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Jérôme Caby



How does gender diversity in top management teams affect carbon disclosure and its quality: Evidence from the technological industry

Jérôme Caby , Clotilde Coron , Ydriss Ziane
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 199, pp.123077. ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2023.123077⟩
Journal articles hal-04335493v1

An approach to innovative eSports from a business perspective

M. Ángeles López-Cabarcos , Jérôme Caby , Sergi Lugilde , Juan Piñeiro-Chousa
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2024, 9 (4), pp.100555. ⟨10.1016/j.jik.2024.100555⟩
Journal articles hal-04696320v1

Ex-ante determinants to delist or not delist targets after an M&A

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Jérôme Caby
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2023, ⟨10.1007/s11156-023-01190-z⟩
Journal articles hal-04189738v1

The influence of Twitch and sustainability on the stock returns of video game companies: Before and after COVID-19

Juan Piñeiro-Chousa , M. Ángeles López-Cabarcos , Ada Pérez-Pico , Jérôme Caby
Journal of Business Research, 2023, 157, pp.113620. ⟨10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113620⟩
Journal articles hal-03918138v1
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The impact of climate change management on banks profitability

Jérôme Caby , Ydriss Ziane , Eric Lamarque
Journal of Business Research, 2022, 142, pp.412-422. ⟨10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.12.078⟩
Journal articles hal-03517818v1

The effects of capital structure on profitability in the Brazilian electricity sector

Rômulo Muzzi Câmara , Jérôme Caby , Pedro Ivo Camacho Alves Salvador
International Journal of Governance and Financial Intermediation, 2022, 1 (3), pp.203-217. ⟨10.1504/IJGFI.2022.10045868⟩
Journal articles hal-03693949v1

The Effect of Top Management Team Gender Diversity on Climate Change Management: An International Study

Jérôme Caby , Clotilde Coron , Ydriss Ziane
Sustainability, 2022, 14 (2), pp.1032. ⟨10.3390/su14021032⟩
Journal articles hal-03530985v1

The influence of investor sentiment on the green bond market

Juan Piñeiro-Chousa , M.Ángeles López-Cabarcos , Jérôme Caby , Aleksandar Šević
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, 162, pp.120351. ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120351⟩
Journal articles hal-02960892v1

The Impact of Short Selling on Firms: An Empirical Literature Review

Jérôme Caby
Journal of Business Accounting and Finance perspectives, 2020, 2 (3), ⟨10.35995/jbafp2030019⟩
Journal articles hal-02908593v1

The role of bullying in the development of organizational citizenship behaviors

Angeles Lopez-Cabarcos , Paula Vazquez-Rodriguez , Juan Pineiro-Chousa , Jérôme Caby
Journal of Business Research, 2020, 115, pp.272-280
Journal articles hal-02615065v1
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The determinants of voluntary climate change disclosure commitment and quality in the banking industry

Jérôme Caby , Ydriss Ziane , Eric Lamarque
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, 161, pp.120282. ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120282⟩
Journal articles hal-02927623v1

Determinants of the presence of CSR committees within european boards of directors

Edina Eberhardt-Toth , Jérôme Caby , Corinne Gendron , Lovasoa Ramboarisata
Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, 2019, 14 (1), pp.33. ⟨10.3917/ror.141.0033⟩
Journal articles hal-02143934v1

Création de valeur des écoles de commerce françaises pour leurs diplômés

Jérôme Caby , Géraldine Michel
Revue Française de Gestion, 2019, 45 (283), pp.73-92
Journal articles hal-02413356v1

Financial development and standardized reporting: A comparison among developed, emerging, and frontier markets

Juan Pineiro-Chousa , Marcos Vizcaíno-González , Jérôme Caby
Journal of Business Research, 2019, 101, pp.797-802. ⟨10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.12.012⟩
Journal articles hal-02155825v1

Peut-on parler de création de valeur sociétariale ?

Jérôme Caby , Eric Lamarque
Revue d'économie financière, 2019, 134
Journal articles hal-02300878v1
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Linking market capitalisation and voting pattern in corporate meetings

Juan Pineiro-Chousa , Marcos Vizcaíno-González , Jérôme Caby
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2018, 31 (1), pp.376-385. ⟨10.1080/1331677x.2018.1432405⟩
Journal articles halshs-02001463v1
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Analysing voting behaviour in the United States banking sector through eigenvalue decomposition

Juan Pineiro-Chousa , Marcos Vizcaíno-González , Jérôme Caby
Applied Economics Letters, 2015, 23 (12), pp.840-843. ⟨10.1080/13504851.2015.1114568⟩
Journal articles hal-02001676v1

The Financial Volatility of Islamic Banks during the Subprime Crisis

Jérôme Caby , Aniss Boumedienne
Bankers Markets & Investors : an academic & professional review, 2013, 126
Journal articles halshs-02024729v1

The Financial Volatility of Islamic Banks during the Subprime Crisis

Jérôme Caby , Aniss Boumedienne
Banque & Marchés, 2013
Journal articles hal-01514551v1

The Financial Volatility of Islamic Banks during the Subprime Crisis

Aniss Boumediene , Jérôme Caby
Bankers Markets & Investors : an academic & professional review, 2013, 126, pp.30 - 39
Journal articles hal-01369253v1

The effects of national culture on the role of participation in different task situations

Chong Lau , Jérôme Caby
Advances in Accounting, 2010, 26 (1), pp.128-133. ⟨10.1016/j.adiac.2010.01.002⟩
Journal articles hal-02143276v1

La gouvernance d'entreprise après la crise financière : Soft Law ou Hard Law

Jérôme Caby , Jacky Koehl
Revue française de gouvernance d'entreprise, 2009, 5
Journal articles halshs-02024651v1

Pourquoi l'approche heuristique permet-elle le renouveau de la formation au management du point de vue de l'apprenant

Christian Bourion , Jérôme Caby
Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels, 2009, XV (37), pp.27. ⟨10.3917/rips.037.0027⟩
Journal articles hal-02143288v1

Activisme des actionnaires et responsabilité sociale des entreprises : une comparaison Espagne - France - Etats-Unis - Japon

Amann Bruno , Jérôme Caby , Jacques Jaussaud , Juan Pineiro-Chousa
Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, 2007, 2
Journal articles halshs-02025141v1

La valeur partenariale : un outil de gouvernance

Jérôme Caby , Gérard Hirigoyen
La Revue du Financier, 2005, 155
Journal articles hal-02055745v1

Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication (STIC) et éthique du capitalisme contemporain

Jérôme Caby
Entreprise éthique, 2003, 19
Journal articles halshs-02025259v1

Investisseurs institutionnels et gouvernance de l'entreprise

Jérôme Caby
La Revue du Financier, 2002, 133
Journal articles hal-02055757v1

Michael C. Jensen

Jérôme Caby , Gerard Hirigoyen
Revue Française de Gestion, 2000, 128
Journal articles halshs-02024706v1

Les limites de la création de valeur

Jérôme Caby , Gérard Hirigoyen
Banque Stratégie, 1999, 161
Journal articles hal-02055706v1

Ingénierie financière et blanchiment d'argent

Jérôme Caby , Bernard Caby
Revue Banque, 1998, 591
Journal articles hal-02055728v1

Les dirigeants et la performance de l'entreprise : une revue de la littérature théorique

Jérôme Caby
Economies et Sociétés, série Gestion, 1997, 7-8
Journal articles halshs-02025162v1

Stratégie et finance : le processus de création de valeur

Jérôme Caby , Jacky Koehl , Marie-France Clerc-Girard
Revue Française de Gestion, 1996, 108
Journal articles halshs-02025503v1

Une nouvelle méthode d'évaluation

Jérôme Caby , Marie-France Clerc-Girard , Jacky Koehl
Economie Lorraine, 1993
Journal articles hal-02056209v1

Formation en sciences de gestion : Tendances actuelles et horizons à venir

Jérôme Caby
Projectics 2024, Apr 2024, Agadir, Morocco
Conference papers hal-04553654v1

How gender diversity in top management teams affects carbon disclosure and its quality? Evidence from the technological industry

Jérôme Caby , Clotilde Coron , Ydriss Ziane
18th ACIEK conference, ESIC, Jun 2023, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-04138230v1

The influence of Twitch and sustainability on the stock returns of video game companies: before and after Covid-19

Juan Piñeiro-Chousa , Angeles Lopez-Cabarcos , Ada Pérez-Pico , Jérôme Caby
ACIEK, Jun 2022, Sevilla, Spain
Conference papers hal-03707001v1

Ex-ante determinants of voluntary target delisting after a M&A

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Jérôme Caby
World Finance Conference 2022, Aug 2022, Turin, Italy
Conference papers hal-03755550v1

The impact of climate change management on banks profitability

Jérôme Caby , Ydriss Ziane , Eric Lamarque
Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance (CIG), Université de Sherbrooke, May 2021, Sherbrooke, Canada
Conference papers hal-03231326v1

The decision to delist or not a target after an acquisition: a governance explanation

Hubert de La Bruslerie , Jérôme Caby
International Conference AFFI, Audencia Business School, May 2021, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-03231335v1

The impact of climate change management on banks profitability

Jérôme Caby , Ydriss Ziane , Eric Lamarque
ACIEK, IAE Paris, Jun 2021, PARIS, France
Conference papers hal-03231322v1

The influence of investor sentiment on the green bond market

Juan Piñeiro , Angeles Lopez-Cabarcos , Jérôme Caby , Aleksandar Sevic
ACIEK, Jun 2020, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-02514995v1

The decision to delist or not after a successful acquisition

Jérôme Caby , Hubert de La Bruslerie
CIG 2020, 2020, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-03256220v1

The role of bullying in the development of organizational citizenship behaviors

Angeles Lopez-Cabarcos , Juan Pineiro-Chousa , Paula Vazquez-Rodriguez , Jérôme Caby
INEKA, Jun 2019, Verona, Italy
Conference papers hal-02157069v1

Financial development and standardized reporting: a comparison among developed emerging and frontier markets

Juan Pineiro-Chousa , Marcos Vizcaíno-González , Jérôme Caby
Global Knowledge and Innovation Academy (GIKA), 2018, Valence, Spain
Conference papers halshs-02148689v1

The role of governance in the impact of climate-related risks on banks' exposure to risk

Jérôme Caby , Eric Lamarque , Ydriss Ziane
Apergis N. Encyclopedia of Monetary Policy, Financial Markets, Climate Change, and Banking, Elsevier, 2023, ⟨10.1016/B978-0-44-313776-1.00009-X⟩
Book sections hal-04105761v1

The uniqueness of BSIS at the service of Business Schools

Jérôme Caby
Michel Kalika. BSIS: A decade of impact, EMS, 2022, 978-2-37687-696-0
Book sections hal-03755590v1

La gouvernance d’entreprise en France : un état des lieux contemporain

Jérôme Caby
Pascal Barneto; Eric Lamarque; Thierry Poulain-Rehm. Variations autour des PME et entreprises de taille intermédiaire. Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Gérard Hirigoyen, EMS Management & Société, 2019
Book sections hal-02001641v1

L'enseignement du management selon le prisme de l'amélioration continue de la qualité

Jérôme Bon , Jérôme Caby
Michel Kalika; Géraldine Michel; Jacques Orsoni. Le Professeur de Management à 360°, Vuibert, 2014, 978-2-311-40176-9
Book sections hal-02056125v1

Valeur actionnariale ou valeur partenariale

Jérôme Caby
José Allouche. Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, Vuibert, 2012
Book sections hal-02143454v1

Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines

Jérôme Caby , Jean-Philippe Desmartin
Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, 3e édition, Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, 2012
Book sections hal-01514818v1

Michaël C. Jensen : une théorie "intégrée" des organisations

Jérôme Caby , Gérard Hirigoyen
José Allouche. Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, Vuibert, 2012
Book sections hal-02143460v1

Investissement responsable et développement durable

Jérôme Caby , Jean-Philippe Desmartin
José Allouche. Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, Vuibert, 2012
Book sections hal-02143471v1

Les dirigeants sont-ils vraiment contrôlés ?

Jérôme Caby
Eric Lamarque. Gouvernance et prise de décision : les questions qui dérangent, Eyrolles, 2011, 978-2-212-54953-9
Book sections hal-02056292v1

The International Convergence of Systems of Corporate Governance

Jérôme Caby
Frank Bournois; Jérôme Duval-Hamel; Sylvie Roussillon; Jean-Louis Scaringella. Handbook of Top Management Teams, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, 978-0-230-21589-8
Book sections hal-02055855v1

Panorama des théories et outils de la finance

Jérôme Caby , Gérard Hirigoyen
Géraldine Schmidt. Le Management : Fondements et Renouvellements, Editions Sciences Humaines, 2008, 978-2-912601-70-4
Book sections hal-02056088v1

Contraintes et opportunités de la mondialisation des entreprises

Jérôme Caby , Philippe Dessertine
Pierre-Louis Dubois. Le nouveau visage des dirigeants du CAC 40, Pearson - Village Mondial, 2008, 978-2-7440-6365-7
Book sections hal-02056103v1

Les fusions-acquisitions, symptôme de la reconfiguration du système économique européen

Jérôme Caby , Juan Pineiro-Chousa , Arturo Tamazian
José Allouche; Janine Freiche. Restructurations d'entreprise : regards croisés, Vuibert, 2007, 918-2-7117-6946-9
Book sections hal-02056380v1

La convergence internationale des systèmes de gouvernance

Jérôme Caby
Frank Bournois; Jérôme Duval-Hamel; Sylvie Roussillon; Jean-Louis Scaringella. Comités exécutifs : voyage au coeur de la dirigeance, Eyrolles, 2007, 978-2-212-53801-4
Book sections hal-02056309v1

Shareholder activism for Corporate Social Responsibility: law and practice in the US, Japan, France and Spain

Bruno Amann , Jérôme Caby , Jacques Jaussaud , Juan Pineiro-Chousa
Doreen McBarnett; Aurora Voiculescu; Tom Campbell. The new corporate accountability: corporate social responsibility and the law, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 978-0-521-86818-1
Book sections hal-02055815v1

Voluntary Disclosure of Non-Financial Information and Corporate Social Responsibility

Jérôme Caby , Juan Pineiro-Chousa
José Allouche. Corporate Social Responsibility, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 978-1-4039-4412-2
Book sections hal-02056161v1

La convergence internationale des systèmes de gouvernance des entreprises ?

Jérôme Caby
Michel Kalika. Management européen et mondialisation, Dunod, 2005, 2100491520
Book sections hal-02143424v1

Les allers et retours en finance d'entreprise

Jérôme Caby
Bruno Amann; Yves Dupuy; Jean-Jacques Rigal. Recherches et pratiques en gestion, Dalloz, 2000
Book sections hal-02056336v1