Gas adsorption in zeolite and thin zeolite layers: molecular simulation, experiment and adsorption potential theory
Wanda Kellouai
P. Judeinstein
Marie Plazanet
S. Baudoin
Martin Drobek
37ème Réunion Annuelle du Groupe Français des Zéolithes, 2022, Vogüé, France
Conference papers
Interest of Dual Phase Ceramic Materials and Membranes for the Thermochemical Production of Solar Fuels by Dissociation of H2O and CO2
Julien Jouannaux
Anita Haeussler
M. Drobek
André Ayral
C. Charmette
International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM16), Jun 2022, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers
Free Volume Theory of Self-diffusion in Zeolite: Molecular simulation and Experiment.
Wanda Kellouai
P. Judeinstein
Marie Plazanet
J.M. Zanotti
Quentin Berrod
18th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL-2022), Jul 2022, Florence, Italy
Conference papers
Zeolite Membranes- from Synthesis to Application. Basics & Emerging Trends
A. Julbe
International Zeolite Conference- Preconference School, Jul 2022, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Novel design of hydrogen-selective palladium-based composite membranes and sensors
Martin Drobek
Matthieu Weber
J.H- Kim
S.S. Kim
Mikhael Bechelany
International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM16 ), Jun 2022, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers
Membrane design by ALD/MLD for hydrogen sensing
Syreina Alsayegh
Martin Drobek
A. Julbe
Mikhael Bechelany
AVS 22nd International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2022), Jun 2022, Gand, Belgium
Conference papers
Silicon Carbide- An attractive material for membrane applications.
A. Julbe
Symposium Chimie du Silicium “A journey into the chemistry of silicon – from molecules to materials”, Apr 2022, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Maîtrise de la sécurité des technologies de l’hydrogène
A. Julbe
Laurent Selle
Séminaire du Pôle RHyO- Recherche sur l’hydrogène en Occitanie, 100% Digital,, 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Le vecteur hydrogène, de l'amont à l'aval : purifier l’hydrogène
A. Julbe
4ème édition des journées Eau & Défense, Pôle Aqua-valley-100% Digital, 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Design of mesoporous SiC membranes from polymeric precursors for water filtration
K.B. Cervantes-Diaz
Martin Drobek
A. Julbe
J Cambedouzou
4th Balard Chemistry Conference, 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Amélioration de la production thermochimique de combustibles solaires par dépôt de pérovskite de type manganite de lanthane sur des supports en cérine
Julien Jouannaux
A. Haeussler
Martin Drobek
André Ayral
Christophe Charmette
Journées Annuelles 2020 du Groupe Français de la Céramique, Caen (100% virtuel), 2021, Caen, France
Conference papers
Perovskite coatings on ceria foams and membranes for solar fuel production
A. Julbe
Stéphane Abanades
Anita Haeussler
Julien Jouannaux
Martin Drobek
European Advanced Materials Congress, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers
Controlled growth of MOFs on various supports from nano to large scale industrial systems
Martin Drobek
Mikhael Bechelany
A. Julbe
Second French MOFs-COFs conference, 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Acoustic Footprint of Gas Permeation through Porous Materials.
M. Bah
E. D. Manga
P. da Costa
Martin Drobek
André Ayral
9emes Journées de l’Association Française de l’Adsorption (AFA), 2020, Marne La Vallée, France
Conference papers
Oxide-to-MOF conversion: a versatile strategy for either confining MOF membranes or encapsulating gas nanosensors
Martin Drobek
Matthieu Weber
J.H. Kim
Mikhael Bechelany
Kim S.S.
8th International Zeolite Membrane Meeting, IZMM2019, Jun 2019, Lulea, Sweden
Conference papers
Modification de capteurs d’oxydes métalliques semi-conducteurs par des nanomembranes à base de MOFs
Martin Drobek
J.H. Kim
Mikhael Bechelany
Anne Julbe
Kim S.S.
Journées de Chimie de Coordination de la SCF, Jan 2019, Montpeliier, France
Conference papers
Solar thermochemical splitting of H2O and CO2 using ceria porous foam structures in a high-temperature solar reactor
Anita Haeussler
Stéphane Abanades
Julien Jouannaux
M. Drobek
Ayral André
47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC 2019, Jul 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
L’émission acoustique comme outil de diagnostic en temps réel lors de la perméation de gaz au travers de membranes céramiques poreuses CACRSI
M. Drobek
Andre Ayral
Anne Julbe
Christophe Charmette
Julius Motuzas
Journées annuelles GFC 2018, Mar 2018, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Développement de membranes denses à base de céramiques conductrices mixtes pour la production thermochimique de combustible solaire CACRSI – Energie
Julien Jouannaux
Anita Haeussler
M. Drobek
Andre Ayral
Christophe Charmette
Matériaux 2018, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Synthèse en milieu CO2 supercritique de films et membranes nanostructurés à base de TiO2 pour la décontamination des effluents liquids CACRSI
M. Drobek
A. Julbe
M. Duchateau
Audrey Hertz
Y. Barré
Matériaux 2018, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Etude du confinement de liquides ioniques dans des membranes céramiques poreuses pour le transport sélectif du CO2 CACRSI – Energie
M.-A. Pizzoccaro
M. Drobek
G Guerrero
A. Ayral
A. Julbe
Matériaux 2018, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
« Molecular Sociology »: Understanding and controlling chemical systems for chemistry of the future
M. Drobek
J.H- Kim
Mikhael Bechelany
Anne Julbe
Kim S.S.
Balard Conferences 2018, Jun 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
An eco-friendly approach for the preparation of confined ZIF-8 membranes by conversion of ALD ZnO layersCACRSI – Energie, Futur
M. Drobek
Mikhael Bechelany
C. Vallicari
Adib Abou-Chayaa
Christophe Charmette
Journée interne ICCBC, Nov 2017, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Vers un système zéro-énergie pour la dépollution des eaux
T. X. H. Le
Mikhael Bechelany
C. Vallicari
M. Drobek
A. Julbe
Journées d’Electrochimie 2017, Jun 2017, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Acoustic emission: towards a real-time diagnosis tool for studying gas permeation through porous ceramic membranes
M. Bah
E.D. Manga
Martin Drobek
Emmanuel Le Clézio
Gilles Despaux
11th International Symposium on the Characterization of Porous Solids (COPS-XI), May 2017, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Design of attractive carbon-based functional materials by combining ALD and solvothermal MOF growth, for application in advanced oxidation process by electro-Fenton
Esmilaire Roseline
Thi Xuan Huong Le
Sophie Cerneaux
Marc Cretin
Martin Drobek
International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Sep 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Coupling Atomic Layer Deposition and solvothermal synthesis for controlling the growth of MOF-based membranes
Martin Drobek
Mikhael Bechelany
Christophe Charmette
Philippe Miele
Anne Julbe
14th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (2016), Jul 2016, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers
Controlled formation of MOF-based Membranes by solvothermal conversion of ALD oxide layers
Martin Drobek
Mikhael Bechelany
Cyril Vallicari
Philippe Miele
Anne Julbe
Workshop on rational design for improved functionalities of porous inorganic materials, Saint-Gobain CREE Research Center, Nov 2016, Cavaillon, France
Conference papers
Porous carbon-based materials for application in electrochemical advanced oxidation process
Roseline Esmilaire
Thi Xuan Huong Le
Sophie Cerneaux
Marc Cretin
Martin Drobek
Balard Chemistry Conferences : Prospects in porous materials, Apr 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Des couches d'atomes pour construire des tamis moléculaires
Martin Drobek
Mikhael Bechelany
Philippe Miele
Anne Julbe
20 ans de l'IEM, Institut Européen des Membranes, Jun 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
H2 selective SiCN-based membranes prepared by PECVD Investigation of structure-property relationships
V. Rouessac
R. Coustel
M. Haacké
M. Drobek
C. Charmette
14th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes - ICIM 2016, Jul 2016, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers
PECVD a-SiCN(O):H materials for H2 separation membranes - An insight into the structure-property relationships
R. Coustel
M. Haacké
V. Rouessac
E. André
M. Drobek
China France 2nd Workshop on Advanced Materials, Aug 2016, Metz, France
Conference papers
Design of functionalized imidazolium-based ionic liquids grafted on porous ceramic supports for potential use in adsorptive and membrane separation applications
M.-A. Pizzoccaro
M. Drobek
G. Guerrero
P. Hesemann
A. Ayral
14th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes - ICIM 2016, Jul 2016, Atlanta, United States
Conference papers
Design of novel Fuel Cell-Fenton system: a smart approach to zero energy depollution
Thi Xuan Huong Le
Martin Drobek
Mikhael Bechelany
Anne Julbe
Sophie Tingry
The 3rd International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry & Materials - N.I.C.E. 2016, Oct 2016, Nice, France
Conference papers
Biobased Atomic layer deposition : from nanomaterials to membranes applications
Mikhael Bechelany
Philippe Miele
Anne Julbe
Séminaire au Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Nov 2016, Jülich, Germany
Conference papers
Design of novel porous carbon-based material for a zero-energy depolluting system
T.X. Huong Le
Martin Drobek
Anne Julbe
Mikhael Bechelany
Sophie Tingry
E-MRS Fall Meeting, Sep 2016, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers
Modification of graphite felts for mineralization of bio-refractory pollutants by the electro-Fenton process
Thi Xuan Huong Le
Soliu O. Ganiyu
Mikhael Bechelany
Martin Drobek
Anne Julbe
First workshop on rational design for improved functionalities of porous inorganic materials, Nov 2016, Cavaillon, France
Conference papers
Carbon based functional materials designed using Atomic Layer Deposition applicable in advanced oxidation process by electro-Fenton
R., Esmilaire
T.X. Huong Le
Sophie Cerneaux
Marc Cretin
Martin Drobek
International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Sep 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Exploration des effets de confinement pour le développement de nouvelles membranes à base de céramiques pour la séparation de gaz
Martin Drobek
Mikhael Bechelany
Philippe Miele
André Ayral
Anne Julbe
Journée SCF d’Avenir, Feb 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Polybenzimidazole (PBI) microsieves produced by liquid induced phase separation microfabrication (LIPSμF): Polymeric ionic liquid/PBI membranes for high temperature fuel cell applications
P. Kallem
M.P. Pina
M. Drobek
A. Julbe
K. Nijmeijer
Euromembrane 2015, Sep 2015, Aachen, Germany
Conference papers
Screening Non-Pd Metal Alloys and Crystalline Porous Materials used in Gas Separation Membranes
J. Evtimova
G. De Luca
M. Drobek
A. Julbe
E. Drioli
The Chemical Browsers - 3ème édition, Apr 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Préparation de nouvelles membranes nano-composites à base de céramique et d'alkoxysilanes
Martin Drobek
André Ayral
C. Loubat
Christophe Charmette
Julius Motuzas
MATERIAUX 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Membranes céramiques non-oxydes a-SiCxNy:H permsélectives à l’hydrogène
M. Haacké
V. Rouessac
S. Roualdes
R. Coustel
J. Durand
MATERIAUX 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Etude in-situ de membranes céramiques poreuses de perméation de gaz par méthode acoustique
E.D. Manga
M. Drobek
Gilles Despaux
P. da Costa
H. Blasco
MATERIAUX 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Préparation de membranes à base de silice par un nouveau procédé de dépôt sur des supports macroporeux en milieu CO2 supercritique
A. Julbe
M. Drobek
V. Durand
M. Duchateau
Audrey Hertz
MATERIAUX 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Innovative microporous a-SiCxNy:H membranes synthesized by PECVD for H2/CO2 separation
Mathias Haacké
V. Rouessac
R. Coustel
J. Durand
S. Roualdes
2nd International School on Chemistry and Renewable Energies - Chaire Total, Jan 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Synthèse de poudres de zircone yttriée nanométriques par voie sol-gel assistée par CO2 supercritique et comportement au frittage
Audrey Hertz
Martin Drobek
Michaela Klotz
Jean-Christophe Ruiz
Frédéric Charton
Poudres et Matériaux frittés 2013 - PMF 2013, May 2013, Belfort, France
Conference papers
Improvement of MFI zeolite membranes performance by either ex-situ or in-situ modification strategies
M. Drobek
J. Motuzas
Audrey Hertz
E. Louradour
C. Loubat
13th International Conference of the European Ceramic Society - ECerS XIII, Jun 2013, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Robust synthesis of yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia powders using a semi-continuous process in supercritical CO2
Audrey Hertz
M. Drobek
J-C. Ruiz
S. Sarrade
C. Guizard
13th International Conference of the European Ceramic Society - ECerS XIII, Jun 2013, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Syngas production from biomass gasification: Catalyst integration strategies for process intensification
Anne Julbe
2nd International Congress on Catalysis for Biorefineries - CatBior 2013, Sep 2013, Dalian, China
Conference papers
Non-oxide molecular sieve membranes for gas separation- Inorganic membranes for green chemical production and clean power generation
A. Julbe
V. Rouessac
Romain Coustel
M. Haacke
M. Drobek
2nd Summer school, Sep 2013, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
New modification strategy of MFI zeolite membranes in supercritical CO2
M. Drobek
Julius Motuzas
Audrey Hertz
E. Louradour
C. Loubat
Conference papers
Development of new non-oxide inorganic membranes for high temperature hydrogen separation
L. Chareyre
Sophie Cerneaux
V. Rouessac
A. Julbe
E. Louradour
13th International Ceramic Congress, CIMTEC 2012 (4th International Conference "Smart Materials, Structures and Systems"), 2012, Montecatini terme, Italy
Conference papers
Développement de nouvelles membranes céramiques et hybrides de non-oxydes pour la séparation de H2
Laeticia Chareyre
Vincent R. Rouessac
Anne Julbe
Samuel Bernard
Philippe Miele
Colloque ENERGIE - Programme Interdisciplinaire Energie du CNRS, Mar 2011, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Membranes inorganiques dans le quaternaire Si-Zr-C-N pour la purification de l’hydrogène
Laeticia Chareyre
Vincent R. Rouessac
Vincent Germain
Anne Julbe
Eric Louradour
Journée SCF Chimie Grand Sud-Ouest, Nov 2010, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Développement de nouvelles membranes céramiques et hybrides de non-oxydes pour la séparation de l’hydrogène
Laeticia Chareyre
Vincent R. Rouessac
Anne Julbe
David Cornu
Umit Bilge Demirci
7ème colloque Energie (Programme Interdisciplinaire Energie du CNRS), Nov 2009, Nantes, France
Conference papers
"PECVD a-SiNxCy:H thin films for hydrogen selective membranes"
V. Rouessac
W. Kafrouni
A. Julbe
J. Durand
Xth International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 10), Aug 2008, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1c04
Conference papers
"Incorporation de composés catalytiques dans la porosité de la paroi filtrante des filtres en SiC. Applications DeNox et catalyseur 4 voies"
J.P. Joulin
A. Lambert
A. Julbe
J.C. Ruiz
Diesel Engine - International Conference organized by SIA (Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile), May 2008, Rouen, France
Conference papers
Communication par Affiche : "Développement d'assemblages MEmbrane/SUpport plans à gradient radial de porosité, adaptés à des cycles de mesures de perméation de l'HYdrogène jusqu'à 550°C"
V. Rouessac
M.L. Fontaine
W. Kafrouni
A. Julbe
A. Ayral
Colloque ENERGIE 2007, Feb 2008, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
"Advantages of the sol-gel route to develop stackings from electrodes and electrolyte thick layers. Application to SOFC systems"
P. Lenormand
M. Rieu
R.F. Cienfuegos
A. Julbe
S. Castillo
35th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2008), Apr 2008, San Diego, Californie, United States
Conference papers
Communication par Affiche : "On the performance of mixed oxygen ion and electron conducting La2(Ni,Fe)O4+δ membranes"
M.L. Fontaine
Sophie Cerneaux
J.B. Smith
P.I. Dalh
Y. Larring
Xth International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM10), Aug 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
"Incorporation of catalytic compounds in the porosity of SiC wall flow filters - 4 ways catalyst and DeNox application"
J.P. Joulin
A. Lambert
A. Julbe
J.C. Ruiz
Journées Annuelles du GFC - Groupe Français de la Céramique, Mar 2008, Tarbes, France
Conference papers
Communication par Affiche : "Performance of zeolite membrane Separator/Contactor for ozone water treatment"
S. Heng
K.L. Yeung
A. Julbe
A. Ayral
J.C. Schrotter
Xth International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM10), Aug 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
Communication par Affiche : "On the performance of mixed oxygen ion and electron conducting La2(Ni,Fe)O4 membranes" (II-P6)
M.L. Fontaine
J. Bragdo Smith
Y. Larring
R. Bredesen
A. Ayral
10th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM10), Aug 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
"Des couches minces PECVD a-SiCXNY:H aux membranes permsélectives à l'hydrogène"
V. Rouessac
W. Kafrouni
A. Julbe
J. Durand
Journées Annuelles de la SF2M (Société Française des Matériaux et de Métallurgie), Jun 2008, Paris (ENSAM), France
Conference papers
"Pt-doped silica membranes with a hierarchical porosity"
C. Yacou
A. Ayral
M.L. Fontaine
A. Julbe
Xth International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 10), Aug 2008, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1b06
Conference papers
Communication par Affiche : "Catalytic investigation of iron and nickel nanoparticles in wood pyrolysis for hydrogen rich syngas production and catalytic tar destruction"
Y. Richardson
J. Blin
G. Volle
L. van de Steene
A. Julbe
International Symposium on "Catalysis for clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry" (CCESC), Jun 2008, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
"Ti-silicalite -1 membranes by microwave-assisted synthesis"
J. Motuzas
R. Mikutaviciute
E. Gerardin
Z.J Beresnevicius
A. Julbe
Xth International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 10), Aug 2008, Tokyo, Japan. pp.3a08
Conference papers
"Synthèse par voie sol-gel en milieu CO2 supercritique, caractérisation et frittages conventionnel ou par spark plasma sintering de poudres céramiques conductrices anioniques pour la réalisation d'électrolytes minces denses"
M.L. Fontaine
Audrey Hertz
J.C. Ruiz
B. Fournel
S. Sarrade
Journées Annuelles du GFC - Groupe Français de la Céramique, Mar 2008, Tarbes, France
Conference papers
Communication par Affiche : "Thin dense YSZ membranes prepared by a "loaded sol" method using reactive nanoparticles synthesized in supercritical CO2 media" (II-P63)
M.L. Fontaine
Audrey Hertz
J.C. Ruiz
B. Fournel
S. Sarrade
Xth International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM 10), Aug 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Conference papers
"Membrane developments in IEM for gas separation applications"
M.L. Fontaine
A. Ayral
J. Sanchez
A. Julbe
Workshop on Industrial Energy-related Technologies and Systems (IETS), Nov 2007, Petten, Netherlands
Conference papers
"Potential and limitations of zeolite membranes for fossil power plants"
A. Julbe
9th Jülicher Werstoffsymposium - Gas Separation Membranes for zero-emission Fossil Power Plants, November 15-16, 2007, 2007, Jülich, Germany
Conference papers
Electrochemical studies of water insertion and proton-ceramic interaction in doped perovskite AB1-xMXO3-x
O. Lacroix
B. Sala
Kamal Rahmouni
Hisasi Takenouti
Michel Keddam
?, 2007, ?, France
Conference papers
Modelling of ionic conduction in a ceramic electrolyte
Béatrice Sala
Hisasi Takenouti
Michel Keddam
Claude Deslouis
S. Willemin
EIS 2007, Jun 2007, Argelès sur Mer, France
Conference papers
"Incorporation of catalytic compounds in the porosity of SiC wall flow filters - 4 ways-catalyst and DeNOx application" (Key Note Lecture)
J.P. Joulin
A. Lambert
A. Julbe
J.C. Ruiz
8th International Conference on Catalysis in Membrane Reactors (ICCMR 8), Dec 2007, Calcutta, India
Conference papers
"MFI and X-MFI seeds and membranes by microwave-assisted synthesis" (Key Note)
A. Julbe
4th International Zeolite Membrane Meeting (IZMM 2007), July 22-25, 2007, 2007, Sarragosse, Spain
Conference papers
Affiche : "Molecular sieve silica-based membranes for He purification"
C. Barboiu
A. Mourgues
B. Sala
J. Sanchez
S. Deperthuis
9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM9), 2006, Lillehammer, Norway
Conference papers
Affiche : "Synthesis and characterisation of proton conducting ceramic membranes"
S. Willemin
O. Lacroix
B. Sala
P. Colomban
A. Julbe
Euromembrane 2006, 2006, Taormina, Italy
Conference papers
Caractérisation électrochimique de l'insertion d'eau dans des électrolytes céramique à conduction protonique
Olivier Lacroix
Béatrice Sala
Kamal Rahmouni
S. Willemin
Hisasi Takenouti
XIXème Forum sur les Impédances Electrochimiques,, Laboratoire LISE et Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Dec 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers
Séminaire : "Etat de l'art sur le développement des membranes zéolithes"
A. Julbe
Journées Membranes Zéolithes - GT Chimie/Energie, Club Français des Membranes, 2006, Rueil Malmaison, 4 Octobre 2006, France
Conference papers
Oral : "Ceramic membranes : basic concepts and new trends in the design of tailor-made, multifunctional and adaptative materials"
F. Bosc
A. Julbe
A. Ayral
XXIIIrd Summer School of the European Membrane Society (Smart Membrane Materials), 2006, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
"An improved sol-gel route assisted by supercritical CO2 for the synthesis of nanophase ceramic oxides, YSZ/PMMA core-shell nanocomposite preparation"
Audrey Hertz
S. Sarrade
C. Guizard
A. Julbe
J.C. Ruiz
10th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids-Reactions, Materials and Natural Products Processing, 2006, Strasbourg / Colmar, France
Conference papers
Oral : "Characterization of proton insertion in perovskite-type structures"
O. Lacroix
S. Willemin
P. Colomban
B. Sala
A. Julbe
16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2006), 2006, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Affiche : "Ultra-microporous silica membranes for He purification"
C. Barboiu
A. Mourgues
B. Sala
A. Julbe
J. Sanchez
Euromembrane 2006, 2006, Taormina, Italy
Conference papers
Oral : "Development of new macroporous silica membranes for gas separation"
C. Barboiu
A. Mourgues
B. Sala
A. Julbe
J. Sanchez
16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2006), 2006, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Affiche : "Microwave-synthesized MFI membranes reproducibility and permeation behaviour at high temperature"
J. Motuzas
R. Mikutaviciute
R.D. Noble
Z.J. Beresnevicius
A. Julbe
9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM9), 2006, Lillehammer, Norway
Conference papers
Affiche : "Nanophase yttria doped zirconia synthesis using a sol-gel process assisted by supercritical CO2"
Audrey Hertz
S. Sarrade
C. Guizard
A. Julbe
Jean Galy
8th Conference on Supercritical Fluids and their Applications, 2006, Ischia, Italy
Conference papers
"Use of ceramic nanofilters for the treatment of solvents"
A. Ayral
A. Julbe
C. Guizard
J. Sanchez
G.M. Rios
International Workshop on membranes in Solvent Filtration, 2006, Leuwen, Belgium
Conference papers
Affiche : "Proton conducting ceramic membranes for steam electrodialysis"
S. Willemin
O. Lacroix
B. Sala
P. Colomban
Hisasi Takenouti
9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM9), 2006, Lillehammer, Norway
Conference papers
"Ultra-rapid synthesis of MFI membranes by coupling microwaves and ozone treatment"
A. Julbe
J. Motuzas
S. Heng
P.P. Sze Lau
K.L. Yeung
First INSIDE POReS Workshop (in Situ study and Development of processus involving nanoPORous Solids), 2006, La Grand Motte, France
Conference papers
"Silica-based ceramic membranes for membrane reactors. A short review"
A. Julbe
9th international Conference on Inorganic Membranes, ICIM9, 2006, Lillehammer, Norway
Conference papers
Oral : "Une nouvelle génération de filtre à particules avec imprégnation de catalyseur pour fonction DENOx"
J.P. Joulin
D. Tournigant
G. Pierre
A. Julbe
A. Lambert
Journées Thématiques du Club Français des Membranes - Applications Industrielles des Procédés Membranaires en Chimie et Production d'Energie - IFP - June 13-14, 2005, 2005, Solaize, France
Conference papers
"Silica membranes - Basic principles"
A. Ayral
A. Julbe
S. Roualdes
V. Rouessac
J. Durand
XXIth Summer School of the European Membrane Society - "Inorganic membranes : preparation, characterization and applications", Sep 2005, Jaca, Spain
Conference papers
Oral : "Formulation of a thin catalytic membrane layer for ozonolysis of organic water pollutants"
S. Heng
A. Godde
K.L. Yeung
A. Julbe
J.C. Schrotter
E-MRS (Material Research Society) - May 31-June 3rd, 2005, 2005, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Affiche : "Vacuum seeding and secondary growth route to sodalite membrane"
S.R. Lee
A. Julbe
J.H. Choy
E-MRS (Material Research Society) - May 31-June 3rd, 2005, 2005, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Oral : "Microwave synthesis of zeolite membranes by direct or secondary growth"
J. Motuzas
A. Julbe
R.D. Noble
Z.J. Beresnevicius
E-MRS (Material Research Society) - May 31-June 3rd, 2005, 2005, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Oral : "Ozonation yield enhancement by water removal in a catalytic membrane reactor"
S. Heng
K.L. Yeung
A. Julbe
J.C. Schrotter
IOA-17th : World Ozone Congress (Ozone and Related Oxidants : Innovative and Current Technologies in Conjunction with the Gas/Liquid/Solid World Congress) - August 22-25, 2005, 2005, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Synthèse et enrobage par un polymère, de poudres de YSZ nanophasées en milieu CO2 surpercritique”
Audrey Hertz
S. Sarrade
C. Guizard
A. Julbe
J.C Ruiz
Colloque Poudres et Matériaux Frittés 2005 (Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux),, May 2005, Cherbourg, France
Conference papers
"Synthesis , characterisation and applications of zeolite membranes"
A. Julbe
3rd FEZA Conference (Federation of European Zeolite Association), Pre-Conference Workshop - August 23-26, 2005, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Oral : "Synthesis and encapsulation with polymer of nanophased YSZ particles in supercritical carbon dioxide"
Audrey Hertz
S. Sarrade
C. Guizard
A. Julbe
J.C. Ruiz
NN2005 : International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, 2005, Crete, Greece
Conference papers
Séminaire sur invitation : "Contribution of material science to the development of membrane reactors"
A. Julbe
The Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 2005, Hong-Kong, China
Conference papers
Matériaux membranaires pour la production d'hydrogène par électrodialyse de la vapeur fournie par un réacteur HTR
A. Julbe
A. Ayral
Hisasi Takenouti
Michel Keddam
Claude Deslouis
Colloque ENERGIE 2005, 2005, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Affiche : "First approach for water electrolysis at high temperature : spectroscopic investigations on potential H+ conducting electrolyte"
B. Sala
O. Lacroix
S. Willemin
J.P. Py
P. Colomban
2nd European Hydrogen Energy Conference, 2005, Zaragoza, Spain
Conference papers
Oral : "Synthesis and properties of MFI zeolite membranes prepared by microwave assisted secondary growth, from microwave derived seeds"
J. Motuzas
A. Julbe
R.D. Noble
Z.J. Beresnevicius
NYM 7 : 7th Meeting on the Network Young Membrains - June 22-25, 2005, 2005, Enschedde, Netherlands
Conference papers
Oral : "Catalytic membrane reactor for water and wastewater treatment by ozonation"
S. Heng
K.L. Yeung
A. Julbe
J.C. Schrotter
NYM 7 : 7th Meeting on the Network Young Membrains - June 22-25, 2005, 2005, Enschedde, Netherlands
Conference papers
Oral : "Synthesis and characteristics of MFI zeolite membranes prepared by microwave assisted secondary growth, from microwave derived seeds"
A. Julbe
J. Motuzas
M. Arruebo
R.D. Noble
Z.J. Beresnevicius
3rd FEZA Conference (Federation of European Zeolite Association) - August 23-26, 2005, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Affiche : "Development of a catalytic contactor by one step synthesis and impregnation of a catalyst in SC CO2 media"
J.C. Ruiz
Audrey Hertz
B. Fournel
S. Sarrade
A. Julbe
ICOM 2005 : International Congress on Membrane and Membrane Processes - August 21-26, 2005, 2005, Seoul, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Oral : "Synthèse et enrobage par un polymère, de poudres de YSZ nanophasés en milieu CO2 supercritique"
Audrey Hertz
S. Sarrade
C. Guizard
A. Julbe
J.C. Ruiz
Colloque Poudres et Matériaux Frittés 2005 (Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux) - May 18-20, 2005, 2005, Cherbourg, France
Conference papers
Oral : "Controlled synthesis of thin oriented MFI zeolite membranes by microwave assisted secondary growth"
A. Julbe
J. Motuzas
R. Noble
Z.J. Beresnevicius
EUROCHEM (SFC) - August 28-September 1st, 2005, 2005, Nancy, France
Conference papers
"Synthesis and encapsulation with polymer of nanophase YSZ particles in supercritical CO2"
Audrey Hertz
S. Sarrade
C. Guizard
A. Julbe
J.C. Ruiz
Conference papers
Oral : "Zeolite membrane reactor engineering symposium (APCRE)"
S. Heng
A. Julbe
J.C. Schrotter
K.L. Yeung
15th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes - June 5-9, 2005, 2005, Autrans, France
Conference papers
Cured organosilicon plasma-polymers films for hydrophobic microporous membranes
V. Rouessac
Audrey Baldo
Anne Julbe
Jean Durand
ICIM8 Conference, Jul 2004, Cincinnati, United States
Conference papers
Synthesis and characterization of VMgO catalysts from the original metallo-organic precursors. A method adapted to the preparation of catalytic membranes for oxydehydrogenation of propane
A. Julbe
L. Albaric
N. Hovnanian
C. Guizard
J.C. Jalibert
5th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, ICIM5-98, 22/06/98 - 26/06/98, 1998, Nagoya, Japan
Conference papers
MFI zeolite membranes. Preparation and performance in separative and catalytic reactor applications
A. Julbe
J.A. Dalmon
1998, pp.51-54
Conference papers
Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane over VMgO catalysts prepared from original metallo-organic precursors: comparison between unsupported powders and phases deposited over MFI zeolite membrane
A. Julbe
L. Albaric
N. Hovnanian
C. Guizard
A. Pantazidis
1997, pp.215-220
Conference papers
Potentialities of an innovative technique like 129Xe NMR and of SAXS for the characterization of microporous sol-gel derived SiO2
L.C. de Menorval
A. Julbe
H. Jobic
J.A. Dalmon
C. Guizard
1996, pp.159-164
Conference papers
Characterization of a composite zeolite-alumina membrane
A. Giroir-Fendler
J. Ramsay
A. Julbe
J.A. Dalmon
1st CMRs ESF Meeting, 15/06/95 - 16/06/95, 1995, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Interest of additives for the preparation of SiO2 and SiO2/Pt membranes from TEOS
A. Julbe
C. Balzer
C. Guizard
L. Cot
A. Giroir-Fendler
2nd CMRs ESF Meeting, 6/10/95 - 7/10/95, 1995, Enschede, Netherlands
Conference papers
Catalytic membrane reactor for oxidative coupling of methane. Part 1: Preparation and characterization of LaOCl membranes
P. Chanaud
A. Julbe
A. Larbot
C. Guizard
L. Cot
1st International Workshop on Catalytic Membranes, 26/09/94 - 28/09/94, 1994, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Silica-based membranes designed for catalytic reactors
C. Balzer
A. Julbe
L. Cot
A. Giroir-Fendler
J.A. Dalmon
3rd International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, 10/07/94 - 14/07/94, 1994, Worcester, United States
Conference papers
Préparation et caractérisation de membranes zéolithiques
H. Borges
P. Chanaud
A. Giroir-Fendler
A. Julbe
C. Mirodatos
"Réunion du Groupe de Recherche 963 "Membranes et Procédés à Fonctions Spécialisées", 5/02/93 - 5/02/93", 1993, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Caractérisation de membranes méso- et microporeuses
D. Uzio
A. Giroir-Fendler
H. Jobic
A. Julbe
J. Ramsay
"Réunion du Groupe de Recherches 963 "Membranes et Procédés à Fonctions Spécialisées", 5/02/93 - 5/02/93", 1993, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Sol - gel derived nanostructures
A. Julbe
A. Giroir-Fendler
C. Guizard
A. Larbot
L. Cot
Annual Congress of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 13/04/92 - 16/04/92, 1992, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Sol-gel processing for controlled LaOCl catalytic membrane textures
A. Julbe
P. Chanaud
C. Guizard
L. Cot
C. Mirodatos
MRS SPRING 92, 27/04/92 - 1/05/92, 1992, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers