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Jean-Luc Jung



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Maritime transportation: Let's slow down a bit

Maxime Sèbe , Pierre Scemama , Anne Choquet , Jean-Luc Jung , Aldo Chircop
Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 811, ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152262⟩
Journal articles hal-03511933v1
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Pairing AIS data and underwater topography to assess maritime traffic pressures on cetaceans: Case study in the Guadeloupean waters of the Agoa sanctuary

Bénédicte Madon , Damien Le Guyader , Jean-Luc Jung , Benjamin de Montgolfier , Pascal-Jean Lopez
Marine Policy, 2022, 143, pp.105160. ⟨10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105160⟩
Journal articles hal-03702812v1
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Long distance runners in the marine realm: New insights into genetic diversity, kin relationships and social fidelity of Indian Ocean male sperm whales

Justine Girardet , Francois Sarano , Gaëtan Richard , Paul Tixier , Christophe Guinet
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9, pp.815564. ⟨10.3389/fmars.2022.815684⟩
Journal articles hal-03358201v1

Long Distance Runners in the Marine Realm: New Insights Into Genetic Diversity, Kin Relationships and Social Fidelity of Indian Ocean Male Sperm Whales

Justine Girardet , Francois Sarano , Gaëtan Richard , Paul Tixier , Christophe Guinet
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9, ⟨10.3389/fmars.2022.815684⟩
Journal articles hal-03950901v1

In the wake of marine mammals

Jean-Luc Jung , Pendleton Linwood
Vigilife Magazine, 2021
Journal articles hal-03358221v1
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Kakila database: Towards a FAIR community approved database of cetacean presence in the waters of the Guadeloupe Archipelago, based on citizen science

Lorraine Coché , Elie Arnaud , Laurent Bouveret , Romain David , Eric Foulquier
Biodiversity Data Journal, 2021, 9, ⟨10.3897/bdj.9.e69022⟩
Journal articles hal-03299950v1
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Kin relationships in cultural species of the marine realm: case study of a matrilineal social group of sperm whales off Mauritius island, Indian Ocean

Francois Sarano , Justine Girardet , Véronique Sarano , Hugues Vitry , Axel Preud'Homme
Royal Society Open Science, 2021, 8 (2), pp.201794. ⟨10.1098/rsos.201794⟩
Journal articles hal-03137045v1

Persistence, bioaccumulation and vertical transfer of pollutants in long-finned pilot whales stranded in Chilean Patagonia

Ana Garcia-Cegarra , Jean-Luc Jung , Rodrigo Orrego , Janeide de A. Padilha , Olaf Malm
Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 770, pp.145259. ⟨10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145259⟩
Journal articles hal-03137002v1
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Kin relationships in cultural species of the marine realm: case study of a matrilineal social group of sperm whales off Mauritius island, Indian Ocean

Francois Sarano , Justine Girardet , Véronique Sarano , Hugues Vitry , Axel Preud'Homme
Royal Society Open Science, 2021, 8 (2), pp.201794. ⟨10.1098/rsos.201794⟩
Journal articles hal-04510540v1

Characterization of 25 new microsatellite markers for the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and cross-species amplification in other cetaceans

Céline Tardy , Serge Planes , Jean-Luc Jung , Denis Ody , Emilie Boissin
Molecular Biology Reports, 2020, ⟨10.1007/s11033-020-05757-0⟩
Journal articles hal-02967323v1

Comparative anatomical study of sound production and reception systems in the common dolphin ( Delphinus delphis ) and the harbour porpoise ( Phocoena phocoena ) heads

M. Arribart , J. Ognard , C. Tavernier , Y. Richaudeau , C. Guintard
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 2018, 47 (1), pp.3-10. ⟨10.1111/ahe.12305⟩
Journal articles hal-02967813v1

On the Recommended Vernacular Names of Mesoplodon peruvianus Reyes, Mead & Van Waerebeek, 1991 (Cetacea, Ziphiidae) in Several World Languages

Koen Van Waerebeek , Julio Reyes , Eduardo Secchi , Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto , Fernando Felix
Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography, 2018, 07 (04), ⟨10.4172/2324-8661.1000195⟩
Journal articles hal-02967806v1

Cultural Transmission of Fine-Scale Fidelity to Feeding Sites May Shape Humpback Whale Genetic Diversity in Russian Pacific Waters

Gaëtan Richard , Olga Titova , Ivan Fedutin , Debbie Steel , Ilya Meschersky
Journal of Heredity, 2018, 109 (7), pp.724-734. ⟨10.1093/jhered/esy033⟩
Journal articles hal-01878619v1

Moulage des sacs nasaux d’un dauphin commun adulte (Delphinus delphis, L. 1758) [Cétacés, Delphinidés].

Marion Arribart , Thierry Boisgard , Jean-Luc Jung , Willy Dabin , Claude Guintard
Cahiers d'Anatomie Comparée, 2017, 9, pp.21-35
Journal articles hal-02967939v1

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Adipose Tissues in the Head of a Common Dolphin ( Delphinus delphis ): Structure Identification and Influence of a Freezing-Thawing Cycle

M. Arribart , J. Ognard , C. Guintard , F. Domergue , S. Hassani
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 2017, 46 (2), pp.204-212. ⟨10.1111/ahe.12258⟩
Journal articles hal-02967835v1

Mitochondrial DNA reveals historical maternal lineages and a postglacial expansion of the grey seal in European waters

C Decker , S Hassani , Md Jezequel , C Rault , C Dumas
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2017, 566, pp.217-227. ⟨10.3354/meps12003⟩
Journal articles hal-02967829v1
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Qualitative and quantitative study of the highly specialized lipid tissues of cetaceans using HR-MAS NMR and classical GC

Jean-Luc Jung , Gaëlle Simon , Eric Alfonsi , Didier Thoraval , Nelly Kervarec
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (7), pp.e0180597. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0180597⟩
Journal articles hal-02967817v1

Genetic structure of the beaked whale genus Berardius in the North Pacific, with genetic evidence for a new species

Phillip A. Morin , Scott C. Baker , Reid S. Brewer , Alexander M. Burdin , Merel L. Dalebout
Marine Mammal Science, 2016, 33 (1), pp.96-111. ⟨10.1111/mms.12345⟩
Journal articles hal-01363951v1
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Satellite telemetry of humpback whales off Madagascar reveals insights on breeding behavior and long-range movements within the southwest Indian Ocean

Salvatore Cerchio , Laurène Trudelle , Alexandre N. Zerbini , Jean-Benoit Charrassin , Ygor Geyer
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2016, 562, pp.193 - 209. ⟨10.3354/meps11951⟩
Journal articles hal-01497122v1
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Influence of environmental parameters on movements and habitat utilization of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) in the Madagascar breeding ground

Laurène Trudelle , Salvatore Cerchio , Alexandre N. Zerbini , Ygor Geyer , François-Xavier Mayer
Royal Society Open Science, 2016, 3 (12), pp.160616. ⟨10.1098/rsos.160616⟩
Journal articles hal-01449123v1

DNA barcoding to monitor the biodiversity of marine mammals: species identification along the French and Mauritanian Atlantic coasts, and diet analysis.

Jean-Luc Jung
Genome, 2015, 58 (5), pp.234
Journal articles hal-02967977v1

Monitoring Large Marine Vertebrates Through DNA Barcoding

Wim C Mullié , Oumar Ba , Frédéric Marret , Moulaye Mohamed Wagne , Abdellahi Samba Ould Bilal
Barcode Bulletin , 2015
Journal articles hal-02967887v1

Analyzing Marine Predator Diets of the Iroise Sea

Jean-Luc Jung , Sami Hassani
Barcode Bulletin , 2015
Journal articles hal-02967900v1

Omura's whale off West Africa: autochthonous population or inter-oceanic vagrant in the Atlantic Ocean?

Jean-Luc Jung , Wim C Mullié , Koen van Waerebeek , Moulaye Mohamed Wagne , Abdellahi Samba Ould Bilal
Marine Biology Research, 2015, 12 (1), pp.66-75. ⟨10.1080/17451000.2015.1084424⟩
Journal articles hal-01972594v1

Anatomie comparée de l’oreille en scanner et des voies de l’audition en IRM chez le marsouin commun

J. Ognard , E. Alfonsi , J.-L. Jung , S. Hassani , P. Meriot
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2014, 41 (1), pp.40-41. ⟨10.1016/j.neurad.2014.01.116⟩
Journal articles hal-02967982v1

DNA barcoding for the identification of soft remains of prey in the stomach contents of grey seals ( Halichoerus grypus ) and harbour porpoises ( Phocoena phocoena )

Eléonore Méheust , Eric Alfonsi , Patrick Le Ménec , Sami Hassani , Jean-Luc Jung
Marine Biology Research, 2014, 11 (4), pp.385-395. ⟨10.1080/17451000.2014.943240⟩
Journal articles hal-02967877v1

Is there a volume–outcome relationship for partial nephrectomy?

J. Couapel , K. Bensalah , J. Bernhard , G. Pignot , L. Zini
World Journal of Urology, 2014, 32 (5), pp.1323 - 1329. ⟨10.1007/s00345-013-1213-1⟩
Journal articles hal-01727379v1

Isolation of CD34+ cells from peripheral blood and bone marrow of Tursiops truncatus

Hymery Nolwenn , Eric Alfonsi , Christophe Jamin , Dumas Christine , Chambon Thierry
Marine Mammal Science, 2013, 29 (1), pp.195-203. ⟨10.1111/j.1748-7692.2011.00540.x⟩
Journal articles hal-00801726v1
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The use of DNA barcoding to monitor the marine mammal biodiversity along the French Atlantic coast

Eric Alfonsi , Eleonore Méheust , Sandra Fuchs , François-Gilles Carpentier , Yann Quillivic
Zookeys, 2013, 365 (Special Issue), pp.5-24. ⟨10.3897/zookeys.365.5873⟩
Journal articles hal-00922964v1
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A European Melting Pot of Harbour Porpoise in the French Atlantic Coasts Inferred from Mitochondrial and Nuclear Data

Eric Alfonsi , Sami Hassani , François-Gilles Carpentier , Jean-Yves Le Clec'H , Willy Dabin
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (9), pp.e44425. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0044425.t001⟩
Journal articles hal-01066281v1

T-2 toxin inhibits the differentiation of human monocytes into dendritic cells and macrophages

N. Hymery , K. Léon , F.-G. Carpentier , J.-L. Jung , D. Parent-Massin
Toxicology in Vitro, 2009, 23 (3), pp.509-519. ⟨10.1016/j.tiv.2009.01.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02967985v1

Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in north-western France: aerial survey, opportunistic sightings and strandings monitoring

Jean-Luc Jung , Eric Stephan , Marie Louis , Eric Alfonsi , Céline Liret
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 2009, 89 (05), pp.1045-1050. ⟨10.1017/S0025315409000307⟩
Journal articles hal-01072192v1

Amplification de séquences inter-microsatellitaires et empreintes génétiques chez les végétaux

Jean-Luc Jung
Regards sur la biochimie, 1998, 1, pp.13-19
Journal articles hal-02967990v1

Kakila « qui est la ? » - Base de données d'observation de cétacés dans l'archipel Guadeloupéen

Jean-Luc Jung , Laurent Bouveret , Iwan Le Berre , Lorraine Coché , Bénédicte Madon
Séminaire Scientifique du Pôle National de Données de la Biodiversité : Méta{données} Biodiversité, PNDB, Nov 2023, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-04525250v1

Présence et répartition des mammifères marins dans l’espace maritime des Antilles françaises : données issues de la science participative et d’analyses d’ADN

J.-L. Jung
Séminaire annuel de l’Observatoire Hommes-Milieux Littoral Caraïbe, Mar 2022, Pointe-à-Pitre, France
Conference papers hal-04638037v1

Baleines et dauphins : des belles espèces sentinelles à étudier dans le cadre d'un OHM littoral, mais d'un abord bien complexe

Jean-Luc Jung , Iwan Le Berre , Lorraine Coché , Bénédicte Madon , Eric Foulquier
International Symposium of Labex DRIIHM 2021, Labex DRIIHM; CNRS InEE, Sep 2021, Toulouse, France. ⟨10.34972/driihm-dab5a4⟩
Conference papers hal-03353044v1
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Study of behaviours and emitted codas during sperm whales social interactions

Olivier Adam , Adrien Yernaux , Marie Sauvêtre , Justine Ngosso , Gregory Nuel
e-Forum Acusticum 2020, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.3225-3227, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.1088⟩
Conference papers hal-03230838v1

Suivi de la biodiversité des mammifères marins en Bretagne par l'analyse de l'ADN dans le cadre du Réseau National Echouage. Bilans, nouvelles perspectives, et transposition à l'écosystème particulièrement riche des côtes de la Mauritanie

Jean-Luc Jung
XVIème séminaire du RNE (Réseau National Echouages), Sep 2014, Dunkerque, France
Conference papers hal-01070328v1


Jean Luc Jung , Eric Alfonsi , A. Toulot , Grégory Simon , S. Hassani
ClimECO2 International Summer School - Oceans, Marine Ecosystems, and Society facing Climate Change, Aug 2010, Brest, France
Conference papers hal-00502648v1
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Success stories of FAIR data publication on behalf of the ANR SO-DRIIHM Open Science project

Emilie Lerigoleur , Laurent Bouveret , Ablaye Diop , Jean-Luc Jung , Iwan Le Berre
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM 2023, Jun 2023, Strasbourg, France. , 2023, ⟨10.34972/driihm-a7445b⟩
Conference poster hal-04128197v1
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Shipping and environmental pressure: Ship-whale interactions off the Guadeloupe archipelago

Jean-Luc Jung , Iwan Le Berre , Bénédicte Madon , Laurent Bouveret , Benjamin de Montgolfier
International Symposium of LabEx DRIIHM 2022, Jun 2022, Nantes, France. , 2022
Conference poster hal-03704048v1
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Data dictionary cookbook for research data and software interoperability at global scale

Romain David , Laurent Bouveret , Lorraine Coché , Pedro Pizzigatti Corrêa , Rorie Edmunds
Research Data Alliance Plenary 17 (RDA P17), Apr 2021, Edinburg (virtual), United Kingdom. , Research Data Alliance Plenary 17 (RDA P17), Edinburg, remotely, 20-22 april 2021 (Session poster session), 2021, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.4683066⟩
Conference poster hal-03214743v1

Protection des mammifères marins face aux activités humaines et nouvelles connaissances issues des études de l’ADN

Jean-Luc Jung , Benedicte Madon
Actes du colloque « Le transport maritime et la protection de la biodiversité », Brest, 12 et 13 décembre 2019. Nicolas Boillet & Betty Queffelec Eds, Edition Pedone, Paris France, 2021
Book sections hal-03358250v1
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L’ADN pour observer les mammifères marins, sentinelles d’un milieu qui change.Editeur Association Dirac. ISBN-13: 979-1095209027

Jean-Luc Jung
Cétacés, Nouvelles connaissances issues de la recherche française, Association Dirac, 2017, ISBN-13: 979-1095209027
Book sections hal-02967925v1

L’ADN pour observer les mammifères marins, sentinelles d’un milieu qui change

Jean-Luc Jung
Cétacés, Nouvelles connaissances issues de la recherche française, 2017, 13: 979-1095209027
Book sections hal-04050641v1

Rorqual d'Omura, Balaenoptera omurai (Wada, Oishi & Yamada, 2003)

Jean-Luc Jung
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris ; IRD, Marseille. Atlas des Mammifères sauvages de France volume 1 : Mammifères marins, 2016
Book sections hal-02967952v1
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Approches moléculaires pour l'étude de la biodiversité des mammifères marins

Jean-Luc Jung
Systématique, phylogénie et taxonomie. Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 2017
Habilitation à diriger des recherches tel-04037362v1