Influence of eco-friendly dispersants on the properties of a lateritic soil-based mortar
Lily Walter
Yannick Estevez
Gildas Medjigbodo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Laurent Linguet
Journal articles
Design of poured earth construction materials from the elementary characteristics of tropical soils
Lily Walter
Yannick Estevez
Gildas Medjigbodo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Laurent Linguet
Journal articles
Optimization of kenaf fiber content for the improvement of the thermophysical and mechanical properties of adobes
Yale Abdoul Aziz Serebe
Moussa Ouedraogo
Ahmed Douani Sere
Issiaka Sanou
Wend-Kuni Joceline Estelle Zagre
Journal articles
Microstructural, physical, and mechanical characteristics of adobes amended with cement-metakaolin mixtures
Issiaka Sanou
Moussa Ouedraogo
Halidou Bamogo
Namory Meité
Mohamed Seynou
Journal articles
Microstructural, Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Adobes Reinforced with Sugarcane Bagasse
Moussa Ouedraogo
Halidou Bamogo
Issiaka Sanou
Vanessa Mazars
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Simulation of the Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Earth Brick Walls in Their Environment
Lamyaa Laou
Laurent Ulmet
Sylvie Yotte
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Pascal Maillard
Journal articles
Use of a Natural Clayey Soil from Burkina Faso to Reinforce Natural Rubber
Lohami Valentin Landry Gnoumou
Younoussa Millogo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Moussa Ouedraogo
Issiaka Sanou
Journal articles
Influence of Shea Butter Residues on the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Earth Renders
Halidou Bamogo
Lohami Valentin Landry Gnoumou
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Younoussa Millogo
Journal articles
Homogenization with non‐homogeneous plastic flow
Elsa Anglade
Alain Sellier
Aurélie Papon
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, inPress, ⟨10.1002/nag.3616⟩
Journal articles
Physical, Hydric, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Earth Renders Amended with Dolomitic Lime
Halidou Bamogo
Moussa Ouedraogo
Issiaka Sanou
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Younoussa Millogo
Journal articles
Microstructure, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Adobes Stabilized with Rice Husks
Moussa Ouedraogo
Halidou Bamogo
Issiaka Sanou
Kalifala Dao
Kouka Amed Jérémy Ouedraogo
Journal articles
Moisture buffer capacity of a bilayer bio- and geo-based wall
Méryl Lagouin
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Camille Magniont
Sandrine Geoffroy
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Physical and mechanical properties of clay–sand mixes to assess the performance of earth construction materials
Elsa Anglade
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Alain Sellier
Aurélie Papon
Journal articles
Influence of chemical, mineralogical and geotechnical characteristics of soil on earthen plaster properties
Méryl Lagouin
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Camille Magniont
Journal articles
Ovalbumin as natural organic binder for stabilizing unfired earth bricks: Understanding vernacular techniques to inspire modern constructions
Kouka Amed Jérémy Ouedraogo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Tribout Christelle
Y. Millogo
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
An overview of the remaining challenges of the RILEM TC 274-TCE, testing and characterisation of earth-based building materials and elements
Antonin Fabbri
Jean Claude Morel
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Quoc-Bao Bui
Domenico Gallipoli
Journal articles
Effects of organic admixtures on the fresh and mechanical properties of earth-based plasters
Méryl Lagouin
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Camille Magniont
Sandrine Geoffroy
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Is stabilization of earth bricks using low cement or lime contents relevant?
Kouka Amed Jérémy Ouedraogo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Christelle Tribout
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Experimental analysis of timber inclusions effect on paraseismic behavior of earth masonry walls
Jairo Aranguren
Florent Vieux-Champagne
Maïa Duriez
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Characterization of the microbiome associated with in situ earthen materials
Alexis Simons
Alexandra Bertron
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Christophe Roux
Christine Roques
Journal articles
A methodology for the mix design of earth bedding mortar
Maïa Duriez
Florent Vieux-Champagne
Rim Trad
Pascal Maillard
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Improvement of water resistance and thermal comfort of earth renders by cow dung: an ancestral practice of Burkina Faso
Halidou Bamogo
Moussa Ouedraogo
Issiaka Sanou
Kouka Amed Jérémy Ouedraogo
Kalifala Dao
Journal articles
Comparison of barley and lavender straws as bioaggregates in earth bricks
Marie Giroudon
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Camille Magniont
Journal articles
Physical, thermal and mechanical properties of adobes stabilized with fonio (Digitaria exilis) straw
Moussa Ouedraogo
Kalifala Dao
Younoussa Millogo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Adamah Messan
Journal articles
Influence of types of binder and plant aggregates on hygrothermal and mechanical properties of vegetal concretes
Méryl Lagouin
Camille Magniont
Pascale Senechal
Peter Moonen
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Thermal, hydric and mechanical behaviours of adobes stabilized with cement
Kalifala Dao
Moussa Ouedraogo
Younoussa Millogo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Moussa Gomina
Journal articles
Characterization of Barley Straw, Hemp Shiv and Corn Cob as Resources for Bioaggregate Based Building Materials
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Camille Magniont
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Hygrothermal properties of unfired earth bricks: Effect of barley straw, hemp shiv and corn cob addition
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Camille Magniont
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Laboratory test to assess sensitivity of bio-based earth materials to fungal growth
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Kouka Amed Jérémy Ouedraogo
Alexis Simons
Matthieu Labat
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Comparison of the Saturated Salt Solution and the Dynamic Vapor Sorption techniques based on the measured sorption isotherm of barley straw
Rudy Bui
Matthieu Labat
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Effect of Plant Aggregates on Mechanical Properties of Earth Bricks
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Camille Magniont
Pascal Maillard
C. Poirier
Journal articles
Physical, mechanical and hygrothermal properties of lateritic building stones (LBS) from Burkina Faso
A Holur Narayanaswamy
F. Mcgregor
Y. Millogo
A. Fabbri
A.D. Séré
Journal articles
Preliminary study of the mechanical and hygrothermal properties of hemp-magnesium phosphate cements
R. Del Valle-Zermeno
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
J. Formosa
J. M. Chimenos
Journal articles
From the experimental characterization of the hygrothermal properties of straw-clay mixtures to the numerical assessment of their buffering potential
Matthieu Labat
Camille Magniont
Nicolaas Oudhof
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Towards a simple compressive strength test for earth bricks?
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Pascal Maillard
J. Morel
M. Al Rafii
Journal articles
Earth blocks stabilized by cow-dung
Younoussa Millogo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Ahmed Douani Séré
Antonin Fabbri
Jean-Claude Morel
Journal articles
Plant aggregates and fibers in earth construction materials: A review
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Camille Magniont
C. Tribout
Alexandra Bertron
Journal articles
Experimental Characterization of an Earth Eco-Efficient Plastering Mortar
Paulina Faria
Tania Santos
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Use of Carbonated Residual Brines as main component of filling grout
R. Delinière
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Bernard Husson
Journal articles
Chequered earth construction in south-western France
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Alain Marcom
Priscia Oliva
Pauline Segui
Journal articles
How Properties of Kenaf Fibers from Burkina Faso Contribute to the Reinforcement of Earth Blocks
Younoussa Millogo
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Erwan Hamard
Jean Claude Morel
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific results, 2015, 8 (5), pp. 2332-2345. ⟨10.3390/ma8052332⟩
Journal articles
Les enduits de terre crue de deux fosses antiques. Recherches pluridisciplinaires et hypothèses de fonctionnement.
Tanguy Wibault
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Jérôme Ros
Jérôme Kotarba
Pascal Verdin
Journal articles
Development of bio-based earth products for healthy and sustainable buildings: characterization of microbiological, mechanical and hygrothermal properties
Alexis Simons
Aurélie Laborel-Préneron
Alexandra Bertron
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Camille Magniont
Journal articles
Effects of the anisotropy of extruded earth bricks on their hygrothermal properties
Pascale Maillard
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Physical, mineralogical and mechanical characterization of ready-mixed clay plaster
R. Delinière
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
F. Rojat
M. Gasc-Barbier
Journal articles
Development of an accelerated test for Internal Sulfate Attack study
Nacim Khelil
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Quantification of Hydraulic Phase Contained in a Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag
P. Mahieux
Gilles Escadeillas
M. Measson
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Journal articles
Carbonation of municipal solid waste incineration electrostatic precipitator fly ashes in solution
Aurore de Boom
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Marc Degrez
Journal articles
Experimental analysis of Pressed Adobe Blocks reinforced with Hibiscus cannabinus fibers
Younoussa Millogo
Jean-Claude Morel
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Khosrow Ghavami
Journal articles
Hygrothermal properties of earth bricks
Hugo Gérard Jacques Cagnon
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Marie Coutand
Camille Magniont
Journal articles
Some observations about the paper "Earth construction: Lessons from the past for future eco-efficient construction" by F. Pacheco-Torgal and S. Jalali
Jean Claude Morel
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Younoussa Millogo
Erwan Hamard
Antonin Fabbri
Journal articles
The effect of natural pozzolan on delayed ettringite formation of the heat-cured mortars
van Huong Nguyen
Ali-Nordine Leklou
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Pierre Mounanga
Journal articles
Five year monitoring of curing solutions of heat-cured mortars affected by delayed ettringite formation
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Gilles Escadeillas
Ali-Nordine Leklou
Journal articles
Influence of various parameters on heat-induced internal sulphate attack
Ali-Nordine Leklou
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Utilization of a natural pozzolan as the main component of hydraulic road binder
Pauline Segui
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Bernard Husson
M. Measson
Journal articles
An earth block with a compressive strength higher than 45MPa!
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
A. Fabbri
J.C. Morel
Pascale Maillard
Journal articles
Valorization of Wastepaper Sludge Ash as Main Component of Hydraulic Road Binder
Pauline Segui
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Bernard Husson
M. Measson
Journal articles
Hardening of clayey soil blocks during freezing and thawing cycles
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
M. Gasc-Barbier
Journal articles
Characterization of wastepaper sludge ash for its valorization as a component of hydraulic binders
Pauline Segui
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Bernard Husson
M. Measson
Journal articles
A method developed to quantify lime and gypsum consumed by mineral additions
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Pauline Segui
Bernard Husson
M. Measson
Journal articles
Effect of wetting-drying cycles on mortar samples affected by DEF
Ali-Nordine Leklou
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Quantitative mineralogical composition of complex mineral wastes – Contribution of the Rietveld method
P.-Y. Mahieux
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Martin Cyr
Marie Coutand
Bernard Husson
Journal articles
Mineralogical Transformations During a Stabilization Process Developed for the Valorization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Fly Ash
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Pierre-Yves Mahieux
Bernard Husson
Journal articles
Utilization of weathered basic oxygen furnace slag in the production of hydraulic road binders
P.-Y. Mahieux
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Expansion of five-year-old mortars attributable to DEF: relevance of the laboratory studies on DEF?
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Gilles Escadeillas
Ali-Nordine Leklou
Journal articles
Microscopic observations of samples affected by the delayed ettringite formation (DEF)
Ali-Nordine Leklou
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Gilles Escadeillas
Journal articles
Utilization of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash in blended cement
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Bernard Husson
N. Sarramone
Journal articles
Some factors affecting delayed ettringite formation in heat-cured mortars
Gilles Escadeillas
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
Maximiliano Segerer
William Prince
Journal articles
Utilization of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash in blended cementPart 1: Processing and characterization of MSWI fly ash
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
N Husson
N Sarramone
Journal articles
Metallic aluminum in MSWI fly ash: quantification and influence on the properties of cement-based products
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
B Husson
A Vaquier
Journal articles
Use of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash in concrete
Jean-Emmanuel Aubert
B Husson
A Vaquier
Journal articles