The effects of Sb/Te ratio on crystallization kinetics in Ge-rich GeSbTe phase-change materials
O Daoudi
E Nolot
Y Mazel
M Dupraz
H Roussel
Journal articles
Investigation of the transition of amorphous Ti-thiolate prepared by hybrid atomic layer deposition/molecular layer deposition into titanium disulfide ultrathin film
Petros Abi Younes
Ashok-Kumar Yadav
Medet Zhukush
Van-Hoan Le
Hervé Roussel
Journal articles
In situ analysis of the nucleation of O-and Zn-polar ZnO nanowires using synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction
Valentina Cantelli
Sophie Guillemin
Eirini Sarigiannidou
Francesco Carlá
Bruno Bérini
Journal articles
Transition Metal Dichalcogenide TiS2 Prepared by Hybrid Atomic Layer Deposition/Molecular Layer Deposition: Atomic-Level Insights with In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Studies and Molecular Surface Chemistry
P. Abi Younes
E. Skopin
M. Zhukush
L. Rapenne
H. Roussel
Journal articles
Synthesis of In-Plane Oriented Tin Sulfides by Organosulfur-Mediated Sulfurization of Ultrathin SnO 2 Films
Bhobnibhit Chatmaneerungcharoen
Mathias Fraccaroli
François Martin
Cyril Guedj
Emmanuel Nolot
Journal articles
Short-range mechanisms in the creation of a ZnO/InGaAs interface
Gianluca Ciatto
Evgeniy Skopin
Marie-Ingrid Richard
Dillon Fong
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
In situ ellipsometry monitoring of TiO 2 atomic layer deposition from Tetrakis(dimethylamido)titanium(IV) and H 2 O precursors on Si and In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As substrates
E.V. Skopin
K. Abdukayumov
P. Abi Younes
M. Anikin
H. Roussel
Journal articles
Nanoscale x-ray investigation of composition fluctuations in AlGaN nanowires
M Belloeil
M Proietti
H Renevier
Bruno Daudin
Journal articles
In situ x-ray studies of the incipient ZnO atomic layer deposition on In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As
E. Skopin
L. Rapenne
J. Deschanvres
H. Renevier
E. Blanquet
Journal articles
In Situ Ellipsometry Study of the Early Stage of ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition on In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As
Evgeniy V Skopin
Jean-Luc Deschanvres
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
Modified strain and elastic energy behavior of Ge islands formed on high-miscut Si(0 0 1) substrates
L.A.B. Marçal
M.-I. Richard
L. Persichetti
V. Favre-Nicolin
H. Renevier
Journal articles
Resilience of Cuprous Oxide under Oxidizing Thermal Treatments via Magnesium Doping
Joao Resende
Odette Chaix-Pluchery
Mauro F Rovezzi
Yoann Malier
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
XAFS atomistic insight of the oxygen gettering inTi/HfO2 based OxRRAM
R. Viennet
H. Roussel
L. Rapenne
J. L. Deschanvres
Hubert Renevier
Physical Review Materials, 2018, 2 (5), pp.055002
Journal articles
The initial stages of ZnO atomic layer deposition on atomically flat In$_{0.53}$Ga$_{0.47}$As substrates
Evgeniy Skopin
Laetitia Rapenne
Hervé Roussel
Jean-Luc Deschanvres
Elisabeth Blanquet
Journal articles
Quantitative and simultaneous analysis of the polarity of polycrystalline ZnO seed layers and related nanowires grown by wet chemical deposition
Sophie Guillemin
Romain Parize
Joseph Carabetta
Valentina Cantelli
David Albertini
Journal articles
Evaluation of Alternative Atomistic Models for the Incipient Growth of ZnO by Atomic Layer Deposition
Manh-Hung Chu
Liang Tian
Ahmad Chaker
Evgenii Skopin
Valentina Cantelli
Journal articles
SIRIUS: A new beamline for in situ X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy studies of advanced materials and nanostructures at the SOLEIL Synchrotron
G. Ciatto
M. H. Chu
Pascal Fontaine
N. Aubert
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
An Atomistic View of the Incipient Growth of Zinc Oxide Nanolayers
Manh Hung Chu
Liang Tian
Ahmad Chaker
Valentina Cantelli
Toufik Ouled
Journal articles
Evolution of Crystal Structure During the Initial Stages of ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition
R. Boichot
L. Tian
M.-I. Richard
A. Crisci
A. Chaker
Journal articles
Polarity in GaN and ZnO: Theory, measurement, growth, and devices
Jesus Zuniga-Perez
Vincent Consonni
Liverios Lymperakis
Xiang Kong
Achim Trampert
Journal articles
XTOP: high-resolution X-ray diffraction and imaging
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Jose Baruchel
Hubert Renevier
Joel Eymery
András Borbély
Journal articles
Anisotropic In distribution in InGaN core-shell nanowires
Cédric Leclere
N. A. Katcho
G. Tourbot
B. Daudin
M. G. Proietti
Journal articles
Structural and Optical Properties of AlxGa1-xN nanowires
Aurélie Pierret
Catherine Bougerol
Martien den Hertog
Bruno Gayral
Mathieu Kociak
Journal articles
Low temperature oxidation mechanisms of nanocrystalline magnetite thin film
F. Bourgeois
P. Gergaud
Hubert Renevier
Cédric Leclere
Guy Feuillet
Journal articles
Growth, structural and optical properties of AlGaN nanowires in the whole composition range
A. Pierret
Catherine Bougerol
A. Cros
Hubert Renevier
B. Gayral
Journal articles
Strain assisted inter-diffusion in GaN/AlN quantum dots
C. Leclere
Vincent Fellmann
Catherine Bougerol
D. Cooper
Bruno Gayral
Journal articles
Ultradense and planarized antireflective vertical silicon nanowire array using a bottom-up technique
Ludovic Dupre
T. Gorisse
A. L. Lebranchu
T. Bernardin
Pascal Gentile
Journal articles
Gold Contamination in VLS-Grown Si Nanowires: Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction Investigations
Ludovic Dupre
Denis Buttard
Cédric Leclere
Hubert Renevier
Pascal Gentile
Journal articles
In situ study of self-assembled GaN nanowires nucleation on Si(111) by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
Karine Hestroffer
Cedric Leclere
V. Cantelli
Catherine Bougerol
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction and diffraction anomalous fine structure to study composition and strain of semiconductor nanostructures.
V. Favre-Nicolin
M. G. Proietti
Cédric. Leclere
N. A. Katcho
M.I. Richard
Journal articles
Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure study and atomistic simulation of Ge/Si nanoislands.
N.A. Katcho
M.I. Richard
M. G. Proietti
Hubert Renevier
Cédric Leclere
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2012, 284, pp.58. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2011.08.003⟩
Journal articles
Composition and Strain of Ge Domes on Si(001) close to the Dome/Susbtrate Interface.
N.A Katcho
M.I. Richard
M.G. Proietti
Hubert Renevier
Cédric Leclere
Journal articles
Fast computing of scattering maps of nanostructures using graphical processing units
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Johann Coraux
Marie-Ingrid Richard
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
Nucleation of GaN nanowires grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy: The effect of temperature
Rafael Mata
Karine Hestroffer
J. Budagosky
A. Cros
Catherine Bougerol
Journal articles
Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction investigation of strains in silicon nanowires obtained by gold catalytic growth
D. Buttard
P. Gentile
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
Polarity of GaN nanowires grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy on Si(111)
Karine Hestroffer
Cedric Leclere
Catherine Bougerol
Hubert Renevier
B. Daudin
Journal articles
The structural properties of GaN/AlN core-shell nanocolumn heterostructures
K. Hestroffer
R. Mata
D. Camacho
C. Leclere
G. Tourbot
Journal articles
Molecular beam epitaxy growth and optical properties of AlN nanowires
Olivier Landré
Vincent Fellmann
P. Jaffrenou
Catherine Bougerol
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
Growth mechanism of catalyst-free 0001 GaN and AlN nanowires on Si by molecular beam epitaxy
O. Landre
V. Fellmann
P. Jaffrennou
C. Bougerol
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
Elastic strain relaxation in GaN/AlN nanowire superlattice
Olivier Landré
D. Camacho
Catherine Bougerol
Yann-Michel Niquet
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Journal articles
Structural properties of Ge/Si(001) nano-islands by diffraction anomalous fine structure and multiwavelength anomalous diffraction
M. I. Richard
N. A. Katcho
M. G. Proietti
Hubert Renevier
V. Favre-Nicolin
Journal articles
Nucleation mechanism of GaN nanowires grown on (111) Si by molecular beam epitaxy
O. Landre
C. Bougerol
Hubert Renevier
Bruno Daudin
Journal articles
Diffraction anomalous fine structure study of iron/iron oxide nanoparticles
C. Meneghini
F. Boscherini
L. Pasquini
Hubert Renevier
Journal articles
Anisotropic strain relaxation in a-plane GaN quantum dots
S. Founta
Johann Coraux
D. Jalabert
C. Bougerol
F. Rol
Journal articles
Strain, size and composition of InAs quantum sticks, embedded in InP, determined via X-ray anomalous diffraction and diffraction anomalous fine structure in grazing incidence
A. Letoublon
V. Favre-Nicolin
Hubert Renevier
M.G. Proletti
C. Monat
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2005, 357, pp.11-15
Journal articles
Strain, size, and composition of InAs quantum sticks embedded in InP determined via grazing incidence X-ray anomalous diffraction
Antoine Létoublon
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Hubert Renevier
Proietti M.G.
C. Monat
Journal articles
Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure spectroscopy at the beamline BM2 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Hubert Renevier
S. Grenier
S. Arnaud
J. F. Berar
B. Caillot
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2003, 10, pp.435-444
Journal articles
Grazing incidence diffraction anomalous fine structure of self-assembled semiconductor nanostructures
S. Grenier
A. Letoublon
M.G. Proeitti
Hubert Renevier
L. Gonzalez
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2003, 200, pp.24-33
Journal articles
DAFS Study of Strained III-V Epitaxial Semiconductors
M. Proietti
Hubert Renevier
J. Berar
V. Dalakas
J. Hodeau
Journal articles
Application of DAFS Spectroscopy to Study the Variations of Fe local structure in a Fe/Ir(100) Superlattice
Hubert Renevier
J. Hodeau
V. Dalakas
P. Wolfers
J. Bérar
Journal articles