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Jean-Philippe Prost

Associate Professor (Maître de conférence Hors Classe), Aix-Marseille Université
Current affiliations
  • 199923


In short -------- Jean-Philippe is an **Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences HC)** in Computing at Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), where he teaches at the Technology Institute (IUT), and does his research at [Laboratoire Parole et Langage]( (LPL) since 2018. Prior to this he was a **Senior Lecturer** at Université de Montpellier (2010 - 2018, IUT and [LIRMM](, a **post-doctoral researcher** at [Université d'Orléans]( (2008 - 2010, LIFO), and a **Natural Language Processing Specialist** at [numéro (Smart Analytics Ltd.)]( (2008, Manchester, UK). He was awarded his **Cotutelle PhD** in Computer Science in 2008, by [Macquarie University]( and [Université de Provence.]( His work was supervised by [Diego Mollá]( and [Mark Dras]( at Macquarie, and [Philippe Blache]( at Provence. Prior to being an academic, Jean-Philippe worked as a **Research Programmer** (2001 - 2003, Macquarie University, Sydney), as a **COOL:Gen Consultant** (2001, IPP Consultancy Services, Sydney), as a **Software Engineer** (1998 - 2001, Sopra, France), as a **Research Programmer** and a **Math teacher** (1997, CNRS and Institut Leschi, Marseille, France). His field of interest is **Natural Language Processing** (NLP). His work is concerned with Natural Language Understanding (NLU), the computational modelling of the graded nature of grammaticality (i.e. gradience), Model-Theoretic Syntax, and the use of constraints and constraint satisfaction mechanisms for NLP. More recently, he has been focusing on **Knowledge Graphs** and their use in NLP applications. Jean-Philippe has now initiated **a shift of topic of interest** in favor of more urgent topics **related to climate change and the environmental crisis**. He has been awarded a **1-year sabbatical (2024-25) to address this shift of topic**. Projects -------- - **[HOLINET](** (2015 -. . .) : (**PI**) Knowledge Graph for French, which integragtes the lexical semantic network JeuxDeMots and a grammar layer derived from the French Treebank (FTB). - **UMCSParser** (2013 - 2017) : (**PI**) Constraint solving for robust syntactic parsing. Collaboration LIRMM-TEXTE, LIRMM-COCONUT and CRIL. - **AREN** (2016) : ARgumentation and Digital world (PI C. Retoré) - PEPS **CoLAN** (2013 - 2014) : Cognition and Natural Languate - **Darryl** (2012 - 2013) : Scientific advisor for a start-up. - ANR **CroTAL** (2008 - 2010) : CRF for NLP Supervision ----------- ### PhDs - Mirzapour, Mehdi (2018). “Modelling Preferences for Interpreting Ambiguous Utterances”. PhD thesis (co-supervision with C. Retoré). ### Masters - Aurélie Akli (2022) "Amélioration et déploiement du graphe de connaissances HOLINET". Master 1. - Jerry Franchet (2015). "Interprétation d’énoncés incomplets : préférences sémantiques en l’absence de déterminant". Masters thesis (co-supervision with C. Retoré). - Boris Jaulmes (2014). "Combining Stochastic and Knowledge-based Modeling for Natural Language Understanding". Masters thesis. - Samer Taalab (2009). "Annotation of an Oral Corpus through CRFs Combination". Masters thesis (co-supervision with I. Tellier and I. Eshkol). ### Undergraduates - Ibrahim Boulahrouz (2020). "Web interface for a Game-With-A-Purpose (GWAP)". DUT, 3-month internship - Jérémy Pouzargues (2020). "Shortest path API for a knowledge graph". DUT, 3-month internship Scientific animation -------------------- ### Editorial committees (journals) - AIMS Mathematics. AIMS press. 2023. - TAL Journal. ATALA ed. 2016, 2021. - Honorary Volume for Manuel Hermenegildo. Springer. 2021 - Travaux Interdisciplinaires sur la Parole et le Langage (TIPA). OpenEdition. 2018 - Information Sciences. Elsevier. 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information (JLLI). Springer. 2015 - Oxford University Press. Book. B. Aarts, Syntactic Gradience : the Nature of Grammatical Indeterminacy. 2007 ### Editorial committees (conferences) - AIGC2024, AIGC2023. International Conference on AI-generated Content. - TALN (2010 - now). *Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues*, since 2010 - RECITAL (2010 - now). *Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues* (TALN Student session). - LACL. *International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics* : 2016, 2014, 2011, 2005 - MIXEUR-1 (2013).*"Modèles mixtes pour l'analyse syntaxique et sémantique du français"*. TALN workshop, Sables d’Olonne, France. - CSLP 2012. *Constraints and Language Processing*. Int'l workshop. Orléans, France. - CoLing/ACL Student session (2006). Sydney, Australia - ACL Student session (2005). Ann Arbor, USA ### Ph.D. Committees - Camille Challant, 2024. Représentation formelle et contraintes grammaticales pour la LSF. Examinateur. LISN, Paris-Saclay - Johan Segura, 2012. Mémoires partagées d’alignements sous-phrastiques bilingues. Examinateur. LIRMM, Monptellier ### Expertises - ANR, AAPG 2024 - ANRT, 2020 ### Other scholar activities - Invited participant at the Roundtable [Eco-friendly Digital Technology Day ("Journée numérique écoresponsable")](, 5 April 2024, U. Paris-Sorbonne Villetaneuse - Participant in the CNRS Training Session (ANF) on The Environmental Impact of The Digital Technologies ("Impacts environementaux du numérique"), 20-24 Nov. 2023, La Rochelle, France - Member of ATALA's Executive Board (CA) -- Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues (2014 - 2017) - Jury member for the ATALA PhD Thesis award (2015 - 2021) ### Conference organisation - LACL 2011. **Local chair**, Conf. on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (Montpellier, France) - ALTSS/W 2004. **Sponsorship co-chair**. ALTA Summer School and Workshop (Sydney, Australia) - LACL 2014. Member, organisation committee ( Toulouse, France) - TALN 2011. Member, organisation committee (Montpellier, France) - CSLP-06. CoLing/ACL Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing (Sydney, Australia) - ESSLLI’97. (Aix, France) Administration -------------- ### Leaderships - Research team **associate leader**, LIRMM-TEXTE (2013-2018) ### Memberships - **Executive Board** (CA), Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) (2020-2024) - **Restricted Executive Board** (CA restreint), AMU (2020-2024) - Teaching Council (CFVU), Université de Montpellier (UM) (2014-2018) - Restricted Teaching Council, UM (2014-2018) - Academic Senate (CAc), UM (2014-2018) - Restricted Academic Senate, UM (2014-2018) - Executive Board (CA), scholarly society ATALA (2014-2017) - Laboratory Council, LIRMM (2013-2016)


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HOLINET: Holistic Knowledge Graph for French

Jean-Philippe Prost
Journées Jointes des Groupements de Recherche Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain (LIFT) et Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL), Nov 2022, Marseille, France. pp.123-130
Conference papers hal-03846826v1
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Integrating a Phrase Structure Corpus Grammar and a Lexical-Semantic Network: the HOLINET Knowledge Graph

Jean-Philippe Prost
Proceedings of LREC 2022 the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, European Language Resources Association, Jun 2022, Marseille, France. pp.613--622
Conference papers hal-03655636v1
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Categorial Proof Nets and Dependency Locality: A New Metric for Linguistic Complexity

Mehdi Mirzapour , Jean-Philippe Prost , Christian Retoré
LACompLing: Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics, Aug 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.73-86
Conference papers lirmm-01916104v1
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Measuring Linguistic Complexity: Introducing a New Categorial Metric

Mehdi Mirzapour , Jean-Philippe Prost , Christian Retoré
LACompLing 2018 - Symposium on Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics, Aug 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.95-123, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-30077-7_5⟩
Conference papers hal-02146506v1
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Compilation de grammaire de propriétés pour l'analyse syntaxique par optimisation de contraintes

Jean-Philippe Prost , Remi Coletta , Christophe Lecoutre
TALN: Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Jul 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers lirmm-01473863v1
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Jugement exact de grammaticalité d'arbre syntaxique probable

Jean-Philippe Prost
TALN: Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Jul 2014, Marseille, France
Conference papers lirmm-01471804v1
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Pairing Model-Theoretic Syntax and Semantic Network for Writing Assistance

Jean-Philippe Prost , Mathieu Lafourcade
Workshop on Constraint and Language Processing, Sep 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany. pp. 56-68
Conference papers hal-00655059v1
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Analyse relâchée à base de contraintes

Jean-Philippe Prost
Actes de TALN'09 (session poster), Jun 2009, Senlis, France, France. pp.TALN_47
Conference papers hal-00467983v1
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A model-theoretic framework for grammaticality judgements

Denys Duchier , Jean-Philippe Prost , Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao
Conference on Formal Grammar (FG2009), 2009, France. pp.1-14
Conference papers hal-00458937v1
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Grammar Error Detection with Best Approximated Parse

Jean-Philippe Prost
11th International Conference on Parsing Technology (IWPT'09), Oct 2009, Paris, France. pp.172--175
Conference papers hal-00468007v1
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A Quantification Model of Grammaticality

Philippe Blache , Jean-Philippe Prost
Fifth International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing (CSLP2008), Aug 2008, Hambourg, Germany. pp.5--19
Conference papers hal-00468020v1
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Numbat: Abolishing Privileges when Licensing New Constituents in Constraint-Oriented Parsing

Jean-Philippe Prost
Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing (CSLP-06), Aug 2006, Sydney, Australia, Australia. pp.17-24
Conference papers hal-00250283v1
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CORAL: Using Natural Language Generation for Navigational Assistance

Robert Dale , Sabine Geldof , Jean-Philippe Prost
Twenty-Sixth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2003), 2003, Melbourne, Australia. pp.35--44
Conference papers hal-03553009v1
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Generating More Natural Route Descriptions

Robert Dale , Sabine Geldof , Jean-Philippe Prost
2002 Australasian Natural Language Processing Workshop, 2002, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers hal-03552973v1
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Temporal Knowledge and Musical Perception: Application to Auditive Illusions

Jean-Philippe Prost
Proceedings of CASYS'98 : Computing Anticipatory SYStems, 1998, Liège, Belgium
Conference papers hal-03552989v1
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Model-Theoretic Syntax: Property Grammar, Status and Directions

Philippe Blache , Jean-Philippe Prost
Philippe Blache; Henning Christiansen; Verónica Dahl; Denys Duchier; Jørgen Villadsen. Constraints and Language, Chapter three, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.37-56, 2014, 978-1-4438-6052-9
Book sections lirmm-01471759v1
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Gradience, Constructions and Constraint Systems

Philippe Blache , Jean-Philippe Prost
H. Christiansen, P. Rossen Skadhauge, J. Villadsen. Constraint Solving and Language Processing, Springer, pp.74-90, 2005
Book sections hal-00134201v1
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Coupler syntaxe et sémantique dans une même base de connaissances linguistiques

Jean-Philippe Prost
[Rapport de recherche] Laboratoire Parole et Langage – Université d’Aix-Marseille. 2021
Reports hal-03552622v1
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Linking an Abstract Corpus Grammar to a Lexical Semantic Network

Jean-Philippe Prost
[Research Report] Laboratoire Parole et Langage – Université d’Aix-Marseille. 2021
Reports hal-03552630v1
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Exact Grammaticality Judgement of Likely Parse Tree

Jean-Philippe Prost
[Research Report] Lirmm, University of Montpellier. 2014
Reports hal-03563629v1
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Modelling Syntactic Gradience with Loose Constraint-based Parsing

Jean-Philippe Prost
Other [cs.OH]. Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I; Macquarie University, 2008. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00352828v1