Guillard
[Rapport de recherche] RR-2002, INRIA. 1993
Reports inria-00074670v1
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Explicit calculation of reactive flows with an upwind finite element hydrodynamical code

Abderrahmane Habbal , Alain Dervieux , Hervé Guillard , Bernard Larrouturou
[Research Report] RR-0690, INRIA. 1987
Reports inria-00075863v1
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Etude numérique des instabilités cellulaires d'un front de flamme par une méthode pseudo-spectrale

Hervé Guillard , Bernard Larrouturou , Nathan Maman
[Rapport de recherche] RR-0721, INRIA. 1987
Reports inria-00075831v1
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On the use of spectral methods for the numerical solution of stiff problems

Hervé Guillard , Roger Peyret
[Research Report] RR-0553, INRIA. 1986
Reports inria-00076001v1