FAMeLeS : A multispecies and fully automated method to measure morphological leaf traits
Nicolas Montès
Lorène Tosini
Isabelle Laffont‐schwob
Yoann Le Bagousse-Pinguet
Hélène Folzer
Journal articles
Challenges in viticulture practices in a changing environment: Can green waste amendment benefit soil properties of vineyards in the Mediterranean?
Flor Regus
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Pascale Prudent
Lisa Foli
Yvan Capowiez
Journal articles
Current status and future trends of microbial and nematode-based biopesticides for biocontrol of crop pathogens
Rayhane Hamrouni
Flor Regus
Anne Marie Farnet da Silva
Thierry Orsière
Jean-Luc Boudenne
Journal articles
Statistical Experimental Design as a New Approach to Optimize a Solid-State Fermentation Substrate for the Production of Spores and Bioactive Compounds from Trichoderma asperellum
Rayhane Hamrouni
Flor Regus
Magalie Claeys-Bruno
Anne Marie Farnet da Silva
Thierry Orsière
Journal articles
Plant biodiversity offsets negative effects of metals and metalloids soil multi-contamination on ecosystem multifunctionality
Lorène Tosini
Manuel Cartereau
Yoann Le Bagousse-Pinguet
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Pascale Prudent
Journal articles
Coronilla juncea, a native candidate for phytostabilization of potentially toxic elements and restoration of Mediterranean soils
Alma Heckenroth
Pascale Prudent
Hélène Folzer
Jacques Rabier
Stéven Criquet
Journal articles
Evaluación del empleo de microorganismos en la remoción de compuestos orgánicos persistentes y metales pesados
Arelis Abalos Rodríguez
Odalys Rodríguez Gámez
Rosa Maria Pérez Silva
Janet Nápoles Álvarez
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, 2022, 12 (1)
Journal articles
Comment allier stabilisation des sols contaminés et préservation d’Astragalus tragacantha L. sur le littoral remarquable du Parc national des Calanques ?
Alma Heckenroth
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Teddy Baumberger
Pascale Prudent
Lidwine Le Mire Pecheux
Journal articles
Using bibliometrics to analyze the state of art of pesticide use in vineyard agrosystems: a review
Flor Regus
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Rayhane Hamrouni
Nathalie Dupuy
Anne Marie Farnet da Silva
Journal articles
Socio-environmental changes and rodent populations in lowland agroecosystems of the lower delta of the River Senegal, West Africa: results of observations over a decade, 2008-2019
Cheikh Tidiane Niang
Mamadou Kane
Youssoupha Niang
Nathalie Sarr
Laura March
Journal articles
Coastal environments shape chemical and microbial properties of forest litters in circum Mediterranean region
A. Borsali
T.Z. Lerch
R. Besbes
Raphaël Gros
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Journal articles
Évaluation du risque sanitaire de sols pollués méditerranéens : choix de variables et spatialisation
Aurélie Arnaud
Pascale Prudent
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Journal articles
Is a restricted niche the explanation for species vulnerability? Insights from a large field survey of Astragalus tragacantha L. (Fabaceae)
Teddy Baumberger
Alex Baumel
Pierre-Jean Dumas
Julien Ugo
Laureen Keller
Journal articles
Sous les serviettes de plage, la pollution. L’héritage encombrant du passé industriel des calanques de Marseille-Cassis
Xavier Daumalin
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Olivier Raveux
Marseille : la revue culturelle de la ville de Marseille, 2021, 270, pp.21-24
Journal articles
Functional Trait-Based Screening of Zn-Pb Tolerant Wild Plant Species at an Abandoned Mine Site in Gard (France) for Rehabilitation of Mediterranean Metal-Contaminated Soils
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jacques Rabier
Véronique Masotti
Hélène Folzer
Lorène Tosini
Journal articles
Biological Removal and Fate Assessment of Diclofenac Using Bacillus subtilis and Brevibacillus laterosporus Strains and Ecotoxicological Effects of Diclofenac and 49-Hydroxy-diclofenac
Camille Grandclement
Anne Piram
Marie-Eleonore Petit
Isabelle Seyssiecq
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Journal articles
Gain in biodiversity but not in phytostabilization after 3 years of ecological restoration of contaminated Mediterranean soils
Lorène Lorène Tosini
Hélène Folzer
A. Heckenroth
P. Prudent
Mathieu Santonja
Journal articles
Implication of phytometabolites on metal tolerance of the pseudo-metallophyte -Rosmarinus officinalis-in a Mediterranean brownfield
Marie-Cécile Affholder
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Bruno Coulomb
Jacques Rabier
Andreea Borla
Journal articles
Le Marais des Paluns Analyse de ses usages et de son état environnemental pour contribuer à une réflexion sur sa restauration écologique
Carole Barthélémy
Natacha Duvernoy
Anna Guittonny-Philippe
Véronique Masotti
Marie-Éléonore Petit
Rives Méditerranéennes, 2020
Journal articles
Advances and limits of two model species for ecotoxicological assessment of carbamazepine, two by-products and their mixture at environmental level in freshwater
Fanny Desbiolles
Xavier Moreau
Laetitia de Jong
Laure Malleret
Quentin Grandet-Marchant
Journal articles
Assessment of water quality from the Blue Lagoon of El Cobre mine in Santiago de Cuba: a preliminary study for water reuse
Odalys Rodríguez Gámez
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Pascale Prudent
Laurent Vassalo
Isabel Aguilera Rodrìguez
Journal articles
How can a rare protected plant cope with the metal and metalloid soil pollution resulting from past industrial activities? Phytometabolites, antioxidant activities and root symbiosis involved in the metal tolerance of Astragalus tragacantha
Marie-Dominique Salducci
Hélène Folzer
Jacques Rabier
Julien Issartel
Véronique Masotti
Journal articles
Occurrence and ecotoxicological assessment of pharmaceuticals: Is there a risk for the Mediterranean aquatic environment?
Fanny Desbiolles
Laure Malleret
Christophe Tiliacos
Pascal Wong-Wah-Chung
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 639, pp.1334-1348
Journal articles
Tolerance strategies of two Mediterranean native xerophytes under fluoride pollution in Tunisia
Asma Boukhris
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Hélène Folzer
Jacques Rabier
Imed Mezghani
Journal articles
Effect of phytoliths for mitigating water stress in durum wheat
Jean-Dominique Meunier
Doris Barboni
Muhammad Anwar-Ul-Haq
Clément Levard
Perrine Chaurand
Journal articles
Decision-making criteria for plant-species selection for phytostabilization: Issues of biodiversity and functionality
Ahlem Ellili
Jacques Rabier
Pascale Prudent
Marie-Dominique Salducci
Alma Heckenroth
Journal articles
Mise en place d'une approche intégrée pour la restauration écologique des milieux pollués du Parc national des Calanques
Alma Heckenroth
Jacques Rabier
Paul Monsara
Lidwine Le Mire Pecheux
Pascale Prudent
Naturae, 2017, 9, pp.1-14
Journal articles
La construction de l'ignorance ou l'occultation du passé industriel des calanques de Marseille-Cassis
Xavier Daumalin
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Olivier Raveux
La Lettre de l'InSHS, 2016, Faire de l’ignorance un objet de connaissance des SHS, 44, pp.30-31
Journal articles
Selection of native plants with phytoremediation potential for highly contaminated Mediterranean soil restoration: Tools for a non-destructive and integrative approach
Alma Heckenroth
Jacques Rabier
Thierry Dutoit
Franck Torre
Pascale Prudent
Journal articles
Evaluation of an integrated constructed wetland to manage pig manure under Mediterranean climate
Julie Nehmtow
Jacques Rabier
Raphaël Giguel
Bruno Coulomb
Anne Marie Farnet da Silva
Journal articles
Selection of wild macrophytes for use in constructed wetlands for phytoremediation of contaminant mixtures
Anna Guittonny-Philippe
Marie-Eleonore Petit
Véronique Masotti
Yogan Monnier
Laure Malleret
Journal articles
Changes in mesophyll element distribution and phytometabolite contents involved in fluoride tolerance of the arid gypsum-tolerant plant species Atractylis serratuloides Sieber ex Cass. (Asteraceae)
Asma Boukhris
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jacques Rabier
Marie-Dominique Salducci
Lefi El Kadri
Journal articles
Proposal of a new ecotoxicity evaluation tool based on morphological responses of five helophytes to mixtures of pollutants: The Helophyte Development Index
Anna Guittonny-Philippe
Véronique Masotti
Isabelle Combroux
Laure Malleret
Jean-Luc Boudenne
Journal articles
Impact of organic pollutants on metal and As uptake by helophyte species and consequences for constructed wetlands design and management
Anna Guittonny-Philippe
Véronique Masotti
Magalie Claeys-Bruno
Laure Malleret
Bruno Coulomb
Journal articles
Screening biological traits and fluoride contents of native vegetations in arid environments to select efficiently fluoride-tolerant native plant species for in-situ phytoremediation
Asma Boukhris
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Imed Mezghani
Lefi El Kadri
Pascale Prudent
Journal articles
Biomonitoring of Epilobium hirsutum L. Health Status to Assess Water Ecotoxicity in Constructed Wetlands Treating Mixtures of Contaminants
Anna Guittonny-Philippe
Véronique Masotti
Jacques Rabier
Marie-Eleonore Petit
Laure Malleret
Journal articles
Trace metal extraction and biomass production by spontaneous vegetation in temporary Mediterranean stormwater highway retention ponds: Freshwater macroalgae (Chara spp.) vs. cattails (Typha spp.)
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Frederic Triboit
Pascale Prudent
Ingeborg Soulie-Maersche
Jacques Rabier
Journal articles
Potentiels d’utilisation des macrophytes pour réduire l’impact des industries sur les milieux aquatiques européens
Anna Guittonny-Philippe
Véronique Masotti
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
David Delmail
Julien Viglione
Sciences Eaux & Territoires, 2014, 15, pp.74-77
Journal articles
As, Pb, Sb, and Zn transfer from soil to root of wild rosemary: do native symbionts matter?
Marie-Cecile Affholder
Anca-Diana Pricop
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Bruno Coulomb
Jacques Rabier
Journal articles
Constructed wetlands to reduce metal pollution from industrial catchments in aquatic Mediterranean ecosystems: A review to overcome obstacles and suggest potential solutions
Anna Guittonny-Philippe
Véronique Masotti
Patrick Höhener
Jean Luc Boudenne
Julien Viglione
Journal articles
Heavy Metal and Arsenic Resistance of the Halophyte Atriplex halimus L. Along a Gradient of Contamination in a French Mediterranean Spray Zone
Jacques Rabier
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Anca Pricop
Ahlem Ellili
Gabriel d'Enjoy-Weinkammerer
Journal articles
Trace metal and metalloid contamination levels in soils and in two native plant species of a former industrial site: Evaluation of the phytostabilization potential
Eti Testiati
Julien Parinet
Catherine Massiani
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jacques Rabier
Journal articles
Evidence of Chara fibrosa Agardh ex Bruzelius, an alien species in South France
Ingeborg Soulié-Marsche
Frédéric Triboit
Marc Despréaux
Aurélie Rey-Boissezon
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Journal articles
Transfer of metals and metalloids from soil to shoots in wild rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) growing on a former lead smelter site: Human exposure risk
Marie-Cecile Affholder
Pascale Prudent
Véronique Masotti
Bruno Coulomb
Jacques Rabier
Journal articles
Toxic Activity and Chemical Composition of Lithuanian Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.) Essential Oils
Asta Judzentiene
Jurga Budiene
Renata Gircyte
Veronique Masotti
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Records of Natural Products, 2012, 6, pp.180 - 183
Journal articles
Larvicidal activity of extracts from Artemisia species against Culex pipiens L. mosquito: Comparing endemic versus ubiquist species for effectiveness
Veronique Masotti
Laetitia de Jong
Xavier Moreau
Jacques Rabier
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Journal articles
Caryophyllene Oxide-rich Essential Oils of Lithuanian Artemisia campestris ssp. campestris and Their Toxicity
Asta Judzentiene
Jurga Budiene
Rita Butkiene
Eugenija Kupcinskiene
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Natural Product Communications , 2010, 5 (12), pp.1981 - 1984
Journal articles
Heavy Metal Lability in Porewater of Highway Detention Pond Sediments in South-Eastern France in Relation to Submerged Vegetation
Frédéric Triboit
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
François Demory
Ingeborg Soulié-Marsche
Jacques Rabier
Journal articles
Outils décisionnels dans la gestion des pollutions accidentelles des cours d'eau : vers des solutions écologiquement durables
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Xavier-Emmanuel Moreau
V. Masotti
C. Di Giorgio
L. de Jong-Moreau
Ingénieries eau-agriculture-territoires, 2009, spécial Écologie de la restauration et ingénierie écologique. Enjeux, convergences, applications, pp.9-16
Journal articles
Anatomical element localization by EDXS in Grevillea exul var. exul under nickel stress
J. Rabier
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
R. Notonier
B. Fogliani
S. Bouraïma-Madjèbi
Environmental Pollution, 2009, 156
Journal articles
Comparison of Essential Oil Composition of Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch et Dalz. (Caesalpiniaceae) Leaves from Senegal and Ivory Coast
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Josette Viano
Jean-Marie Bessiere
Charles Haddad
Journal articles
Comparison of Essential Oil Composition of Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch et Dalz. (Caesalpiniaceae) Leaves from Senegal and Ivory Coast
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Josette Viano
Jean-Marie Bessière
Charles Haddad
Journal articles
Anatomical element localization by EDXS in Grevillea exul var. exul under nickel stress
J. Rabier
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
R. Notonier
B. Fogliani
S. Bouraïma-Madjèbi
Journal articles
Characterization of Metal Tolerance and Accumulation in Grevillea Exul VAR Exul
Jacques Rabier
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Saliou Bouraïma-Madjèbi
Virginie Leon
Pascale Prudent
Journal articles
Composition of volatile oils of Styrax (Styrax officinalis L.) leaves at different phenological stages
Ghaleb Tayoub
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jean-Marie Bessiere
Veronique Masotti
Jacques Rabier
Journal articles
Contribution de la microscopie électronique à balayage et photonique à la connaissance de l'anatomie et de la morphologie de Styrax officinalis L.
Ghaleb Tayoub
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Veronique Masotti
Jacques Rabier
Martine Ruzzier
Journal articles
Essential oil composition of leaf, flower and stem of Styrax (Styrax officinalis L.) from south-eastern France
Ghaleb Tayoub
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jean-Marie Bessiere
Jacques Rabier
Veronique Masotti
Journal articles
Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Hypericum hyssopifolium ssp. hyssopifolium from Southeast France
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Josette Viano
Ghislaine Jann-Para
Jean-Marie Bessiere
Michel Dherbomez
Journal articles
Cytotoxic effect and electrophysiological activity of S-irniine, a synthesised isomer of the natural R-irniine, on human MRC-5 fibroblasts
Mohammed Lamkadem
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jamal Mimouni
Mohammed Aziz
Abderrahime Bouali
Journal articles
Changes in essential oil composition in Saint John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) aerial parts during its phenological cycle
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jean-Marie Bessiere
Veronique Masotti
Josette Viano
Journal articles
Cytotoxic Effect and Electrophysiological Study on Human Mrc-5 Fibroblasts of R-Irniine, A Natural Alkylpyrrolidine Alkaloid
Mohammed Lamkadem
Mohamed Aziz
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jacques Rabier
Jamal Mimouni
Journal articles
Occurrence of toxic Planktothrix rubescens blooms in lake Nantua, France
G Jann-Para
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
M Feuillade
Journal articles
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Hypericum coris
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
J. Bessiere
M. Dherbomez
J. Viano
Journal articles
Composition of the essential oils of Hypericum perforatum L. from southeastern France
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Jean-Marie Bessiere
Josette Viano
Journal articles
An Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus (Glomus mosseae) Induces a Defence-like Response in Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis) Roots
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Huguette Sallanon
Mireille M. Ducher
Alain Coudret
Journal of Plant Physiology, 2000, 156, pp.284 - 287
Journal articles
Growth and gas exchange responses of Hevea brasiliensis seedlings to inoculation with Glomus mosseae
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
Mireille M. Ducher
Huguette Sallanon
Alain Coudret
Journal articles
Effects of climatic factors on native arbuscular mycorrhizae and Meloidogyne exigua in a Brazilian rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) plantation
Isabelle Laffont-Schwob
M. Ducher
A Coudret
Plant Pathology, 1998
Journal articles