julien lagarde
· *PhD* *2001* : B THON, University Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France
*Sensorimotor learning, verbal instructions, language- sensorimotor interactions*
· *Post-Doctorat* *2002-2005 :* JAS KELSO, Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Boca Raton USA
*A huge dive into Coordination dynamics, phase transitions, EEG, multimodal dynamics, social coordination. I was lucky to attend several full semester courses from the PhD training program in Complex Systems: Time series analysis (Steve Bressler), Dynamical systems (Richard Voss), Theoretical neurosciences (Viktor Jirsa), Stochastic processes (Viktor Jirsa).*
· *Post-Doctorat* *2005-2008 :* B BARDY, Enactive and Skills IP European projects
*Skills, virtual reality, juggling pattern, transfer of skills, postural coordination dynamics*
· *Habilitation* *2012* : La dynamique des patrons de coordination. Mécanismes impliqués dans l’intégration multisensorielle et les interactions interpersonnelles.
I investigate pattern formation/ coordination dynamics in cognition, human movement and perception.
Main topics: Multimodal coordination dynamics, Social neuroscience.
*Multimodal coordination dynamics: Dynamical binding between the senses in human movements.*
The brain has the fascinating capacity to put together different senses. I inquire how the senses and movements are bound together and how this ensemble evolves in time. The approach consists in seeking abrupt qualitative changes in behaviour. Why so? In the vicinity of important and sudden changes, the entire evolution of the system under consideration follows the behaviour of one or few variables; these purported variables give us all the information we need (Haken 1988; Kelso, 1995).
Coordination dynamics is a theory that seeks to explain how patterns arise and change every second and milliseconds, and how to choose the effective variables to model a complex system.
Kelso, J.A.S. (1995). *Dynamic patterns: The self-organization of brain and behavior*. MIT Press
Haken, H. (1988). *Information and self-organization: A macroscopic approach to complex systems*. Springer
*Invited Conferences*
\- J Lagarde (2019). One model to rule them all? Sensorimotor synchronization facing crosscultural challenge. Department of Music, Durham University UK
\- J Lagarde (2016) A cross-cultural study of Plasticity- Synchronization (Euromov seminar)
\- J Lagarde (2014) Multimodal coordination dynamics: A couple of years back. *Center* *for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton Fl USA*
\- J Lagarde (2014) Pattern formation far for equilibrium in brain and behaviour: The coordination dynamics theory. *Faculty of Physics, University La Havana, Cuba*
\- J Lagarde (2014) Social coordination: Oscillations in two interacting brains. *University of Siena, Italy*
\- J Lagarde (2012). Pattern formation processes between individuals: Social coordination dynamics. *ROMAN**’ 12. Workshop on Developmental and bio-inspired approaches for social cognitive robotics September 9th 2012, Ecole des Arts et Métiers, Paris*
\- J Lagarde (2011). Coordination Dynamics of Multisensory Integration. Workshop on Mathematical Models of Cognitive Architectures, December 5-9, 2011. Chairs: G Deco, V Jirsa. *Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) Luminy, Marseille*
\- J Lagarde (2011) Invariant coordination patterns. A way to select functional units to train skills. *Summer School Skill Learning and Virtual Environments, July 25-30th 2011, Castle of Gargonza (Arezzo, Italy)*
\- J Lagarde (2009). The human laws of attraction: How social interaction can spontaneously take over postural dynamics. *Brain, Behavior, and Beyond: A seminar on Coordination Dynamics, 24 Avril, Chaire d’Excellence Pierre de Fermat de la Région Midi-Pyrénées Toulouse*
*Diffusion of Scientific knowledge*
\- J Lagarde (2018). La synchronisation dans tous ses états (Les jeudis de l’UM, Université de Montpellier)
\- J Lagarde (2017). Universaux des signes avant-coureurs de crise : résultats en neurosciences du mouvement humain (Montpellier Université du temps libre)
\- J Lagarde (2017). De l’eau qui bout au trot qui devient galop, comment des signes universaux permettent d’anticiper des changements abrupts ? (Les jeudis de l’UM, Université de Montpellier)
\- A presentation of the SKILLS IP project of the EU for the French TV show E = M6 « Incroyables talents »: The analysis of a juggling expert
Guided Attention for Interpretable Motion CaptioningBMVC 2024 - The 35th British Machine Vision Conference, Nov 2024, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ⟨10.48550/arXiv.2310.07324⟩
Conference papers
How does the Use of Sonification of Arm Movement Modulate Gesture Reproduction?ACAPS 2023 - Les Environnements de l'Activité Physique et Sportive, Oct 2023, Reims, France
Conference papers
A robotic closed-loop scheme to model human postural coordinationIROS'09: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct 2009, St. Louis, MO, United States. pp.2525-2530, ⟨10.1109/IROS.2009.5354529⟩
Conference papers
A closed loop musculoskeletal model of postural coordination dynamicsCDC/CCC'09: 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, held jointly with the 28th Chinese Control Conference, Dec 2009, Shanghai, China. pp.6207-6212, ⟨10.1109/CDC.2009.5400945⟩
Conference papers
Modeling Postural Coordination Dynamics using a Closed-Loop ControllerHumanoids, Dec 2008, Daejeon, South Korea. pp.61-66
Conference papers
Modeling Human Postural Coordination to Improve the Control of Balance in Humanoids7th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Nov 2007, Pittsburgh, PA, United States. pp.324-329, ⟨10.1109/ICHR.2007.4813888⟩
Conference papers
Sonification du mouvement du bras pour le traitement de la maladie de ParkinsonJournées Perception Sonore 2023, Nov 2023, Paris, France. 2023
Conference poster
Mapping, in human-computer systemsEnaction and enactive interfaces : a handbook of terms, Enactive System Books, pp.192-194, 2007
Book sections
Transformer with Controlled Attention for Synchronous Captioning2024
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Partners modulate information exchange during physical interaction to adapt to task difficulty2022
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
instructions verbales pour l'apprentissage dans une tâche d'anticipation-coincidenceSciences de l'Homme et Société. Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2001. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩