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Juan Carlos ROJAS

Identifiants chercheurs
  • IdHAL juan-carlos-rojas-sanchez
  • ResearcherId : N-9963-2015
  • IdRef : 224501712
  • ORCID 0000-0001-7044-2785
  • Google Scholar :
  • ResearcherId :


Juan Carlos Rojas-Sanchez is currently a CNRS permanent researcher at Institute Jean Lamour (IJL), Nancy, France. He received his Bachelor in Physics in 1999 from the National University of Engineering (UNI), Lima, Peru, his Master in Physics in 2004 from Balseiro Institute, Bariloche, Argentina, and his Ph.D. in Physics in 2011 from Balseiro Institute (National University of Cuyo), Bariloche Atomic Center, Bariloche, Argentina. From 2011-2015, he was a postdoctoral fellow in *Laboratoire de Nanostructures et Magnetisme* INAC/CEA, SPINTEC, Institut Néel, and Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, France. He joined the CNRS in October 2015 as a researcher in the Spintronics and Nanomagnetism group at Institute Jean Lamour (IJL). In 2018, he also became the Head of IJL’s micro and nanotechnologies competence center MiNaLor. His main research interests span from spintronics to spin-caloritronics and spin-orbitronics. He studies spin current, spin Hall effect, Edelstein effect, and spin-orbit torque with the aim to obtain more efficient, faster, and environmentally cleaner devices for memory, energy harvesting, and logic applications. He has over 50 publications in international peer-reviewed journals such as Nature Materials, Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, and Physical Review Letters, 10 (10) as the first (second) author, and 14 as the corresponding author, with a total citation of more than 2720. He has also served as the session chair of several significant international conferences and co-chair or chair of [International Workshops in Spintronics]( **Education** - 2020 ***HDR*** French qualification, Lorraine University (France) - 2011 ***Ph.D. in Physics***, Insituto Balseiro, U. Cuyo, Bariloche (Argentina) - 1999 ***Bachelor*** ***in Physics***, National University of Engineering (UNI), Lima (Peru) **Employment and Professional Experience** - 2011-2013 ***Post-doc***, CEA-Grenoble (France). CEA-Eurotalents Marie-Curie Actions Fellow. - 2013-2015 ***Post-doc***, UMPhi CNRS/Thales (France). - 2015- ***CNRS permanent researcher***, Institute Jean Lamour (IJL), Nancy, France. "Chargé de récherche" **Institutional responsibilities** - 2018– Present **Head of the Micro and nanotechnology platform of Lorraine**, IJL’s CC-[MiNaLor]( Cleanroom facilities including a staff of 3 engineers. **Project leader**: - 2016 CNRS Cellule Energy (15 k€) - 2018-2021 Local Coordinator ANR [MISSION]( (202 k€) - 2020-2023 PI ANR JCJC [TOPTRONICS]( (256 k€) - 2021-2025 Local co-PI H2020 MSCA RISE [ULTIMATE-I]( (444.5 k€) **Supervision**: 2 post-doc, 6 Ph.D. students, 4 M2 students, and 2 M1 students, and Mentoring 10 international internship students (resulted in publications with most of them) from Chine (3), USA (2), Peru (4), Mexico (1) and Argentina (1) **Research records(ISI Web of Science, Dec 2022) and scientific communication** - **50** publications in international peer-reviewed journals including 1 Nat. Mater., 2 Adv. Materials, 2 Nat. Comm., 3 Nano Lett., 3 Phys. Rev. Lett, 4 Phys. Rev. Appl., 10 Phys. Rev. B and 7 Appl. Phys. Lett - **2729** citations (average 54.5 citations per article). 3842 citations in Google Scholar. - **4** highly cited papers (top 1% for the field and publication year). The first author in three of them and the corresponding author in the fourth one. Nat Comm. 2013, PRL 2014, PRL 2016, and Nat. Materials 2016. - **h-index**: 24 (26 in Google Scholar) - **29** invited talk at international conferences - **11** contributed talks at international conferences - **18** seminars at Universities and research laboratories **Awards**: - 2020: [CNRS Bronze Medal]( - 2019: City Medal, Chepen (hometown in Peru) **Organization of International Conferences**: - 2019: Co-chair of SPIN PERU, [International Workshop Spintronics 2019](, Ollantaytambo, Peru - 2022: chair of SPIN ARGENTINA, [International Workshop Spintronics 2022](, Bariloche, ARG
