Jean-Yves BLAISE
**Dr. Jean-Yves Blaise** is a senior researcher for CNRS where he conducts interdisciplinary research focusing on the integration of computer science methodologies, formalisms and tools to the humanities – in particular in contexts like history and archaeology, history of architecture, spatio-temporal dynamics, and the cultural area.
He has co-introduced a methodological approach called *informative modelling* aiming at bridging the gaps between knowledge modelling, information visualisation, and historical data sets. His research themes include knowledge technologies, InfoVis, spatio-temporal information systems, visual analytics as applied to historical sciences, time-oriented data, imperfect data sets, and 2D/3D/tangible interfaces. He wrote and published peer-reviewed scientific papers in a wide range of scientific disciplines (<**>). He has been the initiator and/or coordinator of 11 regional, national and international cooperation programmes.
Since 2012 he is one of the two scientific coordinators of the MAP research unit, specifically in charge of cultural heritage research issues.
See also:
VISUAL CROSS-EXAMINATION OF ARCHITECTURAL AND ACOUSTIC DATA: THE 3D INTEGRATOR EXPERIMENT9th Intl. Workshop 3D-ARCH “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures”, Mar 2022, Mantua, Italy. pp.81 - 88, ⟨10.5194/isprs-archives-xlvi-2-w1-2022-81-2022⟩
Conference papers
Space & sound characterisation of small-scale architectural heritage: an interdisciplinary, lightweight workflowIMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Oct 2020, Trento, Italy. pp.263-268
Conference papers
Proportions vs dimensions: shedding a different light on the analysis of 3D datasetsCAA 2019 Check Object Integrity, Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Apr 2019, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers
Enabling the comparability of research workflows: a case studyCAA 2019 Check Object Integrity, Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Apr 2019, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers
Citizen contributions and minor heritage: feedback on modeling and visualising an information mash-upThe IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) 2018, Oct 2018, Torino, Italy
Conference papers
Lire et Lier les données spatio-historiques une perspective infovisSéminaire Projet Patrimalp / WP1 Ressources en matières premières, Contextualisation des stratégies d’approvisionnement des matériaux issus du patrimoine culturel, Patrimalp, Université Grenoble Alpes, Jul 2018, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
Conference papers
Information géographique volontaire: clef de voûte pour documenter et analyser le petit patrimoine ?SAGEO'2017 - Atelier Crowdsourcing et information géographique volontaire, Nov 2017, Rouen, France
Conference papers
De l'indice à la restitution architecturale : Retour d'expérience sur le projet PAVAGE (Pont d'Avignon) et quelques réflexions pratiques (et critiques)Journée d'étude : RELIRE ET RE-PRODUIRE LES MUSIQUES ANCIENNES DANS _NOTRE MONDE CONTEMPORAIN OPUS 2 Musiques// Espaces patrimoniaux et nouvelles technologies, Dec 2017, Avignon, France
Conference papers
StorylineViz: A [Space, Time, Actors, Motion] Segmentation Method for Visual Text ExplorationProceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2016) - KDIR, Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC); Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Nov 2016, Porto, Portugal. p. 21-32, ⟨10.5220/0006034600210032⟩
Conference papers
Spotting temporal co-occurrence patterns: the historySkyline visual metaphor1st International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology, Oct 2015, Benevento, Italy. pp.378-383
Conference papers
Géovisualisation des temporalités des territoires : analyse comparative de la diversité des productionsDouzième rencontres de Théo Quant, May 2015, Besançon, France
Conference papers
The Visual Representations of Territorial Dynamics: Retrospective and Input from New Computing EnvironmentsICC 2015, Aug 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers
How was this done? An attempt at formalising and memorising a digital asset's making-of.Digital Heritage International Congress DH'15, Sep 2015, Granada, Spain. Theme 4 - Theory, Methodologies, Preservation & Standards, pp. 343 - 346, ⟨10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2015.7419519⟩
Conference papers
Record-keeping of digital resources and activities MEMORIA.Séminaire Modèles et simulations pour l'Architecture et le Patrimoine, Jan 2015, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Can infovis tools support the analysis of spatio-temporal diffusion patterns in historic architecture?40th annual conference of Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, Mar 2013, Southampton, United Kingdom. pp.367-378
Conference papers
A Tangible Chronology40th annual conference of Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, Mar 2013, Southampton, United Kingdom. pp.874-887
Conference papers
Visualising time with multiple granularities: a generic framework.40th annual conference of Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology, Mar 2013, Southampton, United Kingdom. pp.470-481
Conference papers
Concentric time: enabling context + focus visual analysis of architectural changes19th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Jun 2011, Warszawa, Poland. pp.632-641
Conference papers
Visualizing alternative scenarios of evolution in heritage architecturei-KNOW '11 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologie, Sep 2011, Graz, Austria. pp.Article No. 45, ⟨10.1145/2024288.2024342⟩
Conference papers
UNDERSTANDING CHANGES IN HERITAGE ARCHITECTUREIMAGAPP/IVAPP (International Conference on Information Visualization Theroy and Applications) 2010, May 2010, Angers, France. pp.91-100
Conference papers
Visualisation comparative de chronologies : application au patrimoine bâti de Cracovie.Colloque « L’imagerie virtuelle en archéologie : présentation d’outils et retours sur expériences », équipe TIC UMR 5140, Feb 2010, Lattes, France
Conference papers
Analyse comparative de chronologiesColloque : L’imagerie virtuelle en archéologie : présentation d’outils et retours sur expériences, équipe TIC UMR 5140, Feb 2010, Lattes, France
Conference papers
Méthodes et outils pour comprendre le lieu architectural et son évolutionSéminaire de l’UMR MAP 2010, Mar 2010, Paris, France
Conference papers
Analysing architectural mouldings with 3D object-independant metrics and encodingIADIS International conference CGVCVIP2010, Jul 2010, Freiburg, Germany. pp.201-209
Conference papers
Modélisation architecturale vs. informations patrimoniales : une conciliation visuelle?Forum Web, spatialité, mobilité, le projet Web Intelligence du cluster ISLE de la Région Rhône-Alpes, Jul 2009, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Handling Mouldings in Historic Architecture: a Matter of Geometry, a Matter of Knowledge?2009 International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, University of Technology of Troyes, Jul 2009, Troyes, France. pp.1728-1733
Conference papers
Conference papers
Infosphere: one artefact, two metaphors, three sort criteria14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Oct 2008, Larnaca, Cyprus. pp.362-367
Conference papers
Terminology analysis inspires relations in a knowledge structureTKE 2008, 8th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, Aug 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp.89-105
Conference papers
Visual assessment of heritage architecture life cyclesI-Know 2007,
Conference papers
I-Know I-Media 08, 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Sep 2008, Graz, Austria. pp.349-357 |
Beyond graphics: information
Experimenting timelines for artefacts analysis: from time distribution to information visualisation14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Oct 2008, Larnaca, Cyprus. pp.349-357
Conference papers
Challenges in Architectural and Geospatial VisualizationVisualisation Summit 2007, Jul 2007, Switzerland
Conference papers
Visual tools decipher historic artefacts documentationI-Know 2007,
Conference papers
7th International Conference on Knowledge Management, KVD Workshop, Sep 2007, Austria. pp.456-463 |
Time, Space and 2D/3D visualisation of architectural evolutionÉcole thématique CNRS
Conference papers
“Les dynamiques spatio-temporelles en archéologie - Time, Space and the dynamics of change in archaeology”, Jul 2007, TOURS, France |
Modélisation informationnelle: vers une logique de visualisation 2D/3D d'évolutions architecturales / Informative modelling: towards 2D/3D visualisation of architectural evolutionsÉcole thématique CNRS
Conference papers
“Les dynamiques spatio-temporelles en archéologie - Time, Space and the dynamics of change in archaeology”, Jul 2007, TOURS, France |
Terminologie du corpus architectural : matière, forme ou idées ?7ème Conférence TIA 2007,
Conference papers
Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle, Oct 2007, Sophia Antipolis, France. pp.31-40 |
Spatial distribution and visual analysis of architectural semantic featuresI-Know 2006, 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Sep 2006, Austria. pp.498-506
Conference papers
Modélisation informationnelle : un cadre méthodologique pour représenter des connaissances évolutives spatialisablesEGC '06 - Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2006, Lille, France. pp.347-358
Conference papers
Modélisation informationnelle : concepts fondamentaux.
Une application du principe « visualiser pour raisonner » : Analyse visuelle comparative 2D de données sur un jeu de théâtre antiques.Modelli di Architectura Reppresentatione Digitale, Jul 2006, Italie
Conference papers
From artefact representation to information visualisation: genesis of informative modelling8th Smart Graphics International Conference, Aug 2005, Germany. pp.230-236
Conference papers
De la représentation d'artefacts à la visualisation d'information par les objets.Séminaire patrimoine et numérique INHA, Jul 2005, PARIS, France
Conference papers
Using abstraction levels in the visual exploitation of a knowledge acquisition processI-KNOW '05, Conference of Knowledge Management, Jun 2005, Austria. pp.543-552
Conference papers
De termes au concept: le cas du vocabulaire architectural7èmes Journées Scientifiques « Mots, termes et contextes »
Conference papers
Réseau de chercheurs « Lexicologie, terminologie et traduction », Langue française, francophonie et diversité linguistique, Sep 2005, Belgique. pp.265-282 |
3D representations for information visualisation and retrieval:
Architectural Modelling and Information Interfacing: Learning from Three Case Studies26th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces., Jun 2004, Dubrovnik, Croatia. pp.341-346
Conference papers
Graphic variables for dynamic 2D/3D documentation visualisation in the context of historical architectureICHIM 04' (International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting),
Conference papers
Digital Culture & Heritage, 2004, Berlin, Germany. 21p |
Dynamic representations for information visualisation and retrevial : a case study on Kraków's architectural heritageITI 2004, 26th International (Information Technology Interfaces) Conference, Jun 2004, Croatia. pp.335-340
Conference papers
Règles d'identification et méthodes de visualisation d'objets architecturaux4èmes journées d'Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2004, France. pp.573-584
Conference papers
Online 2D/3D graphic interfaces using XML “repurposable” heritage contentsWSCG 2004 Conférence, Feb 2004, Czech Republic. pp.39-46
Conference papers
Acquisition de données vs gestion de connaissances patrimoniales : le cas des vestiges du théâtre antique d'Arles4èmes journées d'Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2004, CLERMONT FERRAND, France
Conference papers
Architectural Surveying : From a point-cloud to a 3D model, benefits of using theoretical models stemming from the history of representationEVA 2004 Florence
Conference papers
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, 2004, Italy. pp.244-249 |
On the relevance of 3D shapes for use as interfaces to architectural heritage dataHCI 2003 Conférence (Human Centred Interfaces)
Conference papers
Human Centred Computing - Cognitive, Social and Ergonomic Aspects, Jun 2003, Greece. pp.1228-1232 |
Problèmes de représentation dans le contexte de connaissances évolutivesSéminaire de l'UMR CNRS/MCC 694 MAP, Nov 2003, France. 4p
Conference papers
Exploiting the architectural heritage's documentation: a case study on data analysis and visualisationI-Know 03, Conference on Knowledge Management, Jul 2003, Austria. pp.128-134
Conference papers
New experimentation of a generic framework for architectural heritage data visualisationWSCG 2003 Conférence, Feb 2003, République tchèque. pp.109-117
Conference papers
From concept modelling to scene interpretation disposals: raising the issue of shape uncertainty in the field of the architectural heritageVIA workshop, Scientific Visualisation Issues in the field of the Architecture heritage: Can architectural objects be used as semantic 3D Interfaces?, Apr 2003, France. 12p
Conference papers
Interfacing built heritage through semantic visualisation of spatio-temporal setsVIA workshop, Scientific Visualisation Issues in the field of the Architecture heritage: Can architectural objects be used as semantic 3D Interfaces?, Apr 2003, France. 20p
Conference papers
Exploiting the architectural heritage's documentation: methodology and tools for data analysis and visualisationVIA workshop, Scientific Visualisation Issues in the field of the Architecture heritage: Can architectural objects be used as semantic 3D Interfaces?, Apr 2003, France. 8p
Conference papers
Using the semantics of architectural objects for XML/VRML exploitation of heritage documentationVIA workshop, Scientific Visualisation Issues in the field of the Architecture heritage: Can architectural objects be used as semantic 3D Interfaces?, Apr 2003, France. 9p
Conference papers
Access, interpretation and visualisation of heritage data using the architectural morphology: experimenting emerging interfaces on a case studyICHIM 03 (International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting),
Conference papers
Cultural institutions and digital technology / Les institutions culturelles et le numérique, Sep 2003, Paris, France. 25p |
WP6 Strabon Interfaces de navigation 2D/3D dans les contenusSesta Borsa Mediterranea del Tourismo Archeologico, Nov 2003, Italie
Conference papers
On how to link patrimonial information and 3D simulations: a methodology for enhanced exploitation and visualisation of architectural documentation, experimented on Kraków's historical centreUNESCO World Heritage Virtual Congress, Nov 2002, France. 8p
Conference papers
Modèles, représentations et gestion de données sur le thème des évolutions architecturales d'édifices choisis à CracovieSéminaire de l'UMR CNRS/MCC 694 MAP, Apr 2002, Sousse, Tunisie
Conference papers
3D models as visual interfaces for Internet: an application to a multimedia documentation on architectural evolutionsICCVG '02 Conférence, Zakopane, 2002, ZAKOPANE, Poland. pp.241-247
Conference papers
3D models as visual interfaces in the documentation of the architectural heritage: experiment on the defensive system of Cracow2nd IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, Sep 2002, Spain. pp.746-751
Conference papers
Interpretative modelling of the architectural heritage: information and visualisation issues1st IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2001), Sep 2001, Spain. pp.48-54
Conference papers
Modèle et représentation à l'échelle architecturale, une expérience à CracovieColloque Internationale « Rome an 2000 », Sep 2000, France. pp.155-169
Conference papers
SOL- un outil de gestion de données bibliographiques sur le WebSéminaire de l'UMR CNRS/MCC 694 MAP, Dec 2000, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Outils numériques et représentation de l'architecture patrimonialeComputer techniques in a process of preservation of Cultural Patrimony,
Conference papers
The seminar organised under auspice of Polish Ministry of Culture and General Conservator of RP, Sep 2000, Pologne |
NSCD method applied to mechanical simulation of masonry in historical buildings using MOMAInternational Symposium WG3 on Simple methods for architectural photogrammetry, Oct 1999, Olinda, Brazil
Conference papers
SOL: Spatial and historical web-based interface for On Line architectural documentation of Kraków's Rynek G_ównyThe 17th Conference of eCAADe, Sep 1999, Liverpool, United Kingdom. pp.700-7007
Conference papers
Evolutions architecturales de l'Hôtel de Ville de CracovieSéminaire de l'UMR CNRS/MCC 694 MAP, Sep 1999, France. pp.35-42
Conference papers
An architectural model compiler dedicated to archaeological hypothesis. An experiment on Krakow's Kramy Bogate10th Mini EURO Conference - Human Centered Processes, Sep 1999, BREST, France. pp.113-118
Conference papers
A photogrammetric survey using knowledge representation on the arpenteur web-based photogrammetric workstationXVII CIPA (INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY) INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 1999, Brazil. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Collaborative network tools for the architectural analysis in conservation researchThe 5th International Conference on Computer in Architectural Design, Apr 1998, Poland. pp.75-84
Conference papers
Distributed interface for archaeological restitutionsComplex Systems, Intelligent Systems and Interfaces, 1998, France. pp.168-175
Conference papers
JAVA COLLABORATIVE interface for ARCHITECTURAL simulations A case study on wooden ceilings of KrakówThe International Symposium on Conservation, Section V - Theory and Practice in Conservation of Architectural Monuments, Historical Ensembles and Sites, 1998, Poland. pp.33-40
Conference papers
PAROS : le sens de la mesure du relevé phortogrammétrique à la représentation de l'architecture construite4th International Conference Interface to Real and Virtual Worlds, Jun 1995, France. pp.347-355
Conference papers
Anchoring unsorted e-sources about heritage artefacts in space and timeSéminaire du MAP 2017, May 2017, Paris, France. 2007
Conference poster
The Flightschedule Profiler 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Nov 2016, Porto, Portugal. Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Volume 1 (ISBN 978-989-758-203-5), p. 407-412, 2016, KDIR. ⟨10.5220/0006081804070412⟩
Conference poster
Architectural transformations on the Market Square in Krakow - A systematic visual catalogueAFM Publishing House / Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, CD-ROM, 425 p., 2016, 978-83-65208-47-7
Exploring visually the known and the ill-known about Krakow's centre urban evolution: An information visualisation perspective.Maurizio Forte, Helena Murteira. Digital Cities. Between History and Archaeology, Oxford University Press, Chapter 4, pp. 72-105, 2020, ISBN 978-0-19-049890-0
Book sections
MEMORIA-la préservation des processus d'étude comme enjeu éthiqueLa diffusion numérique des données en SHS, Guide des bonnes pratiques éthiques et juridique, 2018
Book sections
Exercises in Unstyling Texts: Formalisation and Visualisation of a Narrative’s [Space, Time, Actors, Motion] ComponentsKnowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 914, pp.28-53, 2018, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 978-3-319-99700-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-99701-8_2⟩
Book sections
Visual analysis of the collection: cross-examination and sense-makingArchitectural transformations on the Market Square in Krakow. A systematic visual catalogue, AFM Publishing House / Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2016, 978-83-65208-47-7
Book sections
Different faces of one ‘idea’Architectural transformations on the Market Square in Krakow. A systematic visual catalogue, AFM Publishing House / Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2016, 978-83-65208-47-7
Book sections
Exploring visually knowns and ill-knowns about Krakow's centre urban evolution: an information visualisation perspectiveDigital Cities In Between History And Archaeology, Maurizio Forte and Helen Muteira (ed), 2016
Book sections
The catalogue of architectural objectsArchitectural transformations on the Market Square in Krakow. A systematic visual catalogue, AFM Publishing House / Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2016, 978-83-65208-47-7
Book sections
Architectural transformations on the Market Square in Krakow. A systematic visual catalogue : Section 1: Method of analysisArchitectural transformations on the Market Square in Krakow. A systematic visual catalogue, AFM Publishing House / Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2016, 978-83-65208-47-7
Book sections
Comment raisonner sur le paramètre temps? Réflexions et retours d'expériencesPresses Universitaires François Rabelais / CTHS. Archéologie de l'espace urbain, Presses Universitaires François Rabelais / CTHS, pp.309-324, 2013, Perspectives Villes et Territoires, 978-2-86906-311-2. ⟨10.978/2869063112⟩
Book sections
Connaissances évolutives, données incertaines et problèmes de visualisation dans le contexte du patrimoine bâtiP. Allard, D. Fox et, B. Picon. Incertitude et Environnement – la fin des certitudes scientifiques, Édisud, pp.267-280, 2008, Collection Écologie Humaine
Book sections
ASSEMBLAGE D'UNE MAQUETTE TRIDIMENSIONNELLE SUR UN SOCLE (Tactichronie)France, N° de brevet: FR2949272. 2011
Présentation en ligne de l’École Thématique CNRS - Modélisation Informationnelle pour l’Architecture patrimoniale2006
Other publications
„W murach Krakowa”2000
Other publications
Compilation SESAMESCNRS; ANR. 2023
MEMORIA - nomenclature of activities[Research Report] CNRS - UMR 3495 MAP. 2022
Territographie - Rapport scientifique juillet 2019[Rapport de recherche] UMR CNRS 3495 MAP. 2019, pp.67
État des lieux des représentations dynamiques des temporalités des territoires[Rapport de recherche] UMR 7300 ESPACE; UMR 3495 MAP - GAMSAU; Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble. 2014, pp.167
École Thématique MoDyS 2012 Bilan scientifique[0] CNRS. 2012
ARKIW Architectural evolution of Town Hall in Kraków: system of information and knowledge representation, simulation of reconstructional hypothesis[Research Report] UMR MAP-GAMSAU CNRS/MCC 694; Instytut HAiKZ PK 2004
Le formalisme objet appliqué à l'étude de l'édifice patrimonial :