Analyse des trajectoires d'équilibre d'un convertisseur pour réseau mixte AC/DC maillé
Lukas Cafran
Jean-François Trégouët
Tanguy Simon
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
2ème Congrès Annuel de la SAGIP, May 2024, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Machines électriques avec alimentation par le neutre pour la traction électrique des véhicules
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xiaokang Zhang
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Jean-François Trégouët
SYMPOSIUM DE GENIE ELECTRIQUE (SGE 2023), Jul 2023, Lille, France
Conference papers
Finite element dq-model for MTPA flux control of Synchronous Reluctance Motor (SynRM)
Romain Delpoux
Thomas Huguet
Federico Bribiesca Argomedo
Loïc Queval
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Conference papers
Groupe motopropulseur triphasé résilient aux défauts
Louis Dassonville
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Ali Makki
Alexandre Siccardi
SYMPOSIUM DE GENIE ELECTRIQUE (SGE 2023), Jul 2023, Lille, France
Conference papers
Analytical Derivation of Output Distortions Harmonics Caused by Voltage Source Inverter Non-Linearities in PMSM Drives
Antoine Sabrié
Alexandre Battiston
Fabien Vidal-Naquet
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
DAB frequency decoupling control with current minimization
Simon Uicich
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Bruno Allard
Arnaud Plat
2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), Sep 2022, Hanover, Germany
Conference papers
Procédure de montée en tension contrôlée d'une génératrice synchrone à réluctance variable hors réseau électrique
Laurent Schuller
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Romain Delpoux
Xavier Brun
Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique, Jun 2022, Le Croisic, France
Conference papers
Fully decentralized control strategy for synchronous open-winding motors
Louis Dassonville
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Ali Makki
ELECTRIMACS 2022, IMACS TC1, May 2022, Nancy (FR), France
Conference papers
Voltage Control Based on a Non-Linear Load Observer for Synchronous Reluctance Generator
Laurent Schuller
Romain Delpoux
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xavier Brun
Conference papers
Integrated Four-leg Inverter Structure For PMSM Drives with Open-phase Fault-tolerance and Internal Boost Operation
Xiaokang Zhang
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Fei Wang
Conference papers
A starting from zero DC voltage build-up procedure for a magnet-free synchronous reluctance generator in reduced speed operation
Laurent Schuller
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Romain Delpoux
Xavier Brun
Electrimacs 2022, May 2022, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Commande tolérante aux fautes pour machines électriques avec alimentation par le neutre
Xiaokang Zhang
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
2e journées virtuelles de la SAGIP, Jul 2021, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Commande décentralisée pour une machine multiphasée à bobinage ouvert
Louis Dassonville
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Ali Makki
2e journées virtuelles de la SAGIP, Jul 2021, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Permanent magnet linear actuator: causal and non-linear modelling
Kévin Lauzier
Federico Bribiesca Argomedo
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Sylvie Sesmat
Xuefang Lin-Shi
ACTUATOR, Feb 2021, Mannheim, Germany. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9400607
Conference papers
Online Estimation and Compensation of Back-Electromotive Forces for Synchronous Reluctance Machine
Laurent Schuller
Romain Delpoux
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xavier Brun
Conference papers
Investigation of the modulation index tuning advantages for voltage source inverters with adjustable DC-bus voltage
Antoine Sabrie
Alexandre Battiston
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
General DAB 1 st Harmonic TPS State Space Model
Simon Uicich
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Bruno Allard
Arnaud Plat
Conference papers
Availability analysis and quantification of electrical multiphase machines
Louis Dassonville
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Ali Makki
Alexandre Siccardi
Conference papers
A Composite Converter with Reduced Power Electronics for Electric Powertrain Applications
Xiaokang Zhang
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Polynomial multi-variable control strategy for flux balancing in Dual Active Bridge Converter
Pierre-Baptiste Steckler
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Equivalent Model and Control of a Neutral Point Supply SynRM Drive
Xiaokang Zhang
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Structural Analysis and Modular Control Law for Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC)
Pierre-Baptiste Steckler
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
François Wallart
Conference papers
A New Framework for Dealing with Input Constraints on Parallel Interconnection of Buck Converters
Jérémie Kreiss
Jean-François Trégouët
Romain Delpoux
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Voltage boost by neutral point supply of AC machine
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Neutral Point Supply Scheme for PMSM Drive to Boost DC Voltage
Xiaokang Zhang
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
A Geometric Point of View on Parallel Interconnection of Buck Converters
Jérémie Kreiss
Jean-François Trégouët
Romain Delpoux
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Flux Weakening of PMSM for Enhancing Torque Tracking
Jérémie Kreiss
Jean-François Trégouët
Romain Delpoux
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Hybrid Lyapunov based control of multicellular converters using Port-Hamiltonian modeling
G. Becerra
Ahmed-Rédha Meghnous
Minh Tu Pham
Xuefang Lin-Shi
D. Patino
Conference papers
Electrical parameter observation for induction machine sensorless drive using a sensitivity and observability based EKF
Gaëtan Lefebvre
Vincent Le Digarcher
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Alaa Hijazi
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Optimal secondary control for DC microgrids
Jean-François Trégouët
Romain Delpoux
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Conference papers
An impedance control using a Finite Control Set Model Predictive Controller
Martin Gendrin
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Modulation strategy for a Dual Active Bridge converter using Model Predictive Control
Ousseynou Yade
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Martin Gendrin
Abderrahim Zaoui
Conference papers
A finite control set model predictive control based hybrid PWM technique
Martin Gendrin
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Stratégie d’évitement optimale pour améliorer les performances des commandes de machines asynchrones sans capteur de vitesse
Gaëtan Lefebvre
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Alaa Hijazi
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Vincent Le Digarcher
JCGE, GDR SEEDS, Jun 2015, Cherbourg, France
Conference papers
Optimal low-stator-frequency avoidance strategy to improve the performances of induction machine sensorless drives
Gaétan Lefebvre
Vincent Le Digarcher
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Alaa Hijazi
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Commande prédictive par sélection de méthodes de MLI pour un compromis entre pertes par commutation et distorsion de courant
Martin Gendrin
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
JCGE, Jun 2014, Saint-Louis, France
Conference papers
An improved model predictive control for online PWM sequence selection applied on converter
Martin Gendrin
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Conference papers
Predictive control with efficiency optimization and normalization for a multilevel converter
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Alexandru Avramoae
Conference papers
Sensorless Position Control for Surface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors at Zero Speed and Acceleration
Aloïs Zgorski
Xuefang Lin-Shi
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Conference papers
Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys as smart materials for micro-positioning devices.
Arnaud Hubert
Nandish Calchand
Yann Le Gorrec
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium, AES'12., Apr 2012, TELECOM PARISTECH, Paris, France. pp.1-10
Conference papers
Nonlinear semi-passive vibration control based on synchronized switch damping with energy transfer between two modes
Kaixiang Li
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Daniel Guyomar
SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, Apr 2011, San Diego, California, United States. ⟨10.1117/12.877192⟩
Conference papers
Ni-Mn-Ga sigle crystal shape memory alloy magneto-thermo-mechanical modeling.
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Christian Lexcellent
Arnaud Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
Conference papers
Ni-Mn-Ga single crystal Shape Memory Alloy magneto-thermo-mechanical modeling
Christian Lexcellent
Jean-Yves Gauthier
A. Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 14), Jul 2010, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Modeling and control of micro-mechatronic devices : application of variational and energetic methods for micro-actuator design.
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Arnaud Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
Christian Lexcellent
7th France - Japon Congress and 5th Europe - Asia Congress MECATRONICS'08., May 2008, Le Grand Bornand, France. 6 p
Conference papers
Modeling thermo-magneto-mechanical behavior of a Ni2MnGa magnetic shape memory alloy single crystal
Christian Lexcellent
Jean-Yves Gauthier
A. Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
International Conference on Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Solids, 2007, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Conference papers
Original hybrid control for robotic structures using magnetic shape memory alloys actuators.
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Arnaud Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
Christian Lexcellent
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'07., Oct 2007, San Diego, CA., United States. pp.747-752
Conference papers
Modélisation hamiltonienne de systèmes non linéaires micro-mécatroniques. Application au développement et au contrôle d'actionneurs en AMFM.
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Arnaud Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
Christian Lexcellent
2èmes Journées Doctorales / Journées Nationales MACS. JD-JN-MACS'2007., Jul 2007, Reims, France. sur CD ROM - 6 p
Conference papers
Conversion d'Energie Magnéto-Thermo-Mécanique dans les Alliages à Mémoire de Forme Magnétiques.
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Arnaud Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
Christian Lexcellent
Conférence sur les Sciences et Applications des Matériaux Electroactifs, CSAME'2007., Sep 2007, ENSEEIHT - Toulouse, France. sur CD ROM - 8 p
Conference papers
Actionneur multistable à base d'alliage à mémoire de forme magnétique
Jean-Yves Gauthier
A. Hubert
Joël Abadie
Christian Lexcellent
Nicolas Chaillet
Atelier LEA, 2006, Arc et Senans, France
Conference papers
Magnetic shape memory alloy and actuator design.
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Arnaud Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
C. Lexcellent
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Microfactories, IWMF'06., Oct 2006, Besançon, France. sur CD ROM - 4 p
Conference papers
Multistable actuator based on magnetic shape memory alloy..
Jean-Yves Gauthier
Arnaud Hubert
Joël Abadie
Christian Lexcellent
Nicolas Chaillet
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on New Actuators, ACTUATOR'06., Jun 2006, Bremen, Germany. pp.787-790
Conference papers
Conversion magnéto-mécanique dans les alliages à mémoire de forme magnétiques : application au développement et à la commande d'actionneurs intelligents
Jean-Yves Gauthier
A. Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
Christian Lexcellent
Journées LEA, 2005, Arc et Senans, France
Conference papers
MSMA based actuators for micro-robotic devices : modelling design and self sensing potentials
Jean-Yves Gauthier
A. Hubert
Joël Abadie
Nicolas Chaillet
Christian Lexcellent
MSMA Workshop, 2005, Ascona, Switzerland
Conference papers