Caractérisation expérimentale des propriétés physiques et mécaniques de FGPM Ni/BaTiO$_3$
Baraa Saidani
Julie Cedelle
Johann Petit
Damien Bregiroux
Jihed Zghal
25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Analyse des effets de taille : Comparaison entre le modèle TLS (Thick Level Set) et le Critère Couplé
Jihed Zghal
Nicolas Moes
Dominique Leguillon
Claude Stolz
25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Centrale Nantes; Université de Nantes; ENSAM Angers; Ecole Navale de Brest; Université de La Rochelle, Aug 2022, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Illustration of the weakness of the delayed damage model for dynamic loading
Jihed Zghal
Nicolas Moes
European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Apr 2022, oxford, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Micro-and Nano-scale Observations of Fluorosis Enamel
Abdallah Mouhibi
Naji Kharouf
Youri Arntz
Hamdi Jmal
Jihed Zghal
IADR 2021, en distanciel, France, novembre 2021,, Nov 2021, En ligne, France
Conference papers
Mechanical characterization and cytotoxicity assessment of a new biopolymer dedicated to manufacturing of dental splints/aligners.
Delphine Wagner
Hamdi Jmal
Jihed Zghal
Frank Meyer
Nadia Bahlouli
46ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2021, Saint Etienne, France
Conference papers
New experimental protocol for dental ceramic wear simulation: Concept proof of a bio-inspired fake mouth design
Jihed Zghal
S Berthe
H Jmal
N Bahlouli
O Etienne
45ème congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, Oct 2020, Metz, France
Conference papers
Wear behaviors of dental ceramics against natural teeth in an artificial oral environment
Samuel Berthe
Jihed Zghal
Nadia Bahlouli
Olivier Etienne
FMTS, Strasbourg, France, avril 2019, Apr 2019, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Simulation of the failure of quasi-brittle specimen with defects using the TLS damage model: Scale effect analysis
Jihed Zghal
Nicolas Moes
Dominique Leguillon
Claude Stolz
ICMM6, Jun 2019, Lund, Sweden. pp.1-1
Conference papers
Analysis of the failure at notches in quasi-brittle media using the TLS damage model and comparison with the coupled criterion
Jihed Zghal
Nicolas Moës
Claude Stolz
Kevin Moreau
Dominique Leguillon
CFRAC2017, International Conference on Computation Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures, N. Moës, Jun 2017, Nantes, France. ⟨10.1007/s10704-018-0287-6⟩
Conference papers
Development of a polycrystalline approach for the modelling of high cycle fatigue damage: Application to a HSLA steel
Jihed Zghal
Charles Mareau
Franck Morel
4th International Conference on Material Modeling, May 2015, Berkeley, United States. 1p
Conference papers