Jordan Augé
I am a researcher at Cisco Systems in the [PIRL]( laboratory in Paris, and member of [SystemX ARE project]( and [LINCS](
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MAP-Me: Managing Anchor-less Producer Mobility in Content-Centric NetworksIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2018, 15 (2), pp.596-610. ⟨10.1109/TNSM.2018.2796720⟩
Journal articles
Tools to foster a global federation of testbedsComputer Networks, 2014, Special issue on Future Internet Testbeds − Part II, 63, pp.205-220. ⟨10.1016/j.bjp.2013.12.038⟩
Journal articles
The 2nd workshop on active internet measurements (AIMS-2) reportComputer Communication Review, 2010, 40 (5), pp.53--58. ⟨10.1145/1880153.1880162⟩
Journal articles
Secure Producer Mobility in Information-Centric NetworkICN '17 Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, Sep 2017, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Errors Announcing 32-bit ASNs in BGP RoutesDRCN'15: 11th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks, poster paper, Mar 2015, Kansas City, United States. pp.87-88, ⟨10.1109/DRCN.2015.7148991⟩
Conference papers
Violation of interdomain routing assumptionsPAM 2014 - 15th International Conference on Passive and Active Measurement, Mar 2014, Los Angeles,, United States. pp.173-182, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-04918-2_17⟩
Conference papers
On multi-exit routings and AS relationshipsISMA 2013 - 5th AIMS Workshop, Feb 2013, San Diego, United States
Conference papers
Measurement-based admission control for flow-aware implicit service differentiationITC 2011 - 23rd International Teletraffic Congress, Sep 2011, San Francisco, United States. pp.206-213
Conference papers
TopHat: supporting experiments through measurement infrastructure federationTridentCom 2010 - 6th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, May 2010, Berlin, Germany. pp.542-557, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-17851-1_41⟩
Conference papers
A Statistical Bandwidth Sharing Perspective on Buffer Sizing20th International Teletraffic Congress, Jun 2007, Ottawa, Canada. ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-72990-7_38⟩
Conference papers
Buffer sizing for elastic trafficNGI2006, 2nd Conference on Next Generation Internet Design and Engineering, Apr 2006, Valencia, Spain. pp.33 - 40, ⟨10.1109/NGI.2006.1678220⟩
Conference papers
Anchor-less Producer Mobility in ICNICN'15 - 2nd International Conference on Information-Centric Networking, Sep 2015, San Francisco, United States. ACM, ACM-ICN '15 Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. Pages 189-190, pp.189-190, 2015, ⟨10.1145/2810156.2812601⟩
Conference poster
Control plane extension - Status of the SFA deployment2013
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
The Open Slice-based Facility Architecture (Open SFA)2012
Preprints, Working Papers, ...