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Macroalgae extracts limits Marek’s disease virus load and dissemination in vitro.

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Frédérick Bussy , Sylvie Remy , Pi Nyvall Collén
XXII. World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) Congress, Sep 2023, Verone, Italy
Conference papers hal-04221137v1

Molecular And Functional Characterization Of Extracellular Vesicles Released By A Lymphocyte Line Transformed By Marek's Disease Virus

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Sylvie Rémy , Valérie Labas , Lucie Combes , Ana-Paula Teixeira-Gomes
13. International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpes Virus -Congrès virtuel, University of Guelph, Jun 2021, Guelph - Ontario, Canada
Conference papers hal-04221114v1

A novel chicken cell culture model to explore the role of the vascular endothelium in the pathogenesis of avian influenza and Marek’s disease in gallinaceous poultry

Pascale Quéré , Adrien Lion , Léa Meyer , Evelyne Esnault , Emmanuel Kut
11. Symposium of the French Domestic Animal Immunology Network (IAD 2018), Mar 2018, Tours, France. 56 p
Conference papers hal-02736481v1

Caractérisation moléculaire et fonctionnelle des vésicules extracellulaires libérées par une lignée lymphocytaire transformée par le virus de la maladie de Marek

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Sylvie Rémy , Valérie Labas , Lucie Combes , Ana Paula Teixeira
7. Journée scientifique HerPAs 2018, Mar 2018, Tours, France. 22 p
Conference papers hal-02737877v1

L’herpèsvirus de la maladie de Marek induit une atrophie des organes lymphoïdes primaires durant l’infection précoce, associée à un accroissement d’apoptose, à une inhibition de la prolifération cellulaire et à une forte lymphopénie B

Camille Berthault , Thibaut Larcher , Sonja Härtle , Jean-François Vautherot , Laëtitia Fragnet-Trapp
20. Journées Francophones de Virologie 2018, Société Française de Virologie (SFV). FRA., Mar 2018, Paris, France. 148 p
Conference papers hal-02737484v1

L’invasine Rck de Salmonella Typhimurium module le cycle cellulaire de l’hôte pour faciliter l’infection

Julien Mambu , Guillaume Sadrin , Emilie Barilleau , Michel Olivier , Yves Le Vern
31. Colloque Biotechnocentre, Biotechnocentre. FRA., Oct 2018, Seillac, France
Conference papers hal-02735562v1

Atrophy of primary lymphoid organs induced by Marek’s Disease Virus during early infection is associated with increased apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation and a severe B- lymphopenia

Camille Berthault , Thibaut Larcher , Sonja Härtle , Jean-François Vautherot , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
11. Symposium of the French Domestic Animal Immunology Network (IAD 2018), Mar 2018, Tours, France. 56 p
Conference papers hal-02733563v1

Development and use of new chicken cellular models from embryonic stem cells and primary cells to study avian virus infections

Sascha Trapp , Evelyne Esnault , Pascale Quéré , Bertrand Pain , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
10. Avian Model Systems Conference, Jun 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02734404v1

Les domaines N- et central de la protéine de tégument VP22 du virus de la maladie de Marek sont essentiels pour la dissémination virale et la modulation du cycle cellulaire

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Katia Courvoisier-Guyader , Fabien Loustalot , Jean-François Vautherot , Caroline Denesvre
6e Journée scientifique HerPAs, Mar 2017, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-04668981v1

Mapping of the domains of the Marek’s disease virus VP22 protein essential for viral cell-to-cell spread and cell cycle modulation

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Katia Courvoisier , Fabien Loustalot , Jean-François Vautherot , Caroline Denesvre
42. Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW), Jul 2017, Gand, Belgium. 334 p
Conference papers hal-02737392v1

Modulation of cell proliferation by Salmonella Typhimurium

Julien Mambu , Emilie Barilleau , Michel Olivier , Yves Le Vern , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
PhD Day 2017, Sep 2017, Nouzilly, France. 19 diapos
Conference papers hal-02788907v1

ESCDL-1 cell-line derived from chicken ES cells is fully permissive to Mardiviruses

Jean-François Vautherot , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Christian Jean , Aurélie Fuet , Guillaume Montillet
11. International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jul 2016, Tours, France. 114 p
Conference papers hal-02739729v1

Atrophy of primary lymphoid organs by MDV during early infection is associated with apoptosis and inhibition of cell proliferation

Camille Berthault , Laëtitia Fragnet , Sylvie Rémy , Thibaut T. Larcher , Sonja Härtle
11. International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jul 2016, Tours, France. 114 p
Conference papers hal-02738635v1

MDV infection prolongs survival of B cells in culture

Sonja Härtle , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Caroline Denesvre , Bernd Kaspers , Benedikt Kaufer
14. Avian Immunology Research Group (AIRG) Meeting 2016, German Society for Immunology DGFI., Sep 2016, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany. 120 p
Conference papers hal-02744131v1

MDV infection prolongs survival of B cells in culture

Sonja Haertle , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Caroline Denesvre , Benedikt B Kaufer , Bernd Kaspers
11. International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jul 2016, Tours, France. 114 p
Conference papers hal-02738932v1

Implication of cellular DNA damage triggered by Marek's disease virus infection in viral replication and pathogenesis

Djihad Bencherit , Sylvie Rémy , Yves Le Vern , Caroline Denesvre , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
11. International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jul 2016, Tours, France. 114 p
Conference papers hal-02738882v1

Marek's disease virus undergoes complete morphogenesis after reactivation in T-lymphoblastoid cell line transformed by recombinant fluorescent marker virus

Caroline Denesvre , Sylvie Rémy , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Lorraine P. Smith , Sonia Georgeault
5. Journée scientifique HerPAs 2016, Asssociation HerPAs., Mar 2016, Villejuif, France
Conference papers hal-02742549v1

Étude des dommages à l'ADN au cours du cyle viral du virus de la maladie de Marek

Djihad Bencherit , Sylvie Rémy , Yves Le Vern , Caroline Denesvre , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Santé Animale, May 2016, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France. 98 p
Conference papers hal-02744178v1

Domains of VP22 protein essential for viral dissemination and cell cycle modulation of Marek's disease virus

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Katia Courvoisier , Fabien Loustalot , Jean-François Vautherot , Caroline Denesvre
11. International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jul 2016, Tours, France. 114 p
Conference papers hal-02738679v1

Caractérisation moléculaire des vésicules extracellulaires produites lors de l’infection cytolytique par le virus de la maladie de Marek

Laëtitia Fragnet , Valérie Labas , Sylvie Rémy , Caroline Denesvre
5. Journées d'animation scientifique de la FéRI, Fédération de recherche en infectiologie (FéRI)., Jul 2016, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02800857v1

Étude des dommages à l’ADN au cours du cycle viral du virus de la Maladie de Marek

Djihad Bencherit , Sylvie Rémy , Yves Le Vern , Caroline Denesvre , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
Journée scientifique de l'Association HerPAS, Association Herpesvirus et Pathologies Associées (HerPAs). FRA., Jun 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02791844v1

Rôle des dommages à l’ADN dans le cycle viral du virus de la Maladie de Marek

Djihad Bencherit , Sylvie Rémy , Yves Le Vern , Caroline Denesvre , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
Journées d'Animation Scientifique de la Fédération de Recherche d'Infectiologie (FéRI), Oct 2015, Orléans, France. 22 diapositives
Conference papers hal-02799633v1

Cell cycle modulation by Marek's Disease Virus: the tegument protein VP22 trigers S Phase arrest and DNA damage in proliferating cells

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Danièle Vautherot , Yves Le Vern , Sylvie Rémy , Elisa Boutet-Robinet
5. European Congress of Virology, European Society for Virology., Sep 2013, Lyon, France. 305 p
Conference papers hal-02744756v1

Cell cycle modulation by Marek's disease virus: the tegument protein VP22 triggers S-phase arrest and DNA damage in proliferating cells

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Danièle Vautherot , Yves Le Vern , Sylvie Rémy , Elisa Boutet-Robinet
4. ESVV Veterinary Herpesvirus Symposium, European Society for Veterinary Virology (ESVV)., Jan 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02749312v1

Régulation du cycle cellulaire de la maladie de Marek : implication de la protéine de tégument VP22 dans l'arrêt prolifératif en phase-S.

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Danièle Vautherot , Yves Le Vern , Sylvie Rémy , Jean-François Vautherot
Journée scientifique de l'Association HerPAS, Association Herpesvirus et Pathologies Associées (HerPAs). FRA., Mar 2012, Paris, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02811446v1

Cell cycle modulation by Marek's disease virus: the tegument protein VP22 triggers S-phase arrest and DNA damage in proliferating cells

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Danièle Vautherot , Yves Le Vern , Sylvie Sylvie Rémy , Elisa Boutet-Robinet
9. International Symposium on Marek's Disease and Avian Herpesviruses, Jun 2012, Berlin, Germany. pp.28
Conference papers hal-02748181v1

Le virus de la maladie de Marek (MDV) induit un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase-S : implication de la protéine de tégument VP22 dans ce processus

Laëtitia Fragnet , Yves Le Vern , Jean-François Vautherot , Danièle Vautherot , Caroline Denesvre
13. Journées francophone de virologie, Apr 2011, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02745694v1

Cellular Response to Measles Virus Infection: Apoptosis or Autophagy?

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Christian Pfaller , Kark-Klaus Conzelmann
4th European Congress of Virology, Apr 2010, Cernobbio, Lake Como, Italy
Conference papers hal-02939543v1

Réponse cellulaire à l'infection par les Morbillivirus : autophagie ou apoptose ?

Laëtitia Fragnet , C. Pfaller , K.K. Conzelmann
Journées d’Animation Scientifique du Département Santé Animale, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). FRA., May 2009, Port d'Albret, France
Conference papers hal-02821246v1

Effet de l'infection par l'herpesvirus de la maladie de Marek sur le cycle cellulaire

Laëtitia Fragnet
Signalisation cellulaire, 2007, Nouzilly, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-02812066v1

Etude fonctionnelle comparative de la sous-unité ARN télomérase virale basées sur des mutations "naturelles"

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet , Emmanuel Kut , Denis Rasschaert
18. Colloque Biotechnocentre, Nov 2005, Fondjouan, France
Conference papers hal-02759821v1

Etude comparée de la fonctionnalité de la composante ARN télomérase virale (vTR) basée sur des modèles de mutations naturelles

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet
Journées d'animation scientifique de l'IFR 136, Mar 2005, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02758594v1

Activité télomérase dans la génèse des lymphomes viro-induits par MDV : implication de la sous-unité ARN télomérase virale

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet , Denis Rasschaert
6. Congrès National de la Société Française de Microbiologie "Bordeaux Un pont entre les disciplines", May 2004, Bordeaux, France. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02828499v1

Activité télomérase dans la genèse des lymphomes viro-induits par MDV: implications de la sous-unité ARN télomérase virale

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet , A. Djeraba-Ait Lounis , Denis Rasschaert
16. Colloque Biotechnocentre, Nov 2003, Seillac, France. pp.25
Conference papers hal-02829807v1

First identification of a viral RNA telomerase subunit

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet , Denis Rasschaert
Forum de l'école doctorale Sciences Santé, Technologies de l'Université F. Rabelais de Tours, May 2002, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02759015v1
Image document

DNA Damage Stress Control Is a Truncated Large T Antigen and Euchromatic Histone Lysine Methyltransferase 2–Dependent Central Feature of Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Kamel Bachiri , Diala Kantar , Estelle M.N. Laurent , Pauline Gaboriaud , Laurine Durand
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2024, S0022-202X (24), pp.01860-8. ⟨10.1016/j.jid.2024.04.034⟩
Journal articles hal-04666767v1
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Viral and cellular telomerase RNAs possess host-specific anti-apoptotic functions

Ahmed Kheimar , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Andelé Conradie , Luca Bertzbach , Yu You
Microbiology Spectrum, 2023, 11 (5), pp.e0188723. ⟨10.1128/spectrum.01887-23⟩
Journal articles hal-04221808v1
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Hypoxia and HIF-1 trigger Marek’s Disease Virus reactivation in lymphoma-derived latently infected T lymphocytes

Corentin Mallet , Jade Cochard , Sébastien Leclercq , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Philippe Chouteau
Journal of Virology, 2022, 96 (5), 24 p. ⟨10.1128/JVI.01427-21⟩
Journal articles hal-03538827v1
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The sulphated polysaccharides extract ulvans from Ulva armoricana limits Marek’s disease virus dissemination in vitro and promotes viral reactivation in lymphoid cells

Frédérick Bussy , Sylvie Rémy , Matthieu Le Goff , Pi Nyvall Collén , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
BMC Veterinary Research, 2022, 18 (1), 9 p. ⟨10.1186/s12917-022-03247-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03699467v1
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Marek’s disease virus prolongs survival of primary chicken B-cells by inducing a senescence-like phenotype

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Julia Schermuly , Marina Kohn , Luca Bertzbach , Florian Pfaff
PLoS Pathogens, 2021, 17 (10), 25 p. ⟨10.1371/journal.ppat.1010006⟩
Journal articles hal-03394704v1

Rck of Salmonella Typhimurium Delays the Host Cell Cycle to Facilitate Bacterial Invasion

Julien Mambu , Emilie Barilleau , Laëtitia Fragnet-Trapp , Yves Le Vern , Olivier Michel
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2020, 10, 15 p. ⟨10.3389/fcimb.2020.586934⟩
Journal articles hal-03044647v1
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Chicken endothelial cells are highly responsive to viral innate immune stimuli and are susceptible to infections with various avian pathogens

Adrien Lion , Evelyne Esnault , Emmanuel Kut , Vanaïque Guillory , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
Avian Pathology, 2019, 48 (2), pp.121-134. ⟨10.1080/03079457.2018.1556386⟩
Journal articles hal-02623169v1
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Identification of Marek's Disease Virus VP22 Tegument Protein Domains Essential for Virus Cell-to-Cell Spread, Nuclear Localization, Histone Association and Cell-Cycle Arrest

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Katia Courvoisier , Sylvie Rémy , Gilles Le Pape , Fabien Loustalot
Viruses, 2019, 11 (6), 22 p. ⟨10.3390/v11060537⟩
Journal articles hal-02623213v1
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Atrophy of primary lymphoid organs induced by Marek's disease virus during early infection is associated with increased apoptosis, inhibition of cell proliferation and a severe B-lymphopenia

Camille Berthault , Thibaut Larcher , Sonja Härtle , Jean-François Vautherot , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
Veterinary Research, 2018, 49 (1), pp.1-18. ⟨10.1186/s13567-018-0526-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02628278v1
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Induction of DNA damages upon Marek's disease virus infection: implication in viral replication and pathogenesis

Djihad Bencherit , Sylvie Rémy , Yves Le Vern , Tereza Vychodil , Luca D. Bertzbach
Journal of Virology, 2017, 91 (24), 16 p. ⟨10.1128/JVI.01658-17⟩
Journal articles hal-02629179v1
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ESCDL-1, a new cell line derived from chicken embryonic stem cells, supports efficient replication of Mardiviruses

Jean-François Vautherot , Christian Jean , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Sylvie Rémy-Delaunay , Danièle Vautherot
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12 (4), 30 p. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0175259⟩
Journal articles hal-01608415v1
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Keratinocytes derived from chicken embryonic stem cells support Marek's disease virus infection: a highly differentiated cell model to study viral replication and morphogenesis

Mathilde Couteaudier , Katia Guyader , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Caroline Denesvre , Jean-François Vautherot
Virology Journal, 2016, 13 (1), 7 p. ⟨10.1186/s12985-015-0458-2⟩
Journal articles hal-01275145v1

Marek's disease virus undergoes complete morphogenesis after reactivation in T-lymphoblastoid cell line transformed by recombinant fluorescent marker virus

Caroline Denesvre , Sylvie Rémy , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Lorraine P Smith , Sonia Georgeault
Journal of General Virology, 2016, 97 (2), pp.480-486. ⟨10.1099/jgv.0.000354⟩
Journal articles hal-02632358v1
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Derivation of keratinocytes from chicken embryonic stem cells: Establishment and characterization of differentiated proliferative cell populations

Mathilde Couteaudier , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Nicolas Auger , Katia Guyader , Bertrand Pain
Stem Cell Research, 2015, 14 (2), pp.224-237. ⟨10.1016/j.scr.2015.01.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01190151v1
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Cell cycle modulation by Marek's disease virus: the tegument protein VP22 triggers S-phase arrest and DNA damage in proliferating cells

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Djihad Bencherit , Danièle Chabanne-Vautherot , Yves Le Vern , Sylvie Rémy
PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (6), pp.1-14. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0100004⟩
Journal articles hal-02641216v1

Respiratory syncytial virus potentiates ABCA3 mutation-induced loss of lung epithelial cell differentiation

Eva Kaltenborn , Suncana Kern , Sabrina Frixel , Laëtitia Fragnet , Kark-Klaus Conzelmann
Human Molecular Genetics, 2012, 21 (12), pp.2793-2806. ⟨10.1093/hmg/dds107⟩
Journal articles hal-02652716v1

The human telomerase catalytic subunit and viral telomerase RNA reconstitute a functional telomerase complex in a cell-free system, but not in human cells

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Delphine T Marie-Egyptienne , Johans Fakhoury , Denis Rasschaert , Chantal Autexier
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, 2012, 17 (4), pp.598-615. ⟨10.2478/s11658-012-0031-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02645426v1

Virus et télomérase

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet , Denis Rasschaert
Virologie, 2005, 9 (6), pp.443-455
Journal articles hal-02676008v1
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Comparative functional study of the viral telomerase RNA based on natural mutations

Laëtitia Fragnet , Emmanuel Kut , Denis Rasschaert
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005, 280 (25), pp.23502-23515. ⟨10.1074/jbc.M501163200⟩
Journal articles hal-02675497v1

The RNA subunit of telomerase is encoded by Marek's disease virus

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet , M.A. Blasco , W. Klapper , Denis Rasschaert
Journal of Virology, 2003, 77 (10), pp.5985-5996
Journal articles hal-02669722v1

Etude comparative de l'interaction de la sous-unité vTR de MDV et de la sous-unité cTR du poulet avec la télomérase

Laëtitia Fragnet
Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]. Université François Rabelais (Tours); Santé, Sciences et Technologies, 2004. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-02826037v1

Molecular and functional characterization of extracellular vesicles released by a lymphocyte line transformed by Marek's disease virus

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Sylvie Rémy , Valérie Labas , Lucie Combes , Ana Paula Teixeira
15. Meeting of the Avian Immunology Research Group (AIRG), Sep 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom. , 2018
Conference poster hal-02734124v1

Modulation de la prolifération cellulaire par Salmonella Typhimurium

Julien Mambu , Emilie Barilleau , Michel Olivier , Yves Le Vern , Laëtitia Fragnet-Trapp
30. Colloque Biotechnocentre, Oct 2017, Seillac, France. , 100 p., 2017
Conference poster hal-02738461v1

A novel model to study the interplay of avian viruses with chicken endothelial cells

Pascale Quéré , Evelyne Esnault , Emmanuel Kut , Adrien Lion , Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Santé Animale, May 2016, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France. , 98 p., 2016, Santé animale et santé publique
Conference poster hal-02742302v1

Mécanismes cellulaires à l'origine de l'atrophie des organes lymphoïdes primaires induite par l'Herpesvirus de la maladie de Marek durant l'infection précoce chez le poussin

Camille Berthault , Laëtitia Fragnet , Sylvie Rémy , Thibaut Larcher , Sonja Härtle
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Santé Animale, May 2016, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France. , 98 p., 2016, Santé animale et santé publique
Conference poster hal-02744135v1

A primary cell culture system to study avian host pathogen interactions in chicken endothelial cells

Pascale P. Quéré , Evelyne Esnault , Emmanuel Kut , Adrien Lion , Nathalie Chanteloup
13. Avian Immunology Research Group Meeting, Jul 2014, Guelph, Canada. 2014, AIRG 2014
Conference poster hal-02742462v1

Le virus de la maladie de Marek (MDV) induit un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase-S : implication de la protéine de tégument VP22 dans ce processus

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Caroline Blondeau , Yves Le Vern , Jean-François Vautherot , Danièle Vautherot
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département de Santé Animale, May 2011, Fréjus, France. 2011, Santé Animale : Actualités et Qualité
Conference poster hal-02748342v1

Cellular response to measles virus infection: Apoptosis or Autophagy?

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Christian Pfaller , Kark-Klaus Conzelmann
4th European Congress of Virology, Apr 2010, Cernobbio, Lake Como, Italy
Conference poster hal-02940225v1

Characterization of the cellular pathways involved in T-cell proliferation inhibition mediated by RSV-cell contact

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Kark-Klaus Conzelmann
18th Gesellschaft für Virologie Annual Meeting, Mar 2008, Heidelberg, Germany
Conference poster hal-02939626v1

Functional comparative study of the viral telomerase RNA based on "natural" mutations

Laëtitia Fragnet , Emmanuel Kut , D Rasschaert
Developmental biology Research initiative and Anatomy and Cell Biology Research Symposium of Mc Gill University, 2005, Montréal, Canada
Conference poster hal-02940244v1

Functional comparative study of the viral telomerase RNA based on "natural" mutations

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Emmanuel Kut , Denis Rasschaert
American Association for Cancer Research Congress, Nov 2004, San Francisco, United States
Conference poster hal-02939647v1

Mise en évidence et caractérisation de la première sous-unité ARN télomérase virale : vTR

Laëtitia Trapp-Fragnet , Denis Rasschaert
Journée scientifique de l'association HerPAS, 2003, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-02940213v1

First identification of a viral RNA telomerase subunit

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet , Denis Rasschaert
12. International Congress of Virology. The World of Microbes, Jul 2002, Paris, France. pp.483, 2002
Conference poster hal-02829599v1

Mise en évidence de la sous-unité ARN (TR) de la télomérase au sein du genome du virus de la maladie de Marek

Laëtitia Trapp Fragnet , Denis Rasschaert , . Société Française de Microbiologie
3. Journées Francophones de Virologie, Apr 2001, Paris, France. pp.51, 2001
Conference poster hal-02825679v1