Unequal homework: The hidden forces of social class contexts and parental self‐efficacy in shaping educational outcomes
Johanne Mzidabi
Sébastien Goudeau
Romain Delès
Nele Claes
Matthew J. Easterbrook
Journal of Social Issues, 2024, Special Issue: Society in the Classroom: Multilevel Perspectives on Socioeconomic Inequalities in Education, 80 (4), pp.1315-1344. ⟨10.1111/josi.12656⟩
Journal articles
Entrainer les stratégies de compréhension en lecture finalisée
Anna Potocki
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Yann Dyoniziak
Jean-François Rouet
Rééducation orthophonique, 2024
Journal articles
Reading for University or for Myself? Effects of Context and Beliefs about Science on College Students' Document Selection
Cornelia Schoor
Jean-François Rouet
Anne M. Britt
Journal articles
Disponibilité des textes sur les performances et stratégies de lecture à l’adolescence : quelle implication des fonctions exécutives ?
Anna Potocki
Marion Chatelier
Yann Dyoniziak
Jean Pylouster
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
A short teacher-led intervention using direct instruction enhances 5th graders' purposeful reading skills
Anna Potocki
Julie Ayroles
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Role of advanced theory of mind in teenagers’ evaluation of source information
Yann Dyoniziak
Anna Potocki
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Effects of context and discrepancy when reading multiple documents
Cornelia Schoor
Jean-François Rouet
M. Anne Britt
Journal articles
Les adolescents face aux défis de l'information numérique : une intervention pour promouvoir l'évaluation critique des sources
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Ana Pérez
Anna Potocki
Jean-François Rouet
Education & Formation, 2022, e-317, pp.69-79
Journal articles
Reading Contexts, Goals, and Decisions: Text Comprehension as a Situated Activity
M. Anne Britt
Amanda Durik
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
From simple agents to information sources: Readers' differential processing of story characters as a function of story consistency
Gaston Saux
Nicolas Vibert
Julien Dampuré
Debora Burin
M. Anne Britt
Journal articles
Readers' perceived task demands and their relation to multiple document comprehension strategies and outcome
Cornelia Schoor
Jean-François Rouet
Cordula Artelt
Nina Mahlow
Carolin Hahnel
Journal articles
Do you know what you are reading for? Exploring the effects of a task model enhancement on fifth graders' purposeful reading
Julie Ayroles
Anna Potocki
Christine Ros
Raquel Cerdán
M Anne Britt
Journal articles
Task Characteristics as Source of Difficulty and Moderators of the Effect of Time-on-Task in Digital Problem-Solving
Zsófia Vörös
Dániel Kehl
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Effects of Hypertext Structure, Navigation Support and Academic Exposure to Contents on Learning From Hypertext
Alvaro Jañez
Javier Rosales
Jean-François Rouet
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 2021, 30 (3), pp.257-282
Journal articles
The Role of Source Credibility in the Validation of Information Depends on the Degree of (Im-)Plausibility
Andreas Wertgen
Tobias Richter
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
La métacognition dans la recherche d’informations en lecture
Julie Ayroles
Anna Potocki
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Cahiers Pedagogiques, 2020
Journal articles
Inside Document Models: Role of Source Attributes in Readers’ Integration of Multiple Text Contents
Jean-François Rouet
Gaston Saux
Christine Ros
Mark Stadtler
N. Vibert
Journal articles
Are frequent users of social network sites good information evaluators? An investigation of adolescents’ sourcing abilities
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Ladislao Salmerón
Christine Ros
Ana Pérez
Marc Stadtler
Infancia y Aprendizaje, 2020, Special issue: How adolescents read and learn on the Web: Internal and external factors / Número especial: Cómo leen y aprenden los adolescentes en la red: factores internos y externos, 43 (1), pp.101-138. ⟨10.1080/02103702.2019.1690849⟩
Journal articles
De nombreux alpinistes ont gravi l’Everest
Julie Ayroles
Anna Potocki
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Les Cahiers Pédagogiques, 2020, pp.28-30
Journal articles
La lecture de documents multiples au collège : peut-on enseigner l'évaluation des sources d'informations ?
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Adolescents’ Developing Sensitivity to Orthographic and Semantic Cues During Visual Search for Words
Nicolas Vibert
Jason Braasch
Daniel Darles
Anna Potocki
Christine Ros
Journal articles
To answer questions from text, one has to understand what the question is asking: differential effects of question aids as a function of comprehension skill
R. Cerdán
A. Pérez
E. Vidal-Abarca
Jean-François F Rouet
Journal articles
The development of source evaluation skills during adolescence: exploring different levels of source processing and their relationships
Anna Potocki
Guillaume de Pereyra
Christine Ros
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Marc Stadtler
Journal articles
How Good Is This Page? Benefits and Limits of Prompting on Adolescents’ Evaluation of Web Information Quality
Mônica Macedo‐rouet
Anna Potocki
Lisa Scharrer
Christine Ros
Marc Stadtler
Journal articles
A Reasoned Approach to Dealing With Fake News
M. Anne Britt
Jean-François Rouet
Dylan Blaum
Keith Millis
Journal articles
Visual search for verbal material in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder
Fabiano Botta
Nicolas Vibert
Ghina Harika-Germaneau
Mickaël Frasca
François Rigalleau
Journal articles
Exploring fourth graders’ sourcing skills
Johanna Paul
Raquel Cerdán
Jean-François Rouet
Marc Stadtler
Journal articles
Fostering teenagers' assessment of information reliability: Effects of a classroom intervention focused on critical source dimensions
Ana Perez
Anna Potocki
Marc Stadtler
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Johanna Paul
Journal articles
Readers’ Selective Recall of Source Features as a Function of Claim Discrepancy and Task Demands
Gaston Saux
Christine Ros
M. Anne Britt
Marc Stadtler
Debora Burin
Journal articles
From reading comprehension to document literacy: learning to search for, evaluate and integrate information across texts
Jean-François Rouet
Anna Potocki
Journal articles
Relevance versus big numbers: Students’ criteria for selecting scholarly references online.
Jean-François Rouet
Ole Skov
Guillaume de Pereyra
Christine Ros
Ludovic Le Bigot
Journal articles
Comprensión lectora y representación de múltiples fuentes de información en estudiantes universitariosinfluencia de las discrepancias textuales sobre una tarea de producción de títulos y una tarea de reconocimiento de "quién dice qué"
Gaston Saux
Franco Londra
Natalia Irrazabal
Debora Burin
M. Anne Britt
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, 2018
Journal articles
Children’s Visual Scanning of Textual Documents: Effects of Document Organization, Search Goals, and Metatextual Knowledge
Anna Potocki
Christine Ros
Nicolas Vibert
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Why attend to source information when reading online? The perspective of ninth grade students from two different countries
Johanna Paul
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Marc Stadtler
Journal articles
Conflicting but close: Readers’ integration of information sources as a function of their disagreement
Gaston Saux
Anne Britt
Ludovic Le Bigot
Nicolas Vibert
Debora Burin
Journal articles
RESOLV: Readers' Representation of Reading Contexts and Tasks
Jean-François Rouet
M. Anne Britt
Amanda Durik
Journal articles
Erratum to: Improving vocational students’ consideration of source information when deciding about science controversies
Marc Stadtler
Lisa Scharrer
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Rainer Bromme
Journal articles
Whose story is this? Discrepancy triggers readers’ attention to source information in short narratives
Jean-François Rouet
Ludovic Le Bigot
Guillaume de Pereyra
M. Anne Britt
Journal articles
Multiple viewpoints increase students' attention to source features in social question and answer forum messages
Ladislao Salmerón
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2016, 67 (10), pp.2404-2419. ⟨10.1002/asi.23585⟩
Journal articles
Laypersons’ digital problem solving: Relationships between strategy and performance in a large-scale international survey
Zsofia Vörös
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Scientific Literacy: The Role of Goal-Directed Reading and Evaluation in Understanding Scientific Information
M. Anne Britt
Tobias Richter
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Task-dependent sensitisation of perceptual and semantic processing during visual search for words
Julien Dampuré
Christine Ros
Jean-François Rouet
Nicolas Vibert
Journal articles
Teaching Fourth and Fifth Graders to Evaluate Information Sources During Text Comprehension
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jason L.G. Braasch
M. Anne Britt
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Reader's memory for information sources in simple news stories: Effects of text and task features
Guillaume de Pereyra
M. Anne Britt
Jason Braasch
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
How Word Familiarity Facilitates Visual Search for Verbal Material
Julien Dampuré
Christine Ros
Jean-François Rouet
Nicolas Vibert
Journal articles
Incidental learning of links during navigation: the role of visuo-spatial capacity
Jean-François Rouet
Zsofia Vörös
Csaba Pléh
Journal articles
Orthographic versus Semantic Matching in Visual Search for Words within Lists
Laure Léger
Jean-François Rouet
Christine Ros
Nicolas Vibert
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale, 2012, 66 (1), pp.32--43. ⟨10.1037/a0026111⟩
Journal articles
Ce que l'usage d'internet nous apprend sur la lecture et son apprentissage
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Readers’ use of source information in text comprehension
Jason Braasch
Jean-François Rouet
Nicolas Vibert
M. Anne Britt
Journal articles
How do scientists select articles in the PubMed database? An empirical study of criteria and strategies
M. Macedo-Rouet
J.-F. Rouet
C. Ros
N. Vibert
Journal articles
Effect of high-level content organizers on hypertext learning
Zsofia Vörös
Jean-François Rouet
Csaba Pléh
Journal articles
c. Research challenges in the use of multiple documents
M. Anne Britt
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Vers l’ergonomie cognitive des outils numériques
Jean-François Rouet
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
L'école numérique, 2011, 10, pp.28-31
Journal articles
De la lecture à la compréhension de documents multiples : processus et difficultés
Jean-François Rouet
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Argos. La revue des BCD et CDI, 2011, 48, pp.13-16
Journal articles
TICE et maîtrise de la langue
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Réseaux Delay, 2011, 7, pp.B1-B2
Journal articles
The Role of Epistemic Beliefs in the Comprehension of Multiple Expository Texts: Toward an Integrated Model
Ivar Bråten
M. Anne Britt
Helge Strømsø
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
The influence of surface and deep cues on primary and secondary school students’ assessment of relevance in Web menus
Jean-François Rouet
Christine Ros
Antonine Goumi
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jérôme Dinet
Journal articles
L'entraînement des stratégies de compréhension en lecture : Apports des technologies numériques
Jean-François Rouet
Antonine Goumi
A.N.A.E. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant, 2010, 107-108, pp.191-198
Journal articles
Does textual feedback hinder spoken interaction in natural language?
Ludovic Le Bigot
Patrice Terrier
Eric Jamet
Valérie Botherel
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Effects of domain knowledge on reference search with the pubmed database: an experimental study
Nicolas Vibert
Christine Ros
Ludovic Le Bigot
Mélanie Ramond
Jérôme Gatefin
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2009, 60 (7), pp.1423-1147. ⟨10.1002/asi.21078⟩
Journal articles
Learning with new technologies: Help seeking and information searching revisited
Minna Puustinen
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Introduction to "Learning with ICT: New perspectives on help seeking and information searching"
Jean-François Rouet
Minna Puustinen
Journal articles
The acquisition of document search strategies in grade school students
Jean-François Rouet
Béatrice Coutelet
Journal articles
Summarizing digital documents: effects of alternate or simultaneous window display
Thierry Olive
Jean-François Rouet
Emmanuelle François
Virginie Zampa
Journal articles
Information problem solving instruction: some cognitive and metacognitive issues
Ard W. Lazonder
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
Effects of speech and text-based interaction modes in natural language human-computer dialogue
Ludovic Le Bigot
Jean-François Rouet
Eric Jamet
Journal articles
Effect of modality on collaboration with a dialogue system
Ludovic Le Bigot
Patrice Terrier
Virginie Amiel
Gérard Poulain
Eric Jamet
Journal articles
The use of online electronic information resources in scientific research
Nicolas Vibert
Jean-François Rouet
Christine Ros
M. Ramond
B. Deshoullieres
Journal articles
Mode and modal transfer effects on performance and discourse organization with an information retrieval dialogue system in natural language.
Ludovic Le Bigot
Eric Jamet
Jean-François Rouet
Journal articles
The role of content representations in hypermedia learning: effects of task and learner variables.
Rouet J.-F.
H. Potelle
A. Goumi
Journal articles
Chercher des informations dans les menus Web: interaction entre tâche, type de menu et variables individuelles.
Rouet J.-F.
C. Ros
G. Jégou
S. Metta
Journal articles
Vulgarisation scientifique: les revues en ligne
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Pierre Fayard
Isaac Epstein
Hermès, La Revue - Cognition, communication, politique, 2004, 39, pp.61-68. ⟨10.4267/2042/9464⟩
Journal articles
Effects of content representation and readers' prior knowledge on the comprehension of hypertext.
H. Potelle
Rouet J.-F.
Journal articles
Effects of online reading on popular science comprehension
Mônica Macedo-Rouet
Jean-François Rouet
Isaac Epstein
Pierre Fayard
Journal articles
Internet et enseignement de la médecine: forces et faiblesses de l'enseignement en ligne.
P. Menu
Cerisier J.-F.
Rouet J.-F.
Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 2003, 58 (5-6), pp.866-875. ⟨10.1007/BF03001535⟩
Journal articles
Internet and medical training strength and weaknesses of & e-learning evaluation and critical analysis of web sites
Paul Menu
François Marchessou
Jean-François Cerisier
Jean-François Rouet
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 2001, 58 (5-6), pp.866-875
Journal articles
Effects of Information Search Tasks on the Comprehension of Instructional Text
Jean-François Rouet
Eduardo Vidal-Abarca
Alain Bert Erboul
Victor Millogo
Journal articles
Des nouveaux outils au processus d'innovation pédagogique : qui est l'élève ?
Hugues Choplin
Véronique Dubois
Arnaud Galisson
Jean-François Rouet
Jean-Marc Evrard
Spirale - Revue de Recherches en Éducation , 2001, 28
Journal articles
Chercher de l'information dans un hypertexte : vers un modèle des processus cognitifs
Jean-François Rouet
André Tricot
Hypertextes et Hypermédias, 1998, hors série, pp.57-74
Journal articles
Recherche d'informations dans les systèmes hypertextes : des représentations de la tâche à un modèle de l'activité cognitive
Jean-François Rouet
André Tricot
Sciences et Techniques Educatives, 1995, 2 (3), pp.307-331
Journal articles
Recherche d'informations dans les systèmes hypertextes : des représentations de la tâche à un modèle de l'activité cognitive
Jean-François Rouet
André Tricot
Sciences et Techniques Educatives, 1995, 2 (3), pp.307-331
Journal articles
Naviguer sans se perdre : lecture et acquisition de connaissances à l'aide des hypertextes
Jean-François Rouet
Revue de l'EPI (Enseignement Public et Informatique), 1994, 73, pp.97-107
Journal articles