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Hubert De La Bruslerie



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The dynamics of leverage of newly controlled target firms: evidence after an acquisition

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Luminita Enache
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2023, 61 (2), pp.411-445. ⟨10.1007/s11156-023-01166-z⟩
Journal articles hal-04271362v1

Ex-ante determinants to delist or not delist targets after an M&A

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Jérôme Caby
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2023, ⟨10.1007/s11156-023-01190-z⟩
Journal articles hal-04189738v1

Multiple class shares and double voting rights: Literature review and research prospects

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 2023, 26-3, ⟨10.4000/fcs.11185⟩
Journal articles hal-04271357v1

Les classes d’actions multiples et actions à droits de vote double : État des lieux et raisons d’un succès

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Gestion 2000, 2022, 39, pp.157-175
Journal articles hal-03933017v1

Calculs d’intérêt et du TEG dans les prêts immobiliers : erreurs, conséquences juridiques, évolution récente

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Revue de droit bancaire et financier, 2022, 3, pp.22-28
Journal articles hal-03933005v1

Faut-il rester minoritaire dans une entreprise après son acquisition ?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Gestion 2000, 2021, Volume 38 (3), pp.165-177. ⟨10.3917/g2000.383.0165⟩
Journal articles hal-03932998v1
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Creditors’ holdup, releveraging and the setting of private appropriation in a control contract between shareholders

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Simon Gueguen
International Review of Law and Economics, 2021, 68
Journal articles hal-03366329v1

Hyperbolic or exponential time discounting function? Empirical est using a conditional Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Alain Coën
Finance, 2020
Journal articles hal-02955637v1

The Informational dimension of the Amihud (2002) illiquidity measure: Evidence from the M&A market

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Alain Coen
Finance Research Letters, 2019, 29, ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-02289062v1

Litigation risk: Measurement and impact on M&A transaction terms

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Julien Le Maux
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 2018, 45 (7-8), ⟨10.1111/jbfa.12318⟩
Journal articles hal-01944421v1

RSE, Gouvernance d'entreprise et Choix d'endettement

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Revue organisations & territoires, 2018, 27 (1), ⟨10.1522/revueot.v27n1.275⟩
Journal articles hal-01944378v1

Information, sentiment, attention, and buzz in the financial markets

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Finance Bulletin, 2017, 1 (1), ⟨10.20870/fb.2017.1.1.1854⟩
Journal articles hal-01945592v1

Does debt curb controlling shareholder's private benfits? Modelling in a contingent claim framework

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Economic Modelling, 2016, 58, ⟨10.1016/j.econmod.2016.06.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01945646v1

Decreasing term structure of psychological discount rates: Experimental estimation and determinants

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2015, 6, ⟨10.1016/j.jbef.2015.02.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01490682v1

Interest Term Premiums and C-CAPM: A Test of a Parsimonious Model

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Jessica Fouilloux
Finance, 2015, 35 (3), pp.97-145. ⟨10.3917/fina.353.0097⟩
Journal articles halshs-01101997v1

Voluntary disclosure of financial information by French firms: Does the introduction of IFRS matter?

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Heger Gabteni
Advances in Accounting, 2014, 30 (2), ⟨10.1016/j.adiac.2014.09.016⟩
Journal articles hal-01490689v1

Les voies d’une refondation du capitalisme. Une responsabilité élargie et une rémunération spécifique de la fonction de contrôle actionnarial

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Revue Française de Gestion, 2014, 242, ⟨10.3166/RFG.242.11-35⟩
Journal articles hal-01490696v1

L’assomption de risques économiques élargis : Une clé pour la refondation du capitalisme actionnarial

Hubert de La Bruslerie
La Revue du Financier, 2014, 36 (208-209)
Journal articles hal-01490691v1
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Equal opportunity rule vs. market rule in transfer of control: How can private benefits help to provide an answer?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2013, 23, pp.88-107. ⟨10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2013.07.007⟩
Journal articles halshs-00937543v1
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Crossing takeover premiums and mix of payment: An empirical test of contractual setting in M&A transactions

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013, 37 (6), pp.2106-2123. ⟨10.1016/j.jbankfin.2013.01.037⟩
Journal articles halshs-00937550v1
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Corporate acquisistion process: is there an optimal cash-equity payment mix?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
International Review of Law and Economics, 2012, 32, pp.83-94. ⟨10.1016/j.irle.2011.07.003⟩
Journal articles halshs-00636349v1
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Ownership Structure and Debt Leverage: Empirical Test of a Trade-Off Hypothesis on French Firms

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Imen Latrous
Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 2012, 22 (4), pp.111-130. ⟨10.1016/j.mulfin.2012.06.001⟩
Journal articles halshs-00674250v1
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La valeur psychologique du temps : Une synthèse de la littérature

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Florent Pratlong
Actualite Economique, 2012, 88 (3), pp.1-39
Journal articles halshs-00636357v1
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The setting of a coalition contract between controlling shareholder, managers and employees: How to mix incentive and political logics?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
International Journal of Corporate Governance, 2011, 2 (3/4), pp.237-267. ⟨10.1504/IJCG.2011.044377⟩
Journal articles halshs-00636608v1
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The consequences of issuing convertible bonds: Dilution and/or financial restructuring?

Roland Gillet , Hubert de La Bruslerie
European Financial Management, 2010, 16 (4), pp.552-584. ⟨10.1111/j.1468-036X.2008.00464.x⟩
Journal articles halshs-00674248v1

Le temps, la finance et le management des entreprises

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Revue Française de Gestion, 2009, 35 (198-199), pp.31-57
Journal articles halshs-00536914v1

Information asymmetry, contract design and process of negotiation: The stock option awarding case

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Catherine Deffains-Crapsky
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2008, 14 (2), pp.73-91. ⟨10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2008.01.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01947223v1

Takeover bids, unconditional offer price and investors protection

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Catherine Deffains-Crapsky
Review of Financial Economics, 2005, 14 (2), ⟨10.1016/j.rfe.2004.07.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01947321v1

New determinants in the voting premium of dual class shares: Leverage effect and unstable news flow components

Hubert de La Bruslerie
30th Global Finance Conference, 2023, Trévise, Italy
Conference papers hal-04271383v1

Les actions à droit de vote multiples : Etat des lieux et raisons d’être

Hubert de La Bruslerie
3ème Conférence DIF, 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03933043v1

Ex-ante determinants of voluntary target delisting after a M&A

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Jérôme Caby
World Finance Conference 2022, Aug 2022, Turin, Italy
Conference papers hal-03755550v1

The decision to delist or not a target after an acquisition: a governance explanation

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Jérôme Caby
International Conference AFFI, Audencia Business School, May 2021, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-03231335v1

The decision to delist or not after a successful acquisition

Jérôme Caby , Hubert de La Bruslerie
CIG 2020, 2020, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-03256220v1

Why do surviving targets leverage so much after an acquisistion: A governance explanation

Luminita Enache , Hubert de La Bruslerie
42nd EAA (European Accounting Association) Annual Congress, May 2019, Limassol, Cyprus
Conference papers hal-02289101v1

Why do Surviving Targets Leverage so Much After an Acquistion ? A Governance Explanation

Hubert de La Bruslerie
25th MFS Multinational Finance Society international Conference, Jun 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers hal-01955392v1

Why do Surviving Targets Leverage so Much After an Acquistion ? A Governance Explanation

Hubert de La Bruslerie
17e Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance, Jun 2018, NICE, France
Conference papers hal-01955393v1
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Analysts' forecast revisions and informativeness of the acquirer's stock after M&A transactions

Hubert de La Bruslerie
24th European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting - EFMA 2015, Jun 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.61
Conference papers hal-01505385v1

Debt, Private Benefits, and Corporate Governance: An Analysis in an Option Valuation Framework

Hubert de La Bruslerie
31st International French Finance Association Conference, AFFI 2014, May 2014, Aix-en-Provence, France. pp.38
Conference papers hal-01492189v1
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Share repurchase: Does it increase the informativeness of market prices?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
30th International French Finance Association Conference, May 2013, Lyon, France. pp.29
Conference papers hal-01492197v1
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Share repurchase: Does it increase the informativeness of market prices?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
20th Multinational Finance Society Conference, Jun 2013, Ismir, Turkey
Conference papers halshs-00937565v1

Ownership Structure and Debt Leverage: Empirical Test of a Trade-Off Hypothesis on French Firms

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Imen Latrous
29th International Conference of the French Finance Association, AFFI 2012, May 2012, Strasbourg, France. pp.41
Conference papers hal-01492193v1
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Crossing takeover premiums and mix of payment: An empirical test of contractual setting in M&A transactions

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Behavioural Finance Working Group/M&A Research Centre Conference : "Behavioural Finance and Cross Border Investments and Acquisitions", Jun 2012, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.44
Conference papers hal-01505414v1
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Crossing takeover premiums and mix of payment: Empirical test of contractual setting in M&A transactions

Hubert de La Bruslerie
18th Multinational Finance Society, Jun 2011, Roma, Italy
Conference papers halshs-00636614v1
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The Equal Opportunity Rule in Transfer of Control: A Contractual Model

Hubert de La Bruslerie
German Law and Economic Association, Dec 2010, Wiesbaden, Germany
Conference papers halshs-00636613v1
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Term structure of psychological interest rates: A behavioral test

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Southern Finance Association 2010 Conference, Nov 2010, Ashville, USA, États-Unis
Conference papers halshs-00536910v1
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Voluntary financial disclosure, the introduction of IFRS and long-term communication policy: An empirical test on French firms

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Heger Gabteni
Multinational Financial Society (MFS), Jun 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers halshs-00636602v1

The term structure of psychological discount rates: Characteristics and functional forms

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Aboudou Ouattara
D. Bourghelle, P. Grandin, F. Jawadi, and P. Rozlin. Behavioral Finance and Assets prices: The influence of investors emotions, Springer, inPress, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-24486-5_5⟩
Book sections hal-03933031v1

Le choix d’endettement des entreprises : questions en cours et perspectives futures

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Du financement de l’économie au financement de l’entreprise, pp.205-225, 2021
Book sections hal-03366368v1

Quelles conséquences des taux d’intérêt bas pour la politique financière des entreprises ?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Finance, banque, microfinance : Où va la richesse créée ?, pp.137-155, 2021
Book sections hal-03366408v1

Do share repurchases impact analysts' activity and informativeness ?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, vol. 16, pp.267-309, 2019, ⟨10.6293/AQAFA.201812_16.0009⟩
Book sections hal-02289075v1

Le contrôle dans les entreprises est-il compatible avec la responsabilité limitée des actionnaires contrôlants ?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
L’état des entreprises 2014, pp.56-68, 2014
Book sections hal-01492184v1
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Perspectives nouvelles en Théorie des organisations : Jacques Rojot vs. Hayek ?

Hubert de La Bruslerie
F. Bournois, V. Chanut. Les organisations ont leurs raisons que la raison n'ignore pas.., Eska, pp.111-123, 2010
Book sections halshs-00536895v1