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Jérémy Frey



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Towards identifying optimal biased feedback for various user states and traits in motor imagery BCI

Jelena Mladenović , Jeremy Frey , Smeety Pramij , Jeremie Mattout , Fabien Lotte
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2021, ⟨10.1109/TBME.2021.3113854⟩
Journal articles hal-03233170v2
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Active inference as a unifying, generic and adaptive framework for a P300-based BCI

Jelena Mladenovic , Jérémy Frey , Mateus Joffily , Emmanuel Maby , Fabien Lotte
Journal of Neural Engineering, 2020, 17, pp.016054. ⟨10.1088/1741-2552/ab5d5c⟩
Journal articles halshs-02396876v2
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An Assessment of Stress States in Passive Margin Sediments: Iterative Hydro-Mechanical Simulations on Basin Models and Implications for Rock Failure Predictions

Antoine Bouziat , Nicolas Guy , Jérémy Frey , Daniele Colombo , Priscille Colin
Geosciences, 2019, 9 (11), pp.469. ⟨10.3390/geosciences9110469⟩
Journal articles hal-02397947v1
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Classifying EEG Signals during Stereoscopic Visualization to Estimate Visual Comfort

Jérémy Frey , Aurélien Appriou , Fabien Lotte , Martin Hachet
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016, 2016, ⟨10.1155/2016/2758103⟩
Journal articles hal-01222045v1
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EEG-based neuroergonomics for 3D user interfaces: opportunities and challenges

Jérémy Frey , Martin Hachet , Fabien Lotte
Le travail humain, 2016
Journal articles hal-01394254v1
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Émersions sensorielles

Jérémy Frey
CORPS : Revue Interdisciplinaire, 2016, Le Corps du Rock et Arts immersifs, 13
Journal articles hal-01288542v1

A Coupling Strategy of FEM and BEM for the Solution of a 3D Industrial Crack Problem

Richard Kouitat Njiwa , Ngadia Taha Niane , Jérémy Frey , Martin Schwartz , Philippe Bristiel
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 2015, 16 (2), pp.112-120. ⟨10.1080/15502287.2015.1009580⟩
Journal articles hal-01292128v1
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Large-Scale Assessment of a Biofeedback Breathing Guide

Jérémy Frey , David Labrosse , Lucie Pariente , Loic Lagorce , Edouard Lhomme
Neuroadaptive Technologies, NAT'22, Zander Labs GmbH; Brandenburg University of Technology, Oct 2022, Lübbenau, Germany
Conference papers hal-03805542v1
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Simple Probabilistic Data-driven Model for Adaptive BCI Feedback

Jelena Mladenović , Fabien Lotte , Jérémie Mattout , Jérémy Frey
NAT 2022 - 3rd Neuroadaptive Technology Conference, Oct 2022, Lubenaü, Germany
Conference papers hal-03787060v1
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Biased feedback influences learning of Motor Imagery BCI

Jelena Mladenović , Jérémy Frey , Jeremie Mattout , Fabien Lotte
International BCI Meeting, Jun 2020, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers hal-02902542v1
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Physiologically Driven Storytelling: Concept and Software Tool

Jérémy Frey , Gilad Ostrin , May Grabli , Jessica R Cauchard
CHI '20 - SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, Apr 2020, Honolulu, United States. ⟨10.1145/3313831.3376643⟩
Conference papers hal-02501375v1
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Physio-Stacks: Supporting Communication with Ourselves and Others via Tangible, Modular Physiological Devices

Joan Sol Roo , Renaud Gervais , Thibault Lainé , Pierre-Antoine Cinquin , Martin Hachet
MobileHCI '20: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Oct 2020, Oldenburg / Virtual, Germany. pp.1-12, ⟨10.1145/3379503.3403562⟩
Conference papers hal-02958470v1
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Dišimo: Anchoring Our Breath

Jelena Mladenović , Jérémy Frey , Jessica R Cauchard
CHI '18 Interactivity - SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, Apr 2018, Montreal, Canada. ⟨10.1145/3170427.3186517⟩
Conference papers hal-01720265v1
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Interactive Narrative in Virtual Reality

Gilad Ostrin , Jérémy Frey , Jessica R Cauchard
MUM 2018 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Nov 2018, Cairo, Egypt. pp.463-467, ⟨10.1145/3282894.3289740⟩
Conference papers hal-01971380v1
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Remote Biofeedback Sharing, Opportunities and Challenges

Jérémy Frey , Jessica R Cauchard
WellComp - UbiComp/ISWC’18 Adjunct, Oct 2018, Singapore, Singapore. ⟨10.1145/3267305.3267701⟩
Conference papers hal-01861830v1
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Breeze: Sharing Biofeedback Through Wearable Technologies

Jérémy Frey , May Grabli , Ronit Slyper , Jessica R Cauchard
CHI '18 - SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, Apr 2018, Montreal, Canada. ⟨10.1145/3173574.3174219⟩
Conference papers hal-01708620v1
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Exploring Biofeedback with a Tangible Interface Designed for Relaxation

Morgane Hamon , Rémy Ramadour , Jérémy Frey
PhyCS - International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, Sep 2018, Seville, Spain. ⟨10.5220/0006961200540063⟩
Conference papers hal-01861829v1
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“Teegi’s so Cute!”: Assessing the Pedagogical Potential of an Interactive Tangible Interface for Schoolchildren

Stéphanie Fleck , Charlotte Baraudon , Jérémy Frey , Thibault Lainé , Martin Hachet
IDC 2018 - 17th Interaction Design and Children Conference, Jun 2018, Trondheim, Norway. ⟨10.1145/3202185.3202731⟩
Conference papers hal-01804324v1
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Endowing the Machine with Active Inference: A Generic Framework to Implement Adaptive BCI

Jelena Mladenović , Mateus Joffily , Jérémy Frey , Fabien Lotte , Jérémie Mattout
NeuroAdaptive Technology Conference '17, Jul 2017, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-01527752v1
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The Impact of Flow in an EEG-based Brain Computer Interface

Jelena Mladenović , Jérémy Frey , Manon Bonnet-Save , Jérémie Mattout , Fabien Lotte
7th International BCI Conference, Sep 2017, Graz, Austria
Conference papers hal-01527748v1
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Scientific Outreach with Teegi, a Tangible EEG Interface to Talk about Neurotechnologies

Jérémy Frey , Renaud Gervais , Thibault Lainé , Maxime Duluc , Hugo Germain
CHI '17 Interactivity - SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, May 2017, Denver, United States. ⟨10.1145/3027063.3052971⟩
Conference papers hal-01484574v1
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Inner Garden: Connecting Inner States to a Mixed Reality Sandbox for Mindfulness

Joan Sol Roo , Renaud Gervais , Jérémy Frey , Martin Hachet
CHI '17 - International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction, ACM, May 2017, Denver, United States. ⟨10.1145/3025453.3025743⟩
Conference papers hal-01455174v1
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« Teegi, il est trop beau »: Exemple d'évaluation du potentiel pédagogique d'une interface tangible interactive pour enfants en contexte scolaire

Stéphanie Fleck , Charlotte Baraudon , Jérémy Frey , Thibault Lainé , Martin Hachet
29ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, AFIHM, Aug 2017, Poitiers, France. ⟨10.1145/3132129.3132143⟩
Conference papers hal-01578637v1
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VIF: Virtual Interactive Fiction (with a twist)

Jérémy Frey
Pervasive Play - CHI '16 Workshop, May 2016, San Jose, United States
Conference papers hal-01305799v2
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TOBE: Tangible Out-of-Body Experience

Renaud Gervais , Jérémy Frey , Alexis Gay , Fabien Lotte , Martin Hachet
TEI ’16 - Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction., Feb 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands. ⟨10.1145/2839462.2839486⟩
Conference papers hal-01215499v1
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Recent advances in EEG-based neuroergonomics for Human-Computer Interaction

Jérémy Frey , Martin Hachet , Fabien Lotte
1st International Neuroergonomics conference, Oct 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01394255v1
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Comparison of a consumer grade EEG amplifier with medical grade equipment in BCI applications

Jérémy Frey
International BCI meeting, May 2016, Asilomar, United States
Conference papers hal-01278245v1
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Framework for Electroencephalography-based Evaluation of User Experience

Jérémy Frey , Maxime Daniel , Julien Castet , Martin Hachet , Fabien Lotte
CHI '16 - SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, May 2016, San Jose, United States. ⟨10.1145/2858036.2858525⟩
Conference papers hal-01251014v1
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Introspectibles: Tangible Interaction to Foster Introspection

Renaud Gervais , Joan Sol Roo , Jérémy Frey , Martin Hachet
Computing and Mental Health - CHI '16 Workshop, May 2016, San Jose, United States
Conference papers hal-01288336v1
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Remote Heart Rate Sensing and Projection to Renew Traditional Board Games and Foster Social Interactions

Jérémy Frey
CHI '16 Extended Abstracts, May 2016, San Jose, United States. ⟨10.1145/2851581.2892391⟩
Conference papers hal-01273938v1
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Augmented Human Experience: Spatial Augmented Reality and Physiological Computing

Joan Sol Roo , Renaud Gervais , Jérémy Frey , Martin Hachet
ETIS - European Tangible Interaction Studio Winter School, AFIHM, Jan 2016, Fribourg, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01481762v2
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Comparison of an open-hardware electroencephalography amplifier with medical grade device in brain-computer interface applications

Jérémy Frey
PhyCS - International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, Jul 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01328427v1
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Estimating Visual Comfort in Stereoscopic Displays Using Electroencephalography: A Proof-of-Concept

Jérémy Frey , Aurélien Appriou , Fabien Lotte , Martin Hachet
15th Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Sep 2015, Bamberg, Germany. pp.354-362, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-22723-8_28⟩
Conference papers hal-01157890v1
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Heart Rate Monitoring as an Easy Way to Increase Engagement in Human-Agent Interaction

Jérémy Frey
PhyCS - International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, Feb 2015, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-01090544v1
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Pointing in Spatial Augmented Reality from 2D Pointing Devices

Renaud Gervais , Jérémy Frey , Martin Hachet
15th Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Sep 2015, Bamberg, Germany. pp.381-389, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-22723-8_30⟩
Conference papers hal-01153647v1
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Continuous Mental Effort Evaluation during 3D Object Manipulation Tasks based on Brain and Physiological Signals

Dennis Wobrock , Jérémy Frey , Delphine Graeff , Jean-Baptiste de La Rivière , Julien Castet
15th Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Sep 2015, Bamberg, Germany. pp.472-487, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-22668-2_35⟩
Conference papers hal-01157896v1
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Teegi: Tangible EEG Interface

Jérémy Frey , Renaud Gervais , Stéphanie Fleck , Fabien Lotte , Martin Hachet
UIST-ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, Oct 2014, Honolulu, United States. ⟨10.1145/2642918.2647368⟩
Conference papers hal-01025621v1
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Review of the Use of Electroencephalography as an Evaluation Method for Human-Computer Interaction

Jérémy Frey , Christian Mühl , Fabien Lotte , Martin Hachet
PhyCS - International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, Jan 2014, Lisbonne, Portugal. ⟨10.5220/0004708102140223⟩
Conference papers hal-00881756v1
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Assessing the Zone of Comfort in Stereoscopic Displays using EEG

Jérémy Frey , Léonard Pommereau , Fabien Lotte , Martin Hachet
CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr 2014, Toronto, Canada. pp.2041-2046, ⟨10.1145/2559206.2581191⟩
Conference papers hal-00982782v1
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Active Inference for Adaptive BCI: application to the P300 Speller

Jelena Mladenović , Jérémy Frey , Emmanuel Maby , Mateus Joffily , Fabien Lotte
International BCI meeting, May 2018, Asilomar, United States. , 2018
Conference poster hal-01796754v1
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Evaluation of a congruent auditory feedback for Motor Imagery BCI

Emmanuel Christophe , Jérémy Frey , Richard Kronland-Martinet , Jean-Arthur Micoulaud-Franchi , Jelena Mladenović
International BCI meeting, May 2018, Asilomar, United States.
Conference poster hal-01794900v2
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Towards congruent BCI feedback

Jelena Mladenović , Jérémy Frey , Emmanuel Christophe , Jean-Arthur Micoulaud-Franchi , Jean Vion-Dury
JJC-ICON'2018 - Journée Jeunes Chercheurs en Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur et Neurofeedback, Apr 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference poster hal-01849117v1
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Marqueurs neurophysiologiques pour les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur passives

Raphaelle Roy , Jérémy Frey
Les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur 1, , 2016, 978-1-78405-148-8
Book sections hal-01413448v1

Neurophysiological Markers for Passive Brain–Computer Interfaces

Raphaelle Roy , Jérémy Frey
Maureen Clerc; Laurent Bougrain; Fabien Lotte. Brain–Computer Interfaces 1: Foundations and Methods, Wiley-ISTE, 2016, 978-1-84821-826-0. ⟨10.1002/9781119144977.ch5⟩
Book sections hal-01413462v1
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When HCI Meets Neurotechnologies: What You Should Know about Brain-Computer Interfaces

Jérémy Frey , Camille Jeunet , Jelena Mladenovic , Léa Pillette , Fabien Lotte
3rd cycle. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017), Denver, United States. 2017
Lectures cel-01418705v1