Hydrodynamique de l’Orne et mobilisation sédimentaire dans la zone de remous amont du barrage de Beth (Lorraine, France)
Benoît Losson
Luc Manceau
Hussein Kanbar
Yves Waldvogel
Claire Delus
Journal articles
Iron mineralogy as a fingerprint of former steelmaking activities in river sediments
Hussein Jaafar Kanbar
Emmanuelle Montargès-Pelletier
Benoit Losson
Isabelle Bihannic
Renaud Gley
Journal articles
Spatial and temporal variations of particulate organic matter from Moselle River and tributaries: A multimolecular investigation
Mathieu Le Meur
Laurence Mansuy-Huault
Catherine Lorgeoux
Allan Bauer
Renaud Gley
Journal articles
Suspended Particulate Matter Collection Methods influence the Quantification of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in the River System
Fayez Abuhelou
Laurence Mansuy
Catherine Lorgeoux
Delphine Catteloin
Valéry Collin
Journal articles
Impact of oxidation and biodegradation on the most commonly used polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) diagnostic ratios: Implications for the source identifications
Coralie Biache
Laurence Mansuy-Huault
Pierre Faure,
Journal articles
Impact of fresh organic matter incorporation on PAH fate in a contaminated industrial soil
Audrey Pernot
Stéphanie Ouvrard
Pierre Leglize
Françoise Watteau
Delphine Derrien
Journal articles
Recent vegetation history from a swampy environment to a pond based on macromolecular organic matter (lignin and fatty acids) and pollen sedimentary records
Olivia Bertrand
L. Mansuy-Huault
E. Montarges‐pelletier
P. Faure
B. Losson
Journal articles
Biodegradation of the organic matter in a coking plant soil and its main constituents
Coralie Biache
Pierre Faure
Laurence Mansuy-Huault
Aurélie Cébron
Thierry Beguiristain
Journal articles
A possible terrigenous origin for perylene based on a sedimentary record of a pond (Lorraine, France)
Olivia Bertrand
Emmanuelle Montarges-Pelletier
Laurence Mansuy-Huault
Benoît Losson
Pierre Faure
Journal articles
Molecular evidence for recent land use change from a swampy environment to a pond (Lorraine, France)
O. Bertrand
L. Mansuy-Huault
E. Montarges‐pelletier
B. Losson
J. Argant
Journal articles
Low temperature oxidation of a coking plant soil organic matter and its major constituents: An experimental approach to simulate a long term evolution
Coralie Biache
Thierry Ghislain
Pierre Faure
L. Mansuy-Huault
Journal articles
Analyzing hydrocarbons in sewer to help in PAH source apportionment in sewage sludges
Laurence Mansuy
Annette Regier
Pierre Faure
Journal articles
Effects of thermal desorption on the composition of two coking plant soils : impact on solvent extractable organic compounds and metal bioavailability.
Coralie Biache
Laurence Mansuy-Huault
Pierre Faure
Colette Munier-Lamy
Corinne Leyval
Journal articles
Using sterols to detect pig slurry contribution to soil organic matter.
Emilie Jardé
Gérard Gruau
Laurence Mansuy-Huault
Pascal Peu
José Martinez
Journal articles
Detection of manure-derived organic compounds in rivers draining agricultural areas of intensive manure spreading
Emilie Jardé
Gérard Gruau
L. Mansuy-Huault
Journal articles
Using sterols to detect pig slurry contribution to soil organic matter
Emilie Jardé
G. Gruau
L. Mansuy Huault
Pascal Peu
José Martinez
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2007, 178 (1-4), pp.169-178
Journal articles
alkanes and hopanes for pollution source apportionment in coking plant soils.
Pierre Faure
Laurence Mansuy-Huault
Xiaodan Su
Journal articles
Aromatization of organic matter induced by the presence of clays during flash pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PyGC-MS). A major analytical artifact.
P. Faure
L. Schlepp
L. Mansuy-Huault
M. Elie
E. Jarde
Journal articles
Organic markers in the lipidic fraction of sewage sludges.
Emilie Jardé
Laurence Mansuy
Pierre Faure
Journal articles
Molecular studies of insoluble organic matter in river sediments from Alsace-Lorraine (France)
Pierre Faure
Marc Elie
Laurence Mansuy
Raymond Michels
Patrick Landais
Journal articles
PY-GC/AED and chemometric correlation to Characterize sewage sludges of different origins
Emilie Jardé
Franck Vilmin
Laurence Mansuy
Pierre Faure
Journal articles
Effects of water–cement solutions on the composition of organic compounds leached from oxidized Callovo–Oxfordian argillaceous sediment
M. Elie
P. Faure
R. Michels
L Landais
L Griffault
Journal articles
Fatty acids of lipid fractions in extracellular polymeric substances of activated sludge flocs
Arnaud Conrad
Merja Kontro
Minna Keinänen
Aurore Cadoret
Pierre Faure
Journal articles
Characterisation of sewage sludge-derived organic matter: lipids and humic acids
Véronique Réveillé
Laurence Mansuy
Emilie Jardé
Évelyne Garnier-Sillam
Journal articles
Characterization of the macromolecular organic content of sewage sludges by thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation-gas chromatography–mass spectrometer (THM-GC/MS)
Emilie Jardé
Laurence Mansuy
Pierre Faure
Journal articles
Application of thermodesorption and pyrolysis-GC–AED to the analysis of river sediments and sewage sludges for environmental purpose
Pierre Faure
Franck Vilmin
Raymond Michels
Emilie Jarde
Laurence Mansuy
Journal articles
Understanding of reservoir gas compositions in a natural case using stepwise semi-open artificial maturation
Raymond Michels
Noële Enjelvin-Raoult
Marcel Elie
Laurence Mansuy
Pierre Faure
Journal articles
Raymond Michels
Laurence Mansuy
Marcel Elie
Pierre Faure
Vincent Huault
Journal articles
Characterization of humic substances in highly polluted river sediments by pyrolysis methylation–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Laurence Mansuy
Yassine Bourezgui
Evelyne Garnier-Zarli
Emilie Jarde
Véronique Réveillé
Journal articles
Role of Polar Compounds as Source of Hydrocarbons and Reactive Medium during the Artificial Maturation of Mahakam Coal
R. Michels
V. Burkle
Laurence Mansuy
E. Langlois
O. Ruau
Journal articles
Petroleum Geochemistry: Concepts, Applications, and Results
R. Paul Philp
Laurence Mansuy
Journal articles
Source Identification of Oil Spills Based on the Isotopic Composition of Individual Components in Weathered Oil Samples
Laurence Mansuy
R. Paul Philp
Jon Allen
Journal articles
Evolution of Asphaltenes during Artificial Maturation: A Record of the Chemical Processes
R. Michels
E. Langlois
O. Ruau
Laurence Mansuy
M. Elie
Journal articles
Importance of the Reacting Medium in Artificial Maturation of a Coal by Confined Pyrolysis. 1. Hydrocarbons and Polar Compounds
Laurence Mansuy
P. Landais
O. Ruau
Journal articles
Importance of the reacting medium in artificial maturation of a coal by confined pyrolysis. 2. Water and polar compounds
Laurence Mansuy
P. Landais
Journal articles