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Jonathan LARCHER

Maître de conférences en études cinématographiques à l'Université Paris Nanterre
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Formes vagabondes

Jonathan Larcher
Images Re-Vues, 2021, 18, ⟨10.4000/imagesrevues.11350⟩
Journal articles hal-03505442v1
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Shot and never seen again

Jonathan Larcher
Necsus - European Journal of Media Studies, 2021, 10 (1), pp.121-143
Journal articles hal-03505452v1
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Tout n’est qu’histoire d’amour

Jonathan Larcher
Martor, Revue d'Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan roumain, 2020, 25 (25), pp.115-132. ⟨10.57225/martor.2020.25.07⟩
Journal articles hal-03505249v1
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Katherine Groo. 2019. Bad Film Histories: Ethnography and the Early Archive. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Jonathan Larcher
Synoptique An Online Journal of Film and Moving Image Studies, 2020, Animating LGBTQ+ Representations: Queering the Production of Movement, 9 (1), pp.150-153
Journal articles hal-03505294v1
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The Movie Theater as 'Contact Zone'.

Jonathan Larcher , Alo Paistik
Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo , 2020, Epistemologías indígenas e imaginación artística, 7 (1), pp.13-22
Journal articles hal-03505334v1
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Des images en panne ?

Jonathan Larcher
Techniques & Culture , 2019, 72, pp.148-163. ⟨10.4000/tc.12338⟩
Journal articles hal-03505208v1
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Visualité et imageries du pouvoir en Océanie

Jonathan Larcher
Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 2019, Filmer (dans) le Pacifique, 148, pp.53-64. ⟨10.4000/jso.10555⟩
Journal articles hal-03505238v1
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The instability of the digital archive

Jonathan Larcher
Necsus - European Journal of Media Studies, 2018, Resolution, 7 (2), pp.123-144. ⟨10.25969/mediarep/3443⟩
Journal articles hal-03505177v1
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Un siècle d’infamie

Jonathan Larcher
Recherches et travaux (Grenoble), 2018, 93, ⟨10.4000/recherchestravaux.1113⟩
Journal articles hal-03505151v1
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Diplomatie culturelle et mépris de la culture populaire

Jonathan Larcher
TV/Series, 2018, 13, ⟨10.4000/tvseries.2672⟩
Journal articles hal-03505129v1
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Current Dilemmas of the Ethnographer behind the Camera

Jonathan Larcher , Noémie Oxley
Anthrovision - Vaneasa online journal, 2015, 3.2, ⟨10.4000/anthrovision.1572⟩
Journal articles hal-03504812v1
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La place du maître

Jonathan Larcher
Journal des anthropologues, 2012, 130-131, pp.207-234
Journal articles hal-03504800v1