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Julie Hot



**Activités de recherche :** Matériaux innovants au service de la qualité de l'air intérieur : \- évaluation de l'efficacité de revêtements photocatalytiques pour depolluer l'air intérieur, \- étude de l’influence de paramètres physico-chimiques affectant la performance de la photocatalyse, \- développement de procédures expérimentales et méthodes de dosages analytiques, \- émissions des produits et matériaux de construction. Matériaux cimentaires et liants alternatifs : \- stabilisation des métaux lourds et sulfates, \- rhéologie, \- caractérisation physico-chimique. **Enseignements :** Enseignante à l’IUT A – Département Génie Civil Construction Durable, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III : \- construction durable, \- construction métallique, \- énergétique. Responsable de la Licence Professionnelle Rénovation Energétique de l’Habitat (LPREH).


Efficient Au/ZnO composite materials for indoor photocatalytic degradation of NO2 pollutant under low UV-A irradiation

Kevin Castelló Lux , Julie Hot , V. Collière , Myrtil L Kahn , Alexandra Bertron
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2025, 13 (1), pp.115110. ⟨10.1016/j.jece.2024.115110⟩
Journal articles hal-04911063v1
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Synthesis of TiO2/SBA-15 Nanocomposites by Hydrolysis of Organometallic Ti Precursors for Photocatalytic NO Abatement

Ons El Atti , Julie Hot , Katia Fajerwerg , Christian Lorber , Bénédicte Lebeau
Inorganics, 2024, 12 (7), pp.183. ⟨10.3390/inorganics12070183⟩
Journal articles hal-04659095v1

NOx Abatement by a TiO2-Based Coating under Real-Life Conditions and Laboratory-Scale Durability Assessment

Julie Hot , Clément Fériot , Emilie Lenard , Erick Ringot
Environments, 2024, 11 (8), pp.166. ⟨10.3390/environments11080166⟩
Journal articles hal-04723352v1
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Comparison of Photocatalytic Biocidal Activity of TiO2, ZnO and Au/ZnO on Escherichia coli and on Aspergillus niger under Light Intensity Close to Real-Life Conditions

Mohamad Al Hallak , Thomas Verdier , Alexandra Bertron , Kevin Castelló Lux , Ons El Atti
Catalysts, 2023, 13 (7), pp.1139. ⟨10.3390/catal13071139⟩
Journal articles hal-04175329v1

Investigation of the Self-Cleaning Property of Photocatalytic Coatings at a Laboratory Scale

Julie Hot , Kevin Castelló Lux , Erick Ringot
Photochem, 2023, 3 (4), pp.461-476. ⟨10.3390/photochem3040028⟩
Journal articles hal-04614763v1

Nano-gold decorated ZnO: An alternative photocatalyst promising for NOx degradation

Kevin Castelló Lux , Julie Hot , Pierre Fau , Alexandra Bertron , Myrtil L Kahn
Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 267, pp.118377. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2022.118377⟩
Journal articles hal-03965157v1
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Nano-Structuration of WO3 Nanoleaves by Localized Hydrolysis of an Organometallic Zn Precursor: Application to Photocatalytic NO2 Abatement

Kevin Castello Lux , Katia Fajerwerg , Julie Hot , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
Nanomaterials, 2022, 12 (24), pp.4360. ⟨10.3390/nano12244360⟩
Journal articles hal-03965121v2
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From hexafluorotitanate waste to TiO2 powder: Characterization and evaluation of the influence of synthesis parameters by the experimental design method

Julie Hot , Jérôme Frayret , Vanessa Sonois-Mazars , Erick Ringot
Advanced Powder Technology, 2022, 33 (3), pp.103472. ⟨10.1016/j.apt.2022.103472⟩
Journal articles hal-03697673v1

External sulfate attack: comparison of several alternative binders

Laura Diaz Caselles , Julie Hot , Franck Cassagnabère , Martin Cyr
Materials and structures, 2021, 54 (6), ⟨10.1617/s11527-021-01813-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03463106v1
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Improving circular economy by the valorization of non-conventional coal fly ashes in composite cement manufacturing

Moustapha Sow , Julie Hot , Tribout Christelle , Martin Cyr
Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 300, pp.124053. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.124053⟩
Journal articles hal-03346118v1
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Stabilization of soils containing sulfates by using alternative hydraulic binders

Laura Diaz Caselles , Julie Hot , Cédric Roosz , Martin Cyr
Applied Geochemistry, 2020, 113, pp.104494. ⟨10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104494⟩
Journal articles hal-02520099v1
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Titanium valorization: From chemical milling baths to air depollution applications

Julie Hot , Ariane Dasque , Jivko Topalov , Vanessa Mazars , Erick Ringot
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 249, pp.119344. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119344⟩
Journal articles hal-02495816v1
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Modelling of NO photocatalytic degradation in an experimental chamber

Julie Hot , Erick Ringot , Lounes Koufi , Alexandra Bertron
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, pp.127298. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2020.127298⟩
Journal articles hal-03011175v1
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In situ investigation of NOᵪ photocatalytic degradation: Case study in an open space office in Manchester, UK

Julie Hot , Paul Bradley , Jayson Cooper , Barnabé Wayser , Erick Ringot
Health and Environment, 2019, 1 (1), pp.28-37. ⟨10.25082/HE.2019.01.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02319555v1
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In situ NO abatement by photocatalysis – study under continuous NO injection in a 10-m3 experimental chamber

Jivko Topalov , Julie Hot , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2018, ⟨10.1007/s11869-018-0644-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02001621v1

Photocatalytic degradation of NO/NO2 gas injected into a 10-m(3) experimental chamber

Julie Hot , T. Martinez , B. Wayser , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24 (14), pp.12562--12570. ⟨10.1007/s11356-016-7701-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01755537v1
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Investigation on Parameters Affecting the Effectiveness of Photocatalytic Functional Coatings to Degrade NO: TiO2 Amount on Surface, Illumination, and Substrate Roughness

Julie Hot , Jivko Topalov , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
International Journal of Photoenergy, 2017, 2017, pp.6241615. ⟨10.1155/2017/6241615⟩
Journal articles hal-01755535v1

An investigation of the leaching behavior of trace elements from Spreader Stoker Coal Fly Ashes-based systems

Julie Hot , Moustapha Sow , Christelle Tribout , Martin Cyr
Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 110, pp.218--226. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.018⟩
Journal articles hal-01755538v1

Characterization of Spreader Stoker Coal Fly Ashes (SSCFA) for their use in cement-based applications

Moustapha Sow , Julie Hot , Christelle Tribout , Martin Cyr
Fuel, 2015, 162, pp.224--233. ⟨10.1016/j.fuel.2015.09.017⟩
Journal articles hal-01755540v1

An investigation of CaSi silica fume characteristics and its possible utilization in cement-based and alkali-activated materials

Julie Hot , Martin Cyr , Eric Augeard , Mikael Eekhout
Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 101, pp.456--465. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.10.051⟩
Journal articles hal-01755539v1

Adsorbing polymers and viscosity of cement pastes

Julie Hot , Hela Bessaies Bey , Coralie Brumaud , Myriam Duc , Charlène Castella
Cement and Concrete Research, 2014, 63, pp 12-19. ⟨10.1016/j.cemconres.2014.04.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01214856v1

Consequences of competitive adsorption between polymers on the rheological behaviour of cement pastes

Hela Bessaies Bey , Julie Hot , Robert Baumann , Nicolas Roussel
Cement and Concrete Composites, 2014, 54, pp 17-20. ⟨10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2014.05.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01214868v1

Flow properties of MK-based geopolymer pastes. A comparative study with standard Portland cement pastes

Aurélie Favier , Julie Hot , Guillaume Habert , Nicolas Roussel , Jean-Baptiste d'Espinose
Soft Matter, 2014, 10 (8), pp.1134-1141 ⟨10.1039/c3sm51889b⟩
Journal articles hal-01516129v1

Comment diminuer la viscosité de suspensions concentrées de particules de ciment ?

Julie Hot , Nicolas Roussel
Rhéologie, 2013, 24, pp.6--12
Journal articles hal-01755541v1

Yield stress and bleeding of fresh cement pastes

A. Perrot , Thibaut Lecompte , H. Khelifi , Coralie Brumaud , J. Hot
Cement and Concrete Research, 2012, 42 (7), pp.937 - 944. ⟨10.1016/j.cemconres.2012.03.015⟩
Journal articles hal-01757246v1

Grafting photocatalytic metal oxides (ZnO, TiO2) on mesoporous silica via metalorganic route for air depollution

Ons El Atti , Katia Fajerwerg , Andrey Ryzhikov , Lebeau Bénédicte , Philippe Menini
C’Nano 2023 The Nanoscience meeting, 2023, Poitiers, France
Conference papers hal-04785775v1

Photocatalytic Nanomaterials for Indoor Air Quality: Comparison Study of TiO2, ZnO, Au/TiO2 and Au/ZnO for NOx Degradation

Kevin Castelló Lux , Julie Hot , Katia Fajerwerg , Myrtil L Kahn , Pierre Fau
11th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA), 2022, Turin, Italy
Conference papers hal-04784631v1

Grafting photocatalytic metal oxides (ZnO, TiO2) on mesoporous silica via metalorganic route

Ons El Atti , Katia Fajerwerg , Andrey Ryzhikov , Lebeau Bénédicte , Philippe Menini
7th International Conference on Multifonctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Oct 2022, Gênes, Italy
Conference papers hal-04784707v1

Matériaux photocatalytiques pour l’abattement de polluants gazeux (NOx, formaldéhyde) et capteurs de gaz miniaturisés

Pierre Fau , Kevin Castelló Lux , Katia Fajerwerg , Erick Ringot , Myrtil L Kahn
Atelier « Mesure de la Qualité de l’air », Instrumentation pour le suivi environnemental Cycle d’ateliers nationaux, Institut des Sciences de l’Ingénierie et des Systèmes et l’Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers du CNRS, 2021, Distanciel, France
Conference papers hal-04818334v1

Nano-gold decorated TiO2, ZnO and WO3 for NO degradation: new photocatalytic materials for the improvement of the Indoor Air quality

Kevin Castelló Lux , Alexandra Bertron , Katia Fajerwerg , Pierre Fau , Julie Hot
C’Nano 2020 The Nanoscience meeting, 2021, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-04784646v1

Nano-gold decorated TiO2, and ZnO for NOx degradation: new photocatalytic materials for the improvement of air quality

Kevin Castelló Lux , Julie Hot , Alexandra Bertron , Erick Ringot , Myrtil L Kahn
The 11th Interfaces Against Pollution, May 2021, Wuhan, China
Conference papers hal-04791567v1

Démonstration de l’efficacité d’un revêtement photocatalytique commercial à abattre la pollution en conditions proches in situ dans une chambre expérimentale instrumentée

Julie Hot
Cluster Bâtiment du Futur Occitanie (BFO), Webinaire « Retour de chantier n°3 : Qualité de l’air intérieur - un enjeu de taille pour l’environnement et la santé publique », 2020, Distanciel, France
Conference papers hal-04818322v1

Indoor air NO2 depollution by photocatalysis – Comparing reactor and experimental chamber results

Julie Hot , Jivko Topalov , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
Air Pollution 2019 - 27th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution, Jun 2019, Aveiro, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04792649v1

Efficiency assessment of a commercial photocatalytic coating to degrade NO under real-world conditions in an equipped experimental chamber

Julie Hot , Jivko Topalov , Barnabé Wayser , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
INDOOR AIR 2018, Jul 2018, Philadelphia, United States
Conference papers hal-02093728v1

A study on the valorization of titanium from chemical milling baths to design photocatalytic coatings for air depollution applications

Julie Hot , Jivko Topalov , Vanessa Mazars , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
INDOOR AIR 2018, Jul 2018, Philadelphia, United States
Conference papers hal-02093699v1

Evaluation of formaldehyde degradation in a standardized photoreactor

Julie Hot , Jivko Topalov , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
Healthy Buildings 2017 Europe, Jul 2017, Lublin, Poland
Conference papers hal-02155474v1

Démonstration de l’efficacité d’un revêtement photocatalytique commercial à abattre le NO en conditions réelles dans une chambre expérimentale instrumentée

Julie Hot , Jivko Topalov , Barnabé Wayser , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
Atmos’Fair, Oct 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02093737v1

Influence des polymères de type superplastifiants et agents entraineurs d’air sur la viscosité macroscopique des matériaux cimentaires

Julie Hot
AUGC 2014 - De la préservation à l’innovation, Jun 2014, Orléans, France
Conference papers hal-02155451v1

Photocatalytic degradation of NO/NO2 gas injected into a 10-m3 experimental chamber

Julie Hot , Thomas Martinez , Barnabé Wayser , Erick Ringot , Alexandra Bertron
9th European meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA9), Jun 2016, Strasbourg, France
Conference poster hal-04792578v1

Influence de polymères adsorbants sur la contribution des contacts à la viscosité macroscopique de pâtes de ciment

Julie Hot , Nicolas Roussel
46ème Colloque Annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie - Rhéologie et génie des procédés et des produits, Oct 2011, Nancy, France
Conference poster hal-02155321v1

Les objectifs environnementaux de la qualité de l'air intérieur en France

Julie Hot , Alexandra Cordeiro
La qualité de l'air intérieur pour les nuls, First Editions, 2021, 978-2-412-05958-6
Book sections hal-04769690v1

Les polluants de l'air intérieur

Alexandra Cordeiro , Julie Hot
La qualité de l'air intérieur pour les nuls, First Editions, 2021, 978-2-412-05958-6
Book sections hal-04769646v1

Des pistes de recherche pour diminuer la viscosité des bétons à hautes performances

Julie Hot , Nicolas Roussel
Rencontres universitaires de génie civil. 31es Rencontres universitaires de l'AUGC - Cachan, 29-31 mai 2013, 2-3, Institut technique du bâtiment et des travaux publics, pp.46--52, 2013, 978-2-7472-2092-7
Book sections hal-01755542v1