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Loraine Kennedy

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Interrogating data justice on Hyderabad’s urban frontier: information politics and the internal differentiation of vulnerable communities

Loraine Kennedy , Ashima Sood , Debdatta Chakraborty , Ram Mohan Chitta
Information, Communication and Society, 2022, 25 (9), pp.1273-1292. ⟨10.1080/1369118X.2020.1851388⟩
Journal articles halshs-03081478v1
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Peri-urban transformation in the Global South: a comparative socio-spatial analytics approach

Alexander Follmann , Loraine Kennedy , Karin Pfeffer , Fulong Wu
Regional Studies, 2022, 57 (3), pp.447-461. ⟨10.1080/00343404.2022.2095365⟩
Journal articles halshs-03919604v1
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The Co-production of Space, Politics and Subjectivities in India’s Urban Peripheries

Shubhra Gururani , Loraine Kennedy
South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 2021, 26, ⟨10.4000/samaj.7365⟩
Journal articles halshs-03395319v1
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Neoliberal exception to liberal democracy? Entrepreneurial territorial governance in India

Ashima Sood , Loraine Kennedy
Territory, Politics, Governance, 2020, 8 (1), pp.23-42. ⟨10.1080/21622671.2019.1687323⟩
Journal articles hal-02424114v1
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Federalism as a Moderating Force? State-level Responses to India’s New Citizenship Law

Loraine Kennedy
South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 2020, The Hindutva Turn: Authoritarianism and Resistance in India, 24/25, pp.6896. ⟨10.4000/samaj.6896⟩
Journal articles halshs-03083819v1
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The Politics of Land Acquisition in Haryana: Managing Dominant Caste Interests in the Name of Development

Loraine Kennedy
Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2020, 50 (5), pp.743-60. ⟨10.1080/00472336.2019.1651885⟩
Journal articles hal-02424461v1
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Outsourced urban governance as a state rescaling strategy in Hyderabad, India

Loraine Kennedy , Ashima Sood
Cities, 2019, 85, pp.130-139. ⟨10.1016/j.cities.2018.09.001⟩
Journal articles halshs-02322487v1
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Nouvelles spatialités étatiques et économiques dans l'Inde fédérale

Loraine Kennedy
Hérodote - Revue de géographie et de géopolitique, 2019, 173, pp.155-171. ⟨10.3917/her.173.0155⟩
Journal articles halshs-02319931v1
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The role of governance networks in building metropolitan scale

Jen Nelles , Jill Simone Gross , Loraine Kennedy
Territory, Politics, Governance, 2018, Constructing metropolitan scales: economic, political and discursive determinants, 6 (2), pp.159-181. ⟨10.1080/21622671.2017.1421478⟩
Journal articles hal-02178323v1
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State restructuring and emerging patterns of subnational policy-making and governance in China and India

Loraine Kennedy
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2017, 35 (1), pp.6-24. ⟨10.1177/0263774X16630551⟩
Journal articles halshs-03965331v1
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Greenfield Development as Tabula Rasa. Rescaling, Speculation and Governance on India's Urban Frontier

Loraine Kennedy , Ashima Sood
Economic and political weekly, 2016
Journal articles halshs-02001520v1
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Réétalonnage de l'État et changement d'échelle des espaces urbains en Inde

Loraine Kennedy
revue Urbanités, 2015, Mondes urbains indiens
Journal articles halshs-04693052v1

Stratégies spatiales de l’État en Inde. Le réétalonnage de l’État au travers de la politique des zones franches

Loraine Kennedy
EchoGéo, 2015, 32, ⟨10.4000/echogeo.14257⟩
Journal articles halshs-04693025v1

The politics and changing paradigm of megaproject development in metropolitan cities

Loraine Kennedy
Habitat International, 2015, 45, pp.163-168. ⟨10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.07.001⟩
Journal articles halshs-04693016v1
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L'État et le développement industriel en Inde : de la petite industrie aux zones économiques spéciales

Loraine Kennedy
Critique Internationale, 2014, 63 (2), pp.77 à 93
Journal articles halshs-04693065v1

Comparing State-level policy responses to economic reforms in India. A subnational political economy perspective

Loraine Kennedy , Kim Robin , Diego Zamuner
Revue de la régulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, 2013, Économie politique de l’Asie (1), 13 | 1er semestre, pp.1-26
Journal articles hal-01166090v1

Villes indiennes sous tutelle ?

Loraine Kennedy , Marie-Hélène Zerah
Métropoles, 2011, 9 | 2011,
Journal articles hal-00711044v1

Présentation du numéro spécial "Gouvernance, nouvelles spatialités et enjeux sociaux dans les métropoles indiennes"

Loraine Kennedy , Marie-Hélène Zerah
Métropoles, 2011, 9 | 2011, URL :
Journal articles hal-00711050v1

Dynamique économique et recompositions territoriales, une industrie traditionnelle locale de l'Inde du sud face à la mondialisation

Xavier Amelot , Loraine Kennedy
Annales de géographie, 2010, 119 (671-672), pp.137-155. ⟨10.3917/ag.671.0137⟩
Journal articles hal-00711059v1
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The Shift to City-Centric Growth Strategies: Perspectives from Hyderabad and Mumbai

Loraine Kennedy , Marie-Hélène Zérah
Economic and political weekly, 2008, 43 (39), pp.110-117
Journal articles hal-00711062v1

Regional Industrial Policies Driving Peri-urban Dynamics in Hyderabad, India

Loraine Kennedy
Cities, 2007, 24 (2), pp.95-109. ⟨10.1016/j.cities.2006.06.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00711067v1

Neoliberal exception to liberal democracy? Entrepreneurial territorial governance in India

Ashima Sood , Loraine Kennedy
Jason Luger. Questioning Planetary Illiberal Geographies. Territory, Space and Power, Routledge, pp.29-53, 2023, 9781032392202
Book sections halshs-03919958v1
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Actors and shifting scales of urban governance in India

Loraine Kennedy
Danielle Labbé; André Sorensen. International Handbook on Megacities and Megacity Regions, Edward Elgar, pp.101-118, 2020, 978 1 78897 269 7. ⟨10.4337/9781788972703⟩
Book sections halshs-03044381v1

La mort de l’urbain et le règne de la (grande) ville ?

Brieuc Bisson , Éric Charmes , Loraine Kennedy , Gilles Pinson , Josselin Tallec
Félix Adisson; Sabine Barles; Nathalie Blanc; Olivier Coutard; Leila Frouillou; Fanny Rassat (coord.). Pour la recherche urbaine, CNRS éditions, pp.107-123, 2020, 978-2-271-13260-4. ⟨10.4000/books.editionscnrs.37058⟩
Book sections halshs-02969938v1
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La production urbaine et ses dispositifs sociotechniques

Flavie Ferchaud , Sylvy Jaglin , Loraine Kennedy , Jérémy Robert
Félix Adisson; Sabine Barles; Nathalie Blanc; Olivier Coutard; Leila Frouillou; Fanny Rassat (coord.). Pour la recherche urbaine, CNRS éditions, pp.267-292, 2020, 978-2-271-13260-4
Book sections halshs-02989929v1

Le fédéralisme indien : un système en renégociation constante

Loraine Kennedy
L'Inde contemporaine, de 1990 à nos jours, sous la direction de Ch. Jaffrelot. Paris: Fayard/Pluriel. pp. 33-60., 2019
Book sections hal-02424534v1

Contrasting the spatial and political dimensions of rescaling in metropolitan Delhi

Bérénice Bon , Loraine Kennedy
Gross, Jill Simone; Gualini Enrico; Lin, Ye. Constructing Metropolitan Space: Actors, Policies and Processes of Rescaling in World Metropolises, Routledge, pp. 65-87, 2018, 9780815380870
Book sections halshs-03965433v1

L’émergence en Inde : le rôle décisif des économies politiques infranationales

Loraine Kennedy , Kim Robin , Diego Zamuner
Piveteau, Alain; Rougier, Eric; Nicet-Chenaf, Dalila. Emergences capitalistes aux Suds, Karthala, pp.241-267, 2013, 9782811108427
Book sections halshs-04693135v1

Comparing urban governance in Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai

Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal , Archana Ghosh , Loraine Kennedy , Joël Ruet , Marie-Hélène Zérah
Joël Ruet, Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal. Governing India's Metropolises, Routledge, Delhi, pp.24-54, 2009
Book sections hal-00702508v1

Assessing Urban Governance through the Prism of Healthcare Services in Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai

Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal , Loraine Kennedy , Ravi Duggal
Joël Ruet, Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal. Governing India's Metropolises, Routledge, Delhi, pp.161-182, 2009
Book sections hal-00702514v1