Relationship between weapon size and six key behavioural and physiological traits in males of the European earwig
Samantha Blackwell
Laura Pasquier
Simon Dupont
Severine Devers
Charlotte Lecureuil
Journal articles
The biology and social life of earwigs (Dermaptera)
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
With or without you: Gut microbiota does not predict aggregation behavior in European earwig females
Marie-Charlotte Cheutin
Benjamin Leclerc
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Earwig mothers can boost offspring’s defence against pathogens during postoviposition care
Manon Boucicot
Marie-Charlotte Cheutin
Tiffany Laverre
Christine Braquart-Varnier
Julien Verdon
Journal articles
The European earwig: a model species for studying the (early) evolution of social life
Romain Honorio
Marie-Charlotte Cheutin
Laura Pasquier
Simon de Wever
Elfie Perdereau
Journal articles
Limited effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide on the behaviour and immunity of males from six populations of the European earwig
Laura Pasquier
Charlotte Lécureuil
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Heat waves during egg development alter maternal care and offspring quality in the European earwig
Lisa Le Roux
Joël Meunier
Irene Villalta
Journal articles
The costs and benefits of maternal egg care in the earwig Forficula pubescens
N. Mouret
C. Lécureuil
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Effects of cadmium ingestion on reproduction and maternal egg care in the European earwig
Romain Honorio
Pauline Depierrefixe
Séverine Devers
maryse rouelle
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Cadmium does not affect post-hatching maternal care or early offspring development in earwigs
Romain Honorio
Sarah Moreau
Charlotte Lécureuil
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Pre- and post-oviposition behavioural strategies to protect eggs against extreme winter cold in an insect with maternal care
Jean-Claude Tourneur
Claire Cole
Jess Vickruck
Simon Dupont
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Costs and benefits of isolation from siblings during family life in adult earwigs
Sophie van Meyel
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Exposure to pyriproxyfen pesticide (juvenile hormone agonist) does not alter maternal care and reproduction in the European earwig
Leslie-Anne Merleau
Izïa Larrigaldie
Océane Bousquet
Séverine Devers
Matthieu Keller
Journal articles
Earwig mothers consume the feces of their juveniles during family life
Sophie van Meyel
Séverine Devers
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Effects of temperature, fungal infection and weight on intermoult duration and survival of starving larvae in the European earwig
Martin Coulm
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Editorial: Microbial Drivers of Sociality -From Multicellularity to Animal Societies
Peter H W Biedermann
Marko Rohlfs
Dino P Mcmahon
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Sublethal exposure to deltamethrin stimulates reproduction and has limited effects on post-hatching maternal care in the European earwig
Emilie Mauduit
Charlotte Lécureuil
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Alteration of gut microbiota with a broad‐spectrum antibiotic does not impair maternal care in the European earwig
Sophie van Meyel
Séverine Devers
Simon Dupont
Franck Dedeine
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Efficient but occasionally imperfect vertical transmission of gut mutualistic protists in a wood‐feeding termite
Caroline Michaud
Vincent Hervé
Simon Dupont
Géraldine Dubreuil
Annie Bézier
Journal articles
Sublethal exposure to deltamethrin impairs maternal egg care in the European earwig Forficula auricularia
Joël Meunier
Juliette Dufour
Sophie van Meyel
Magali Rault
Charlotte Lécureuil
Journal articles
Friend or foe? The apparent benefits of gregarine (Apicomplexa: Sporozoa) infection in the European earwig
Francisco Arcila
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
The first of five moults of Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera: Forficulidae)
Jean-Claude Tourneur
Claire Cole
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Offspring reverse transcriptome responses to maternal deprivation when reared with pathogens in an insect with facultative family life
Maximilian Körner
Fanny Vogelweith
Romain Libbrecht
Susanne Foitzik
Barbara Feldmeyer
Journal articles
Variations in seasonal (not mean) temperatures drive rapid adaptations to novel environments at a continent scale
Jean‐claude Tourneur
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Reproductives and eggs trigger worker vibration in a subterranean termite
Fanny Ruhland
Marion Moulin
Marina Choppin
Joël Meunier
Christophe Lucas
Journal articles
Filial egg cannibalism in the European earwig: its determinants and implications in the evolution of maternal egg care
Sophie van Meyel
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Collective personalities: present knowledge and new frontiers
Colin Wright
James Lichtenstein
Grant Doering
Justin Pretorius
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Joint effects of group sex-ratio and Wolbachia infection on female reproductive success in the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare
Margot Fortin
Joël Meunier
Tiffany Laverré
Catherine Souty-Grosset
Freddie-Jeanne Richard
Journal articles
Love them all: mothers provide care to foreign eggs in the European earwig Forficula auricularia
Sophie van Meyel
Séverine Devers
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
On the link between endothermy, energy budget, and parental care: a comment on Beekman et al
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
The other facets of family life and their role in the evolution of animal sociality
Jos Kramer
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Unbalanced biparental care during colony foundation in two subterranean termites
Lou Brossette
Joël Meunier
Simon Dupont
Anne-Geneviève Bagnères
Christophe Lucas
Journal articles
Surrounding pathogens shape maternal egg care but not egg production in the European earwig
Janina Diehl
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Social immunity: why we should study its nature, evolution and functions across all social systems
Sophie van Meyel
Maximilian Körner
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Extended winters entail long-term costs for insect offspring reared in an overwinter burrow
Maximilian Körner
Susanne Foitzik
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Editorial overview: Beyond eusocial insects: studying the other social insects to better understand social evolution
Joël Meunier
Sandra Steiger
Journal articles
When earwig mothers do not care to share: Parent-offspring competition and the evolution of family life
Jos Kramer
Maximilian Körner
Janina Diehl
Christine Scheiner
Aytül Yüksel-Dadak
Journal articles
Simulated robots and the evolution of reciprocity
Michael D Greenfield
Joël D Meunier
Journal articles
Age, pathogen exposure, but not maternal care shape offspring immunity in an insect with facultative family life
Fanny Vogelweith
Maximilian Körner
Susanne Foitzik
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Age, sex, mating status, but not social isolation interact to shape basal immunity in a group-living insect
Fanny Vogelweith
Susanne Foitzik
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Condition-Dependent Trade-Off Between Weapon Size and Immunity in Males of the European Earwig
Maximilian Körner
Fanny Vogelweith
Susanne Foitzik
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Maternal condition determines offspring behavior toward family members in the European earwig
Jos Kramer
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
The population determines whether and how life-history traits vary between reproductive events in an insect with maternal care
Tom Ratz
Jos Kramer
Michel Veuille
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Kin and multilevel selection in social evolution: a never-ending controversy?
Jos Kramer
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Survival after pathogen exposure in group-living insects: don't forget the stress of social isolation!
Philip Kohlmeier
Kai Holländer
J. Meunier
Journal articles
Growing up with feces: benefits of allo-coprophagy in families of the European earwig
Maximilian Körner
Janina Diehl
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
PO-CALC: A novel tool to correct common inconsistencies in the measurement of phenoloxidase activity
Philip Kohlmeier
Heiko Dreyer
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Multiple paternity and mating group size in the European earwig, Forficula auricularia
Lina Sandrin
Joël Meunier
Shirley Raveh
Jean-Claude Walser
Mathias Kölliker
Journal articles
Parent–offspring conflict and the genetic trade-offs shaping parental investment
Mathias Kölliker
Stefan Boos
Janine W.Y. Wong
Lilian Röllin
Dimitri Stucki
Journal articles
Feces production as a form of social immunity in an insect with facultative maternal care
Janina Mc Diehl
Maximilian Körner
Michael Pietsch
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Negative association between parental care and sibling cooperation in earwigs: a new perspective on the early evolution of family life?
Jos Kramer
Julia Thesing
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Short-term benefits, but transgenerational costs of maternal loss in an insect with facultative maternal care
Julia Thesing
Jos Kramer
Lisa Koch
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Social immunity and the evolution of group living in insects
J. Meunier
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2015, 370 (1669), pp.20140102-20140102. ⟨10.1098/rstb.2014.0102⟩
Journal articles
Sibling Cooperation in Earwig Families Provides Insights into the Early Evolution of Social Life
Joachim Falk
Janine Wong
Mathias Kölliker
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Mother and offspring fitness in an insect with maternal care: phenotypic trade-offs between egg number, egg mass and egg care
Lisa Koch
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Influences of Relatedness, Food Deprivation, and Sex on Adult Behaviors in the Group-living Insect Forficula auricularia
Charlotte Weiss
Jos Kramer
Kai Holländer
Joël Meunier
Journal articles
Paternal signature in kin recognition cues of a social insect: concealed in juveniles, revealed in adults
Janine Wong
Joël Meunier
Christophe Lucas
Mathias Kölliker
Journal articles
Maternal care provides antifungal protection to eggs in the European earwig
Stefan Boos
Joël Meunier
Samuel Pichon
Mathias Kölliker
Journal articles
Inbreeding depression in an insect with maternal care: influences of family interactions, life stage and offspring sex
Joël Meunier
Mathias Kölliker
Journal articles
The evolution of parental care in insects: the roles of ecology, life history and the social environment
Janine Wong
Joël Meunier
Mathias Kölliker
Journal articles
One clutch or two clutches? Fitness correlates of coexisting alternative female life-histories in the European earwig
Joël Meunier
Janine Wong
Yamenah Gómez
Sabine Kuttler
Lilian Röllin
Journal articles
When it is costly to have a caring mother: food limitation erases the benefits of parental care in earwigs
Joël Meunier
Mathias Kölliker
Journal articles
Parental antagonism and parent-offspring co-adaptation interact to shape family life
Joël Meunier
Mathias Kölliker
Journal articles
Queen acceptance in a socially polymorphic ant
Joël Meunier
Anabelle Reber
Michel Chapuisat
Journal articles
Recognition in ants: social origin matters
Joël Meunier
Olivier Delémont
Christophe Lucas
Journal articles
A New Function of Hydrocarbons in Insect Communication: Maternal Care and Offspring Signalling in the European Earwig
Flore Mas
Joël Meunier
Mathias Kölliker
Journal articles
Eumelanin-based coloration and fitness parameters in birds: a meta-analysis
Joël Meunier
Susana Figueiredo Pinto
Reto Burri
Alexandre Roulin
Journal articles
Can alternative pathways mediate the influence of queen number on nestmate discrimination in ants?
Joël Meunier
Communicative and Integrative Biology, 2011, 4 (5), pp.609-611
Journal articles
Reproductive conflicts and egg discrimination in a socially polymorphic ant
Joël Meunier
Luma Delaplace
Michel Chapuisat
Journal articles
Flexible colony-founding strategies in a socially polymorphic ant
Anabelle Reber
Joël Meunier
Michel Chapuisat
Journal articles
Competitive ability not kinship affects growth of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions
Frédéric Masclaux
Robert G Hammond
Joël Meunier
Caroline Gouhier-Darimont
Laurent Keller
Journal articles
The determinants of queen size in a socially polymorphic ant
Joël Meunier
Michel Chapuisat
Journal articles
Stay or drift? Queen acceptance in the ant Formica paralugubris
Barbara Holzer
J. Meunier
Laurent Keller
Michel Chapuisat
Journal articles
Split sex ratios in the social Hymenoptera: a meta-analysis
Joël Meunier
Stuart A West
Michel Chapuisat
Journal articles