Arctic mixed-phase clouds simulated by the WRF model: Comparisons with ACLOUD radar and in situ airborne observations and sensitivity of microphysics properties
Diana Arteaga
Céline Planche
Frédéric Tridon
Régis Dupuy
Antoine Baudoux
Journal articles
Measurement Report: Bio-physicochemistry of tropical clouds at Maïdo (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean): overview of results from the BIO-MAÏDO campaign
Maud Leriche
Pierre Tulet
Laurent Deguillaume
Frédéric Burnet
Aurélie Colomb
Journal articles
VELVET: an enclosure vegetation system to measure BVOC emission fingerprints in temperate and tropical climates
Manon Rocco
Etienne Brugere
Olivier Magand
Agnès Borbon
Aurélie Colomb
Journal articles
Exploring size-dependent dynamics of photosynthetic cells in rainwater: the influence of atmospheric variables and rain characteristics
Fanny Noirmain
Jean-Luc Baray
Laurent Deguillaume
Joël van Baelen
Delphine Latour
Journal articles
Measurement report: Insights into the chemical composition and origin of molecular clusters and potential precursor molecules present in the free troposphere over the southern Indian Ocean: observations from the Maïdo Observatory (2150 m a.s.l., Réunion)
Romain Salignat
Matti Rissanen
Siddharth Iyer
Jean-Luc Baray
Pierre Tulet
Journal articles
Temporal variations of antimicrobial resistance genes in aerosols: A one-year monitoring at the puy de Dôme summit (Central France)
Florent Rossi
Caroline Duchaine
Romie Tignat-Perrier
Muriel Joly
Catherine Larose
Journal articles
Lidar ratio calculations from in situ aerosol optical, microphysical and chemical measurements: Observations at puy de Dôme, France and analysis with CALIOP
Kruthika Eswaran
Nadège Montoux
Aurélien Chauvigné
Jean-Luc Baray
Gérard Ancellet
Journal articles
Evaluation of Rain Estimates from Several Ground-Based Radar Networks and Satellite Products for Two Cases Observed over France in 2022
Antoine Causse
Céline Planche
Emmanuel Buisson
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Quantification of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in clouds at a mountain site (puy de Dôme, central France)
Florent Rossi
Raphaëlle Péguilhan
Nathalie Turgeon
Marc Veillette
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Modeling long‐distance seed dispersal of the invasive tree Spathodea campanulata in the Society Islands
Sébastien Larrue
Jean-Luc Baray
Julien Chadeyron
Jean-Yves Meyer
Lucas Mazal
Journal articles
Sea2Cloud: From Biogenic Emission Fluxes to Cloud Properties in the Southwest Pacific
Karine Sellegri
Mike Harvey
Maija Peltola
Alexia Saint-Macary
Theresa Barthelmeß
Journal articles
Original and Low-Cost ADS-B System to Fulfill Air Traffic Safety Obligations during High Power LIDAR Operation
Frédéric Peyrin
Patrick Fréville
Nadège Montoux
Jean-Luc Baray
Sensors, 2023, LiDAR Sensor Hardware, Algorithm Development and Its Application), 23 (6), pp.2899. ⟨10.3390/s23062899⟩
Journal articles
Le site instrumenté CO-PDD dédié à la surveillance de l'atmosphère
Jean-Luc Baray
Laurent Deguillaume
Journal articles
Evaluation of the Sources, Precursors, and Processing of Aerosols at a High-Altitude Tropical Site
Pamela Dominutti
Emmanuel Chevassus
Jean-Luc Baray
Jean-Luc Jaffrezo
Agnès Borbon
Journal articles
Interdisciplinary strategy to assess the impact of meteorological variables on the biochemical composition of the rain and the dynamics of a small eutrophic lake under rain forcing
Fanny Noirmain
Jean-Luc Baray
Frédéric Tridon
Philippe Cacault
Hermine Billard
Journal articles
High Resolution Dynamical Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Measurements During the BIO‐MAÏDO Field Campaign (Réunion Island, Indian Ocean)
Manon Rocco
Jean-Luc Baray
Aurélie Colomb
Agnès Borbon
Pamela Dominutti
Journal articles
Insights into tropical cloud chemistry in Réunion (Indian Ocean): results from the BIO-MAÏDO campaign
Pamela Dominutti
Pascal Renard
Mickaël Vaïtilingom
Angelica Bianco
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Free amino acid quantification in cloud water at the Puy de Dôme station (France)
Pascal Renard
Maxence Brissy
Florent Rossi
Martin Leremboure
Saly Jaber
Journal articles
Rainfalls sprinkle cloud bacterial diversity while scavenging biomass
Raphaëlle Péguilhan
Ludovic Besaury
Florent Rossi
François Enault
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation over France and Western Europe: 1980–2020 Climatology and Case Study
Benjamin Doiteau
Meredith Dournaux
Nadège Montoux
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Cézeaux-Aulnat-Opme-Puy De Dôme: a multi-site for the long-term survey of the tropospheric composition and climate change
Jean-Luc Baray
Laurent Deguillaume
Aurélie Colomb
Karine Sellegri
Evelyn Freney
Journal articles
Classification of Clouds Sampled at the Puy de Dôme Station (France) Based on Chemical Measurements and Air Mass History Matrices
Pascal Renard
Angelica Bianco
Jean-Luc Baray
Maxime Bridoux
Anne-Marie Delort
Journal articles
Analysis of volatile organic compounds during the OCTAVE campaign: sources and distributions of formaldehyde on Reunion Island
Manon Rocco
Aurélie Colomb
Jean-Luc Baray
Crist Amelynck
Bert Verreyken
Journal articles
Validation of the Water Vapor Profiles of the Raman Lidar at the Maïdo Observatory (Reunion Island) Calibrated with Global Navigation Satellite System Integrated Water Vapor
Hélène Vérèmes
Guillaume Payen
Philippe Keckhut
Valentin Duflot
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Cloud Occurrence Frequency at Puy de Dôme (France) Deduced from an Automatic Camera Image Analysis: Method, Validation, and Comparisons with Larger Scale Parameters
Jean-Luc Baray
Asmaou Bah
Philippe Cacault
Karine Sellegri
Jean-Marc Pichon
Journal articles
Chemical Characterization of Cloudwater Collected at Puy de Dôme by FT-ICR MS Reveals the Presence of SOA Components
Angelica Bianco
Matthieu Riva
Jean-Luc Baray
Mickaël Ribeiro
Nadine Chaumerliac
Journal articles
Space-Time Variability of the Rainfall over Sahel: Observation of a Latitudinal Sharp Transition of the Statistical Properties
Abdoulaye Sy
Christophe Duroure
Jean-Luc Baray
Yahya Gour
Joël van Baelen
Journal articles
Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Transport from Indian to Sahelian Regions
Abdoulaye Sy
Bouya Diop
Joël van Baelen
Christophe Duroure
Yahya Gour
Journal articles
Molecular Characterization of Cloud Water Samples Collected at the Puy de Dôme (France) by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Angelica Bianco
Laurent Deguillaume
Mickaël Vaitilingom
Edith Nicol
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Two-year operation of the lidar 1200: from fine-scale tropospheric structures to lower stratospheric water vapor detection
Hélène Vérèmes
Guillaume Payen
Philippe Keckhut
Valentin Duflot
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Long-Range Transport of Water Channelized through the Southern Subtropical Jet
Eliane Larroza
Philippe Keckhut
Jean-Luc Baray
Walter Nakaema
Hélène Vérèmes
Journal articles
Seasonal Variation of Aerosol Size Distribution Data at the Puy de Dôme Station with Emphasis on the Boundary Layer/Free Troposphere Segregation
Antoine Farah
Evelyn Freney
Aurélien Chauvigné
Jean-Luc Baray
Clémence Rose
Journal articles
Surface and Tropospheric Water Vapor Variability and Decadal Trends at Two Supersites of CO-PDD (Cézeaux and Puy de Dôme) in Central France
Dani Hadad
Jean-Luc Baray
Nadège Montoux
Joël van Baelen
Patrick Fréville
Journal articles
Case study and climatological analysis of upper tropospheric jet stream and stratosphere-troposphere exchanges using VHF profilers and radionuclide measurements in France
Jean-Luc Baray
Yves Pointin
Joël van Baelen
Marie Lothon
Bernard Campistron
Journal articles
Atmospheric Processing and Variability of Biological Ice Nucleating Particles in Precipitation at Opme, France
Glwadys Pouzet
Elodie Peghaire
Maxime Aguès
Jean-Luc Baray
Franz Conen
Journal articles
Tropospheric ozone profiles by DIAL at Maïdo Observatory (Reunion Island): system description, instrumental performance and result comparison with ozone external data set
Valentin Duflot
Jean-Luc Baray
Guillaume Payen
Nicolas Marquestaut
Françoise Posny
Journal articles
The influence of synoptic circulations and local processes on temperature anomalies at three French observatories.
Cheikh Dione
Fabienne Lohou
Marjolaine Chiriaco
Marie Lothon
Sophie Bastin
Journal articles
Multiple subtropical stratospheric intrusions over Reunion Island: Observational, Lagrangian, and Eulerian numerical modeling approaches
Hélène Vérèmes
Jean-Pierre Cammas
Jean-Luc Baray
Philippe Keckhut
Christelle Barthe
Journal articles
Ground-based assessment of the bias and long-term stability of 14 limb and occultation ozone profile data records
Daan Hubert
Jean-Christpher Lambert
Tiji Verhoelst
José Granville
Arno Keppens
Journal articles
Experimental Evidence of the Feeding of the Free Troposphere with Aerosol Particles from the Mixing Layer
Evelyn Freney
Karine Sellegri
Eija Asmi
Clémence Rose
Aurélien Chauvigné
Journal articles
Introduction to the Maïdo Lidar Calibration Campaign dedicated to the validation of upper air meteorological parameters
Philippe Keckhut
Yann Courcoux
Jean-Luc Baray
Jacques Porteneuve
Hélène Vérèmes
Journal articles
Water vapor observations up to the lower stratosphere through the Raman lidar during the Maïdo LIdar Calibration Campaign
Davide Dionisi
Philippe Keckhut
Yann Courcoux
Alain Hauchecorne
Jacques Porteneuve
Journal articles
LIDAR Developments at Clermont-Ferrand—France for Atmospheric Observation
Patrick Fréville
Nadège Montoux
Jean-Luc Baray
Aurélien Chauvigné
François Reveret
Journal articles
A decadal cirrus clouds climatology from ground-based and spaceborne lidars above the south of France (43.9° N-5.7° E)
Christophe Hoareau
Philippe Keckhut
V. Noel
H. Chepfer
Jean-Luc Baray
Journal articles
Maïdo observatory: a new high-altitude station facility at Reunion Island (21° S, 55° E) for long-term atmospheric remote sensing and in situ measurements
Jean-Luc Baray
Yann Courcoux
Philippe Keckhut
Thierry Portafaix
Pierre Tulet
Journal articles
One year ozonesonde measurements at Kerguelen Island (49.2°S, 70.1°E): Influence of stratosphere-to-troposphere exchange and long-range transport of biomass burning plumes
Jean-Luc Baray
Valentin Duflot
Françoise Posny
Jean-Pierre Cammas
Anne M. Thompson
Journal articles
A Raman lidar at La Reunion (20.8° S, 55.5° E) for monitoring water vapor and cirrus distributions in the subtropical upper troposphere: preliminary analyses and description of a future system
Christophe Hoareau
Philippe Keckhut
Jean-Luc Baray
Laurent Robert
Yann Courcoux
Journal articles
Marine and biomass burning aerosols in the southern Indian Ocean: Retrieval of aerosol optical properties from shipborne lidar and Sun photometer measurements
Valentin Duflot
P. Royer
P. Chazette
Jean-Luc Baray
Yann Courcoux
Journal articles
Analysis of the origin of the distribution of CO in the subtropical southern Indian Ocean in 2007
Valentin Duflot
B. Dils
Jean-Luc Baray
M. de Mazière
Jean-Luc Attié
Journal articles
Occurrence of monsoon depressions in the Southwest Indian Ocean: Synoptic descriptions and stratosphere to troposphere exchange investigations
Jean-Luc Baray
Gaëlle Clain
Matthieu Plu
Feld Elodie
Caroff Philippe
Journal articles
GOMOS ozone profile validation using ground-based and balloon sonde measurements
J. A. E. van Gijsel
D. P. J. Swart
Jean-Luc Baray
Hassan Bencherif
H. Claude
Journal articles
A lagrangian approach to analyse the tropospheric ozone climatology in the tropics: Climatology of stratosphere-troposphere exchange at Reunion Island
Gaëlle Clain
Jean-Luc Baray
Robert Delmas
Philippe Keckhut
Jean-Pierre Cammas
Journal articles
Methodology for water monitoring in the upper troposphere with Raman lidar at the Haute-Provence Observatory
Christophe Hoareau
Philippe Keckhut
Alain Sarkissian
Jean-Luc Baray
Georges Durry
Journal articles
Global validation of ENVISAT ozone profiles using lidar measurements
Joanna A. E. van Gijsel
Daan P. J. Swart
Jean-Luc Baray
H. Claude
T. Fehr
Journal articles
Tropospheric ozone climatology at two Southern Hemisphere tropical/subtropical sites, (Reunion Island and Irene, South Africa) from ozonesondes, LIDAR, and in situ aircraft measurements
Gaëlle Clain
Jean-Luc Baray
Robert Delmas
R. Diab
Jimmy Leclair de Bellevue
Journal articles
Technical Note: New ground-based FTIR measurements at Ile de La Réunion: observations, error analysis, and comparisons with independent data
C. Senten
M. de Mazière
B. Dils
C. Hermans
M. Kruglanski
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2008, 8 (1), pp.827-891
Journal articles
Tropospheric ozone climatology at two southern subtropical sites, (Reunion Island and Irene, South Africa) from ozone sondes, LIDAR, aircraft and in situ measurements
Gaëlle Clain
Jean-Luc Baray
Robert Delmas
R. Diab
Jimmy Leclair de Bellevue
Journal articles
Technical Note: New ground-based FTIR measurements at Ile de La Réunion: observations, error analysis, and comparisons with independent data
C. Senten
M. de Mazière
B. Dils
C. Hermans
M. Kruglanski
Journal articles
Retrieval of stratospheric and tropospheric BrO columns from multi-axis DOAS measurements at Reunion Island (21° S, 56° E)
N. Theys
M. van Roozendael
F. Hendrick
C. Fayt
C. Hermans
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2007, 7 (3), pp.8261-8308
Journal articles
Retrieval of stratospheric and tropospheric BrO columns from multi-axis DOAS measurements at Reunion Island (21° S, 56° E)
N. Theys
M. van Roozendael
F. Hendrick
C. Fayt
C. Hermans
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2007, 7 (18), pp.4749
Journal articles
Simulations of stratospheric to tropospheric transport during the tropical cyclone Marlene event
Jimmy Leclair de Bellevue
Jean-Luc Baray
Serge Baldy
Gérard Ancellet
R. Diab
Journal articles
Signatures of stratosphere to troposphere transport near deep convective events in the southern subtropics
Jimmy Leclair de Bellevue
Anne Réchou
Jean-Luc Baray
Gérard Ancellet
R.-D. Diab
Journal articles
Tropopause characteristics over a southern subtropical site, Reunion Island (21°S, 55°E): Using radiosonde-ozonesonde data
Venkataraman Sivakumar
Jean-Luc Baray
Serge Baldy
Hassan Bencherif
Journal articles
An instrumented station for the survey of ozone and climate change in the southern tropics
Jean-Luc Baray
Jean Leveau
Serge Baldy
Jean Jouzel
Philippe Keckhut
Journal articles
Rayleigh lidar observation of a warm stratopause over a tropical site, Gadanki (13.5° N; 79.2° E)
Venkataraman Sivakumar
Béatrice Morel
Hassan Bencherif
Jean-Luc Baray
Serge Baldy
Journal articles
LIDAR observations of lower stratospheric aerosols over South Africa linked to large scale transport across the southern subtropical barrier
Hassan Bencherif
Thierry Portafaix
Jean-Luc Baray
Béatrice Morel
Serge Baldy
Journal articles
Dynamical study of a tropical cut-off low over South Africa, and its impact on tropospheric ozone.
Jean-Luc Baray
Serge Baldy
R.-D. Diab
Jean-Pierre Cammas
Journal articles
Investigation of the short-time variability of tropical tropospheric ozone
Tantely Randriambelo
Jean-Luc Baray
Serge Baldy
A. M. Thompson
S. Oltmans
Journal articles
Planetary-scale tropopause folds in the southern subtropics
Jean-Luc Baray
V. Daniel
Gérard Ancellet
Bernard Legras
Journal articles
Subtropical tropopause break as a possible stratospheric source of ozone in the tropical troposphere
Jean-Luc Baray
Gérard Ancellet
F. G. Taupin
Miloud Bessafi
Serge Baldy
Journal articles