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Isabelle BRIL



Ideophones and sound symbolism in Northern Amis (Austronesian)

Isabelle Bril
Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads, 2024, 4 (1), pp.289-324. ⟨10.6092/issn.2785-0943/16173⟩
Journal articles hal-04612409v1
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Adversative and experiential applicative constructions in Northern Amis (Austronesian)

Isabelle Bril
Linguistics, 2023, ⟨10.1515/ling-2021-0181⟩
Journal articles hal-04382234v1

Categorizing possession in Zuanga-Yuanga and other Kanak languages (New Caledonia): a typological perspective

Isabelle Bril
Linguistics, 2023, ⟨10.1515/ling-2022-0035⟩
Journal articles hal-04283372v1
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Isabelle Bril
STUF - Language Typology and Universals , 2022, Lexical restrictions on grammatical relations in voice and valency construction, 75 (1), pp.21-71
Journal articles halshs-03483275v1
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The syntax and prosody of focus in Northern Amis (Formosan)

Isabelle Bril , Stavros Skopeteas
Faits de langues, 2021, pp.61-87
Journal articles halshs-03485243v1

The syntax and prosody of focus in Northern Amis (Formosan).

Isabelle Bril , Stavros Skopeteas
Faits de langues, inPress, Special issue on Clefts, 51 (2),
Journal articles halshs-02881251v1
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Processus évolutifs de langues de l’extrême nord de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : le cas du nêlêmwa-nixumwak et du zuanga-yuanga

Isabelle Bril
Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 2020, 151, pp.197-216. ⟨10.4000/jso.11996⟩
Journal articles halshs-03133374v1
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Indefinite expressions and accessibility hierarchy to core argument functions in a sample of Austronesian languages (and beyond)

Isabelle Bril
Studies in Language, 2020, 44 (2), pp.407-460. ⟨10.1075/sl.19064.bri⟩
Journal articles hal-02881062v1
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Roots and stems: Lexical and functional flexibility in Amis and Nêlêmwa

Isabelle Bril
Studies in Language, 2017, Special issue on lexical flexibility in Oceanic languages, 41 (2), pp.358-407. ⟨10.1075/sl.41.2⟩
Journal articles halshs-01418750v1

Information Structure in Northern Amis (Formosan): a morphosyntactic analysis

Isabelle Bril
Oceanic Linguistics, 2017
Journal articles halshs-01822700v1
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Information Structure in Northern Amis: A Morphosyntactic Analysis

Isabelle Bril
Oceanic Linguistics, 2016, Oceanic Linguistics, 55 (2), pp.449-479. ⟨10.1353/ol.2016.0021⟩
Journal articles halshs-01418746v1
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AND and WITH Conjunctive Strategies in Some Austronesian Languages: Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics

Isabelle Bril
Language and Linguistics, 2011, 12 (1), pp.239-272
Journal articles hal-00591505v1
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Coordination, information hierarchy and subordination in some Austronesian languages

Isabelle Bril
Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter ISBN 978-3-89645-719-6, 2010, Converbs, medial verbs, clause chaining and related issues (19), 243p
Journal articles hal-00591607v1
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Nexus and Juncture Types of Complex Predicates in Oceanic languages: Functions and Semantics

Isabelle Bril
Language and linguistics (Academia Sinica), 2007, vol.8 (n°1), pp.267-310
Journal articles halshs-00281187v1
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Coordination, information hierarchy and subordination in some Austronesian languages

Isabelle Bril
Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter, 2007, Converbs, medial verbs, clause chaining and related issues (19), pp.213-243
Journal articles halshs-00594130v1
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Semantic and functional diversification of reciprocal and middle prefixes in New Caledonian and other Austronesian languages

Isabelle Bril
Linguistic Typology, 2005, 9 (1), pp.25-75. ⟨10.1515/lity.2005.9.1.25⟩
Journal articles halshs-00006059v1
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Thématisation et focalisation dans les langues de Nouvelle-Calédonie: phénomènes discursifs et méchanismes évolutifs.

Isabelle Bril
Faits de langues, 2004, 23-24, pp.281-301
Journal articles halshs-00006062v1

KEYNOTE SPEAKER Applicative experiential constructions in Northern Amis and beyond

Isabelle Bril
APLL-14. 14th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference, Humbolt University, Jun 2022, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-03958985v1

Voice alternations and topic accessibility in Northern Amis (Austronesian).

Isabelle Bril
Topic persistence and topical accessibility in languages of the world, SEDYL - LABEX Axe 3, Jun 2022, PARIS, France
Conference papers hal-03958979v1

The Syntax and semantics of imperatives and prohibitives in Northern Amis (Formosan)

Isabelle Bril
APLL-13. 13th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference, Jun 2021, Edimburgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03958959v1

Experiential constructions in Northern Amis

Isabelle Bril
115-ICAL (15th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Jun 2021, Olomouc, République tchèque, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-03958963v1

Reciprocals constructions in Northern Amis

Isabelle Bril
APLL-12. 12th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference, Jun 2020, Oslo (Norway), Norway
Conference papers hal-03958954v1

Verb classes in Northern Amis

Isabelle Bril
International conference on Verb classes in Formosan languages and beyond: Cross-linguistic, comparative and diachronic perspectives, Zeitoun Elizabeth, Nov 2019, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-03958950v1

The morphosyntax and semantics of undergoer voice and passive voice in Northern Amis.

Isabelle Bril
APLL-11. 11th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference, Jun 2019, Leiden, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-03958933v1
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Symmetrical and reciprocal constructions in Austronesian languages: the syntax-semantics-lexicon interface

Isabelle Bril
Workshop on Cross-Linguistic Semantics of Reciprocal, Institute of Linguistics OTS, Oct 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands. pp.1-16
Conference papers hal-03958971v1

Lexical restrictions on grammatical relations in Amis

Isabelle Bril
ALT-13 (13th conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology), Sep 2019, Pavia, Italy
Conference papers hal-03958938v1

Indefinite expressions, towards a typology of argument function accessibility in Austronesian languages

Isabelle Bril
ALT-12 (12th conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology), Dec 2017, Canberra, Australia
Conference papers hal-03958926v1
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Onomatopoeia in Northern Amis

Isabelle Bril
Lívia Körtvélyessy; Pavol Štekauer. Onomatopoeia in the World’s Languages, 10, De Gruyter, pp.805-816, 2024, Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics [CHL], 978-3-11-105155-0. ⟨10.1515/9783111053226-067⟩
Book sections hal-04612442v1


Isabelle Bril
P. Jen-kuei Li, E. Zeitoun, R. De Busser. Handbook on Formosan languages, BRILL, pp.568-607, inPress, Handbook on Formosan languages, ⟨10.1163/_021⟩
Book sections hal-04148182v1

Directive speech acts: imperatives and hortatives in Northern Amis (Austronesian)

Isabelle Bril
The Art of Language In Anne Storch and R.W. Dixon (Eds.). Chapter 13: 221-250. Leiden: Brill., 2022
Book sections hal-03765567v1

Lexical and syntactic categories in Nêlêmwa (New Caledonia) and some other Austronesian languages

Isabelle Bril
Valentina Vapnarsky and Edy Veneziano. Lexical Polycategoriality: Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches, Studies in Language Companion Series (182), Benjamins, 2017, Lexical Polycategoriality: Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches, ⟨10.1075/slcs.182.08bri⟩
Book sections hal-01716758v1
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Tense, aspect and mood in Nêlêmwa (New Caledonia) Encoding events, processes and states

Isabelle Bril
Zlatka Guentchéva Aspectuality and Temporality. Descriptive and theoretical issues, 172, Benjamins, pp.63-107, 2016, Studies in Language Companion Series, 9789027259370 ⟨10.1075/slcs.172.03bri⟩
Book sections halshs-01418754v1
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Number and numeration in Nêlêmwa and Zuanga (New Caledonia): Ontologies, definiteness and pragmatics

Isabelle Bril
Gerrit Dimmendaal et Anne Storch. Number: Constructions and Semantics. Case studies from Africa, Amazonia, India and Oceania, Benjamins, pp.167-198, 2014, Studies in Language Companion Series 151, 978 90 272 5916 5
Book sections hal-00994177v1

Les langues kanak de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : typologie, histoire, sociologie et devenir.

Isabelle Bril
Histoire sociale des langues de France, 2013, 978-2-7535-2723-2
Book sections halshs-03103690v1
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Ownership, part-whole and other possessive-associative relations in Nêlêmwa (New Caledonia)

Isabelle Bril
A. Aikhenvald and R.W. Dixon (eds.). Possession and ownership: a cross-linguistic typology, Oxford University Press, pp.65-89, 2012, Explorations in Linguistic Typology 6, ISBN-10: 0199660220
Book sections hal-00785233v1
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Noun-phrase conjunction in Austronesian languages

Isabelle Bril
C. Moyse-Faurie & J. Sabel. Topics in Oceanic morphosyntax, De Gruyter Mouton, pp.235-286, 2011, Trends in Linguistics 239
Book sections halshs-00641389v2
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Structure actancielle et diathèse: du nêlêmwa aux langues néo-calédoniennes et austronésiennes

Isabelle Bril
Injoo Choi-Jonin, Marc Duval et Olivier Soutet. Typologie et Comparatisme. Hommages offerts à Alain Lemaréchal, Peeters, pp.37-59, 2010, Orbis Supplementa, T. 28
Book sections hal-00538030v1
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Coordination inclusive et comitative dans les langues océaniennes

Isabelle Bril
Franck Floricic. Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale : Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels, Editions de l'ENS, pp.361-382, 2010
Book sections halshs-00470188v2
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Informational and referential hierarchy: Clause-linking strategies in Austronesian-Oceanic languages

Isabelle Bril
Bril Isabelle. Clause Linking and Clause Hierarchy: Syntax and pragmatics, Benjamins, pp.269-311, 2010, Studies in Language Companion Series (SLCS) vol. 121
Book sections hal-00591573v1
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Reciprocal constructions in Nêlêmwa (New Caledonia)

Isabelle Bril
V.P. Nedjalkov, E. Geniušienė and Z. Guentchéva (eds). Reciprocal constructions, Benjamins, pp.1479-1509, 2007, Typological Studies in Language 71
Book sections halshs-00281176v1
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Complex nuclei in Oceanic languages: contribution to an areal typology.

Isabelle Bril
I. Bril & F. Ozanne-Rivierre. Complex predicates in Oceanic languages: Studies in the dynamics of binding and boundness, 29 (1), Mouton de Gruyter, pp.1-48, 2004, Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Typology
Book sections halshs-00006153v1
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Complex verbs and dependency strategies in Nêlêmwa (New Caledonia)

Isabelle Bril
Complex predicates in Oceanic languages: Studies in the dynamics of binding and boundness, Mouton de Gruyter, pp.167-198, 2004, Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Typology
Book sections halshs-00006154v2
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Coordination strategies and inclusory constructions in New Caledonian and other Oceanic languages

Isabelle Bril
Martin Haspelmath. Coordinating constructions, 58, Benjamins, pp.499-533, 2004, Typological studies in Language
Book sections halshs-00006064v1
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Noms composés en nêlêmwa

Isabelle Bril
Pierre Arnaud. Le Nom composé: Données sur 16 langues, Presses Universitaires de Lyon, pp.185-220, 2004
Book sections halshs-00006061v1
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Quantification, aspect et modalité : phénomènes de portée et d'échelle, quelques exemples en nêlêmwa

Isabelle Bril
Stéphane ROBERT. Perspectives synchroniques sur la grammaticalisation. Polysémie, transcatégorialité et échelles syntaxiques, Peeters, pp.53-68, 2003, Collection Afrique et Langage n°4
Book sections halshs-00133048v1
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Split ergativity in Nêlêmwa

Isabelle Bril
Amsterdam : Rodopi B. V. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (Leiden, 1994), Rodopi, pp.377-393, 1997
Book sections halshs-00651924v1
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Split ergativity in Nêlêmwa

Isabelle Bril
C. Odé & W. Stokhof. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (Leiden, 1994), Amsterdam : Rodopi B. V., pp.377-393, 1997
Book sections halshs-00655440v1
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Dévolution des services publics, actualité juridique n°2

Isabelle Bril
[Rapport de recherche] Centre d'études sur les réseaux, les transports, l'urbanisme et les constructions publiques (CERTU). 1999, 96 p., bibliographie p. 87 à 93
Reports hal-02150410v1
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Dévolution des services publics, actualité juridique n°4 - juillet à octobre 1999

Isabelle Bril
[Rapport de recherche] Centre d'études sur les réseaux, les transports, l'urbanisme et les constructions publiques (CERTU). 1999, 105 p., bibliographie p. 97 à 105
Reports hal-02150468v1
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Dévolution des services publics, actualité juridique n°3

Isabelle Bril
[Rapport de recherche] Centre d'études sur les réseaux, les transports, l'urbanisme et les constructions publiques (CERTU). 1999, 108 p., bibliographie p. 100 à 108
Reports hal-02150428v1
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Dévolution des services publics, actualité juridique n°1

Isabelle Bril , Lila Kéchi
[Rapport de recherche] Centre d'études sur les réseaux, les transports, l'urbanisme et les constructions publiques (CERTU). 1999, 73 p., bibliographie page 68 à 72
Reports hal-02150508v1
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Dévolution des services publics, actualité juridique janvier / août 1998

Isabelle Bril , Lila Kéchi , Pascal Vincent
[Rapport de recherche] Centre d'études sur les réseaux, les transports, l'urbanisme et les constructions publiques (CERTU). 1998, 70 p., bibliographie page 66 à 70
Reports hal-02159976v1
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A working session on the Zuanga language, in the village of Paimboa (New Caledonia)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, New Caledonia. 2010
Image hal-03764329v1
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An audio recording session on the Zuanga language, in the village of Paimboa (New Caledonia)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, New Caledonia. 2010
Image hal-03764342v1
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A mourning ceremony in Bwawi (Gomen region)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Région de Gomen, New Caledonia. 2010
Image hal-03764285v1
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Sharing of customary properties at the end of the mourning ceremony in Bwawi (Gomen region)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Région de Gomen, New Caledonia. 2010
Image hal-03764298v1
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Break during a work session with a Zuanga language storyteller, in Paita (New Caledonia)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, New Caledonia. 2008
Image hal-03764397v1
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Flèches faîtières de cases traditionnelles (Hienghène)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Hienghène (côte est Nouvelle-Calédonie), New Caledonia. 2007
Image hal-03633087v1
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Préparation du bounia (Tiabet)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Tiabet (extrême nord de la Nouvelle-Calédonie), New Caledonia. 2002
Image hal-03632875v1
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Préparation du bounia.

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Tiabet (extrême nord de la Nouvelle-Calédonie), New Caledonia. 2002
Image hal-03632910v1
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Arrêt de bus (région de Touho)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Région de Touho (côte est de la Nouvelle-Calédonie), New Caledonia. 2002
Image hal-03632986v1
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Customary mourning ceremony, Jejeban Island, extreme north of New Caledonia.

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Île de Jejeban (extrême nord de la Nouvelle-Calédonie), New Caledonia. 1992
Image hal-03632577v1
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Customary mourning ceremony.

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Île de Jejeban (extrême nord de la Nouvelle-Calédonie), New Caledonia. 1992
Image hal-03632614v1
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Cérémonie coutumière de deuil (extrême nord de la Nouvelle-Calédonie)

Isabelle Bril
Photography. CNRS-LACITO, Île de Jejeban, New Caledonia. 1992
Image hal-03632449v1