MERCI: a simple method and decision-support tool to estimate availability of nitrogen from a wide range of cover crops to the next cash crop
Julie Constantin
Sébastien Minette
Gregory Vericel
Lionel Jordan-Meille
Eric Justes
Journal articles
Risks and opportunities of double cropping in south-west France
Philippe Debaeke
Mathieu Abella
Julie Constantin
Nicolas Ferrand
Julie Pitchers
Journal articles
Risques et opportunités liés à la double culture dans le Sud-Ouest de la France
Philippe Debaeke
Mathieu Abella
Julie Constantin
Nicolas Ferrand
Julie Pitchers
Journal articles
Optimization of nitrogen management and greenhouse gas balance in agroecological cropping systems in a climate change context
Magali Willaume
Helene Raynal
Jacques-Eric Bergez
Julie Constantin
Journal articles
Cover crops do increase soil organic carbon stocks—A critical comment on Chaplot and Smith (2023)
Christopher Poeplau
Zhi Liang
Axel Don
Daria Seitz
Chiara de Notaris
Journal articles
Evaluating differences among crop models in simulating soybean in-season growth
Kritika Kothari
Rafael Battisti
Kenneth Boote
Sotirios Archontoulis
Adriana Confalone
Journal articles
Energy cover crops for biogas production increase soil organic carbon stocks: a modeling approach
Florent Levavasseur
Patrice Kouakou
Julie Constantin
Romain Cresson
Fabien Ferchaud
Journal articles
Simulation of evapotranspiration and yield of maize
Bruce Kimball
Kelly Thorp
Kenneth Boote
Claudio Stockle
Andrew Suyker
Journal articles
A marginal abatement cost curve for climate change mitigation by additional carbon storage in French agricultural land
Laure Bamière
Valentin Bellassen
D. Angers
R. Cardinael
Eric Ceschia
Journal articles
Future area expansion outweighs increasing drought risk for soybean in Europe
Claas Nendel
Moritz Reckling
Philippe Debaeke
Susanne Schulz
Michael Berg-Mohnicke
Journal articles
A surrogate model based on feature selection techniques and regression learners to improve soybean yield prediction in southern France
David Camilo Corrales
Céline Schoving
Hélène Raynal
P Debaeke
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Journal articles
Introducing and expanding cover crops at the watershed scale: Impact on water flows
Hélène Tribouillois
Julie J. Constantin
Laurène Casal
Jean Villerd
Olivier Therond
Journal articles
A modelling chain combining soft and hard models to assess a bundle of ecosystem services provided by a diversity of cereal-legume intercrops
Clémentine Meunier
Lionel Alletto
Laurent Bedoussac
Jacques-Eric Bergez
Pierre Casadebaig
Journal articles
Correction to: Incorporating energy cover crops for biogas production into agricultural systems: benefits and environmental impacts. A review
Camille Launay
Sabine Houot
Sylvain Frédéric
Romain Girault
Florent Levavasseur
Journal articles
Are soybean models ready for climate change food impact assessments?
Kritika Kothari
Rafael Battisti
Kenneth Boote
Sotirios Archontoulis
Adriana Confalone
Journal articles
Incorporating energy cover crops for biogas production into agricultural systems
Camille Launay
Sabine Houot
Sylvain Frédéric
Romain Girault
Florent Levavasseur
Journal articles
Evaluating the impact of using digital soil mapping products as input for spatializing a crop model: The case of drainage and maize yield simulated by STICS in the Berambadi catchment (India)
Philippe Lagacherie
Samuel Buis
Julie Constantin
Subramanian Dharumarajan
Laurent Ruiz
Journal articles
Influence of cover crop on water and nitrogen balances and cash crop yield in a temperate climate: A modelling approach using the STICS soil-crop model
Nicolas Meyer
Jacques-Eric Bergez
Eric Justes
Julie Constantin
Journal articles
Integrated modeling of crop and water management at the watershed scale: Optimizing irrigation and modifying crop succession
Hélène Tribouillois
Julie Constantin
Clément Murgue
Jean Villerd
Olivier Therond
Journal articles
Estimating the carbon storage potential and greenhouse gas emissions of French arable cropland using high‐resolution modeling
Camille Launay
Julie Constantin
Florent Chlebowski
Sabine Houot
Anne-Isabelle Graux
Journal articles
Uncertainties in simulating N uptake, net N mineralization, soil mineral N and N leaching in European crop rotations using process-based models
Xiaogang Yin
Kurt-Christian Kersebaum
Nicolas Beaudoin
Julie Constantin
Fu Chen
Journal articles
AqYield-N: A simple model to predict nitrogen leaching from crop fields
Hélène Tribouillois
Julie Constantin
Baptiste Guillon
Magali Willaume
Gérard Aubrion
Journal articles
Analysis of soybean germination, emergence, and prediction of a possible northward establishment of the crop under climate change
Jay Ram Lamichhane
Julie Constantin
Céline Schoving
Pierre Maury
Philippe Debaeke
Journal articles
Cover crops reduce drainage but not always soil water content due to interactions between rainfall distribution and management
Nicolas Meyer
Jacques-Eric Bergez
Julie Constantin
Paul Belleville
Eric Justes
Journal articles
Cover crops reduce water drainage in temperate climates: A meta-analysis
Nicolas Meyer
Jacques-Eric Bergez
Julie Constantin
Eric Justes
Journal articles
Will climate change affect sugar beet establishment of the 21st century? Insights from a simulation study using a crop emergence model
Jay Ram Lamichhane
Julie Constantin
Jean-Noël Aubertot
Carolyne Durr
Journal articles
A method to assess the impact of soil available water capacity uncertainty on crop models with a tipping-bucket approach
Julie Constantin
Victor Picheny
Lina Hadj Nassar
Jacques-Eric Bergez
Journal articles
Effects of input data aggregation on simulated crop yields in temperate and Mediterranean climates
Ganga Ram Maharjan
Holger Hoffmann
Heidi Webber
Amit Kumar Srivastava
Lutz Weihermueller
Journal articles
Management and spatial resolution effects on yield and water balance at regional scale in crop models
Julie Constantin
Helene Raynal
Eric Casellas
Holger Hoffman
Marco Bindi
Journal articles
Simulation of maize evapotranspiration: An inter-comparison among 29 maize models
Bruce A. Kimball
Kenneth J. Boote
Jerry L. Hatfield
Laj R. Ahuja
Claudio Stockle
Journal articles
Predicting water balance of wheat and crop rotations with a simple model: AqYield
Hélène Tribouillois
Julie Constantin
Magali Willaume
Aurore Brut
Eric Ceschia
Journal articles
Cover crops mitigate direct greenhouse gases balance but reduce drainage under climate change scenarios in temperate climate with dry summers
Hélène Tribouillois
Julie Constantin
Eric Justes
Journal articles
How to address the sustainability transition of farming systems? A conceptual framework to organize research
Guillaume Martin
Sandrine Allain
Jacques-Eric Bergez
Delphine Burger-Leenhardt
Julie Constantin
Journal articles
Analysis and modeling of cover crop emergence: Accuracy of a static model and the dynamic STICS soil-crop model
Hélène Tribouillois
Julie Constantin
Eric Justes
Journal articles
Concilier la réduction de la lixiviation nitrique, la restitution d’azote à la culture
suivante et la gestion de l’eau avec les cultures intermédiaires
Julie Constantin
Nicolas Beaudoin
Nicolas Meyer
Romain Crignon
Hélène Tribouillois
Journal articles
Multi-model uncertainty analysis in predicting grain N for crop rotations in Europe
Xiaogang Yin
Kurt Christian Kersebaum
Chris Kollas
Sanmohan Baby
Nicolas Beaudoin
Journal articles
Performance of process-based models for simulation of grain N in crop rotations across Europe
Xiaogang Yin
Kurt Christian Kersebaum
Chris Kollas
Kiril Manevski
Sanmohan Baby
Journal articles
The implication of input data aggregation on up-scaling soil organic carbon changes
Balázs Grosz
Rene Dechow
Sören Gebbert
Holger Hoffmann
Gang Zhao
Journal articles
Impact of spatial soil and climate input data aggregation on regional yield simulations
Holger Hoffmann
Gang Zhao
Senthold Asseng
Marco Bindi
Christian Biernath
Journal articles
Impact analysis of climate data aggregation at different spatial scales on simulated net primary productivity for croplands
Matthias Kuhnert
Jagadeesh B. Yeluripati
Pete Smith
Holger Hoffmann
Marcel van Oijen
Journal articles
Virtual modeling based on deep phenotyping provides complementary data to field experiments to predict plant emergence in oilseed rape genotypes
Carolyne C. Durr
Julie J. Constantin
Maria-Helena Wagner
Hélène Navier
Didier Demilly
Journal articles
Evaluating the precision of eight spatial sampling schemes in estimating regional means of simulated yield for two crops
Gang Zhao
Holger Hoffmann
Jagadeesh Yeluripati
Specka Xenia
Claas Nendel
Journal articles
Spatial sampling of weather data for regional crop yield simulations
Lenny G.J. van Bussel
Frank Ewert
Gang Zhao
Holger Hoffmann
Andreas Enders
Journal articles
Catch crop emergence success depends on weather and soil seedbed conditions in interaction with sowing date: A simulation study using the SIMPLE emergence model.
Julie Constantin
Carolyne Durr
Hélène Tribouillois
Eric Justes
Journal articles
Crop rotation modelling - a European model intercomparison
Chris Kollas
Kurt Christian Kersebaum
Claas Nendel
Kiril Manevski
Christoph Müller
Journal articles
Variability of effects of spatial climate data aggregation on regional yield simulation by crop models
Holger Hoffmann
Gang Zhao
Lenny G. J. van Bussel
Andreas Enders
Xenia Specka
Journal articles
Changes in nitrogen availability and in carbon and nitrogen soil stores in a wheat-forage maize rotational system: results from two long-term experiments
Jean-Pierre Cohan
Alain Besnard
Daniel Hanocq
Michel Moquet
Julie J. Constantin
Fourrages, 2015, 223, pp.197-204
Journal articles
Accuracy, robustness and behavior of the STICS soil–crop model for plant, water and nitrogen outputs: Evaluation over a wide range of agro-environmental conditions in France
Elsa Coucheney
Samuel Buis
Marie Launay
Julie Constantin
Bruno Mary
Journal articles
Effect of weather data aggregation on regional crop simulation for different crops, production conditions, and response variables
Gang Zhao
Holger Hoffmann
Lenny G. J. van Bussel
Andreas Enders
Xenia Specka
Journal articles
The soil-crop models STICS and AqYield predict yield and soil water content for irrigated crops equally well with limited data
Julie Constantin
Magali Willaume
Clément Murgue
Bernard Lacroix
Olivier Therond
Journal articles
Large-scale assessment of optimal emergence and destruction dates for cover crops to reduce nitrate leaching in temperate conditions using the STICS soil-crop model
Julie J. Constantin
Christine Le Bas
Eric E. Justes
Journal articles
Quelles stratégies agronomiques pour une gestion optimale de la ressource en eau du sol en système pluvial ?
Julie J. Constantin
Philippe P. Debaeke
Magali Willaume
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France, 2014, 100 (4), pp.57-58
Journal articles
Long-term nitrogen dynamics in various catch crop scenarios: Test and simulations with STICS model in a temperate climate
Julie Constantin
Nicolas Beaudoin
Marie Launay
Jérôme Duval
Bruno B. Mary
Journal articles
Cumulative effects of catch crops on nitrogen uptake, leaching and net mineralization
Julie J. Constantin
Nicolas N. Beaudoin
Francois Laurent
Jean-Pierre Cohan
Florent Duyme
Journal articles
Changes in plant morphology and dry matter partitioning caused by potassium deficiency in Gossypium hirsutum (L.)
Edward Gérardeaux
Lionel Jordan-Meille
Julie J. Constantin
Sylvain S. Pellerin
Edward Dingkuhn
Journal articles
Effects of catch crops, no till and reduced nitrogen fertilization on nitrogen leaching and balance in three long-term experiments
Julie J. Constantin
Bruno B. Mary
F. Laurent
G. Aubrion
A. Fontaine
Journal articles
Effect of carbon assimilation on dry weight production and partitioning during vegetative growth
Edward Gérardeaux
Etienne Saur
Julie J. Constantin
Annabel A. Porte
Lionel Jordan-Meille
Journal articles
Effect of carbon assimilation on dry weight production and partitioning during vegetative growth of K-deficient cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants (vol 324, pg 329, 2009)
Edward Gérardeaux
Etienne Saur
Julie J. Constantin
Annabel A. Porte
Lionel Jordan-Meille
Journal articles