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Jean-Philippe Guillet





Two-loop scalar functions with I internal lines, $I \le 5$

J.P. Guillet , E. Pilon , Y. Shimizu , M.S. Zidi
PTEP, 2021, 2021 (8), pp.083B05. ⟨10.1093/ptep/ptab093⟩
Journal articles hal-03178519v1

Framework for a novel mixed analytical/numerical approach for the computation of two-loop $N$-point Feynman diagrams

J. Ph. Guillet , E. Pilon , Y. Shimizu , M.S. Zidi
PTEP, 2020, 2020 (4), pp.043B01. ⟨10.1093/ptep/ptaa020⟩
Journal articles hal-02148262v1

A novel approach to the computation of one-loop three- and four-point functions. I -- The real mass case

J.Ph. Guillet , E. Pilon , Y. Shimizu , M.S. Zidi
PTEP, 2019, 2019 (11), ⟨10.1093/ptep/ptz114⟩
Journal articles hal-01937733v1

Tools for NLO automation: extension of the golem95C integral library

J.-Ph. Guillet , G. Heinrich , J. F. von Soden-Fraunhofen
Computer Physics Communications, 2014, 185 (6), pp.1828-1834. ⟨10.1016/j.cpc.2014.03.009⟩
Journal articles hal-00989979v1

Probing fragmentation functions from same-side hadron-jet momentum correlations in p-p collisions

F. Arleo , M. Fontannaz , J.-Ph. Guillet , Chi Linh Nguyen
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014, 1404, pp.147. ⟨10.1007/JHEP04(2014)147⟩
Journal articles hal-00917796v1

Isolating Prompt Photons with Narrow Cones

Stefano Catani , Michel Fontannaz , Jean-Philippe Guillet , Eric Pilon
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, 9, pp.007. ⟨10.1007/JHEP09(2013)007⟩
Journal articles hal-00839471v1

Stable One-Dimensional Integral Representations of One-Loop N-Point Functions in the General Massive Case: I - Three Point Functions

J. Ph. Guillet , E. Pilon , M. Rodgers , M. S. Zidi
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, 11, pp.154. ⟨10.1007/JHEP11(2013)154⟩
Journal articles hal-00874128v1

Golem95C: A library for one-loop integrals with complex masses

G. Cullen , J. -Ph. Guillet , G. Heinrich , T. Kleinschmidt , E. Pilon
Computer Physics Communications, 2011, 182 (10), pp.2276-2284. ⟨10.1016/j.cpc.2011.05.015⟩
Journal articles hal-00705940v1

Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to pp --> b b_bar b b_bar + X at the LHC: the quark induced case

T. Binoth , N. Greiner , A. Guffanti , J. -Ph. Guillet , T. Reiter
Physics Letters B, 2010, 685, pp.293
Journal articles hal-00542189v1

Photon - Jet Correlations and Constraints on Fragmentation Functions

Z. Belghobsi , M. Fontannaz , J. -Ph. Guillet , G. Heinrich , E. Pilon
Physical Review D, 2009, 79, pp.114024
Journal articles hal-00372636v1

Golem95: a numerical program to calculate one-loop tensor integrals with up to six external legs

T. Binoth , J. -Ph. Guillet , G. Heinrich , E. Pilon , T. Reiter
Computer Physics Communications, 2009, 180, pp.2317
Journal articles hal-00350472v1

Algebraic evaluation of rational polynomials in one-loop amplitudes

T. Binoth , J. Ph. Guillet , G. Heinrich
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007, 02, pp.013
Journal articles hal-00353164v1
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A new critical study of photon production in hadronic collisions

Patrick Aurenche , Michel Fontannaz , Jean-Philippe Guillet , Eric Pilon , Monique Werlen
Physical Review D, 2006, 73, pp.094007. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevD.73.094007⟩
Journal articles hal-00019044v2

New NLO Parametrizations of the Parton Distributions in Real Photons

P. Aurenche , M. Fontannaz , J. Ph. Guillet
European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 2005, 44, pp.395-409
Journal articles hal-00004599v1

A compact representation of the 2 photon 3 gluon amplitude

T. Binoth , J. Ph. Guillet , F. Mahmoudi
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004, 0402, pp.057
Journal articles hal-00353173v1

Photon tagged correlations in heavy ion collisions

Francois Arleo , Patrick Aurenche , Zouina Belghobsi , Jean-Philippe Guillet
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004, 0411, pp.009
Journal articles hal-00004123v1

Cross section of isolated prompt photons in hadron-hadron collisions

S. Catani , M. Fontannaz , J. Ph. Guillet , E. Pilon
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002, 0205, pp.028
Journal articles hal-00133631v1

Towards an efficient method to compute two-loop scalar amplitudes

J.Ph. Guillet , E. Pilon , Y. Shimizu , M.S. Zidi
19th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, Mar 2019, Saas-Fee, Switzerland. pp.012016, ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1525/1/012016⟩
Conference papers hal-02905199v1

A novel method to compute one loop 4 point functions

J.Ph. Guillet , E. Pilon , S. Zidi
4th Computational Particle Physics Workshop, Oct 2016, Tsukuba, Japan. pp.012001, ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/920/1/012001⟩
Conference papers hal-01645824v1

The SM and NLO Multileg and SM MC Working Groups: Summary Report

J. Alcaraz Maestre , S. Alioli , J. R. Andersen , R. D. Ball , A. Buckley
7th Les Houches Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, May 2011, Les Houches, France
Conference papers hal-00684456v1

NLO Cross Sections for the LHC using GOLEM: Status and Prospects

Thomas Binoth , Gavin Cullen , Nicolas Greiner , Alberto Guffanti , Jean-Philippe Guillet
9th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR 2009), Oct 2009, Ascona, Switzerland. pp.PoS RADCOR2009:026,2010
Conference papers hal-00612868v1

New one-loop techniques and first applications to LHC phenomenology

T. Binoth , A. Guffanti , J. -Ph. Guillet , S. Karg , N. Kauer
Eisenach 2006, Elementary particle theory, May 2006, Germany. pp.61-65
Conference papers hal-00353168v1

Les Houches "Physics at Tev Colliders 2003" QCD/SM Working Group: Summary Report

M. Dobbs , S. Frixione , E. Laenen , A. de Roeck , K. Tollefson
3rd Les Houches Workshop: Physics at TeV Colliders, 2004, Les Houches, France. pp.291
Conference papers hal-00003519v1

The QCD/SM working group: summary report

S. Alekhin , C. Balazs , R. Ball , T. Binoth , E. Boos
Workshop Physics at TeV Colliders, May 2001, Les Houches, France. pp.275-426
Conference papers in2p3-00024277v1

$\Gamma-\Gamma$ Physics at LEP2

P. Aurenche , G.A. Schuler , A. Bawa , E. Boudinov , A. Buijs
Workshop on Physics at LEP2, 1995, Geneva, Switzerland. pp.291-348
Conference papers in2p3-00192302v1
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QED, QCD en pratique

P. Aurenche , J.-Ph Guillet , E. Pilon
3ème cycle. Beyrout, Liban. 2016
Lectures cel-01440544v2