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Juste Goungounga

Enseignant- Chercheur en biostatistiques et données de santé
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I am qualified in medicine in Burkina and worked as a clinician before entering methodological research. I completed in 2014 a Master of public heath (oriented in quantitative and econometric methods) and in 2018, a PhD in full-time in clinical research and public heath, both at Aix Marseille University, France. My PhD thesis topic was the extension of excess mortality analysis in to the field of clinical research. Previously, I worked in the [SESSTIM]( research unit, as a biostatistician, mainly working on excess hazard and net survival methods in the field of clinical trials. I joined the Bourguignon Digestive Cancer Registry ( [EPICAD team - UMR 1231]( in January 2020 as a postdoctoral research fellow. Here is a link to my updated list of publications: [Updated Publications LIST]( see more information on [my web page](
I am qualified in medicine in Burkina and completed in 2014 a MPH (oriented in quantitative and econometric methods) and in 2018, a PhD (clinical research and public health specialised in biostatistics), both at Aix Marseille University, France. Previously, I worked as a biostatistician in the SESSTIM research unit, mainly working notably on excess hazard models methodology, including R package implementation and on a project aiming at developing interactive pedagogical tools (computer and statistical models to be deployed on a web platform) for learning statistics with R. I then joined in January 2020, the Burgundy digestive cancer registry/Université de Bourgogne as postdoctoral research fellow thanks to a funding from the ARC foundation (AIDES INDIVIDUELES JEUNES CHERCHEURS 2019 Post-doctoral fellows in France). This valuable experience allowed me to work with the cancer registry's researchers on cure models and their potential interest in cancer epidemiology, especially in the context of the "right to be forgotten", but also on the evaluation of care practices in digestive cancer. I'm currently associate professor of Biostatistics and health data at the French School of Public Health (EHESP). Here is a link to my updated list of publications:

Domaines de recherche


