Search for a μ + μ − resonance in four-muon final states at Belle II
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
New graph-neural-network flavor tagger for Belle II and measurement of sin 2 ϕ 1 in B 0 → J / ψ K S 0 decays
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Measurement of branching fractions and direct CP asymmetries for B → K π and B → π π decays at Belle II
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
First Measurement of R ( X τ / ℓ ) as an Inclusive Test of the b → c τ ν Anomaly
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for Rare b → d ℓ + ℓ − Transitions at Belle
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Search for lepton-flavor-violating τ− → μ−μ+μ− decays at Belle II
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Search for baryon and lepton number violating decays $\boldsymbol{D \rightarrow p\ell}$
S. Maity
R. Garg
S. Bahinipati
V. Bhardwaj
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for the e + e − → η b ( 1 S ) ω and e + e − → χ b 0 ( 1 P ) ω processes at s = 10.745 GeV
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Measurement of branching-fraction ratios and CP asymmetries in B± → DCP±K± decays at Belle and Belle II
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Measurements of the branching fractions of $$ {\Xi}_c^0\to {\Xi}^0{\pi}^0 $$, $$ {\Xi}_c^0\to {\Xi}^0\eta $$, and $$ {\Xi}_c^0\to {\Xi}^0{\eta}^{\prime } $$ and asymmetry parameter of $$ {\Xi}_c^0\to {\Xi}^0{\pi}^0 $$
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Test of lepton flavor universality with a measurement of R ( D * ) using hadronic B tagging at the Belle II experiment
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Evidence for B + → K + ν ν ¯ decays
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for the decay B 0 → γ γ using Belle and Belle II data
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Measurement of C P asymmetries in B 0 → K S 0 K S 0 K S 0 decays at Belle II
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
First measurement of the $Q^2$ distribution of X(3915) single-tag two-photon production
Y. Teramoto
S. Uehara
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
Journal articles
First Simultaneous Determination of Inclusive and Exclusive
L. Cao
F. Bernlochner
K. Tackmann
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Measurement of Lepton Mass Squared Moments in $B \to X_c \ell \bar \nu_{\ell}$ Decays with the Belle II Experiment
F. Abudinén
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Measurement of Violation in Decays at Belle II
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decays to a Lepton and an Invisible Boson at Belle II
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Study of $B^+ \rightarrow p \overline{n} \pi^0$
K. -N. Chu
Y. -R. Lin
M. -Z. Wang
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
Journal articles
Study of the lineshape of $X(3872)$ using $B$ decays to $D^0\overline{D}{}^{*0}K$
H. Hirata
T. Iijima
Y. Kato
K. Tanida
I. Adachi
Journal articles
Search for the lepton flavour violating decays $B^{+} \to K^{+} \tau^\pm \ell^\mp$ ($\ell = e, \mu$) at Belle
S. Watanuki
G. de Marino
Karim Trabelsi
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for a Dark Photon and an Invisible Dark Higgs Boson in and Missing Energy Final States with the Belle II Experiment
F. Abudinén
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Observation of $e^+e^-\to\omega\chi_{bJ}(1P)$ and search for $X_b \to \omega\Upsilon(1S)$ at $\sqrt{s}$ near 10.75 GeV
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Measurement of the $\tau$-lepton mass with the Belle~II experiment
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Measurement of the e$^{+}$e$^{−}$→$ {B}_s^0{\overline{B}}_s^0X $ cross section in the energy range from 10.63 to 11.02 GeV using inclusive $ {D}_s^{+} $ and D$^{0}$ production
V. Zhukova
R. Mizuk
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
Journal articles
First measurement of the Michel parameter $\xi^\prime$ in the $\tau^-\to\mu^-\bar{\nu}_\mu\nu_\tau$ decay at Belle
D. Bodrov
P. Pakhlov
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
Journal articles
Observation of a Threshold Cusp at the $\Lambda\eta$ Threshold in the $pK^{-}$ Mass Spectrum with $\Lambda_{c}^{+} \rightarrow p K^{-} \pi^{+}$ Decays
S. B. Yang
K. Tanida
J. K. Ahn
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
Journal articles
First measurement of the $B^{+}\to\pi^{+}\pi^{0}\pi^{0}$ branching fraction and \textit{CP} asymmetry
Y. -T. Lai
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
D. M. Asner
Journal articles
Test of light-lepton universality in the rates of inclusive semileptonic $B$-meson decays at Belle II
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Evidence for the singly Cabibbo-suppressed decay $ {\Omega}_c^0\to {\Xi}^{-}{\pi}^{+} $ and search for $ {\Omega}_c^0\to {\Xi}^{-}{K}^{+} $ and Ω$^{−}$K$^{+}$ decays at Belle
X. Han
S. Jia
L. Yuan
C. P. Shen
I. Adachi
Journal articles
Tests of Light-Lepton Universality in Angular Asymmetries of B0→D*-ℓν Decays
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Search for a long-lived spin-0 mediator in b → s transitions at the Belle II experiment
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Search for rare decays $B^{+} \to D_{s}^{(\ast)+}\eta$, $D_{s}^{(\ast)+}\bar{K}^{0}$, $D^{+}\eta$, and $D^{+}K^{0}$
M. Kumar
V. Bhardwaj
K. Lalwani
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for an invisible $Z^\prime$ in a final state with two muons and missing energy at Belle II
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Measurement of CP asymmetries and branching-fraction ratios for B$^{±}$→ DK$^{±}$ and Dπ$^{±}$ with D →$ {K}_{\textrm{S}}^0 $K$^{±}$π$^{∓}$ using Belle and Belle II data
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Study of the muon decay-in-flight in the $\tau^-\to\mu^-\bar{\nu}_\mu\nu_\tau$ decay to measure the Michel parameter $\xi^\prime$
D. Bodrov
P. Pakhlov
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
Journal articles
Study of $e^{+}e^{-}\to\eta\phi$ via Initial State Radiation at Belle
W. J. Zhu
B. S. Gao
X. L. Wang
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for $ {\textrm{B}}_{\textrm{s}}^0 $→ ℓ$^{∓}$τ$^{±}$ with the semi-leptonic tagging method at Belle
L. Nayak
S. Nishida
A. Giri
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Determination of | V c b | using B ¯ 0 → D * + ℓ − ν ¯ ℓ decays with Belle II
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Measurement of asymmetries in decays with Belle II
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Evidence for $B^0 \to p\bar{\Sigma}^0\pi^-$ at Belle
C. -Y. Chang
M. -Z. Wang
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
Journal articles
Search for $CP$ violation in $D^{+}_{(s)}\rightarrow K^{+}K^{0}_{S}h^{+}h^{-}$ $(h=K,\pi)$ decays and observation of the Cabibbo-suppressed decay $D^{+}_{s}\rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}K^{0}_{S}\pi^{+}$
H. K. Moon
E. Won
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
D. M. Asner
Journal articles
Measurements of the branching fractions $\mathcal{B} (\bar{B}{}^0 \to D^{*+} \pi^-)$ and $\mathcal{B} (\bar{B}{}^0 \to D^{*+} K^-)$ and tests of QCD factorization
J. F. Krohn
D. Ferlewicz
P. Urquijo
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for a $\tau^+\tau^-$ resonance in $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \mu^{+}\mu^{-} \tau^+\tau^-$ events with the Belle II experiment
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Novel method for the identification of the production flavor of neutral charmed mesons
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Measurement of the branching fraction and asymmetry of decays using pairs in Belle II data
F. Abudinén
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
Journal articles
Measurement of the $B^0$ lifetime and flavor-oscillation frequency using hadronic decays reconstructed in 2019-2021 Belle II data
F. Abudinén
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for the decay $B^0_s \rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0$ at Belle
J. Borah
B. Bhuyan
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
D. M. Asner
Journal articles
Measurement of the $\Lambda_c^+$ lifetime
F. Abudinén
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
J. K. Ahn
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Precise measurement of the $D^+_s$ lifetime at Belle II
I. Adachi
L. Aggarwal
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Erratum to: Combined analysis of Belle and Belle II data to determine the CKM angle ϕ$_{3}$ using B$^{+}$ → D($ {K}_S^0 $h$^{+}$h$^{−}$)h$^{+}$ decays
F. Abudinén
L. Aggarwal
H. Ahmed
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
Journal articles
Search for $B^+ \to \mu^+\, \nu_\mu$ and $B^+ \to \mu^+\, N$ with inclusive tagging
M. t. Prim
F. u. Bernlochner
P. Goldenzweig
M. Heck
I. Adachi
Journal articles
First search for the $\eta_{c2}(1D)$ in $B$ decays at Belle
K. Chilikin
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
D. Asner
Journal articles
New physics in $B$ meson mixing: future sensitivity and limitations
Jérôme Charles
Sébastien Descotes-Genon
Zoltan Ligeti
Stéphane Monteil
Michele Papucci
Journal articles
Search for Axionlike Particles Produced in e + e − Collisions at Belle II
F. Abudinén
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
N. Akopov
A. Aloisio
Journal articles
Measurement of $\mathcal{R}(D)$ and $\mathcal{R}(D^*)$ with a semileptonic tagging method
G. Caria
P. Urquijo
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
Journal articles
First measurement of the CKM angle $\phi_3$ with $B^{\pm}\to D(K_{\rm S}^0\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0)K^{\pm}$ decays
P.K. Resmi
J. Libby
K. Trabelsi
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
Journal articles
Search for a light $CP$-odd Higgs boson and low-mass dark matter at the Belle experiment
I.S. Seong
S.E. Vahsen
I. Adachi
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
Journal articles
Using an amplitude analysis to measure the photon polarisation in $B \rightarrow K\pi \pi \gamma $ decays
V. Bellée
P. Pais
A. Puig Navarro
F. Blanc
O. Schneider
Journal articles
Observation of $ \tau^- \rightarrow \pi^- \nu_{\tau} e^+ e^- $ and search for $\tau^- \rightarrow \pi^- \nu_{\tau} \mu^+ \mu^-$
Y. Jin
H. Aihara
D. Epifanov
I. Adachi
S. Al Said
Journal articles
Observation of a vector charmoniumlike state in $e^+e^- \to D^+_sD_{s1}(2536)^-+c.c.$
S. Jia
C.P. Shen
C.Z. Yuan
X.L. Wang
I. Adachi
Journal articles
Measurement of the branching fraction and time-dependent $CP$ asymmetry for $B^0\to J/\psi\pi^0$ decays
B. Pal
A.J. Schwartz
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
D.M. Asner
Journal articles
Measurement of the branching fraction of $B \rightarrow D^{(*)}\pi \ell\nu$ at Belle using hadronic tagging in fully reconstructed events
A. Vossen
I. Adachi
K. Adamczyk
H. Aihara
S. Al Said
Journal articles
Improved limit on the branching fraction of the rare decay ${{K} ^0_{\mathrm { \scriptscriptstyle S}}} \rightarrow \mu ^+\mu ^-$
Roel Aaij
Bernardo Adeva
Marco Adinolfi
Ziad Ajaltouni
Simon Akar
Journal articles
Observation of the $\varXi^{-}_{b}\to J/\psi\varLambda K^{-}$ decay
R. Aaij
B. Adeva
M. Adinolfi
Z. Ajaltouni
S. Akar
Journal articles
First observation of a baryonic $B_s^0$ decay
R. Aaij
B. Adeva
M. Adinolfi
Z. Ajaltouni
S. Akar
Journal articles
Certified Descent Algorithm for shape optimization driven by fully-computable a posteriori error estimators
Matteo Giacomini
Olivier Pantz
Karim Trabelsi
Journal articles
Averages of $b$-hadron, $c$-hadron, and $\tau$-lepton properties as of summer 2016
Y. Amhis
Sw. Banerjee
E. Ben-Haim
F. Bernlochner
A. Bozek
Journal articles
Search for decays of neutral beauty mesons into four muons
R. Aaij
B. Adeva
M. Adinolfi
Z. Ajaltouni
S. Akar
Journal articles