Steady-State Dynamics of Ganglia Populations During Immiscible Two-Phase Flows in Porous Micromodels: Effects of the Capillary Number and Flow Ratio on Effective Rheology and Size Distributions
A. Anastasiou
I. Zarikos
A. Yiotis
Laurent Talon
D. Salin
Journal articles
Influence of the imposed flow rate boundary condition on the flow of Bingham fluid in porous media
Laurent Talon
Andreas Andersen Hennig
Alex Hansen
Alberto Rosso
Journal articles
On pressure-driven Poiseuille flow with non-monotonic rheology
L. Talon
D. Salin
Journal articles
Flow and transport in the vadose zone : On the impact of partial saturation and Peclet number on non-Fickian, pre-asymptotic dispersion
Emma Ollivier-Triquet
Benjamin Braconnier
Véronique Gervais-Couplet
Souhail Youssef
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
Fragmentation and coalescence dynamics of non-wetting blobs during immiscible two-phase flows in porous media
Laurent Talon
R. Bouguemari
A. Yiotis
Dominique Salin
Journal articles
Transition from viscous fingers to foam during drainage in heterogeneous porous media
Federico Lanza
Santanu Sinha
Alex Hansen
Alberto Rosso
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
Transient Dispersion Regimes in Heterogeneous Porous Media : On the Impact of Spatial Heterogeneity in Permeability and Exchange Kinetics in Mobile–Immobile Transport
Laurent Talon
Emma Ollivier-Triquet
Marco Dentz
Daniela Bauer
Journal articles
Darcy's law of yield stress fluids on a treelike network
Vincenzo Maria Schimmenti
Federico Lanza
Alex Hansen
Silvio Franz
Alberto Rosso
Journal articles
Minimum principle for the flow of inelastic non-Newtonian fluids in macroscopic heterogeneous porous media
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
Non-Newtonian rheology in a capillary tube with varying radius
Federico Lanza
Alberto Rosso
Laurent Talon
Alex Hansen
Journal articles
On the statistical properties of fluid flows with transitional power-law rheology in heterogeneous porous media
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
Effective Rheology of Bi-viscous Non-newtonian Fluids in Porous Media
Laurent Talon
Alex Hansen
Journal articles
Revisiting the linear stability analysis and absolute–convective transition of two fluid core annular flow
D. Salin
L. Talon
Journal articles
Darcy’s Law for Yield Stress Fluids
Chen Liu
Andrea de Luca
Alberto Rosso
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
Nonlinear Darcy flow dynamics during ganglia stranding and mobilization in heterogeneous porous domains
A. Yiotis
A. Dollari
M.E. Kainourgiakis
Dominique Salin
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
Experimental and numerical determination of Darcy's law for yield stress fluids in porous media
Daniela Bauer
Laurent Talon
Yannick Peysson
Hai Bang Ly
Guillaume Batot
Journal articles
Numerical study of Bingham flow in macroscopic two dimensional heterogeneous porous media
R. Kostenko
L. Talon
Journal articles
Frozen fronts selection in flow against self-sustained chemical waves
T. Chevalier
D. Salin
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
Avalanches dynamics in reaction fronts in disordered flows
T. Chevalier
A. Dubey
S. Atis
A. Rosso
D. Salin
Journal articles
Low- and high-order accurate boundary conditions: From Stokes to Darcy porous flow modeled with standard and improved Brinkman lattice Boltzmann schemes
Goncalo Silva
L. Talon
Irina Ginzburg
Journal articles
Non-Darcy effects in fracture flows of a yield stress fluid
A. Roustaei
T. Chevalier
L. Talon
I. Frigaard
Journal articles
Analytical and numerical investigation of the advective and dispersive transport in Herschel–Bulkley fluids by means of a Lattice–Boltzmann two-relaxation-time scheme.
Guillaume Batot
Laurent Talon
Yannick Peysson
Marc Fleury
Daniela Bauer
Journal articles
Generalization of Darcy's law for Bingham fluids in porous media: From flow-field statistics to the flow-rate regimes
Thibaud Chevalier
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
History effects on nonwetting fluid residuals during desaturation flow through disordered porous media
Thibaud Chevalier
Dominique Salin
Laurent Talon
Andreas Yiotis
Journal articles
Moving line model and avalanche statistics of Bingham fluid flow in porous media
Thibaud Chevalier
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
Experimental evidence for three universality classes for reaction fronts in disordered flows
Séverine Atis
Awadhesh Kumar Dubey
Dominique Salin
Laurent Talon
Pierre Le Doussal
Journal articles
Analysis and improvement of Brinkman lattice Boltzmann schemes: Bulk, boundary, interface.Similarity and distinctness with finite elements in heterogeneous porous media
Irina Ginzburg
Goncalo Silva
L. Talon
Journal articles
Effective rheology of Bingham fluids in a rough channel
Laurent Talon
Harold Auradou
Alex Hansen
Journal articles
Strong pinning of propagation fronts in adverse flow
Thomas Gueudré
Awadhesh Kumar Dubey
Laurent Talon
Alberto Rosso
Journal articles
Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts Inside a Porous Medium of Glass Spheres
Severine Atis
Sandeep Saha
Harold Auradou
Dominique Salin
Laurent Talon
Journal articles
On the determination of a generalized Darcy equation for yield-stress fluid in porous media using a Lattice-Boltzmann TRT scheme.
Laurent Talon
Daniela Bauer
Journal articles
Geometry of optimal path hierarchies
L. Talon
Harold Auradou
M. Pessel
A. Hansen
EPL - Europhysics Letters, 2013, 103 ((3):), pp.Article Number: 30003, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/103/30003 (IF 2,26)
Journal articles
Stokes flow paths separation and recirculation cells in X-junctions of varying angle
Mario Cachile
Laurent Talon
Juan M. Gomba
Jean-Pierre Hulin
Harold Auradou
Journal articles
Relation Between First Arrival Time and Permeability in Self-Affine Fractures with Areas in Contact
Laurent Talon
Harold Auradou
Alex Hansen
Journal articles
Assessment of the two relaxation time Lattice-Boltzmann scheme to simulate Stokes flow in porous media
L. Talon
D. Bauer
N. Gland
S. Youssef
Harold Auradou
Journal articles
CHEMO-hydrodynamic coupling between forced advection in porous media and self-sustained chemical waves
S. Atis
S. Saha
H. Auradou
J. Martin
N. Rakotomalala
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2012, 22 (3), pp.037108. ⟨10.1063/1.4734489⟩
Journal articles
Viscous lock-exchange in rectangular channels
Jérôme Martin
N. Rakotomalala
L. Talon
D. Salin
Journal articles
Permeability Estimates of Self-Affine Fracture Faults Based on Generalization of the Bottle Neck Concept
Laurent Talon
Harold Auradou
Alex Hansen
Journal articles
Permeability of Self-Affine Aperture Fields
Laurent Talon
Harold Auradou
Alex Hansen
Journal articles
Convective/absolute instability in miscible core-annular flow. Part 2: Numerical simulations and nonlinear global modes
B. Selvam
Laurent Talon
Lutz Lesshaft
E. Meiburg
Journal articles
Geometrical and Taylor dispersion in a fracture with random obstacles: An experimental study with fluids of different rheologies
A. Boschan
I. Ippolito
R. Chertcoff
H. Auradou
L. Talon
Journal articles
Physical origins of the change of type from hyperbolic to elliptic equations: Fluid displacement between two parallel plates
M. Shariati
Laurent Talon
Jérôme Martin
Nicole Rakotomalala
Dominique Salin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2004, 519, pp.105-132
Journal articles
Lattice BGK simulations of macrodispersion in heterogeneous porous media
Laurent Talon
Jérôme Martin
Nicole Rakotomalala
Dominique Salin
Yannis C. Yortsos
Water Resources Research, 2002, 39, pp.1135-1142
Journal articles