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Jean-François Guillemoles

Jean-François GUILLEMOLES Directuer de Recherche CNRS Directeur de l'UMR IPVF
Affiliations actuelles
  • 441569
  • 341038
  • 1185130
Identifiants chercheurs
  • IdHAL jean-francois-guillemoles
  • ResearcherId : I-5166-2013
  • ORCID 0000-0003-0114-8624
  • Google Scholar :
  • IdRef : 136927564
  • ResearcherId :


Jean-François Guillemoles currently works at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is director of the joint lab (UMR) between CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, ENSCP and IPVF-SAS: the Institut Photovoltaique d'Ile de France, (IPVF) located in Palaiseau. Jean-François does research in Surface Chemistry, in Materials Engineering and in the physics of photovoltaic conversion. His current projects are \- New concepts for high efficiency solar energy conversion \- Advanced characterization of solar cells : luminescence imaging, interfaces \- Thin film solar cells: III-V, Chalcogenides, perovskites **Previous** CNRS Research Director at IRDEP (DR2: 2006-2014; DR1: 2016-2017); CNRS scientist at LECA UMR 7575, @ENSCP (1994-2003) and IRDEP, UMR 7174, @EDF R&D (2003-2005) **Cursus** Habilitation, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris 2003 PhD, Material Science, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris 1994 ENS Ulm, Physics ,1984 **Appointments** · Co-director of the National Priority Program on Advanced Technologies for Energy Systems (PEPR TASE) · IPVF, UMR CNRS-X-ENSCP-IPVF, Director (2018-) · Member of CNRS National Committee, Section 14 - Interfaces and Catalysis (2016-2021) · RCAST, The University of Tokyo, Visiting Professor (2015-2018) · Director of NextPV, Tokyo (Joint International Lab. U. Tokyo-CNRS, 2014 -) · Progress in Photovoltaics: R&A, Wiley, Editor (2014-) · Part-time Professor, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (2009-2014 and 2016-) · University of New South Wales, Sydney, Visiting Fellow (2005) · Member of CNRS National Committee, Section 14 - Interfaces and Catalysis (2000-2004) · Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, Feinberg Fellow (1994-1997) · Civil Service with CIMADE, legal assistance to political refugees (1986-1989) **Research Topics** · New systems for photovoltaic conversion (dye sensitized, nanostructures, up/down conversion, hot carriers, intermediate bands, perovskites …), with a focus on high efficiency concepts. · Discovery of compounds with potential interest for photovoltaic, using ab initio (esp. band structure) calculations · Developing techniques for solar cells material and device characterization, esp. based on electro/photoluminescence · Synthesis chalcogenide semiconductors and control of their electronic properties, investigation of chemical-electronic properties relationships of the chalcopyrite surfaces and interfaces · Studies of point defect, their chemical and electronic activity in compound semiconductors, experimental and *ab initio*. **Achievements** · Innovative schemes for improved photovoltaic energy conversion efficiency: Intermediate Bands solar cells (1995), Spin Photovoltaics (2009), mixed Thermoelectric/Photovoltaic effect (2002-), Up-conversion (2009), Hot Carrier solar cells (2005- ), micro- and nano-solar cells (2014), Ultrathin (<200nm) solar cells (2016). · Demonstrating a calibrated Hyperspectral Imager, that can accurately measure and image optically photovoltage in solar cells (2012), as well as other carrier transport properties (collection length, Seebeck coefficient, …) · Describing electronic self-stabilization mechanism in compound semiconductors (1999-2010) and in solar cells (1995) · First >10% solar cell based on electrodeposited CuInSe2 (2004). This success of the CISEL project contributed to the creation of the NEXCIS spin-off in 2009 (as a subsidiary of EDF) · Actively involved in the creation of IRDEP (Institute for Research and Development of Energy from Photovoltaic, in 2005), and in that of FedPV (a Federative Institute, in 2010), NextPV (an International joint Lab with the University of Tokyo, in 2012), IPVF (an Institute for Energy Transition, in 2012), as coordinator for High efficiency concepts in PV and project leader for the new IPVF UMR. · CNRS Bronze Medal (section 14), June 1999; several prizes at conferences, shared with co-authors from the group or from collaborating groups; 2016 Prize for Research in renewable energies from the DERBI competitiveness cluster; 2022: Ivan Peyches Prize of the French Academy of Sciences

Domaines de recherche

Chimie théorique et/ou physique Science des matériaux [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]



(In)GaP integration on Si for photonics and energy

Charles Cornet , O. Skibitzki , M. Bahri , Yanping Wang , Pierre Guillemé
European Materials Research Society - Fall Meeting 2015 (E-MRS 2015 Fall Meeting), Sep 2015, Warsaw, Poland
Communication dans un congrès hal-01497184v1