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Identifiants chercheurs


*Name:* REMIGNON *First name:* Hervé *Date and place of birth:* August, 30th 1964 in Caussade (France). *Personal status:* Married, three children (Mathilde, Adrien and Simon) *Nationality:* French *Professional Position:* Full professor (Professeur des Universités, Classe Exceptionelle 2) since 09.01. 2019 at the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Université de Toulouse (France). *Local position:* Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse, INP-ENSAT From 2021, March 1st, UMR 1331 INRAE-ENVT-UPS, “Toxalim”, 180 chemin de Tournefeuille, BP.93173, 31027 TOULOUSE Cedex 3, FRANCE Previously (until 2020, December 31st) UMR 1388 INRAE/INPT-ENSAT/ENVT “GenPhySE”, Avenue de l’Agrobiopôle - BP 3186, F-31326 Auzeville Tolosane CEDEX. Phone : - Fax : Email : *Successive professional positions:* 1994-1997 : Scientist at the Poultry Research Station (INRA, Tours-Nouzilly, F) 1997-2004 : Assistant-Professor at INPT-ENSAT (Toulouse, F). Since 09/2004 : Full Professor at INPT-ENSAT (Toulouse, F). *Teaching activities:* Since 1997: Teacher-Researcher at the ENSAT for more than 200 hours/year of teaching for undergraduates, graduates and doctoral students (45 % of lectures). Academic domains : Animal Sciences, growth and development of animal tissues, muscular biochemistry, meat quality and processing of meats, quality of animal products. September 2000 – September 2004 : Head of the professional bachelor “Métiers de la valorisation des produits des filières viandes – Activities in meat processing plants”. September 2006 – September 2010: Head of the professional master degree « Qualité des Produits et Sécurité des Aliments – Quality and safety of foods». Head of the research master degree « Elaboration de la Qualité et de la Sécurité des Aliments – Elaboration of quality and safety of foods». 2010-2020 : Co-director of the doctoral school 458 “SEVAB” : Sciences Ecologiques, Vétérinaires, Agronomiques et Bioingénéries” *Research Activities:* Topic: Quality of meat and poultry products. Initially relationships between muscle structure and meat quality and since 2012 study of the development of the liver steatosis in force-fed ducks through biochemistry and different omics (proteomics and metabolomics) approaches. Supervisions of master thesis. Co-direction (2) and directions of Ph. D. thesis (9). Supervision of post-doctoral research activities for foreign scientists. Holder of the grant for doctoral research activities, then of the grant for scientific excellence from 2002 to 2018. *Management Activities* 2007 to 2011: Research coordinator of the INP-ENSAT. 2011- 2016: Vice-dean of the INP-ENSAT. 2012 -2016: Vice-President of the INP Toulouse in charge of International Affairs. 2016-2020 : 1st Vice-President (VPCA) of Toulouse INP. Activities of expertise for the HCERES (Universities, laboratory of research, master degree) since 2009. *Diplomas and academic titles:* 2013 : Master degree in Political Sciences « Management of Educative Systems » – Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Toulouse. 2002 : Accreditation to direct doctoral researches (HDR – Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) - INP-Toulouse. 1993 : Ph D. in Food Sciences, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II.

