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Laure Emperaire

Laure Emperaire Directrice de Recherche (DR1) émérite
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CV Laure Emperaire Tel: (+33) 01 40 79 38 27; 06 33 73 25 40 – Specialisation: Ethnoecology, ethnobotany, agrobiodiversity, South America, Brazil (Amazonia, Northeast) & Timor-Leste RESEARCH TOPIC Understanding the diversity of the relationships between landscapes and plants, and the societies that live there, is the core of my research. This topic is formulated in terms of relationship between biological and cultural diversity which has strong implications in the current context of ecological transition. It is discussed under two entries: forest resources exploitation systems, and agrobiodiversity management, a culturally constructed and maintained biological diversity. The relationship between biological heritage and biodiversity conservation is analysed in two contexts, Brazil Amazonia and Timor-Leste. A major importance is given to participatory research modalities, in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol. FORMATION & CAREER 2022 - today. Senior (1) researcher at IRD 2018-2022: Senior (1) researcher at IRD (French institute of Research for Development), PALOC UMR IRD-MNHN, Paris. 2014-act. : Associated researcher at the Dpt of Anthropology, Brasília University, Brazil 2007-2018: Senior (2) researcher at IRD, PALOC UMR IRD-MNHN, Paris. 1989: PhD in Botany, Paris VI University. Végétation et gestion des ressources naturelles dans la caatinga du sud-est du Piauí, Brésil, dir. H. Puig 1988: Research Fellow at IRD. RESEARCH FIELDS, PARTNERSHIPS 2014-2018: East Timor, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Timorese Secretary of State for Art and Culture. 2006-2019: Brazil (Amazonas), IRD-Unicamp-CNPq: Populations, Agrobiodiversity and Traditional Knowledge. 2000-2004: Brazil, Bolivia, IRD-FIOCRUZ: Landscape ecology and trypanomosiasis 1998-2000: Brazil, (Amazonia), IRD-ISA-CNPq: Traditional management of cassava, a comparative approach. 1990-1995: Brazil (Amazonas), INPA: Extractivism in central Amazonia. 1991-1996: Brazil (Amazonas), Unicamp-USP: Traditional exploitation of rubber trees and botanical knowledge of the seringueiros, prog. Can traditional forest-dwellers self-manage conservation areas Extractive Reserve, Acre? 1980-1986: Brazil (Piauí): Landscape, vegetation and natural resources. CURRENT SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES • Director of research unit 208 PALOC (Local Heritage, Environment and Globalization) associating IRD and the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) from 2016 to actually. • Nominated Member to the Scientific Council of the National Park of French Guyana, 2015-2020 • Coordination of IRD Regional Priority Program in Pan-Amazonia: AMAZ “Environmental Dynamics, Resources and Societies in Amazonia”, 2010-2015. RESEARCH MANAGEMENT & COORDINATION • Coordinator of various research projects (recent projects) o 2006-2019- IRD-CNPq-Unicamp, Populations, Agrobiodiversity and Traditional Knowledge. o 2014-2018 Hermes Foundation, Shared initiative for the recognition of local knowledge on agricultural diversity in Brazilian Amazon o 2012-2013 French Ministry of Culture, Resource or Heritage? Intercultural practices and conservation of agrobiodiversity o 2009-2010 CNRS, Ministry of Ecology, Cities and agricultural diversity in Brazil: flows, networks and mobilities CURRENT LECTURES, STUDENTS MANAGEMENT • Coordination of M1 Module “Natural and cultural heritage: issues and approaches” (MSCS 32), Master "Museology: Science cultures and societies" of MNHN, since 2016. • Supervision of 3 post-doctoral fellows, 5 PhD, 9 Ms RECENT PUBLICATIONS Emperaire, L. 2022. Local knowledge and global legal instruments : Each to his own biodiversity and knowledge. In C. Aubertin & A. Nivart (Eds.), Nature in common: around the Nagoya Protocol (pp. 13 p.). Marseille, Paris: IRD Éditions, MNHN. Cot, M., Emperaire, L., Henry, I., Roubaud, F., Sylvestre, F., Vidal, L., . . . Thirion, G. 2022. Les études d'impact sociétal de la recherche au service de la science de la durabilité. In O. Dangles & C. Fréour (Eds.), Science de la durabilité : comprendre, co-construire, transformer : réflexion collective (pp. 138-141). Marseille: IRD. Emperaire, L., Guillaud, D., & Césard, N. 2021. Between development policies and narratives of origin: an exploratory approach of biodiversity in Ataúro (Timor-Leste). In M. Akihisa, K. Silva, S. Garcia Nogueira, & S. d. Matos Viegas (Eds.), Timor-Leste: A Ilha e o Mundo | Colóquio Internacional TLSA-PT (Vol. 1, pp. 41-56). Coimbra | Lisboa | Díli | Melbourne: TLSA PT 2020. Emperaire, L., Fausto, C., Freitas, F. d. O., Mendes dos Santos, G., Smith, M., & Bustamante, P. G. 2021. Agrobiodiversidade e roças. In M. Carneiro da Cunha, S. B. Magalhães, & C. Adams (Eds.), Povos tradicionais e Biodiversidade no Brasil. Contribuições dos povos indígenas, quilombolas e comunidades tradicionais para a biodiversidade, políticas e ameaças. (Vol. 7, pp. 18-56). São Paulo: SBPC. Emperaire, L. 2021. Essai cartographique de la production bibliographique en ethnobotanique au Brésil Revue d'ethnoécologie, 20. doi: Emperaire, L. 2021. À chacun sa biodiversité et ses savoirs : Instruments globaux et savoirs locaux. In C. Aubertin & A. Nivart (Eds.), La nature en partage, autour du protocole de Nagoya (pp. 201-217). Marseille, Paris: IRD Éditions, MNHN. Emperaire, L. 2021. Introdução. In M. Carneiro da Cunha, S. B. Magalhães, & C. Adams (Eds.), Povos tradicionais e Biodiversidade no Brasil. Contribuições dos povos indígenas, quilombolas e comunidades tradicionais para a biodiversidade, políticas e ameaças. (Vol. 7, pp. 14-18). São Paulo: SBPC. Emperaire, L. (2020). Dissonâncias vegetais: entre roças e tratados. In J. Cabral de Oliveira, M. Amoroso, A. G. Morim de Lima, K. Shiratori, S. Marras, & L. Emperaire (Eds.), Vozes vegetais - Diversidade, resistências e histórias das florestas (pp. 57-76). São Paulo, Marseille: IRD-UBU Editora. Meira, M. A., Velthem, L. H. v., Pinto Lima, H., Tavares Marques, F. L., Emperaire, L., & Alencar Guzmán, D. d. (2019). Povoamentos indígenas e assentamentos coloniais no Rio Negro, perspectivas de pesquisa colaborativa (Peuplements amérindiens et installations coloniales dans le Rio Negro, perspectives de recherche collaborative). ARU, Revista de pesquisa intercultural da bacia do Rio Negro (Revue de recherche interculturelle du Rio Negro), 3, 118-131. Guillaud, D., Emperaire, L., & Burgos, A. 2019. « De nous, pour nous » : recherches participatives au Timor Est,. Culture et Recherche, 140, 73-74. Emperaire, L., 2019. In memoriam Dominique Buchillet : un engagement scientifique et politique. Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 105(2), 183-190. CARNEIRO DA CUNHA, M. & EMPERAIRE L., 2018. How amplify the world? Introduction. (Como alargar o mundo ? Introdução) Knowledge and pratices about agrobiodiversity (Saberes e práticas sobre a agrobiodiversidade), in Morim de Lima A.G., Scaramuzzi I., Cabral de Oliveira J., Santonieri L. , de Arruda Campos M. A., Mota Cardoso T. 2018, Brasília: IESB EMPERAIRE L., 2018. Traditional knowledge and diversity of cultivated plants in the Amazon In: BAPTISTE B, PACHECO D, CARNEIRO DA CUNHA M & DIAZ S. (eds), 2017, Knowing our Lands and Resources: Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Americas. Paris: Unesco, vol. 11, pp. 41-62 (texte français), pp. 148-167 (texte portugais). GUILLAUD D, EMPERAIRE L, CRESPI B, SOARES R, PÉQUIGNOT A, GALIPAUD J-C. 2017. Between oil and tourism, the participatory conservation of local heritage in Timor-Leste. Example of Suai and Atauro (Covalima and Dili districts). Revue d'ethnoécologie, 11. EMPERAIRE L, ELOY L, SEIXAS AC. 2016. Redes e observatórios da agrobiodiversidade, como e para quem? Uma abordagem exploratória na região de Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre (Networks and observatories of agrobiodiversity, how and for whom? A survey in the Cruzeiro do Sul area, Acre). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 2016, 11(1): 159-192. DOI: 10.1590/ 1981.81222016000100009 COOMES OT, MCGUIRE SJ, GARINE E, CAILLON S, MCKEY D, DEMEULENAERE E, JARVIS D, AISTARA G, BARNAUD A, CLOUVEL P, EMPERAIRE L, LOUAFI S, MARTIN P, MASSOL F, PAUTASSO M, VIOLON C & WENCÉLIUS J. 2015. Farmer seed networks make a limited contribution to agriculture? Four common misconceptions. Food Policy, 56: 41-50. 10.1016/j.foodpol.2015.07.008 EMPERAIRE L, ELOY L. Amerindian Agriculture in an Urbanising Amazonia (Rio Negro, Brazil). Bulletin of Latin American Research, 2015, 34 (1), 70-84. 10.1111/blar.12176 GUILLAUD D., EMPERAIRE L., BUSTAMANTE P., 2014. Heritage, agro-biodiversity and the local populations: some examples from the use of palm trees in East Timor. In: LONEY H. (ed.), da SILVA A.B. (ed.), CANAS MENDES N. (ed.), DA COSTA XIMENES A. (ed.), FERNANDES C. (ed.). Buka hatene/Comprender/Mengerti/Understanding Timor-Leste 2013. Dili: Timor-Leste Studies Association, 2, p. 183-189.

Domaines de recherche


ethnobotany agrobiodiversity relationships plants-society Plant circulation networks Manihot esculenta collections indigenous agriculture heritage

