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judith legrand



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Artisanal and farmer bread making practices differently shape fungal species community composition in French sourdoughs

Elisa Michel , Estelle Masson , Sandrine Bubbendorf , Léocadie Lapicque , Thibault Nidelet
Peer Community Journal, 2023, 3, pp.e11. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.237⟩
Journal articles hal-04206586v1
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Developmental Differentiations of Major Maize Stemborers Due to Global Warming in Temperate and Tropical Climates

Baptiste Régnier , Judith Legrand , Paul-André Calatayud , François Rebaudo
Insects, 2023, Climate Change and Insects, 14 (1), pp.51. ⟨10.3390/insects14010051⟩
Journal articles hal-03982678v1
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Microbial community dispersal from wheat grains to sourdoughs : a contribution of participatory research

Lucas von Gastrow , Elisa Michel , Judith Legrand , Rémy Amelot , Diego Segond
Molecular Ecology, 2023, 32 (10), pp.2413-2427. ⟨10.1111/mec.16630⟩
Journal articles hal-03741463v2
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Modeling Temperature-Dependent Development Rate in Insects and Implications of Experimental Design

Baptiste Régnier , Judith Legrand , François Rebaudo
Environmental Entomology, 2022, 51 (1), pp.132-144. ⟨10.1093/ee/nvab115⟩
Journal articles hal-03982548v1
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High-Throughput Feeding Bioassay for Lepidoptera Larvae

Inoussa Sanané , Judith Legrand , Christine Dillmann , Frédéric Marion-Poll
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2021, 47 (7), pp.642-652. ⟨10.1007/s10886-021-01290-x⟩
Journal articles hal-04293413v1
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Investigations of the mechanisms of interactions between four non-conventional species with Saccharomyces cerevisiae in oenological conditions

Olivier Harle , Judith Legrand , Catherine Tesniere , Martine Pradal , Jean-Roch Mouret
PLoS ONE, 2020, 15 (5), 15 p. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0233285⟩
Journal articles hal-02870400v1
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Fungal Species Diversity in French Bread Sourdoughs Made of Organic Wheat Flour

Charlotte Urien , Judith Legrand , Pierre Montalent , Serge Casaregola , Delphine Sicard
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10, ⟨10.3389/fmicb.2019.00201⟩
Journal articles hal-02319371v1

Bakery yeasts, a new model for studies in ecology and evolution

Maria Belen Carbonetto , Johan Ramsayer , Thibault Nidelet , Judith Legrand , Delphine Sicard
Yeast, 2018, 35 (11), pp.591-603. ⟨10.1002/yea.3350⟩
Journal articles hal-02154370v1
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Feedback between environment and traits under selection in a seasonal environment: consequences for experimental evolution

Dorian Collot , Thibault Nidelet , Johan Ramsayer , Olivier C. Martin , Sylvie Meleard
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2018, 285 (1876), pp.9. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2018.0284⟩
Journal articles hal-01837849v1

Life-history strategies and carbon metabolism gene dosage in the Nakaseomyces yeasts

Judith Legrand , Monique Bolotin-Fukuhara , Aurélie Bourgais , Cécile Fairhead , Delphine Sicard
FEMS Yeast Research, 2016, 16, 14 p. ⟨10.1093/femsyr/fov112⟩
Journal articles hal-01531601v1

Sourdough microbial community dynamics: an analysis during French organic bread-making processes

Emilie Lhomme , Charlotte Urien , Judith Legrand , Xavier Dousset , Bernard Onno
Food Microbiology, 2016, 53 (part A), pp.41-50. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-01532508v1
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Detailed Contact Data and the Dissemination of Staphylococcus aureus in Hospitals

Thomas Obadia , Romain Silhol , Lulla Opatowski , Laura Temime , Judith Legrand
PLoS Computational Biology, 2015, 11 (3), pp.e1004170. ⟨10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004170⟩
Journal articles hal-01134050v2

Occupational determinants of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization among healthcare workers: a longitudinal study in a rehabilitation center

Judith Legrand , L. Temime , C. Lawrence , J. L. Herrmann , P. Y. Boelle
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 2015, 36 (7), pp.767-776. ⟨10.1017/ice.2015.51⟩
Journal articles hal-02634028v1
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Phenotypic and genotypic convergences are influenced by historical contingency and environment in yeast

Aymé Spor , Daniel J. Kvitek , Thibault Nidelet , Juliette Martin , Judith Legrand
Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution, 2014, 68 (3), pp.772-790. ⟨10.1111/evo.12302⟩
Journal articles hal-02631279v1
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Modeling the impact of tuberculosis control strategies in highly endemic overcrowded prisons.

Judith Legrand , Alexandra Sanchez , Francoise Le Pont , Luiz Camacho , Bernard Larouze
PLoS ONE, 2008, 3 (5), pp.e2100. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0002100⟩
Journal articles inserm-00416059v1

Real-time monitoring of the influenza vaccine field effectiveness

Judith Legrand , Elisabeta Vergu
Vaccine, 2006, 24 (44-46), pp.6605-6611. ⟨10.1016/j.vaccine.2006.05.063⟩
Journal articles hal-02662174v1
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Modeling spatial and temporal transmission of foot-and-mouth disease in France: identification of high-risk areas

Arnaud Lemenach , Judith Legrand , Rebecca Grais , Cécile Viboud , Alain-Jacques Valleron
Veterinary Research, 2005, 36 (5-6), pp.699-712. ⟨10.1051/vetres:2005025⟩
Journal articles hal-00902993v1

Un modèle ravageur/parasitoïde pour optimiser la lutte biologique

Cecile Moulin , Taiadjana M Fortuna , Laure Kaiser , F. Rebaudo , Judith Legrand
Entomo2023 : 43èmes journées des Entomophagistes, Jul 2023, Gif sur Yvette, France
Conference poster hal-04332037v1

Interaction plante-microbiome: la phénologie du maïs impacte-t-elle la dynamique du microbiome rhizosphérique?

Judith Legrand , Philippe Deschamps , Martine Le Guilloux , Purification Lopez-Garcia , Maud Tenaillon
Petit Pois Déridé 2023, Jul 2023, Poitiers, France
Conference poster hal-04351450v1

How plant-pest synchrony impacts pest success ?

Sacha Revillon , Christine Dillmann , Nathalie Galic , Cyril Bauland , Carine Palaffre
Petit Pois Déridé (PPD 2022), May 2022, Lille, France.
Conference poster hal-04351737v1

Spatio-temporal variation and spatial synchrony in flight dates in two corn borers

Alexia Mouchet , Jean-Baptiste Thibord , Doriane Hamernig , Judith Legrand , François Rebaudo
SFE2-GFO-EEF Joint Meeting, Nov 2022, Metz (France), France
Conference poster hal-04351432v1

How plant-pest synchrony impacts pest success ?

Sacha Revillon , Christine Dillmann , Nathalie Galic , Cyril Bauland , Carine Palaffre
PHENO 2022, Jun 2022, Avignon, France.
Conference poster hal-04351734v1

Maize resistance to herbivores: life-cycles synchronisation matters

Inoussa Sanane , Christine Dillmann , Judith Legrand , Frédéric Marion-Poll
ESEB2019, Aug 2019, Turku, Finland
Conference poster hal-04351338v1

Identifier les déterminants du succès d’un agent de lutte biologique contre un ravageur du maïs. Une approche de modélisation mathématique

Pedro Rosero , Romain Benoist , Laure Kaiser , François Rebaudo , Judith Legrand
Petit Pois Déridé 2019, Jun 2019, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Conference poster hal-04351227v1
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Feedback loops between traits under selection and the environment in batch experimental evolution: a mathematical analysis

Dorian Collot , Thibault Nidelet , Christine Dillmann , Olivier Martin , Sylvie Méléard
Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (EVOLUTION 2018), Aug 2018, Montpellier, France. 2018
Conference poster hal-02154389v1

Non transitivity of fitness and the emergence of correlations between traits in seasonal environments: a modeling approach.

Dorian Collot , Thibault Nidelet , Christine Dillmann , Johan Ramsayer , Olivier Martin
Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (ESEB, ASN, SSE, SSB) 2018, Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference poster hal-02954340v1

Role of agronomic and bread-making practices in sourdough microbial diversity and bread nutritional and organoleptic properties

Elisa Michel , Stephane Guezenec , Judith Legrand , Isabelle Goldringer , Simon Rousselot
7. international symposium on sourdough, Jul 2018, Cork, Ireland. 2018
Conference poster hal-02154390v1
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Microbial community assemblies and interspecific interactions in wheat sourdough

Johan Ramsayer , Delphine Sicard , Judith Legrand
Sfécologie-2018 - International Conference of Ecological Sciences, Oct 2018, Rennes, France. 2018
Conference poster hal-02006834v1

Domestication of microbial community in action : a participatory research and multidisciplinary study of sourdough bread

Elisa Michel , Maria Belen Carbonetto , Charlotte Urien , Emilie Lhomme , Stephane Guezenec
II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology • Montpellier 2018, Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference poster hal-02954338v1

Terroir, baker’s practices, wheat varieties and their influence on sourdough microbial diversity

Elisa Michel , Héloise Debroise , Marion Deffrasnes , Stéphane Guezenec , Judith Legrand
Colloque du métaprogramme Méta-omiques et écosystèmes microbiens (MEM), Jan 2017, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-04599898v1

Microbial diversity in French sourdoughs bread

Charlotte Urien , E. Lhomme , C. Aulard , Y. Mouffok , B. Onno
Tallin university-PhD program and competent center, Jun 2017, Tallin, Estonia. 2017
Conference poster hal-01606219v1

Impact of baker’s practices, terroir and wheat varieties on sourdough microbial taxonomic and functional diversity

Elisa Michel , Héloise Debroise , Marion Deffrasnes , Isabelle Hue , Stephane Guezenec
4. International Conference on Microbial Diversity 2017, Oct 2017, Bari, Italy. , 2017
Conference poster hal-02154391v1

Peut-on utiliser des champignons pathogènes pour contrôler les adventices?

Nathan Romaszko , Meihano Freibault , Jayce Belessort , Judith Legrand , Nathalie Galic
Petit Pois Déridé 2023, Jul 2023, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-04351286v1

Effects of maize development and phenology on field infestation dynamics by the European Corn Borer Ostrinia nubilalis

Sacha Revillon , Christine Dillmann , Nathalie Galic , Cyril Bauland , Carine Palaffre
BES annual meeting 2023, Dec 2023, Belfast, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04351653v1

Rôle de la synchronie plante ravageur sur le succès des ravageurs : le cas du lépidoptère foreur de tige du maïs Ostrinia nubilalis

Sacha Revillon , Christine Dillmann , Nathalie Galic , Cyril Bauland , Carine Palaffre
PPD 2023, Jul 2023, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-04351741v1

Global warming highlights mixed developmental responses of major stem maize borers in temperate and tropical climates

Baptiste Régnier , Judith Legrand , Paul-André Calatayud , François Rebaudo
BES Annual Meeting 2022, Dec 2022, Edinburg, Scotland, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-04351257v1

Domestication of microbial communities for bread making: insights from a participatory research project

Elisa Michel , Judith Legrand , Estelle Masson , Sandrine Bubendorff , Stephane Guezenec
The 2019 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, ESEB, Aug 2019, Turku, Finland
Conference papers hal-02950758v1

Baker’s bread-making practices and house microbiota shape fungal species diversity in french sourdoughs

Delphine Sicard , Elisa Michel , Judith Legrand , Estelle Masson , Sandrine Bubendorff
Harlan III, Jun 2019, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02950822v1
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Domestication of microbial community in action : a participatory research and multidisciplinary study of sourdough bread

Elisa Michel , Maria Belen Carbonetto , Charlotte Urien , Emilie Lhomme , Stephane Guezenec
Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (EVOLUTION 2018), Aug 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02008729v1

Complexity of yeast/bacteria interactions in wheat sourdough microbial communities

Johan Ramsayer , Maria Belen Carbonetto , Dorian Collot , Stephane Guezenec , Judith Legrand
4. International Conference on Microbial Diversity 2017, Oct 2017, Bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-02008734v1

Feedback loops between traits under selection and the environment in batch experimental evolution: a mathematical analysis

Delphine Sicard , Thibault Nidelet , Christine Dillmann , Olivier Martin , Sylvie Méléard
16. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2017), Aug 2017, Groningue, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01607570v1

Complexity of yeast/bacteria interactions in wheat sourdough microbial communities

Delphine Sicard , Johan Ramsayer , Maria Belen Carbonetto , Dorian Collot , Judith Legrand
4. International Conference on Microbial Diversity 2017, Oct 2017, Bari, Italy
Conference papers hal-01606242v1

Interspecific interactions in wheat sourdough microbial communities

Delphine Sicard , Johan Ramsayer , Judith Legrand
Petit Pois Déridé – 37ème édition, Aug 2016, Amiens, France
Conference papers hal-01605573v1
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Wheat sourdoughs: a new model to link ecology and evolution

Belen Carbonetto , Elisa Michel , Yoann Robert , Johan Ramsayer , Charlotte Urien
EMBO conference New Model Systems for Linking Evolution and Ecology, May 2016, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Conference papers hal-01606190v1

Interspecific interactions in wheat sourdough bread microbial communities

Delphine Sicard , Johan Ramsayer , Judith Legrand
Journée IDEEV, Oct 2016, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Conference papers hal-01605574v1

Real-time monitoring of the influenza vaccine field effectiveness

Judith Legrand , Elisabeta Vergu
Second European Influenza Conference, Sep 2005, Malta. ⟨10.1016/j.vaccine.2006.05.063⟩
Conference papers hal-02817811v1