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Jean Arzoumanov

Rocher postdoctoral fellow University of Chicago


Jean Arzoumanov is a historian who works on early-modern and modern Persianate intellectual history in South Asia. He is particularly interested in textual encounters between Islamicate and Indic cultures, and in the participation of non-Muslim literati in Persian literary production. Jean obtained his PhD in South Asian Studies from the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 (France) in 2021 with a dissertation on the representation of Indian sects and ascetics in Indo-Persian literature between the Mughal and colonial periods (16th─19th centuries). He is currently working on the astronomical and astrological works of Mullā Farīd and Mullā Ṭayyib, two brothers active in early seventeenth-century North India. 2021 Ph.D in South-Asian Studies, Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle 2016 BA. in Bengali, INALCO (Paris) 2013 MPhil. in Asian Studies, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris) 2011 MA. in Indo-European Linguistics, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris) 2011 BA. in Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle 2010 BA. in Philosophy, Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne 2009-2015 Student (élève normalien) at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
