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Education: ========== **2019:** Habilitation Degree in Physics, Université Rennes (France) **2004:** Ph.D in Physics, Université Paul Sabatier at Toulouse (France); Advisor: Prof. David Mainprice About: ====== Dr Pedesseau is an Associate Professor at the INSA Rennes (FOTON Institute - CNRS) whose work is aimed at the understanding of physical processes in the III-V semiconductor nanostructures for silicon photonics, the hybrid perovskites and novel materials for photovoltaics, and optoelectronic device simulations for optical-communications. His recent scientific interests include: 1) polar surface and interface energies of semiconductors; 2) first principles simulation (including the spin-orbit effect) of mechanical stability, electronic, and optical properties of 3D and 2D semiconductors; 3) electronic structure theory beyond the DFT such as hybrid functionals (HSE), many-body corrections GW, and DFT-1/2; 4) HPC technology for exotic and highly demanding simulations in terms of the large memory footprint and extensive CPUs communications (thousands). Employment: ============== **2011-present:** Associate Professor, Physics Department, INSA of Rennes, France **2008-2011:** Postdoctoral fellow, ICG and LCC, University of Montpellier, France **2006-2008:** Postdoctoral fellow, Physics Department, INSA of Rennes, France **2004-2006:** Postdoctoral fellow, Chemistry department, University College London, London, UK **2001-2004:** Ph.D. fellow, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Research interests: ====================== Material science, Semiconductor physics, Quantum nanostructures, Solar Energy, Advanced Materials Theoretical physics, Phase transitions, Dielectric and piezoelectric properties Density functional theory, k.p method, Finite element method Administrative responsibilities: =================================== **- Since 2016:** Leader of workgroup 1 (Nanostructure) for the COST Action MP1406 - MultiscaleSolar **- Since 2016:** In charge of International Affairs for the Materials science dept. at the INSA Rennes. Selected publications: ========================= \- Structural and thermodynamic limits of layer thickness in 2D halide perovskites. ***PNAS***, 116, 58, **2019** \- Concept of Lattice mismatch an emergence of surface states in 2D hybrid perovskite QW. ***Nano Lett.***, 18, 9, **2018** \- Universal description of III-V/Si epitaxial growth processes. ***Phys. Rev. Materials***, 2, 060401(R), **2018** \- A stress-free and textured GaP template on Si for sol. wat. split.. ***Ad. Funct. Mat.***, 28, 1801585, **2018** \- Scaling law for excitons in 2D perovskite quantum wells. ***Nat. Com.***, 9, 2254, **2018** \- Anharmonicity and Disorder in the Black Phases of etc. ***ACS Nano***, 12, 3477, **2018** \- Composite Nature of Layered Hybrid Perovskites: etc. ***ACS Nano***, 12, 3321, **2018** \- Hybrid Dion–Jacobson 2D Lead Iodide Perovskites. ***JACS***, 140, 3775, **2018** \- Decreasing the electronic confinement in layered perovskites through intercalation. ***Chem. Sci.***, **2017** \- Extremely efficient internal exciton dissociation through edge states in 2D HOP. ***Science***, 355, **2017** \- Advances and Promises of Layered Halide Hybrid Perovskite Semiconductors. ***ACS Nano***, 10, **2016** \- Rashba and Dresselhaus Effects in HOP: From Basics to Devices. ***ACS Nano***, 9, 11557, **2015** \- First-principles study of a NBS glass-former. I &II. ***Phys. Rev. B*** 91, 134201 & 134202, **2015** \- Analysis of Multivalley and Multibandgap Absorption etc. ***J. Phys. Chem. C*** 118, 11566, **2014** \- DFT and k·p modelling of the phase transitions of lead HOP etc. ***RRL*** 8, 31, **2014** \- Importance of soc in hop for photovoltaic applications. ***J. Phys. Chem. Lett.*** 4, 2999, **2013** \- Electronic model for self-assembled hybrid perovskite etc. ***Phys. Rev. B*** 86, 205301, **2012**



Hétéro-épitaxie III-V/Si : contrôle des propriétés des surfaces et interfaces pour la photo-électrochimie

Charles Cornet , Lipin Chen , Mekan Piriyev , Gabriel Loget , Bruno Fabre
35èmes Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Jan 2022, Dijon (virtual), France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03588378v1

Monolithic integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon for photonics and solar hydrogen production

C. Cornet , Lipin Chen , Alejandro Ruiz , Ida Lucci , Alexandre Beck
SPb Photonic, Optoelectronic, & Electronic Materials (SPb-POEM 2019), Apr 2019, St Petersburg, Russia
Communication dans un congrès hal-02112743v1

A universal mechanism to describe III-V epitaxy on Si

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Laurent Pedesseau , Maxime Vallet , Laurent Cerutti
20th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop (Euro-MBE 2019), Feb 2019, Lenggries, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-02048639v1

Universal growth mechanism of III-V/Si: using antiphase boundaries for devices.

Charles Cornet , Ida Lucci , Lipin Chen , Laurent Pedesseau , Rozenn Bernard
Réunion plénière du GDR Pulse (PULSE 2019), Jul 2019, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02189095v1

(114) GaP surface texturation on Si for water splitting

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Maxime Vallet , Pascal Turban , Yoan Léger
EMRS Spring meeting 2018, Jun 2018, Strasbourg, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01708047v1

A universal mechanism to describe the III-V on Si growth by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Laurent Pedesseau , Maxime Vallet , Laurent Cerutti
20th International Conference on Molecular-Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE 2018), Sep 2018, Shanghai, China. pp.Th-C1-3(S)
Communication dans un congrès hal-01910554v1

GaP-based materials on silicon for photonics and energy

Charles Cornet , Ida Lucci , Lipin Chen , Alejandro Ruiz , Alexandre Beck
Smart NanoMaterials 2018: Advances, Innovation and Applications (SNAIA2018), Dec 2018, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01954362v1

III-V/Si heterogeneous growth : thermodynamics and antiphase domains formation

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Laurent Pedesseau , Maxime Vallet , Laurent Cerutti
34th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS 2018), Jul 2018, Montpellier, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01910543v1

A general III-V/Si growth process description

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Laurent Pedesseau , Maxime Vallet , Laurent Cerutti
European Materials Research Society - Spring Meeting 2018 (E-MRS 2018 Spring Meeting), Jun 2018, Strasbourg, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01910535v1

Large scale textured GaP(114) growth on vicinal Si substrate by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for water splitting applications

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Maxime Vallet , Pascal Turban , Yoan Léger
20th International Conference on Molecular-Beam Epitaxy (ICMBE 2018), Sep 2018, Shanghai, China. pp.Tu-P-43(S)
Communication dans un congrès hal-01910556v1

III-V/Si 3D crystal growth: a thermodynamic description

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Maxime Vallet , Tony Rohel , Rozenn Bernard
Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting 2017 / Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth (EMN 3CG 2017), Aug 2017, Berlin, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-01708282v1

GaP/Si(001) polar-on-nonpolar epitaxial growth revisited by scanning tunneling microscopy.

Simon Charbonnier , Ida Lucci , Subhashis Gangopadhyay , Yanping Wang , Tony Rohel
Réunion plénière du GDR Pulse (PULSE 2017), Oct 2017, Paris, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01715954v1

Etude de la croissance cohérente de GaP/Si(001) en couche mince

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Yanping Wang , Mounib Bahri , Maxime Vallet
Réunion plénière du GDR Pulse (PULSE 2016), Jul 2016, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01497149v1

3D GaP/Si(001) growth mode and antiphase boundaries

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Yanping Wang , M. Bahri , Maxime Vallet
19th International Conference on Molecular-Beam Epitaxy (IC-MBE 2016), Sep 2016, Montpellier, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01497144v1

Study of the 3D growth mode of III-V on Si by DFT

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Yanping Wang , Tony Rohel , Rozenn Bernard
Réunion plénière du GDR Pulse (PULSE 2017), Oct 2017, Paris, France
Poster de conférence hal-01708149v1

Relationship between antiphase domains, roughness and surface/interface energies during the epitaxial growth of GaP on Si

Ida Lucci , Simon Charbonnier , Yanping Wang , Mounib Bahri , Maxime Vallet
European Materials Research Society - Spring Meeting 2016 (E-MRS 2016 Spring Meeting), May 2016, Lille, France
Poster de conférence hal-01497064v1