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Isabelle Jouanin



How solar exposure affect skin ecosystem interactions and SPF50+sunscreen afford innovative photoprotection: a multi-omics approach

C. Jacques-Jamin , Emilien Jamin , Daniel Bacqueville , Martine Maitre , J. Oules
51st Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Dermatological-Research (ESDR), Sep 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.S273
Conference papers hal-04047728v1

“Aldehydomics” and “Mercaptomics”, two metabolomic approaches to better understand the link between red meat consumption and colorectal cancer development

Françoise Guéraud , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Emilien L. Jamin , Isabelle Jouanin , Jean-Francois Martin
Reactive Lipids in Biology and Disease: Tenth Meeting of the International 4-Hydroxynonenal Club, Nov 2018, Nashville, TN, United States
Conference papers hal-02941687v1

De la validation d’une méthode de dosage par U-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS vers l’analyse non-ciblée de biomarqueurs de peroxydation lipidique promoteurs du cancer colorectal : cas des hydroxy-alcénals

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Helena Noguer Meireles , Jean-Francois Martin , Isabelle Jouanin , Fabrice H.F. Pierre
SEP 2017, Mar 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01605738v1

Validation of a U-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method for the quantification of reactive aldehydes produced by lipid peroxidation in the intestinal lumen

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Helena Noguer Meireles , Isabelle Jouanin , Nathalie Naud , Fabrice H.F. Pierre
21. International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC 2016), Aug 2016, Toronto, Canada
Conference papers hal-01605669v1

Viande rouge et cancer colorectal : implication de la voie Nrf2/ARE dans la résistance des cellules prénéoplasiques suite à l’exposition aux produits issus de lipoperoxydation.

Reggie Surya , Cécile Héliès-Toussaint , Océane Martin , Sylviane Taché , Isabelle Jouanin
collogue "Nutrition, Microbiote, métabolisme et cancer" NACRe, NACRe, Oct 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04178523v1

Alimentation, peroxydation lipidique et cancer colorectal : vers l'aldéhydomique pour le piégeage et l'analyse non ciblée d'aldéhydes réactifs présents dans la lumière intestinale par LC-HRMS

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Jean-Francois Martin , Françoise Guéraud , Fabrice H.F. Pierre
Congrès français de Spectrométrie de Masse et d'Analyse Protéomique (SMAP 2015), Sep 2015, Ajaccio, France
Conference papers hal-01603475v1

Challenges in the analysis of free aldehydes: from targeted approaches to global aldehydomics using high resolution mass spectrometry

Laurent Debrauwer , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Fabrice H.F. Pierre , Françoise Guéraud
Joint Meeting International HNE Club/Health and Food Symposium (SAS) 2014, Sep 2014, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02791856v1

An in vivo study of potential agents underlying the promotion by red meat: demonstration of the ajorrole of heme and lipid peroxidation in two animal models of carcinogenesis

N.M. Bastide , Fatima Chenni , Marc Audebert , Raphaëlle L. Santarelli , Sylviane Taché
4th Health Food Symposium, Jul 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02804947v1
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Metabolomics for food and environmental toxicology : from targeted to global integrative approaches

Laurent Debrauwer , Emilien L. Jamin , Isabelle Jouanin , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Marlène Z. Lacroix
LC-MS Montreux Symposium 2012, Nov 2012, Montreux, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02745532v1

Toxicologie comparative du fipronil et de son principal métabolite le fipronil sulfone: complémentarité des modèles animaux et cellulaires

Béatrice Roques , Marlène Z. Lacroix , Sylvie Puel , Anne-Sylvie Kesteman , Isabelle Jouanin
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Santé Animale, May 2011, Fréjus, France
Conference papers hal-01191177v1

Heme iron, lipid peroxidation and colon cancer

Françoise Guéraud , Fabrice H.F. Pierre , Sylviane Taché , Maryse Baradat , Isabelle Jouanin
Annual Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research, Aug 2009, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-02755728v1
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Multi-omics and integrative approach to evaluate solar exposure impact on skin ecosystem and a new SPF50+ sunscreen

Carine Jacques , Emilien Jamin , Daniel Bacqueville , Martine Maitre , Cécile Delsol
American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, Nov 2023, Nouvelle Orléans, United States
Conference poster hal-04386952v1
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Interactome expertise: an integrative approach to evaluate solar radiation impact on skin ecosystem and a new SPF50+ sunscreen efficacy

Carine Jacques , D. Bacqueville , Emilien Jamin , Martine Maitre , Anais Noustens
25th world congress of dermatology, Jul 2023, Singapore, Singapore
Conference poster hal-04357867v1
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La dérivation avec introduction de marquage isotopique pour l'analyse sélective des produits de peroxydation lipidique dans la lumière intestinale par des approches LC-MS ciblées et non-ciblées

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Hélèna Noguer-Meireles , Isabelle Jouanin , Loic Mervant , Jean-François Martin
15ème congrès francophone sur les sciences séparatives et les couplages de l'AFSEP (SEP 2021), Oct 2021, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-04406225v1

La dérivation avec introduction de marquage isotopique pour l’analyse sélective des produits de peroxydation lipidique dans la lumière intestinale par des approches LC-MS ciblées et non-ciblées.

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Helena Noguer Meireles , Isabelle Jouanin , Loïc Mervant , Jean-François Martin
15ème congrès francophone sur les sciences séparatives et les couplages de l'AFSEP. SEP 2021, Oct 2021, Toulouse, France
Conference poster hal-04206545v1

Development of a UHPLC-MS/MS targeted method in various matrices for the quantification of toxicologically relevant aldehydes produced from lipid peroxidation

Carla Orlandi , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Helena Meireles , Isabelle Jouanin , Alyssa Bouville
European RFMF Metabomeeting 2020, Jan 2020, Toulouse, France
Conference poster hal-04210033v1

Combination of two semi-targeted approaches to detect toxicological biomarkers as a tool to understand the relation between red meat consumption and colorectal cancer promotion

Loïc Mervant , Emilien L. Jamin , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Jean-Francois Martin , Isabelle Jouanin
Metabomeeting, Jan 2020, Toulouse, France
Conference poster hal-02941614v1
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Metabolic balance of [3H]-BADGE in rodents: A spotlight on the complex in vivo fate of the diglycidyl ether analogue of bisphenol A

Elodie Person , Isabelle Jouanin , Emilien Jamin , Florence Blas-Y-Estrada , Sandrine Bruel
IUTOX 15th International Congress of Toxicology, Jul 2019, Honolulu (HI), United States
Conference poster hal-04672542v1

Stratégies omiques pour l’étude de la relation cancer colorectal – viande rouge

Loïc Mervant , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Emilien L. Jamin , Robin Costantino , Marie Beslay
Journées Francophones de Nutrition 2019, Nov 2019, Rennes, France
Conference poster hal-02941439v1
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Metabolic balance of [3H]-BADGE in rodents: a spotlight on the complex in vivo fate of the diglycidyl ether analogue of bisphenol A

Elodie N Person , Lidia de la Fuente , Isabelle Jouanin , Emilien L Jamin , Florence Blas-Y-Estrada
Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors, Jun 2018, Les Diablerets, Vaud, Switzerland
Conference poster hal-04678671v1

Alimentation, peroxydation lipidique et cancer colorectal : dosage d'hydroxy-alcénals marqueurs dans des eaux fécales de rats soumis à différents régimes

Maria-Helena Noguer Meireles , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Nathalie Naud , Fabrice H.F. Pierre
SFSM 2016, Congrès français de Spectrométrie de Masse, Sep 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference poster hal-02941772v1

Développement et validation d’une méthode U-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS pour le dosage d’aldéhydes issus de la peroxydation lipidique dans des eaux fécales de rats

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Helena Meireles , Isabelle Jouanin , Nathalie Naud , Fabrice H.F. Pierre
Congrès français de Spectrométrie de Masse et d'Analyse Protéomique (SMAP 2015), Sep 2015, Ajaccio, France. 2015
Conference poster hal-02795643v1

Nrf2- Dependent Antioxidant Response could be Involved in The Resistance of Preneoplastic Colon Cells upon Exposure to Faecal Water of Haemoglobin and Beef-Fed Rats: Possible Links with Colorectal Cancer Promotion by Red Meat Diet.

Reggie Surya , Cécile Héliès-Toussaint , Océane Martin , Isabelle Jouanin , Sylviane Taché
NRF2 Meeting, Jan 2015, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-04178563v1

« Twin peaks » : recherche et identification des métabolites urinaires du 4-hydroxynonénal après administration orale chez le rat.

Julia Keller , Maryse Baradat , Isabelle Jouanin , Laurent Debrauwer , Françoise Guéraud
NACRe « Nutrition, microbiote, métabolisme et cancer », Oct 2015, Paris, France. 2015
Conference poster hal-02798364v1

Aldehydomic: comment repérer les aldéhydes impliqués dans le cancer colorectal

Isabelle Jouanin , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Nathalie Naud , Sylviane Taché , Laurent Debrauwer
Assises du Département AlimH, Jan 2014, Arèches, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-02791934v1

Colorectal cancer, diet and lipid oxidation : Towards non-targeted LC/HRMS aldehydomics for trapping and analyzing reactive aldehydes in the intestinal lumen

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Françoise Guéraud , Fabrice H.F. Pierre , Laurent Debrauwer
62. ASMS conference, Jun 2014, Baltimore, United States. 2014
Conference poster hal-02794351v1

4-Hydroxynonenal fate after oral administration in the rat

Julia Keller , Maryse Baradat , Isabelle Jouanin , Laurent Debrauwer , Françoise Guéraud
Joint Meeting HNE Club SAS 2014 - 7. HNE-Club Meeting / 5. Health Food Symposium 2014, Sep 2014, Toulouse, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-02792021v1

Free carbonyls mapping in fecal waters: derivatising and detecting toxic lipid peroxidation aldehydes using LC/HRMS.

Isabelle Jouanin , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Jerome Molina , Nathalie Naud , Océane Martin
Joint Meeting HNE Club SAS 2014 - 7. HNE-Club Meeting / 5. Health Food Symposium 2014, Sep 2014, Toulouse, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-02794449v1

Développement d’une méthode LC-HRMS pour l’analyse non-ciblée d’aldéhydes libres : application à la détection de produits de peroxydation lipidique dans des eaux fécales

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Thaïs Hautbergue , Océane Martin , Françoise Guéraud
10. Congrès de l’Association Francophone des Sciences Séparatives (AFSEP), Jun 2013, Paris, France. 2013
Conference poster hal-02804524v1

Untargeted analysis of reactive aldehydes produced by lipid peroxidation using selective derivatisation and detection by LC/HRMS

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Jerome Molina , Nathalie Naud , Océane Martin
20th IMSC International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Aug 2013, Genève, Switzerland
Conference poster hal-02941776v1

Apc mutation increases metabolization capacities of mouse colonocytes towards the dietary lipid oxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal

Maryse Baradat , Isabelle Jouanin , Sabine Dalleau , Sandrine S. Tacher , Mathilde Gieules
16. biennal meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, Sep 2012, Londres, United Kingdom. 2012
Conference poster hal-02806730v1

LC-HRMS investigation of the in vitro metabolism of brominated flame retardants using APPI and ESI.

C Marteau , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Elisabeth Perdu , Georges de Sousa
19th Int. Mass Spectrom. Conf, Sep 2012, Kyoto, Japan. 2012
Conference poster hal-02803700v1

Quantification of 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in vegetable and marine lipids

Michelle Viau , Isabelle Jouanin , Anne Meynier , Michel Guichardant , Claude Genot
102nd AOCS annual meeting, May 2011, Cincinnati, United States. 2011
Conference poster hal-02802850v1

Quantification des Bisphénols-A halogénés par HPLC-MS/MS.

Emilien L. Jamin , Hanna Kulik , Isabelle Jouanin , Laurent Debrauwer
6ème Journée Spectrométrie de Masse en Midi-Pyrénées, Dec 2011, Toulouse, France. 2011
Conference poster hal-02802849v1

Développement d’une méthode de quantification des Bisphénols-A halogénés par HPLC-MS/MS

Emilien L. Jamin , Hanna Kulyk , Isabelle Jouanin , Laurent Debrauwer
SMAP 2011 - 28èmes Journées Françaises de Spectrométrie de Masse, Sep 2011, Avignon, France. 2011
Conference poster hal-02802858v1

Simultaneous Analysis of Hydroxylated and non Hydroxylated Polybromodiphenyl Ethers by LC-APPI-HRMS

C Marteau , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Jean-Philippe Antignac , Bruno Le Bizec
59th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Jun 2011, Denver, Colombia. 2011
Conference poster hal-02803522v1

Multi‐omics approach to understand the impact of sun exposure on an in vitro skin ecosystem and evaluate a new broad‐spectrum sunscreen

Carine Jacques , Daniel Bacqueville , Emilien Jamin , Martine Maitre , Cécile Delsol
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2023, ⟨10.1111/php.13841⟩
Journal articles hal-04171228v1
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Fate of Sulfonamides and Tetracyclines in Meat during Pan Cooking

Christelle Planche , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Hélèna Noguer-Meireles , Isabelle Jouanin , Sophie Mompelat
Molecules, 2022, 27 (19), pp.6233. ⟨10.3390/molecules27196233⟩
Journal articles hal-03795452v1
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Towards Aldehydomics: Untargeted Trapping and Analysis of Reactive Diet-Related Carbonyl Compounds Formed in the Intestinal Lumen

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Helena Noguer Meireles , Loïc Mervant , Jean-François Martin , Isabelle Jouanin
Antioxidants , 2021, 10 (8), pp.1261. ⟨10.3390/antiox10081261⟩
Journal articles hal-03328809v1
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Transgenerational metabolomic fingerprints in mice ancestrally exposed to the obesogen TBT

Raquel Chamorro-García , Nathalie Poupin , Marie Tremblay-Franco , Cécile Canlet , Riann Egusquiza
Environment International, 2021, 157, ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2021.106822⟩
Journal articles hal-03335779v1

Safety assessment of cosmetics by read across applied to metabolomics data of in vitro skin and liver models

Carine Jacques , Emilien Jamin , Isabelle Jouanin , Cécile Canlet , Marie Tremblay-Franco
Archives of Toxicology, 2021, ⟨10.1007/s00204-021-03136-7⟩
Journal articles hal-03335738v1

Longitudinal analysis of the salivary metabolome of breast-fed and formula-fed infants over the first year of life

Eric Neyraud , Camille Schwartz , Hélène Brignot , Isabelle Jouanin , Marie Tremblay-Franco
Metabolomics, 2020, 16 (3), ⟨10.1007/s11306-020-01661-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02558354v1
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Heme-Iron-Induced Production of 4-Hydroxynonenal in Intestinal Lumen May Have Extra-Intestinal Consequences through Protein-Adduct Formation

Julia Keller , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Helena Noguer Meireles , Estelle Pujos-Guillot , Mylène Delosière
Antioxidants , 2020, 9 (12), pp.1293. ⟨10.3390/antiox9121293⟩
Journal articles hal-03081088v1
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Global profiling of toxicologically relevant metabolites in urine: case study of reactive aldehydes

Emilien L. Jamin , Robin Costantino , Loïc Mervant , Jean-Francois Martin , Isabelle Jouanin
Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92 (2), pp.1746-1754. ⟨10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03146⟩
Journal articles hal-02622690v1
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Lactose and Fructo-oligosaccharides Increase Visceral Sensitivity in Mice via Glycation Processes, Increasing Mast Cell Density in Colonic Mucosa

Jasper B.J. Kamphuis , Bruno Guiard , Mathilde Lévêque , Maïwenn Olier , Isabelle Jouanin
Gastroenterology, 2020, 158 (3), pp.652-663.e6. ⟨10.1053/j.gastro.2019.10.037⟩
Journal articles hal-02558299v1

Development and validation of an ultra high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry method using selective derivatisation, for the quantification of two reactive aldehydes produced by lipid peroxidation, HNE (4-hydroxy-2( E )-nonenal) and HHE (4-hydroxy-2( E )-hexenal) in faecal water

Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Maria-Helena Noguer Meireles , Isabelle Jouanin , Nathalie Naud , Fabrice H.F. Pierre
Journal of Chromatography B - Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2018, 1083, pp.171-179. ⟨10.1016/j.jchromb.2018.03.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02623747v1
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Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutations prime the all-trans retinoic acid myeloid differentiation pathway in acute myeloid leukemia

Héléna Boutzen , Estelle Saland , Clément Larrue , Fabienne de Toni , Lara Gales
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2016, 213 (4), pp.483-497. ⟨10.1084/jem.20150736⟩
Journal articles inserm-02465288v1

Red meat and colorectal cancer: Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response contributes to the resistance of preneoplastic colon cells to fecal water of hemoglobin- and beef-fed rats

Reggie Surya , Cécile Héliès-Toussaint , Océane Martin , Thierry Gauthier , Françoise Guéraud
Carcinogenesis, 2016, 37 (6), pp.635-645. ⟨10.1093/carcin/bgw035⟩
Journal articles hal-01901462v1
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"Twin peaks": searching for 4-hydroxynonenal urinary metabolites after oral administration in rats

Julia Keller , Maryse Baradat , Isabelle Jouanin , Laurent Debrauwer , Françoise Guéraud
Redox Biology, 2015, 4, pp.136-48. ⟨10.1016/j.redox.2014.12.016⟩
Journal articles hal-02629946v1

A central role for heme iron in colon carcinogenesis associated with red meat intake

Nadia Bastide , Fatima Chenni , Marc Audebert , Raphaëlle L. Santarelli , Sylviane Taché
Cancer Research, 2015, 75 (5), pp.870-9. ⟨10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-2554⟩
Journal articles hal-02637354v1

Facile oxime ether synthesis: Free carbonyl compound derivatization by a brominated o-benzylhydroxylamine

Isabelle Jouanin , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Cécile Canlet , C. Lorber , Fabrice H.F. Pierre
Synthetic Communications, 2015, 45 (13), pp.1585-1591. ⟨10.1080/00397911.2015.1035791⟩
Journal articles hal-01916806v1

Characterization of endocrine disruptors from a complex matrix using estrogen receptor affinity columns and high performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry

Adeline Jondeau-Cabaton , Amélie Soucasse , Emilien L. Jamin , Nicolas Creusot , Marina Grimaldi
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20 (5), pp.2705-2720. ⟨10.1007/s11356-012-1458-z⟩
Journal articles ineris-00963449v1
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Development of a liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressurephoto-ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry analytical method for the simultaneous determination of polybrominateddiphenyl ethers and their metabolites: application to BDE-47metabolism in human hepatocytes

Charlotte Marteau , Sylvie S. Chevolleau , Isabelle Jouanin , Elisabeth Perdu , Georges de Sousa
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2012, 26, pp.599-610. ⟨10.1002/rcm.6136⟩
Journal articles hal-01191152v1
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Evaluation of three simple direct or indirect carbonyl detection methods for characterization of oxidative modifications of proteins

Veronica R Vasquez-Garzon , Patrick Rouimi , Isabelle Jouanin , Georg Waeg , Neven Zarkovic
Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 2012, 22 (4), pp.296-304. ⟨10.3109/15376516.2012.657258⟩
Journal articles hal-01136991v1
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CYP450-Dependent Biotransformation of the Insecticide Fipronil into Fipronil Sulfone Can Mediate Fipronil-Induced Thyroid Disruption in Rats (Full paper and erratum)

Béatrice Roques , Marlène Z. Lacroix , Sylvie Puel , Véronique V. Gayrard-Troy , Nicole Picard-Hagen
Toxicological Sciences, 2012, 127 (1) 130 (2), pp.29-41 et 444-445. ⟨10.1093/toxsci/kfs094⟩
Journal articles hal-01191244v1

Liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation massspectrometric tracking of 4‐hydroxy‐2(E)‐nonenalbiotransformations by mouse colon epithelial cells using[1,2‐13C2]‐4‐hydroxy‐2(E)‐nonenal as stable isotope tracer

Isabelle Jouanin , Maryse Baradat , Mathilde Gieules , Sylviane Taché , Fabrice H.F. Pierre
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2011, 25 (19), pp.2675-2681. ⟨10.1002/rcm.5033⟩
Journal articles hal-02646663v1

4-Hydroxy-2(E)-nonenal metabolism differs in apc(+/+) cells and in apc(Min/+) cells: it may explain colon cancer promotion by heme iron

Maryse Baradat , Isabelle Jouanin , Sabine Dalleau , Sylviane Taché , Mathilde Gieules
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2011, 24 (11), pp.1984 - 1993. ⟨10.1021/tx2003036⟩
Journal articles hal-02644375v1

Metabolic Fate of [C-14]Diuron and [C-14]Linuron in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Radish (Raphanus sativus)

Sophie Lorber , Haifaa Al-Sayeda , Isabelle Jouanin , Laurent Debrauwer , Cécile Canlet
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58 (20), pp.10935-10944. ⟨10.1021/jf101937x⟩
Journal articles hal-02668715v1
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Chemistry and biochemistry of lipid peroxidation products

Françoise Guéraud , M. Atalay , N. Bresgen , A. Cipak , P.M. Eckl
Free Radical Research, 2010, 44 (10), pp.1098-1124. ⟨10.3109/10715762.2010.498477⟩
Journal articles hal-02667036v1

Synthesis of the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-2(E)-nonenal with (13)C stable isotope incorporation

Isabelle Jouanin , V. Sreevani , Estelle Rathahao-Paris , Françoise Guéraud , Alain Paris
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2008, 51 (1-2), pp.87-92. ⟨10.1002/jlcr.1485⟩
Journal articles hal-02662316v1

Probing new approaches using atmospheric pressure photo ionization for the analysis of brominated flame retardants and their related degradation products by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Laurent Debrauwer , Anne Riu , Majdouline Jouahri , Estelle Rathahao-Paris , Isabelle Jouanin
Journal of Chromatography A, 2005, 1082 (1), pp.98-109
Journal articles hal-01763229v1

In vitro aromatic bioactivation of the weak estrogen E(2)alpha and genesis of DNA adducts

Virginie Rizzati , Estelle Rathahao-Paris , Laurence Gamet-Payrastre , Georges Delous , Isabelle Jouanin
Steroids, 2005, 70 (3), pp.161-172. ⟨10.1016/j.steroids.2004.11.004⟩
Journal articles hal-02671843v1

Investigation of the regio- and stereo-selectivity of deoxyguanosine linkage to deuterated 2-hydroxyestradiol by using liquid chromatography/ESI-ion trap mass spectrometry

Laurent Debrauwer , Estelle Rathahao-Paris , Isabelle Jouanin , Alain Paris , G Clodic
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2003, 14 (4), pp.364-72. ⟨10.1016/S1044-0305(03)00066-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01763225v1

Adduction of catechol estrogens to nucleosides.

Isabelle Jouanin , Laurent Debrauwer , Gwénola Fauglas , Alain Paris , Estelle Rathahao-Paris
Steroids, 2002, 67 (13-14), pp.1091-1099. ⟨10.1016/S0039-128X(02)00070-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02680085v1

Oligonucleotide covalent modifications by estrogen quinones evidenced by use of liquid chromatography coupled to negative electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry

Laurent Debrauwer , Estelle Rathahao-Paris , Corinne Couve , S Poulain , C Pouyet
Journal of Chromatography A, 2002, 976 (1-2), pp.123-134. ⟨10.1016/S0021-9673(02)00940-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01763228v1