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Voter autrementCEPREMAP, 51, 140 p., 2019, Collection du CEPREMAP, 978-2-7288-0633-1
The Future of Economic Design: The Continuing Development of a Field as Envisioned by Its ResearchersWilliam S. Zwicker. Springer, 2019
The Future of Economic Design2019
Voting ExperimentsSpringer, 333 p., 2016, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-40573-5⟩
Experiments on the Reaction of Citizens to New Voting Rules: A SurveyThe Future of Digital Democracy, pp.14-23, 2019, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-05333-8_2⟩
Book sections
Strategic Voting in Multiwinner Elections with Approval Balloting: An Application to the 2011 Regional Government Election in ZurichLaura B. Stephenson; John H. Aldrich; André Blais. The Many Faces of Strategic Voting: Tactical Behavior in Electoral Systems Around th World, University of Michigan Press, pp.178-202, 2018
Book sections
Sincere Voting, Strategic Voting A Laboratory Experiment Using Alternative Proportional SystemsLaura B. Stephenson; John H. Aldrich; André Blais. The Many Faces of Strategic Voting: Tactical Behavior in Electoral Systems Around the World, University of Michigan Press, pp.203-231, 2018
Book sections
Sincere voting, strategic voting : A laboratory experiment using alternative proportional systemsJohn Aldrich; André Blais; Laura B. Stephenson. The Many Faces of Strategic Voting, Chapitre 10, The University of Michigan Press, pp.203-231, 2018, 978-0-472-13102-0. ⟨10.3998/mpub.9946117⟩
Book sections
Individual Behavior under Evaluative Voting. A comparison between laboratory and In Situ experimentsAndré Blais; Jean-François Laslier; Karine Van der Straeten. Voting experiments, Part IV, Springer, pp. 257-269, 2016, 978-3-319-40571-1 978-3-319-40573-5. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-40573-5_13⟩
Book sections
Electoral System and Number of Candidates: Candidate Entry under Plurality and Majority RunoffBlais, André and Laslier, Jean-François and Van Der Straeten, Karine. Voting Experiments, Springer International Publishing, pp.303--321, 2016, 978-3-319-40571-1
Book sections
Measuring Perceptions of Candidate Viability in Voting ExperimentsAndré Blais; Jean-François Laslier; Karine Van der Straeten. Voting Experiments, pp.287-302, 2016, 9783319405711. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-40573-5_15⟩
Book sections
Strategic voting in the laboratoryWolfgang J. Luhan; Bernhard Kittel; Rebecca B. Morton. Experimental Political Science, Routledge, pp.95 - 111, 2012, 9780230300859
Book sections
Evolutionary gamesJacques Lesourne; André Orléan; Bernard Walliser. Evolutionary Microeconomics, Springer, IX/296 p., 2006, 3-540-28536-9
Book sections
Mixed systems of representation might solve the proportionality/accountability dilemmaConference on Voting Theory and Aggregation, Oct 2023, Karlsruhe (Allemagne), Germany
Conference papers
Approval with RunoffThirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-22}, Jul 2022, Vienna, France. pp.230-236, ⟨10.24963/ijcai.2022/33⟩
Conference papers
How voters use grade scales in evaluative votingDutch Social Choice Colloquium, » Université Erasmus, Jun 2016, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Vote par approbation, vote par note : Une expérimentation in situ lors des élections présidentielles du 22 avril 2012Premier congrès national des MSH, MSH Caen, Dec 2012, Bayeux, France. pp.109-110
Conference papers
Le Référendum d’Initiative Citoyenne Délibératif2019
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Impact du mode de scrutin sur les résultats de l'élection présidentielle de 20122013
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Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility in Bargaining : Evidence from a Transcontinental Ultimatum Game2009, pp. 341-373
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Proportionnelle : le retourTerra Nova. 2023
La représentation politique comme délégation directe2017
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