Hybrid FPGA–CPU-Based Architecture for Object Recognition in Visual Servoing of Arm Prosthesis
Attila Fejér
Zoltán Nagy
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Péter Szolgay
Aymar de Rugy
Journal articles
Perceptually-guided deep neural networks for ego-action prediction: Object grasping
Iván González-Díaz
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Daniel Cattaert
Aymar de Rugy
Journal articles
New methods for the geometrical analysis of tubular organs
Florent Grélard
Fabien Baldacci
Anne Vialard
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Journal articles
Saliency Driven Object recognition in egocentric videos with deep CNN: toward application in assistance to Neuroprostheses
Philippe Pérez de San Roman
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Florent Paclet
Daniel Cattaert
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2017
Journal articles
Geometrical cues in visual saliency models for active object recognition in egocentric videos
Vincent Buso
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Journal articles
Quality evaluation of degraded document images for binarization result prediction
Vincent Rabeux
Nicholas Journet
Anne Vialard
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Journal articles
Reconnaissance et extraction de documents. Une application industrielle à la détection de documents semi-structurés
Olivier Augereau
Nicholas Journet
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Document numérique - Revue des sciences et technologies de l'information. Série Document numérique, 2013, 16 (2), pp.91-118
Journal articles
Propagation Beam Consideration for 3D THz Computed Tomography
Benoît Recur
Jean-Paul Guillet
Inka Manek-Hönninger
Jean-Christophe Delagnes
William Benharbone
Journal articles
Terahertz radiation for tomographic inspection
Benoît Recur
Jean Paul Guillet
Léna Bassel
Carole Fragnol
Inka Manek-Hönninger
Journal articles
Segmentation-based multi-class semantic object detection
Remi Vieux
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Achille Braquelaire
Journal articles
Local object-based super-resolution mosaicing from low-resolution video
Petra Krämer
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Signal Processing, 2011, 91 (8), pp.1771-1780
Journal articles
Noise Robust Mojette Reconstructions for Missing Wedge Effect Attenuation
Benoît Recur
Pascal Desbarats
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies, 2010, 1 (4), pp.208-227
Journal articles
Scalable Object-based Video Retrieval in HD Video DataBases
Claire Morand
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Joaquin Zepeda
Ewa Kijak
Journal articles
A heuristic for the retrieval of objects in video in the framework of the rough indexing paradigm
Maylis Delest
Fanny Chevalier
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2007, 22, pp.622--634
Journal articles
Super-Resolution Mosaicing from MPEG Compressed Video
P. Kraemer
O. Hadar
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2007, pp.I - 893-6
Journal articles
Retrieval of objects in video by similarity based on graph matching
Fanny Chevalier
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Maylis Delest
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2007, 28, pp.939--949
Journal articles
Efficient drawing and comparison of RNA secondary structure
David Auber
Maylis Delest
Serge Dulucq
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 2006, 10, pp.329-351
Journal articles
Scene Similarity Measure for Video Content Segmentation in the Framework of a Rough Indexing Paradigm
P. Kraemer
Jenny Benois-Pineau
Jean-Philippe Domenger
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2006, 21, pp.765-783
Journal articles
Incremental modifications of segmented image defined by discrete maps
L . Brun
Jean-Philippe Domenger
M. Mokhtari
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2003, pp.251--290
Journal articles
Representation of segmented images with discrete geometric maps
Achille Braquelaire
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Image and Vision Computing, 1998, 17, pp.715-735
Journal articles
Geometrical, topological and hierarchical structuring of overlapping 2-d discrete objects.
Achille Braquelaire
Jean-Philippe Domenger
Computers and Graphics, 1997, 21 (5), pp.513-522
Journal articles