Un modèle ravageur/parasitoïde pour optimiser la lutte biologique
Cecile Moulin
Taiadjana M Fortuna
Laure Kaiser
F. Rebaudo
Judith Legrand
Entomo2023 : 43èmes journées des Entomophagistes, Jul 2023, Gif sur Yvette, France
Conference poster
Interaction plante-microbiome: la phénologie du maïs impacte-t-elle la dynamique du microbiome rhizosphérique?
Judith Legrand
Philippe Deschamps
Martine Le Guilloux
Purification Lopez-Garcia
Maud Tenaillon
Petit Pois Déridé 2023, Jul 2023, Poitiers, France
Conference poster
How plant-pest synchrony impacts pest success ?
Sacha Revillon
Christine Dillmann
Nathalie Galic
Cyril Bauland
Carine Palaffre
Petit Pois Déridé (PPD 2022), May 2022, Lille, France.
Conference poster
Spatio-temporal variation and spatial synchrony in flight dates in two corn borers
Alexia Mouchet
Jean-Baptiste Thibord
Doriane Hamernig
Judith Legrand
François Rebaudo
SFE2-GFO-EEF Joint Meeting, Nov 2022, Metz (France), France
Conference poster
How plant-pest synchrony impacts pest success ?
Sacha Revillon
Christine Dillmann
Nathalie Galic
Cyril Bauland
Carine Palaffre
PHENO 2022, Jun 2022, Avignon, France.
Conference poster
Maize resistance to herbivores: life-cycles synchronisation matters
Inoussa Sanane
Christine Dillmann
Judith Legrand
Frédéric Marion-Poll
ESEB2019, Aug 2019, Turku, Finland
Conference poster
Identifier les déterminants du succès d’un agent de lutte biologique contre un ravageur du maïs. Une approche de modélisation mathématique
Pedro Rosero
Romain Benoist
Laure Kaiser
François Rebaudo
Judith Legrand
Petit Pois Déridé 2019, Jun 2019, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Conference poster
Feedback loops between traits under selection and the environment in batch experimental evolution: a mathematical analysis
Dorian Collot
Thibault Nidelet
Christine Dillmann
Olivier Martin
Sylvie Méléard
Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (EVOLUTION 2018), Aug 2018, Montpellier, France. 2018
Conference poster
Non transitivity of fitness and the emergence of correlations between traits in seasonal environments: a modeling approach.
Dorian Collot
Thibault Nidelet
Christine Dillmann
Johan Ramsayer
Olivier Martin
Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (ESEB, ASN, SSE, SSB) 2018, Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference poster
Role of agronomic and bread-making practices in sourdough microbial diversity and bread nutritional and organoleptic properties
Elisa Michel
Stephane Guezenec
Judith Legrand
Isabelle Goldringer
Simon Rousselot
7. international symposium on sourdough, Jul 2018, Cork, Ireland. 2018
Conference poster
Microbial community assemblies and interspecific interactions in wheat sourdough
Johan Ramsayer
Delphine Sicard
Judith Legrand
Sfécologie-2018 - International Conference of Ecological Sciences, Oct 2018, Rennes, France. 2018
Conference poster
Domestication of microbial community in action : a participatory research and multidisciplinary study of sourdough bread
Elisa Michel
Maria Belen Carbonetto
Charlotte Urien
Emilie Lhomme
Stephane Guezenec
II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology • Montpellier 2018, Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference poster
Terroir, baker’s practices, wheat varieties and their influence on sourdough microbial diversity
Elisa Michel
Héloise Debroise
Marion Deffrasnes
Stéphane Guezenec
Judith Legrand
Colloque du métaprogramme Méta-omiques et écosystèmes microbiens (MEM), Jan 2017, Paris, France
Conference poster
Microbial diversity in French sourdoughs bread
Charlotte Urien
E. Lhomme
C. Aulard
Y. Mouffok
B. Onno
Tallin university-PhD program and competent center, Jun 2017, Tallin, Estonia. 2017
Conference poster
Impact of baker’s practices, terroir and wheat varieties on sourdough microbial taxonomic and functional diversity
Elisa Michel
Héloise Debroise
Marion Deffrasnes
Isabelle Hue
Stephane Guezenec
4. International Conference on Microbial Diversity 2017, Oct 2017, Bari, Italy. , 2017
Conference poster