Assessing the ecological effects of low-intensity marine aggregate extraction in a strong-hydrodynamic, coarse environment context: A case study of the GIE GMO site (English channel)
Nathan Chauvel
Aurore Raoux
Pierre Weill
Laurent Dezileau
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
Multi-scale patterns in the structure of fish and fouling communities associated with seaweeds in marinas
Jean‐charles Leclerc
Maéva Gonzalez
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Romain Crec'Hriou
Journal articles
Sediment grain size and benthic community structure in the eastern English Channel: species-dependent responses and environmental influence
Nathan Chauvel
Aurore Raoux
Pierre Weill
Laurent Dezileau
Anne Murat
Journal articles
First observation of the non-indigenous mysid Neomysis americana (S.I. Smith, 1873) in the Loire estuary
Gabin Droual
Romain Lecuyer
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
Sediment Types with Alternation of Sandy and Rocky Shores Influence the Distribution of Clams in an Area Characterized by High-Energy Hydrodynamic Conditions
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Olivier Basuyaux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
Trophic Modelling, a Key Framework to Provide Adapted Metrics to Feedback Ecological Performance of Artificial Structures
Aurore Raoux
Jessica Salaün
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Baptiste Vivier
Maxime Navon
Journal articles
Numerical Study of Turbulent Wake of Offshore Wind Turbines and Retention Time of Larval Dispersion
Souha Ajmi
Martial Boutet
Anne-Claire Bennis
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
Preferential presence in harbours confirms the non-indigenous species status of Ammonia confertitesta (Foraminifera) in the English Channel
Jean-Charles Pavard
Vincent M P Bouchet
Julien Richirt
Apolyne Courleux
Eric Armynot Du Châtelet
Journal articles
An overview of marine non-indigenous species found in three contrasting biogeographic metropolitan French regions: Insights on distribution, origins and pathways of introduction
Cécile Massé
Frédérique Viard
Suzie Humbert
Elvire Antajan
Isabelle Auby
Journal articles
Relationship between habitat and recruitment of the Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan, 1835) and the indigenous shore crab Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) on Normandy seashores
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
An Aod - Les cahiers naturalistes de l’Observatoire marin, 2023
Journal articles
Molluscs from tidal channels of the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia): Quantitative data and comparison with other lagoons and coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea
Abir Fersi
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Ali Bakalem
Lassad Neifar
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Structural and functional changes in Artificial Reefs ecosystem stressed by trophic modelling approach: Case study in the Bay of Biscay
Jessica Salaün
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Sylvain Pioch
Journal articles
The invasive Asian benthic foraminifera Trochammina hadai Uchio, 1962: identification of a new local in Normandy (France) and a discussion on its putative introduction pathways
Vincent M P Bouchet
Jean-Charles Pavard
Maria Holzmann
Mary Mcgann
Eric Armynot Du Châtelet
Journal articles
Recent expansion of the non-indigenous amphipod Chelicorophium curvispinum (G.O. Sars, 1895) in the Seine estuary
Nathan Chauvel
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
BioInvasions Records, 2023, 12
Journal articles
Preferential presence in harbours confirms the non-indigenous species status of Ammonia confertitesta (Foraminifera) in the English Channel
Jean-Charles Pavard
Vincent M P Bouchet
Julien Richirt
Apolyne Courleux
Eric Armynot Du Châtelet
Journal articles
The invasive Asian benthic foraminifera Trochammina hadai Uchio, 1962: identification of a new local in Normandy (France) and a discussion on its putative introduction pathways
Vincent Bouchet
Jean-Charles Pavard
Maria Holzmann
Mary Mcgann
Eric Armynot Du Châtelet
Journal articles
The American protobranch bivalve Yoldia limatula (Say, 1831) in European waters
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Serge Gofas
Aurore Raoux
Vincent Bouchet
Jean-Charles Pavard
Journal articles
A multidisciplinary approach for a better knowledge of the benthic habitat and community distribution in the Central and Western English Channel
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Emmanuel Poizot
Sophie Lozach
A. Trentesaux
Journal articles
COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: An excellent opportunity to study the effects of trawling disturbance on macrobenthic fauna in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Gabès (Tunisia, Central Mediterranean Sea)
Nawfel Mosbahi
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Lassad Neifar
Journal articles
A review of methods and indicators used to evaluate the ecological modifications generated by artificial structures on marine ecosystems
Bastien Taormina
Pascal Claquin
Baptiste Vivier
Maxine Navon
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
The invasive species Rangia cuneata : A new food source for herring gull ( Larus argentatus )?
Jean‐philippe Pezy
Ambre Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Journal articles
Multi-disciplinary and multi-scale assessment of marine renewable energy structure in a tidal system
Aurore Raoux
Ilan Robin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Anne-Claire Bennis
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Inventory and geographical affinities of Algerian Cumacea, Isopoda, Mysida, Lophogastrida and Tanaidacea (Crustacea Peracarida)
Ali Bakalem
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
The “Spaghetti Project”: the final identification guide to European Terebellidae (sensu lato) (Annelida, Terebelliformia)
Nicolas Lavesque
Pat Hutchings
Mario Londoño-Mesa
João M.M. Nogueira
Guillemine Daffe
Journal articles
Prey-predation relationships between bivalves and predatory gastropods: Experiments on English Channel populations
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Jean Claude Dauvin
Thomas Schwanka
Claire Michelet
Journal of Marine Biology and Oceanography, 2021
Journal articles
Does the invasive macro-algae Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt, 1955 offer an appropriate temporary habitat for mobile fauna including non indigenous species?
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Thomas Sporniak
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Four-year temporal study of an intertidal artificial structure in the English Channel
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Maël Deloor
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Pascal Claquin
Journal articles
Macrobenthic communities in the tidal channels around the Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Abir Fersi
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Ali Bakalem
Lassad Neifar
Journal articles
Non-indigenous species in marine and brackish waters along the Normandy coast
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Alexandrine Baffreau
Aurore Raoux
Anne-Marie Rusig
Isabelle Mussio
Journal articles
Does the invasive predator Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1868 control copepod abundances in the Seine Estuary?
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Ecological status assessment and non-indigenous species in industrial and fishing harbours of the Gulf of Gabès (central Mediterranean Sea)
Nawfel Moshabi
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Lassad Neifar
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Wide coverage but few quantitative data: Coarse sediments in the English Channel
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Inventory and the biogeographical affinities of Annelida Polychaeta in the Algerian coastline (Western Mediterranean)
Ali Bakalem
Patrick Gillet
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Benthic foraminifera to assess ecological quality statuses: The case of salmon fish farming
Vincent M.P. Bouchet
Noémie Deldicq
Noémie Baux
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
Isotopic analyses, a good tool to validate models in the context of marine renewable energy development and cumulative impacts
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
B. Ernande
N. Niquil
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
First records of Aoroides longimerus Ren and Zheng, 1996, and A. semicurvatus Ariyama, 2004 (Crustacea, Amphipoda), in the English Channel, France
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Journal articles
The Dredge Disposal Sediment Index (D2SI): A new specific multicriteria index to assess the impact of harbour sediment dumping
Noémie Baux
B. Chouquet
M. Martinez
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Journal articles
An ecosystem approach for studying the impact of offshore wind farms: a French case study
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Evaluating ecosystem functioning of a long-term dumping site in the Bay of Seine (English Channel)
Aurore Raoux
Noémie Baux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Pierre Balay
Sandric Lesourd
Journal articles
Evaluating ecosystem functioning of a long-term dumping site in the Bay of Seine (English Channel)
Aurore Raoux
Noémie Baux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Pierre Balay
Sandric Lesourd
Journal articles
First record of the non-indigenous isopod Ianiropsis serricaudis Gurjanova, 1936 along the French coast of the English Channel
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Effects of a salmon fish farm on benthic habitats in a high-energy hydrodynamic system: The case of the Rade de Cherbourg (English Channel)
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Alexandrine Baffreau
Quentin Bachelet
Noémie Baux
Journal articles
The environmental impact from an offshore windfarm: Challenge and evaluation methodology based on an ecosystem approach
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
First record of the non-native isopod Paranthura japonica Richardson, 1909 in the English Channel
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Response of benthic macrofauna to multiple anthropogenic pressures in the shallow coastal zone south of Sfax (Tunisia, central Mediterranean Sea)
Nawfel Mosbahi
Mohamed Moncef Serbaji
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Lassad Neifar
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Measuring sensitivity of two OSPAR indicators for a coastal food web model under offshore wind farm construction
Aurore Raoux
Géraldine Lassalle
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Samuele Tecchio
Georges Safi
Journal articles
A well established population of the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1896) in the English Channel?
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Alexandrine Baffreau
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Anthropogenic impact of oyster farming on macrofauna biodiversity in an eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystem of the English Channel
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Claire Delecrin
Alexandrine Baffreau
Olivier Basuyaux
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
A rapidly established population of the invader mysid Neomysis americana (S.I. Smith, 1873) in the Seine estuary
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Olivier Timsit
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
The oldest record of galatheoid anomurans (Decapoda, Crustacea) from Normandy, northwest France
René H.B. Fraaije
Barry W.M. van Bakel
John W.M. Jagt
Sylvain Charbonnier
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
First record of the gastropod Stramonita haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767) in the English Channel
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Francis Kerckhof
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
First Jurassic occurence of Enoploclytia M’Coy, 1849 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Erymidae)
Julien Devillez
Sylvain Charbonnier
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
What are the most suitable indices to detect the structural and functional changes of benthic community after a local and short-term disturbance?
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Stella Marmin
Pierre Balay
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Dredge spoil disposal (DSD) index
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Noémie Baux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
Range extension of the tanaidid Zeuxo holdichi (Bamber, 1990) along the northern coasts of France?
Aurélie Foveau
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Noémie Baux
Alexandrine Baffreau
Quentin Bachelet
Journal articles
Assessing cumulative socio-ecological impacts of offshore wind farm development in the Bay of Seine (English Channel)
Aurore Raoux
Jeffrey Dambacher
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Camille Mazé
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Evaluation of Ruditapes spp. Clam Stock on the Western Coast of Cotentin (English Channel)
Olivier Basuyaux
Florence Beck
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Alexandrine Baffreau
Yann Joncourt
Journal articles
Extension of the geographical distribution of the crab Asthenognathus atlanticus Monod, 1932, in the eastern English Channel through its commensal relationship with the polychaete Chaetopterus variopedatus (Renier, 1804)
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Amphipods from tidal channels of the Gulf of Gabès (central Mediterranean Sea)
Abir Fersi
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Lassad Neifar
Journal articles
An unexpected record of an African mangrove crab, Perisesarma alberti Rathbun, 1921, (Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae) in European waters
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Adnan Shahdadi
Alexandrine Baffreau
Cedric D’udekem D’acoz
Christoph Schubart
Journal articles
Soft bottom macrobenthic communities in a semi-enclosed Bay bordering the English Channel: The Rade de Cherbourg
Noémie Baux
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Quentin Bachelet
Alexandrine Baffreau
Yann Méar
Journal articles
Records of two introduced Penaeidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) species from Le Havre Harbour
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Alexandrine Baffreau
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Review of the Late Cretaceous erymid lobsters (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Western Tethys
Julien Devillez
Sylvain Charbonnier
Martina Kocová Veselská
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
Turning off the DRIP (‘Data-rich, information-poor’) – rationalising monitoring with a focus on marine renewable energy developments and the benthos
Thomas Wilding
Andrew Gill
Arjen Boon
Emma Sheehan
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Before-After analysis of the trophic network of an experimental dumping site in the eastern part of the Bay of Seine (English Channel)
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Aurore Raoux
Stella Marmin
Pierre Balay
Nathalie Niquil
Journal articles
Mapping benthic communities: An indispensable tool for the preservation and management of the eco-socio-system in the Bay of Seine
Alexandrine Baffreau
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Chloé Dancie
Bastien Chouquet
Pascal Hacquebart
Journal articles
Revisited Syllidae of the English Channel coarse sediment communities
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Alexandrine Baffreau
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Benthic and fish aggregation inside an offshore wind farm: Which effects on the trophic web functioning?
Aurore Raoux
Samuele Tecchio
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Géraldine Lassalle
Steven Degraer
Journal articles
What are the factors driving long-term changes of the suprabenthos in the Seine estuary?
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Alexandrine Baffreau
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Spatial and Temporal Structures of the Macrozoobenthos from the Intertidal Zone of the Kneiss Islands (Central Mediterranean Sea)
Nawfel Mosbahi
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Lassad Neifar
Journal articles
Immediate Effect of Clam Harvesting on Intertidal Benthic Communities in the Mudflat Zones of Kneiss Islands (Central Mediterranean Sea)
Nawfel Mosbahi
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Lassad Neifar
Journal articles
Macrofauna associated with temporary Sabellaria alveolata reefs on the west coast of Cotentin (France)
Erika Schlund
Olivier Basuyaux
Billie Lecornu
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Alexandrine Baffreau
Journal articles
New records of Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853 in Normandy
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Thierry Vincent
Journal articles
Short-term impact of bait digging on intertidal macrofauna of tidal mudflats around the Kneiss Islands (Gulf of Gabès, Tunisia)
Nawfel Mosbahi
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Lassad Neifar
Journal articles
Effects of clam rake harvesting on the intertidal Ruditapes habitat of the English Channel
Florence Beck
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Alexandrine Baffreau
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
First record of the marbled crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus (Fabricius, 1787) on the coast of Calvados (Bay of Seine, English Channel)
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 2015, 56 (2), pp.151-154
Journal articles
Are mussel beds a favourable habitat for settlement of Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan, 1835)?
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Journal articles
Biological traits explain the distribution and colonisation ability of the invasive shore crab Hemigrapsus takanoi
M. Gothland
Jean-Claude Dauvin
L. Denis
F. Dufossé
S. Jobert
Journal articles
Long-term changes of the Seine estuary suprabenthos (1996-2012)
Jean-Claude Dauvin
Jean-Philippe Pezy
Journal articles
Additional records and distribution (2011-2012) of Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan, 1835) along the French coast of the English Channel
M. Gothland
Jean-Claude Dauvin
L. Denis
S. Jobert
J. Ovaert
Journal articles